Ejemplo n.º 1
 // ECMA-262 section
 private static void valueOf(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame)
   Debug.WriteLine("Calling JSBoolean.valueOf");
   if (callFrame.This.ValueType != mdr.ValueTypes.Boolean)
     throw new Exception("Boolean.prototype.valueOf is not generic");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void CreateFunction(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int funcDefIndex, mdr.DObject context, ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.CreateFunction");
   var funcDef = ((JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata).SubFunctions[funcDefIndex];
   var func = new mdr.DFunction(funcDef, context);
   stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(func); ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public virtual mdr.DObject Construct(mdr.DFunction func)
     if (_construct != null)
         return _construct(func);
         return base.Construct(func);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal static void EvalString(string inputString, ref mdr.DValue result, mdr.DFunction callerFunction = null, mdr.DObject callerContext = null, mdr.DObject thisArg = null)
          var funcMetadata = JSParser.ParseScript(inputString).Expression.Metadata;
          var func = new mdr.DFunction(funcMetadata, null);

          var tempCallFrame = new mdr.CallFrame();
          bool isDirectEval = callerContext != null;

          if (isDirectEval)
            //function will behave as if it was the caller
            Debug.Assert(thisArg != null && callerFunction != null && callerContext != null, "Invalid situation! Direct eval call must have thisArg, callerFunction, callerContext set");
            funcMetadata.Scope.IsProgram = false;
            funcMetadata.Scope.IsEvalFunction = true;
            funcMetadata.ParentFunction = (JSFunctionMetadata)callerFunction.Metadata;
            tempCallFrame.CallerContext = callerContext;
            tempCallFrame.This = thisArg;
            //This will behave just like a program code
            tempCallFrame.CallerContext = mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext;
            tempCallFrame.This = (mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext);

          //TODO: find a way to assign a name to this
          //funcMetadata.Name += "_eval"; //After we know the ParentFunction

          tempCallFrame.Function = func;
          tempCallFrame.Signature = mdr.DFunctionSignature.EmptySignature;
          func.Call(ref tempCallFrame);
          result.Set(ref tempCallFrame.Return);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static bool CallProperty(mdr.DObject input, string propName, out mdr.DValue output)
   if (input != null)
     var propDesc = input.GetPropertyDescriptor(propName);
     var prop = new mdr.DValue();
     propDesc.Get(input, ref prop);
     mdr.DFunction func = null;
     if (prop.ValueType == mdr.ValueTypes.Function)
       func = prop.AsDFunction();
       //if (toString != null)
       mdr.CallFrame callFrame = new mdr.CallFrame();
       callFrame.This = (input);
       callFrame.Function = func;
       func.Call(ref callFrame);
       if (ValueTypesHelper.IsPrimitive(callFrame.Return.ValueType))
         output = callFrame.Return;
         return true;
   output = new mdr.DValue();
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public JSTypedArrayBase(mdr.DObject prototype, string arrayname, int typesize)
            : base(prototype, arrayname)
            TypeSize = typesize;
            TargetPrototype.DefineOwnProperty("length", new mdr.DProperty() {
                TargetValueType = mdr.ValueTypes.Int32,
                OnGetDValue = (mdr.DObject This, ref mdr.DValue v) => {
                    v.Set((This as DTypedArray).ByteLength / TypeSize);
                OnSetDValue = (mdr.DObject This, ref mdr.DValue v) => { /* do nothing */ },
                OnSetInt = (mdr.DObject This, int v) => { /* do nothing */ },

            TargetPrototype.DefineOwnProperty("byteLength", new mdr.DProperty() {
                TargetValueType = mdr.ValueTypes.Int32,
                OnGetDValue = (mdr.DObject This, ref mdr.DValue v) => {
                    v.Set((This as DTypedArray).ByteLength);
                OnSetDValue = (mdr.DObject This, ref mdr.DValue v) => { /* do nothing */ },
                OnSetInt = (mdr.DObject This, int v) => { /* do nothing */ },

            // Constants
            this.DefineOwnProperty("BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", TypeSize, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotWritable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotEnumerable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Data);
            TargetPrototype.DefineOwnProperty("BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", TypeSize, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotWritable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotEnumerable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Data);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static void Init(mdr.DObject obj)

            obj.SetField("global", obj);
            //obj.SetField("null", mdr.Runtime.Instance.DefaultDNull);
            obj.DefineOwnProperty("undefined", mdr.Runtime.Instance.DefaultDUndefined, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Data | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotWritable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotEnumerable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable);
            obj.DefineOwnProperty("NaN", double.NaN, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Data | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotWritable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotEnumerable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable);
            obj.DefineOwnProperty("Infinity", double.PositiveInfinity, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Data | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotWritable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotEnumerable | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable);

            obj.SetField("Object", new JSObject());
            obj.SetField("Function", new JSFunction());
            obj.SetField("Array", new JSArray());
            obj.SetField("ArrayBuffer", new JSArrayBuffer());
            obj.SetField("Int8Array", new JSInt8Array());
            obj.SetField("Uint8Array", new JSUint8Array());
            obj.SetField("Int16Array", new JSInt16Array());
            obj.SetField("Uint16Array", new JSUint16Array());
            obj.SetField("Int32Array", new JSInt32Array());
            obj.SetField("Uint32Array", new JSUint32Array());
            obj.SetField("Float32Array", new JSFloat32Array());
            obj.SetField("Float64Array", new JSFloat64Array());

