Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void testObjectTagsMetadata()
            KElement tagMap = rl.appendElement(METADATA_MAP);

            tagMap.setXMLComment("This tagmap specifies The path for the NMTOKEN \"ObjectTag\"");
            tagMap.setAttribute("Name", "ObjectTags");
            tagMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.VALUEFORMAT, "%s");
            tagMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.CONTEXT, "Object");
            tagMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.DATATYPE, "NMTOKEN");
            tagMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.VALUETEMPLATE, "AnyName1");
            tagMap.addNameSpace("TIFFXMP", "http://ns.adobe.com/tiff/1.0");
            string[] ss = new string[] { "Acme", "Bcme", "Ccme" };
            for (int i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++)
                string   s      = ss[i];
                KElement tagSet = tagMap.appendElement(EXPR);
                tagSet.setAttribute("Name", "AnyName1");
                tagSet.setAttribute("Value", s);

                JDFStringEvaluation eval = (JDFStringEvaluation)tagSet.appendElement(ElementName.STRINGEVALUATION);
                eval.setAttribute("Path", "TIFFXMP:Make");
                eval.setRegExp("(.*)" + s + "(.*)");
                eval.setXMLComment("Any acme camera is mapped to \"" + s + "\"");
            JDFColorSpaceConversionParams csp = (JDFColorSpaceConversionParams)root.addResource(ElementName.COLORSPACECONVERSIONPARAMS, EnumUsage.Input);

            csp.setXMLComment("This ColorSpaceConversionParams treats Acme and Bcme cameras the same but differentiates for Ccme");
            JDFColorSpaceConversionOp op1 = csp.appendColorSpaceConversionOp();

            op1.setAttribute("ObjectTags", "Acme Bcme");
            JDFColorSpaceConversionOp op2 = csp.appendColorSpaceConversionOp();

            op2.setAttribute("ObjectTags", "Ccme");
            doc.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "objectTags.jdf", 2, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        ///	 * <param name="sm2_2"> </param>
        ///	 * <param name="idAnchor"> </param>
        private static void setNextAnchor(KElement sm2_2, string idAnchor, string anchor, string absolutePosition, string xmlComment, string anchorType)
            KElement nextAnchor = sm2_2.appendElement("RefAnchor");

            nextAnchor.setAttribute("Anchor", anchor);
            sm2_2.setAttribute("Offset", absolutePosition);
            nextAnchor.setAttribute("rRef", idAnchor);
            nextAnchor.setAttribute("AnchorType", anchorType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual void testTagMapTiff()
            KElement tagMap = rl.appendElement(METADATA_MAP);

            tagMap.setAttribute("BoundaryKey", "EndOfDocument");
            KElement tagSet = tagMap.appendElement(EXPR);

            tagSet.setAttribute("Path", "/x3141");
            tagMap.setXMLComment("This tagmap specifies which document structure corresponds to a Document\n" + " thus incrementing DocIndex or forcing an implicit RunList/@EndofDocument=true\n D100 is the tiff tag 0x3141");

            rl.setXMLComment("this runlist points to a tiff file with arbitrary structural tagging defined in the tiff tags");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        ///	 * <param name="sm2_2"> </param>
        ///	 * <param name="idAnchor"> </param>
        ///	 * <exception cref="FormatException"> </exception>
        private static void setNextAnchor(KElement sm2_2, string idAnchor, string anchor, string absolutePosition, string xmlComment, string anchorType, double rotation)
            KElement nextAnchor = sm2_2.appendElement("RefAnchor");

            nextAnchor.setAttribute("Anchor", anchor);
            JDFMatrix m  = new JDFMatrix("1 0 0 1 0 0");
            JDFXYPair xy = absolutePosition == null ? null : new JDFXYPair(absolutePosition);

            if (xy != null || rotation != 0)
                sm2_2.setAttribute("CTM", m.ToString());
            nextAnchor.setAttribute("rRef", idAnchor);
            nextAnchor.setAttribute("AnchorType", anchorType);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void testVariableManifests()
            ruli.setXMLComment("the set / doc / ... structure is transferred from the pre-impositioning pdl");

