Ejemplo n.º 1
    //fades from one scene to another with a dropinObject to mask it
    public void transitionToScene(Color transitionColor, gameState goToState, musicState musicTransition)
        GameObject tempGameObject = Instantiate(dropInObject, GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform);

        this.transitionColor = transitionColor;
        tempGameObject.GetComponent <DropIn>().Drop(goToState);
        this.musicTransition = musicTransition;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //called when a player is killed. updates the amount of players alive and handles the end of the round
    public void updatePlayer(MasterBody deadPlayer)
        playersAlive -= 1;
        temporaryRanking[playersAlive] = deadPlayer.playerID;
        Debug.Log("player" + temporaryRanking[playersAlive] + " Just finished in " + playersAlive + "th place");
        //If there are two people left, speed up the music
        if (playersAlive == 2)
            goalPitch       = pitchTop;
            musicTransition = musicState.pitchUp;
            goalPitch = pitchMiddle;

        int winnerID = 0;

        // If there is only survivor left, loops through all the players and checks which is left alive. assigns that player as the winner.
        if (playersAlive == 1)
            foreach (GameObject player in playersHolder)
                if (player.GetComponent <MasterBody>().isAlive)
                    winnerID = player.GetComponent <MasterBody>().playerID;
                    scoreCounter.updateScore(winnerID, "win");
                    temporaryRanking[0] = winnerID;
                    //Sets the color of the level transition:
                    transitionColor = playerColors[winnerID + 1];         //changes the color of the transitionscreen to match the color of the winning player. +1 because the first entry is
            if (transitionGoing == false)
                transitionGoing = true;

                GameObject tempGameObject = Instantiate(dropInObject, GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform);
                tempGameObject.GetComponent <DropIn>().Drop(gameState.inbetweenRounds, winnerID + 1);
                goalPitch       = pitchMiddle;
                musicTransition = musicState.fadeOut;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void FixedUpdate()
        //Code for lerping the music. (Making it transition nicely)
        if (musicTransition != musicState.wait)
            if (musicTransition == musicState.fadeIn)
                lowPassFilter.cutoffFrequency  = SongTransition(lowBottomCutoffFrequency, lowTopCutoffFrequency);
                highPassFilter.cutoffFrequency = SongTransition(highTopCutoffFrequency, highBottomCutoffFrequency);
                audioSource.pitch = SongTransition(pitchBottom, goalPitch);
            if (musicTransition == musicState.fadeOut)
                lowPassFilter.cutoffFrequency  = SongTransition(lowTopCutoffFrequency, lowBottomCutoffFrequency);
                highPassFilter.cutoffFrequency = SongTransition(highBottomCutoffFrequency, highTopCutoffFrequency);
                audioSource.pitch = SongTransition(goalPitch, pitchBottom);
            else if (musicTransition == musicState.pitchUp)
                audioSource.pitch = SongTransition(pitchBottom, goalPitch);
            else if (musicTransition == musicState.pitchDown)
                audioSource.pitch = SongTransition(goalPitch, pitchBottom);
            lerpTimer += Time.deltaTime * lerpScalar;

            //sets the timer ready for next use.
            if (lerpTimer >= 1)
                musicTransition = musicState.wait;
                lerpTimer       = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void SongTransition(musicState fadeOutState)
     musicTransition = fadeOutState;