Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void RemoveSubmesh(odfParser parser, odfSubmesh submesh, bool deleteMorphs)
            odfBoneList boneList = odf.FindBoneList(submesh.Id, parser.EnvelopeSection);
            if (boneList != null)

            if (parser.MorphSection != null && deleteMorphs)
                for (int i = 0; i < parser.MorphSection.Count; i++)
                    odfMorphObject morphObj = parser.MorphSection[i];
                    if (morphObj.SubmeshId == submesh.Id)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static odfBoneList CreateBoneList(ObjectID id, ObjectID meshFrameId, odfSubmesh submesh, List<ImportedBone> boneList, Matrix lMeshMatrixInv, odfFrame rootFrame)
            if (boneList == null || boneList.Count == 0)
                return null;
            Dictionary<byte, Tuple<byte, odfBone>> boneDic = new Dictionary<byte, Tuple<byte, odfBone>>(boneList.Count);
            Tuple<List<int>, List<float>>[] newBoneListComponents = new Tuple<List<int>, List<float>>[boneList.Count];
            int boneframeNotFound = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < submesh.NumVertices; i++)
                odfVertex vert = submesh.VertexList[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < vert.BoneIndices.Length; j++)
                    byte boneIdx = vert.BoneIndices[j];
                    if (boneIdx == 0xFF)
                    Tuple<byte, odfBone> boneDesc;
                    odfBone newBone;
                    if (!boneDic.TryGetValue(boneIdx, out boneDesc))
                        odfFrame boneFrame = odf.FindFrame(boneList[boneIdx].Name, rootFrame);
                        if (boneFrame == null)

                        newBone = new odfBone(boneFrame.Id);
                        newBone.Matrix = boneList[boneIdx].Matrix;

                        boneDesc = new Tuple<byte, odfBone>((byte)boneDic.Count, newBone);
                        boneDic.Add(boneIdx, boneDesc);
                        newBoneListComponents[boneDesc.Item1] = new Tuple<List<int>, List<float>>(new List<int>(200), new List<float>(200));
                        newBone = boneDesc.Item2;
                    byte newBoneIdx = boneDesc.Item1;
                    List<int> newBoneIdxList = newBoneListComponents[newBoneIdx].Item1;
                    List<float> newBoneWeightList = newBoneListComponents[newBoneIdx].Item2;

            if (boneDic.Count == 0)
                Report.ReportLog(submesh.ToString() + ": all bones dropped because of missing skeleton.");
                return null;
            odfBoneList newBoneList = new odfBoneList(new ObjectName(String.Empty, null), id, boneDic.Count);
            newBoneList.MeshFrameId = meshFrameId;
            newBoneList.SubmeshId = submesh.Id;
            newBoneList.AlwaysZero4 = new byte[4];
            foreach (Tuple<byte, odfBone> boneDesc in boneDic.Values)
                byte newBoneIdx = boneDesc.Item1;
                List<int> newBoneIdxList = newBoneListComponents[newBoneIdx].Item1;
                List<float> newBoneWeightList = newBoneListComponents[newBoneIdx].Item2;
                odfBone newBone = boneDesc.Item2;
                newBone.AlwaysZero24perIndex = new byte[24 * newBoneIdxList.Count];
                newBone.VertexIndexArray = newBoneIdxList.ToArray();
                newBone.WeightArray = newBoneWeightList.ToArray();

                Matrix lMatrix = Matrix.Invert(newBone.Matrix);
                newBone.Matrix = Matrix.Invert(lMatrix * lMeshMatrixInv);

            if (boneframeNotFound > 0)
                Report.ReportLog(submesh.ToString() + ": " + boneframeNotFound + " bone(s) because of missing boneframe(s) dropped.");

            return newBoneList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static odfMesh CreateMesh(WorkspaceMesh mesh, int subMeshFormat, out string[] materialNames, out int[] indices, out bool[] worldCoords, out bool[] replaceSubmeshesOption)
            int numUncheckedSubmeshes = 0;
            foreach (ImportedSubmesh submesh in mesh.SubmeshList)
                if (!mesh.isSubmeshEnabled(submesh))
            int numSubmeshes = mesh.SubmeshList.Count - numUncheckedSubmeshes;
            materialNames = new string[numSubmeshes];
            indices = new int[numSubmeshes];
            worldCoords = new bool[numSubmeshes];
            replaceSubmeshesOption = new bool[numSubmeshes];

            odfMesh newMesh = new odfMesh(new ObjectName(String.Empty, null), null, numSubmeshes);

            for (int i = 0, submeshIdx = 0; i < numSubmeshes; i++, submeshIdx++)
                while (!mesh.isSubmeshEnabled(mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx]))

                ImportedSubmesh submesh = mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx];

                odfSubmesh newSubmesh = new odfSubmesh(new ObjectName(String.Empty, null), null, subMeshFormat);

                newSubmesh.MaterialId = ObjectID.INVALID;
                materialNames[i] = submesh.Material;
                indices[i] = submesh.Index;
                worldCoords[i] = submesh.WorldCoords;
                replaceSubmeshesOption[i] = mesh.isSubmeshReplacingOriginal(mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx]);

                List<ImportedVertex> vertexList = submesh.VertexList;
                List<odfVertex> newVertexList = new List<odfVertex>(vertexList.Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < vertexList.Count; j++)
                    ImportedVertex vert = vertexList[j];
                    odfVertex newVertex = new odfVertex();

                    newVertex.Normal = vert.Normal;
                    newVertex.UV = new Vector2(vert.UV[0], vert.UV[1]);
                    newVertex.Weights = (float[])vert.Weights.Clone();
                    newVertex.BoneIndices = (byte[])vert.BoneIndices.Clone();
                    newVertex.Position = vert.Position;
                newSubmesh.VertexList = newVertexList;

                List<ImportedFace> faceList = submesh.FaceList;
                List<odfFace> newFaceList = new List<odfFace>(faceList.Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < faceList.Count; j++)
                    int[] vertexIndices = faceList[j].VertexIndices;
                    odfFace newFace = new odfFace();
                    newFace.VertexIndices = new ushort[3] { (ushort)vertexIndices[0], (ushort)vertexIndices[1], (ushort)vertexIndices[2] };
                newSubmesh.FaceList = newFaceList;

            return newMesh;