            JDFPageList pl = (JDFPageList)n.addResource(ElementName.PAGELIST, null);

            pl.setResStatus(EnumResStatus.Available, false);

            JDFContentList cl = (JDFContentList)pl.appendContentList().makeRootResource(null, null, true);

            cl.setResStatus(EnumResStatus.Available, false);
            cl.setXMLComment("Should we allow for content-data cross references to forther contentdata fields?");
            int pageCount = 0;

            digiParams.setXMLComment("the sides attribute may be overridden by explicitly or implicitly missing runlist input elements");

            VString vRun = new VString("Letter BrochureMale BrochureFemale", null);

            JDFStitchingParams sp = (JDFStitchingParams)n.addResource(ElementName.STITCHINGPARAMS, EnumUsage.Input);

            med.setXMLComment("Media Partitioning is convenience only- the actual media selection is done by the digitalprintingparams MediaRef");
            for (int i = 0; i < vRun.Count; i++)
                string   part      = vRun[i];
                JDFMedia partMedia = (JDFMedia)med.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, part);
                partMedia.setProductID(part + "Media");

                JDFDigitalPrintingParams digiPart = (JDFDigitalPrintingParams)digiParams.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, part);

                sp.setXMLComment("how are multiple runs stitched together e.g. cover + body?");
                JDFStitchingParams spPart = (JDFStitchingParams)sp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, part);
                if (i == 0)
                    spPart.setDescriptiveName("The letter is a loose leaf collection");

            // loop over records
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                JDFContentData letter = cl.appendContentData();
                JDFContentData brochure = cl.appendContentData();
                KElement lMeta = letter.appendElement("ContentMetadata");
                // TODO apply new example
                lMeta.setAttribute("Record", "" + i);
                string gender = i % 2 == 0 ? "Male" : "Female";
                lMeta.setAttribute("Gender", gender);
                lMeta.setXMLComment("Note that the final format of the metadata element is open");
                KElement bMeta = brochure.appendElement("Metadata");
                bMeta.setAttribute("Record", "" + i);
                bMeta.setAttribute("Gender", gender);

                JDFRunList runSet = (JDFRunList)ruli.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunSet, "Record" + i);
                JDFRunList run    = runSet.addRun("file://server/tifs/testLetter" + i + ".tif", 0, -1);
                JDFComponent compSet = (JDFComponent)comp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunSet, runSet.getRunSet());
                JDFComponent co      = (JDFComponent)compSet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, run.getRun());
                int          page    = (3 * i) % 7 + 1;
                run.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setSurfaceCount(2 * ((page + 1) / 2));
                run.setPages(new JDFIntegerRangeList("0~" + (page - 1)));
                run.setXMLComment("Cover Letter - record " + i);
                JDFPageData pd = pl.appendPageData();
                pd.setAttribute("PageIndex", pageCount + " ~ " + (pageCount + page - 1));
                pageCount += page;

                run = runSet.addRun("file://server/tifs/testBrochure" + i + ".tif", 0, -1);
                run.setRun("Brochure" + gender);

                co   = (JDFComponent)compSet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, run.getRun());
                page = 2 * ((7 * i) % 13) + 2;
                run.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setSurfaceCount(2 * ((page + 1 + 1) / 2)); // the 2nd +1 is for
                // the blank inside
                // cover
                run.setPages(new JDFIntegerRangeList("0~" + (page - 1)));
                run.setXMLComment("Brochure - record " + i);
                run.setAttribute("SkipBlankOrds", "1");
                run.setNPage(page + 1);
                run.setXMLComment("SkipBlankOrds specifies the relative position of pages to skip\n1 specifies that the first back sheet is skipped\nNPage MUST be incremented by the # of skipped pages.");
                pd = pl.appendPageData();
                pd.setAttribute("PageIndex", pageCount + " ~ " + (pageCount + page - 1));
                pageCount += page;
            doc.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "RunlistManifest.jdf", 2, false);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public virtual void testTagMap()
            JDFLayout lo   = (JDFLayout)root.addResource(ElementName.LAYOUT, null, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);
            JDFMedia  med  = (JDFMedia)root.addResource(ElementName.MEDIA, null, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);
            JDFMedia  medM = (JDFMedia)med.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "MaleCover");
            JDFMedia  medF = (JDFMedia)med.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "FemaleCover");
            JDFMedia  medB = (JDFMedia)med.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "MaleBigBody MaleSmallBody FemaleBigBody FemaleSmallBody");

