Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void testCopyNodeData()
            JDFDoc  d = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFNode n = d.getJDFRoot();

            JDFNode n1 = n = n.addJDFNode(EnumType.BlockPreparation);

            n1.setAttribute("foo:bar", "fnarf", "www.foobar.com");

            JDFDoc          dA = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFAncestorPool ap = dA.getJDFRoot().appendAncestorPool();

            ap.copyNodeData(n, true, true, false);
            JDFAncestor a0 = ap.getAncestor(0);

            Assert.AreEqual("fnarf", a0.getAttribute("foo:bar"));
            Assert.AreEqual(n1.getID(), a0.getNodeID());
            string    s    = dA.write2String(2);
            JDFParser p    = new JDFParser();
            JDFDoc    test = p.parseString(s);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        ///	 <summary> * searches for the first attribute occurence in the ancestor elements
        ///	 *  </summary>
        ///	 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
        ///	 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
        ///	 * <param name="def"> the default if it does not exist
        ///	 * @since 180502 </param>
        ///	 * <returns> value of attribute found, value of def if not available </returns>
        public virtual string getAncestorAttribute(string attrib, string nameSpaceURI, string def)
            VElement v = getPoolChildren(null);

            // the last in list is the direct parent, the first is the original root
            for (int i = v.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                JDFAncestor ancestor = (JDFAncestor)v[i];
                if (ancestor.hasAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI, false))
                    return(ancestor.getAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI, JDFConstants.EMPTYSTRING));
            // not found, return the default