Ejemplo n.º 1
        public frmLockCurves()
            // This call is required by the designer.
            // Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

            mySettings_Application mySetting = new mySettings_Application();

            object[] Date_Handle = null;
            Date_Handle = mySetting.Curve_BatchProcessing;
            if (Date_Handle != null)
                // 将数据刷新到界面的列表中
                int rowscount = Date_Handle.Length;
                this.MyDataGridView1.Rows.Add(rowscount);                 //必须要先添加行,然后才能在后面进行赋值,否则会出现索引不在集合内的报错。
                for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum <= rowscount - 1; rowNum++)
                    this.MyDataGridView1[0, rowNum].Value = Date_Handle[rowNum][0];
                    this.MyDataGridView1[1, rowNum].Value = Date_Handle[rowNum][1];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var a = this.MyDataGridView1.DataSource;

            // 提取frmRolling中已经选择的要进行滚动的监测曲线图对象
            frmRolling RollingForm = APPLICATION_MAINFORM.MainForm.Form_Rolling;
            List <clsDrawing_Mnt_RollingBase> RollingMnts = RollingForm.F_SelectedDrawings.RollingMnt;
            // 提到表格中的数据
            int rowscount = this.MyDataGridView1.Rows.Count;

            object[] Date_Handle = new object[rowscount - 2 + 1];
            for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum <= rowscount - 2; rowNum++)
                Date_Handle[rowNum] = new[] { this.MyDataGridView1[0, rowNum].Value, this.MyDataGridView1[1, rowNum].Value };
            mySettings_Application mySetting = new mySettings_Application();

            mySetting.Curve_BatchProcessing = Date_Handle;             //将结果保存到文件中
            foreach (clsDrawing_Mnt_RollingBase RollingMnt in RollingMnts)
                Thread thd = new Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(LockOrDelete));
                thd.Name = RollingMnt.Chart_App_Title;
                thd.Start(new[] { RollingMnt, Date_Handle });
Ejemplo n.º 3
            /// <summary>
            /// 程序的一些属性的初始值的设置,这些属性是与UI线程无关的属性,以在新的非UI线程中进行设置。
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks></remarks>
            private void myDefaltSettings()
                mySettings_Application setting1 = new mySettings_Application();

                ClsDrawing_PlanView.MonitorPointsInformation @struct =
                    new ClsDrawing_PlanView.MonitorPointsInformation();
                @struct.ShapeName_MonitorPointTag   = "Tag";
                @struct.pt_CAD_BottomLeft           = new PointF(309598.527F, -119668.436F);
                @struct.pt_CAD_UpRight              = new PointF(536642.644F, 201852.14F);
                @struct.pt_Visio_BottomLeft_ShapeID = 197;
                @struct.pt_Visio_UpRight_ShapeID    = 217;
                setting1.MonitorPointsInfo          = @struct;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 返回所有选择的测点的监测数组组成的大数组
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RowNum_Tags"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private object[,] GetAllSelectedMonitorData(Excel.Worksheet sheetMonitorData, int[] RowNum_Tags)
            //Dim Queue_SelectedData As New Queue(Of Object())

            object[,] AllSelectedMonitorData = new object[RowNum_Tags.Length - 1 + 1, F_arrBottomRightCorner[1] - ColNum_FirstData_Displacement + 1];

            object[,] arrAllData = null; //所有有效的监测数据,包括没有选择的测点上的数据,不包括日期行与测点编号列
            Excel.Worksheet with_1 = sheetMonitorData;
            arrAllData = with_1.Range[with_1.Cells[RowNum_FirstData_WithoutDate, ColNum_FirstData_Displacement], with_1.Cells[F_arrBottomRightCorner[0], F_arrBottomRightCorner[1]]].Value;

            //---------------------- 所有选择的测点在工作表中对应的行号,并将行号对应到上面的数组arrAllData的行号
            byte diff_Row = RowNum_FirstData_WithoutDate - 0;
            byte diff_Col = ColNum_FirstData_Displacement - Information.LBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2);

            byte Count_ChosenTag = (byte)RowNum_Tags.Length;

            string[] arrChosenRownNum = new string[Count_ChosenTag - 1 + 1];
            byte     i2 = (byte)0;

            foreach (int RowNum_Tag in RowNum_Tags)
                arrChosenRownNum[i2] = System.Convert.ToString(RowNum_Tag - diff_Row);

            //------------ 为超级大数组赋值
            mySettings_Application setting = new mySettings_Application();
            bool blnCheckForEmpty          = setting.CheckForEmpty;

            //Dim arrDataWithDate_EachTag(0 To UBound(arrAllData, 2) - LBound(arrAllData, 2) + 1) As Object
            if (!blnCheckForEmpty)
                byte irow = (byte)0;
                foreach (short rownum in arrChosenRownNum)
                    for (short iCol = Information.LBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2); iCol <= Information.UBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2); iCol++)
                        //arrDataWithDate_EachTag(iCol - LBound(arrAllData, 2)) = arrAllData(rownum, iCol)
                        AllSelectedMonitorData[irow, iCol - Information.LBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2)] = arrAllData[rownum, iCol];
                byte irow = (byte)0;
                foreach (byte rownum in arrChosenRownNum)
                    for (int iCol = Information.LBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2); iCol <= Information.UBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2); iCol++)
                        object v = arrAllData[rownum, iCol];
                        if (v != null)
                            if (v.GetType() == typeof(string))
                                if (v.ToString().Length == 0)
                                    v = null;
                        //arrDataWithDate_EachTag(iCol - LBound(arrAllData, 2)) = v
                        AllSelectedMonitorData[irow, iCol - Information.LBound((System.Array)arrAllData, 2)] = v;