            JDFLayout loM = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "MaleCover");

            JDFLayout loF = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "FemaleCover");

            JDFLayout loBB = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "MaleBigBody FemaleBigBody");

            JDFLayout loSB = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunTags, "MaleSmallBody FemaleSmallBody");

            lo.setXMLComment("Layout for versioned product");

            KElement metaMap = rl.appendElement(METADATA_MAP);

            metaMap.setXMLComment("The MetadataMap element maps arbitrary tags in the document to a structural RunTag partition key\n" + "Note that any partition key may be mapped.\n" + "Note also that although an XPath syntax is used, this may be mapped to any hierarchical structure including but not limited to XML.\n");

            metaMap.setAttribute("Name", "RunTags");
            metaMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.DATATYPE, "PartIDKey");
            metaMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.VALUEFORMAT, "%s%s");
            metaMap.setAttribute(AttributeName.VALUETEMPLATE, "sex,section");

            KElement expr = metaMap.appendElement(EXPR);

            expr.setXMLComment("This expression maps the value of /Dokument/Rezipient/@Sex to a variable \"sex\"\n" + "The Mapping is unconditional, therefore no Term is required");
            expr.setAttribute("Name", "sex");
            expr.setAttribute("Path", "/Dokument/Rezipient/@Sex");

            expr = metaMap.appendElement(EXPR);
            expr.setXMLComment("Maps all elements with /Dokument/Sektion=Einband to Cover");
            expr.setAttribute("Name", "section");
            expr.setAttribute("Value", "Cover");
            JDFNameEvaluation nev = (JDFNameEvaluation)expr.appendElement(ElementName.NAMEEVALUATION);

            nev.setAttribute("Path", "/Dokument/Sektion");

            expr = metaMap.appendElement(EXPR);
            expr.setXMLComment("Maps all elements with /Dokument/Sektion=HauptTeil and >50 pages to BigBody");
            expr.setAttribute("Name", "section");
            expr.setAttribute("Value", "BigBody");

            JDFand and = (JDFand)expr.appendElement("and");

            nev = (JDFNameEvaluation)and.appendElement(ElementName.NAMEEVALUATION);
            nev.setAttribute("Path", "/Dokument/Sektion");
            JDFIntegerEvaluation iev = (JDFIntegerEvaluation)and.appendTerm(EnumTerm.IntegerEvaluation);

            iev.setAttribute("Path", "count(PAGE)");
            iev.setValueList(new JDFIntegerRangeList("51~INF"));

            expr = metaMap.appendElement(EXPR);
            expr.setXMLComment("Maps all elements with /Dokument/Sektion=HauptTeil and <=50 pages to SmallBody");
            expr.setAttribute("Name", "section");
            expr.setAttribute("Value", "SmallBody");

            and = (JDFand)expr.appendElement("and");
            nev = (JDFNameEvaluation)and.appendElement(ElementName.NAMEEVALUATION);
            nev.setAttribute("Path", "/Dokument/Sektion");
            iev = (JDFIntegerEvaluation)and.appendTerm(EnumTerm.IntegerEvaluation);
            iev.setAttribute("Path", "count(PAGE)");
            iev.setValueList(new JDFIntegerRangeList("0~INF"));

            rl.setXMLComment("this runlist points to a ppml with arbitrary structural tagging");

            JDFResourceLink rll = root.getLink(rl, null);

            rll.appendPart().setDocIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList("10 ~ 20"));
            rll.setXMLComment("this link selects the 11-20 document");

            doc.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "metadataMap.jdf", 2, false);