Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// @brief If particles are inside each other moves them apart
    /// @param _testParticle the particle we want to test
    /// @param _particles our array of particles we wish to test against
    public void initParticleCollision(particle _testParticle, List<particle> _particles)
        Vector3  newPosP, newPosQ, currentPosQ,currentPosP,N;

        float radius = _testParticle.getRadius();
        for (int i=0; i<_particles.Count;i++)
            N = _testParticle.getPos() - _particles[i].getPos();
            if (N.sqrMagnitude > 0 && N.sqrMagnitude < radius)
                currentPosP = _testParticle.getPos();
                currentPosQ = _particles[i].getPos();
                newPosP = (currentPosP  + (N  * (0.5f)));
                newPosQ = (currentPosQ  - (N  * (0.5f)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// @brief calculates and updates a particles position and velocity depending on if it has a collision with the ground
    /// @param _testParticle the particle we wish to update
    /// @param _timeStep the time step between our calcuations, this is used in calculting the friction
    protected void calculateWallCollision(particle _testParticle, float _timeStep, Vector4 _ground)
        Vector3 currentPos = _testParticle.getPos();
        Vector3 currentVel = _testParticle.getVel();
        float radius = _testParticle.getRadius();
        Vector3 Vel = _testParticle.getVel(), Pos = _testParticle.getPos();
        Vector3 normal = new Vector3(_ground.x,_ground.y,_ground.z);

        //Test with ground
        if ((currentPos.dot(normal) -_ground.w) < radius)
            //-----------------Calculate Velocity------------------
            //Calculate our new velocity with momentum included
            Vel = -((currentVel.dot(normal))) * normal + (currentVel - (currentVel.cross(normal).cross(normal)));
            Vel+=  m_coefOfRest * currentVel.dot(normal) * normal;

            //If moving parallel to our plane decrease speed due to friction unless it has already stopped
            if(currentVel.sqrMagnitude > 0 && currentVel.dot(normal) == 0)
                Vector3 VelNormalized = Vel;

                VelNormalized *=(-1);
                Vector3  friction = new Vector3((1 - normal.x) * VelNormalized.x,(1-normal.y) * VelNormalized.y,(1-normal.z) * VelNormalized.z);
                friction *=((m_coefOfFric*_timeStep)/(_testParticle.getMass()));
                    Vel +=(friction);
                else if(friction.length()>=Vel.length())


            //---------------Calculate Position----------------------
            //If particle has a velocity which is not parallel to our plane find its new position
            if(currentVel.length() != 0 || currentVel.dot(normal) != 0)
                Vector3 curPosRadius = currentPos - normal * (radius);
                float t = (_ground.w - normal.dot(curPosRadius)) / normal.dot(normal);
                Vector3 closestPoint = curPosRadius + normal *(t);

                if(t > 0 && t < 1)
                    Pos = closestPoint + normal *(radius);
                    Pos = closestPoint + normal *(radius);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    ///  Calculates the forces for a particle using leap frog method of integration
    ///  _currentParticle - The particle we are going to calculate the forces for
    ///  _particleIndex - Vector of all our particles if we want to brut force or the neighbour particles for SPH
    ///  _timeStep - the time step between updates
    public void calcForces(particle _currentParticle, List<particle> _particleIndex, float _timeStep)
        float densityCurrent = 0;
        var gravitiy = new Vector3 (0f,-9.8f,0f);
        var pressureGrad = Vector3.zero;
        var viscosity = Vector3.zero;
        var viscosityVector = Vector3.zero;
        var Acceleration = Vector3.zero;
        for(int i = 0; i<_particleIndex.Count;i++){
        // Calculate desity of all particles
                densityCurrent += _particleIndex[i].getMass()*calcDensityKern(_currentParticle, _particleIndex[i]);
        var pressTemp  = Vector3.zero;
        var visTemp  = Vector3.zero;
        float pressureCurrent, pressureNeighbour, pressure;

