Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static otpview updateEntity(otpview entityObjct, DTOotpview dto)
            if (entityObjct == null)
                entityObjct = new otpview();

            entityObjct.User_ID            = dto.User_ID;
            entityObjct.otpCode            = dto.otpCode;
            entityObjct.otpRetryCount      = dto.otpRetryCount;
            entityObjct.otpExpirationTime  = dto.otpExpirationTime;
            entityObjct.otpNextAllowedTime = dto.otpNextAllowedTime;
            entityObjct.otpRecordCreated   = dto.otpRecordCreated;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string checkEnteredOTP(int UserID, string enteredOTP)
            //cases: 1. expired OTP, 2. Valid OTP, 3. Invalid OTP

            otpview otpView = (from c in db.otpviews where c.User_ID == UserID select c).SingleOrDefault();
            //co check this user's current OTP expiration time:
            Nullable <DateTime> expiryDate = otpView.otpExpirationTime;
            Nullable <DateTime> nowTime    = DateTime.Now;

            if (Nullable.Compare(nowTime, expiryDate) > 0) //now is later than expiry: so OTP has expired!
                return("OTP Expired");                     //, please retry the transaction"; //access denied?
            else //OTP has not expired
                //check if OTP is valid:
                if (enteredOTP.Equals(otpView.otpCode))
                    //need to update the database so that the expiry becomes now
                    otpView.otpExpirationTime = DateTime.Now;
                    db.Entry(otpView).State   = EntityState.Modified;
                    return("OTP Valid");
                {                                        //generate new otp??
                    sendUserOTPAndSaveOTP(UserID, true); //resend-has 2 paths
                    if (otpView.otpRetryCount < 3)
                        return("OTP Invalid");
                        return("User Blocked");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IHttpActionResult sendUserOTPAndSaveOTP(int UserID, bool isResend)
            string userPhoneNum    = getPhoneNumFromUserID(UserID);
            string correctPhoneNum = getCorrectPhoneNumFormat(userPhoneNum);
            string newOTP          = generateOTP();

            otpview    toUpdate   = (from c in db.otpviews where c.User_ID == UserID select c).SingleOrDefault();
            DTOotpview dtoOtpView = new DTOotpview(toUpdate);

            if (isResend)
                dtoOtpView.otpRetryCount += 1;    //increment the retrycount
                if (dtoOtpView.otpRetryCount < 3) //still a valid attempt
                    sendEmailViaWebApi(correctPhoneNum, "Hello from Nanofin! Your OTP for your transaction is: " + newOTP);
                    dtoOtpView.otpCode = newOTP;
                    //dtoOtpView.otpRetryCount has been set above
                    dtoOtpView.otpExpirationTime  = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3);
                    dtoOtpView.otpNextAllowedTime = null; //remains null as long as the user isn't blocked
                    dtoOtpView.otpRecordCreated   = DateTime.Now;

                    toUpdate = EntityMapper.updateEntity(toUpdate, dtoOtpView);
                    db.Entry(toUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    return(Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, "OTP Resent Successfully"));
                if (dtoOtpView.otpRetryCount == 3)//too many attempts: user can request new OTP after a defined time=>blocked
                    dtoOtpView.otpCode            = null;
                    dtoOtpView.otpRetryCount      = 3;
                    dtoOtpView.otpExpirationTime  = null;
                    dtoOtpView.otpNextAllowedTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2);//block time
                    dtoOtpView.otpRecordCreated   = DateTime.Now;

                    toUpdate = EntityMapper.updateEntity(toUpdate, dtoOtpView);
                    db.Entry(toUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    return(Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, "User blocked, OTP not Resent"));
            else //not a resend: first time being sent
                Nullable <DateTime> nowTime = DateTime.Now;
                //check if user is blocked: User is not blocked timeNow>next allowed time
                if (dtoOtpView.otpNextAllowedTime == null || (Nullable.Compare(nowTime, dtoOtpView.otpNextAllowedTime) > 0))
                    sendEmailViaWebApi(correctPhoneNum, "Hello from Nanofin! Your OTP for your transaction is: " + newOTP);
                    dtoOtpView.otpCode            = newOTP;
                    dtoOtpView.otpRetryCount      = 0;
                    dtoOtpView.otpExpirationTime  = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); //expiry time
                    dtoOtpView.otpNextAllowedTime = null;                       //remains null as long as the user isn't blocked
                    dtoOtpView.otpRecordCreated   = DateTime.Now;

                    toUpdate = EntityMapper.updateEntity(toUpdate, dtoOtpView);
                    db.Entry(toUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    return(Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, "OTP Sent sucessfully first time"));
                else //user is still blocked
                    return(Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, "User is still blocked"));