        for(int i=0; i<_particleIndex.Count;i++)
            // Calcualate pressure
            pressureCurrent =   m_gasConstant  * (_currentParticle.getDensity() - _currentParticle.getRestDensity());
            pressureNeighbour = m_gasConstant  * (_particleIndex[i].getDensity() - _particleIndex[i].getRestDensity());
            pressure = ((pressureCurrent /(pressureCurrent*pressureCurrent)) + (pressureNeighbour /(pressureNeighbour*pressureNeighbour)))*(_particleIndex[i].getMass());
            pressTemp = calcPressureKern(_currentParticle,_particleIndex[i]);
            //pressTemp*= pressure; //!omfg not an assignment
            pressureGrad +=(pressTemp);
            // Calculate viscosiy vector
            viscosityVector = _particleIndex[i].getVel() -  _currentParticle.getVel();
            viscosityVector *=(_particleIndex[i].getMass());
            viscosityVector /=(_particleIndex[i].getDensity());
            // Calculate viscosiy
            visTemp = calcViscosityKern(_currentParticle,_particleIndex[i]);
            //visTemp = visTemp.cross(viscosityVector);   //!omfg not an assignment
            viscosity +=(visTemp);
        viscosity *=m_viscosityCoefficient;
        //Calcualate external force if the is one
        var Forces = Vector3.zero;
        if(m_externalForceStrenth != 0 && m_externalForceRadius != 0)
            Forces = _currentParticle.getPos() - m_externalForcePos;
            if (Forces.length()<=m_externalForceRadius && Forces.length() > 0)
                //find the direction the force is in
                //Forces *=((m_externalForceRadius-Forces.length())/m_externalForceRadius);
                Forces *=(m_externalForceStrenth);
                if(m_externalForcePush == false)

                    Forces =-Forces;

        // Calculate our acceleration
        Acceleration = gravitiy - pressureGrad + viscosity + Forces;    //tweak center

        //---------------leap frog integration------------------------
        //Calculate velocity
        var VelHalfBack =   _currentParticle.getVel() -  _currentParticle.getAcc() * _timeStep/2;
        var VelHalfForward = VelHalfBack + Acceleration * _timeStep;
        var Velocity = (VelHalfBack + VelHalfForward) * 0.5f;
        //Calculate our new position
        var Position = _currentParticle.getPos() + VelHalfForward *(_timeStep);


        //    Debug.Log("the viscosity is "+"["<<viscosity.m_x+","<<viscosity.m_y+","<<viscosity.m_z+"]");
        //    Debug.Log("the pressure grad is "+"["<<pressureGrad.m_x<<","<<pressureGrad.m_y<<","<<pressureGrad.m_z<<"]");
        //    Debug.Log("the accelleration is "+"["<<Acceleration.m_x<<","<<Acceleration.m_y<<","<<Acceleration.m_z<<"]");
        //    Debug.Log("the velocity is "+"["<<Velocity.m_x+","<<Velocity.m_y<<","<<Velocity.m_z<<"]");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// @brief calculates the smoothing kernal for density, used in our SPH equations
    /// @param _currentParticle the particle we wish to test for
    /// @param _neighbour the particle we wish to test our _current particle against
    /// @return the weighted viscosity vector the particle has on our _currentParticle
    protected Vector3 calcViscosityKern(particle _currentParticle, particle _neighbour)
        Vector3 r = _currentParticle.getPos() - _neighbour.getPos();

        if(r.length() > m_smoothingLength)
            return Vector3.zero;
        float viscosityKern = -(945/(32*Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow(m_smoothingLength,9))) * Mathf.Pow(((m_smoothingLength*m_smoothingLength) - (r.length()*r.length())),3) * ((3*(m_smoothingLength*m_smoothingLength)) - 7*(m_smoothingLength*m_smoothingLength));
        return r * viscosityKern;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// @brief calculates the smoothing kernal for density, used in our SPH equations
 /// @param _currentParticle the particle we wish to test for
 /// @param _neighbour the particle we wish to test our _current particle against
 /// @return the weighted pressued gradient the particle has on our _currentParticle
 protected Vector3 calcPressureKern(particle _currentParticle,particle _neighbour)
     Vector3 r = _currentParticle.getPos() - _neighbour.getPos();
     if (r.length()>m_smoothingLength)
         return Vector3.zero;
     float pressureKern = -(945/(32*Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow(m_smoothingLength,9))) * Mathf.Pow(((m_smoothingLength*m_smoothingLength) - (r.length()*r.length())),3);
     return r *(pressureKern);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// @brief calculates the smoothing kernal for density, used in our SPH equations
 /// @param _currentParticle the particle we wish to test for
 /// @param _neighbour the particle we wish to test our _current particle against
 /// @return the weight of influence the particle has on our _currentParticle
 protected float calcDensityKern(particle _currentParticle, particle _neighbour)
     Vector3 r = _currentParticle.getPos() - _neighbour.getPos();
     if(r.length() > m_smoothingLength)
         return 0;
     float densityKern = (315 / (64 * Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow(m_smoothingLength, 9))) * Mathf.Pow(((m_smoothingLength * m_smoothingLength) - (r.length() * r.length())), 3);
     return densityKern;