            obj.SetField("Math", new JSMath());
            obj.SetField("String", new JSString());
            obj.SetField("Number", new JSNumber());
            obj.SetField("Date", new JSDate());
            obj.SetField("Boolean", new JSBoolean());
            obj.SetField("Error", new JSError());
            obj.SetField("RegExp", new JSRegExp());

            obj.SetField("eval", BuiltinEval);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public JSBuiltinFunctionImp(mdr.DFuncImpInstance.JittedMethod m, Constructor c)
     : base(null, null) //base(m.Method.Name, null, null)
     Name = m.Method.Name;
     _method = m;
     _construct = c;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 // i0 ? i1 : i2
 public static void Run(ref mdr.DValue i0, ref mdr.DValue i1, ref mdr.DValue i2, ref mdr.DValue result)
     if (Operations.Convert.ToBoolean.Run(ref i0))
         result.Set(ref i1);
         result.Set(ref i2);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public static mdr.DArray CreateArgumentsObject(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, mdr.DObject context)
      var metadata = (JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata;
      Debug.Assert(metadata.Scope.HasArgumentsSymbol, "Invalid situation, created arguments for the wrong scope!");
      mdr.DArray arguments = null;
      if (metadata.Scope.IsEvalFunction)
        //Read from context
        var tmp = new mdr.DValue();
        context.GetField(JSFunctionArguments.Name, ref tmp);
        arguments = tmp.AsDArray();
        arguments = CreateArgumentsObject(ref callFrame);
        var parameters = metadata.FunctionIR.Parameters;
        Debug.Assert(arguments.Length >= parameters.Count, "arguments array is not large enough to hold all arguments.");
        for (var i = parameters.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
          var symbol = parameters[i].Symbol;
          var paramIndex = symbol.ParameterIndex;
          Debug.Assert(paramIndex == i, "Invalid situation!, Parameter indexes don't match!");

          if (symbol.SymbolType == JSSymbol.SymbolTypes.ClosedOnLocal)
            var pd = context.AddOwnPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(symbol.FieldId, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Accessor | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable);
            context.Fields[pd.Index].Set(new ArgumentAccessor(arguments, paramIndex));
        if (metadata.Scope.HasEval)
          context.SetField(JSFunctionArguments.Name, arguments);
      return arguments;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static string GetEventHandlerAttr(mdr.DObject obj, string name)
     var ehp = obj.GetPropertyDescriptor(name).GetProperty() as EventHandlerProperty;
     if (ehp == null)
         throw new Exception("Invalid Event " + name);
     return GetEventHandlerAttr(obj, ehp.EventType, name);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static mdr.DObject CheckUndefined(mdr.DObject obj)
     // In case of calling "item" method on lists, a returned null should be converted to undefined.
     if (obj == null)
         return mdr.Runtime.Instance.DefaultDUndefined;
         return obj;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected DTypedArray(mdr.DObject prototype, DArrayBuffer array, int byteoffset, int bytelength, int typesize)
     : base(prototype)
     ByteOffset_ = byteoffset;
     TypeSize_ = typesize;
     ByteLength_ = bytelength;
     Elements_ = array.Elements_;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void Add(mdr.DFunction f, bool useCapture)
     if (_listeners == null)
         _listeners = new List<mdr.DFunction>();
     if (useCapture)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public DArrayBuffer(mdr.DObject prototype, int bytesize)
     : base(prototype)
     ByteLength_ = Math.Min(bytesize, MaxElementsCount);
     Elements_ = new byte[ByteLength_];
     for (int i = 0; i < ByteLength_; ++i)
         Elements_[i] = 0x00;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static void CreateArray(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int resultIndex, int valuesCount)
   var values = callFrame.Values;
   var array = new mdr.DArray(valuesCount);
   for (var i = valuesCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
     array.Elements[i] = values[resultIndex + i];
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected DTypedArray(mdr.DObject prototype, int bytelength, int typesize)
     : base(prototype)
     ByteLength_ = Math.Min(bytelength, MaxElementsCount);
     TypeSize_ = typesize;
     Elements_ = new byte[ByteLength_];
     for (int i = 0; i < ByteLength_; ++i)
         Elements_[i] = 0x00;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public PositionListener(mdr.DFunction handler, mdr.DFunction errorHandler, PositionListenerOptions options)
     this._handler = handler;
     // TODO: Unused.
     /*this._errorHandler = errorHandler;
     this._options = options;*/
     _callFrame = new mdr.CallFrame();
     _callFrame.Function = _handler;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Parse a number. Intended to be used at runtime for string-to-number conversions.
    /// </summary>
    public static void ParseNumber(string number, ref mdr.DValue dValue)
      var parser = new JavaScriptParser.SequentialParser(number);
      var numericLiteral = parser.ParseNumber();

      // Convert to a DValue and return via the ref parameter.
      Debug.Assert(numericLiteral is IR.PrimitiveLiteral, "ParseNumber() should yield a PrimitiveLiteral.");
      (numericLiteral as IR.PrimitiveLiteral).SetAsDValue(ref dValue);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 static partial void CustomFillPrototype(mdr.DObject prototype)
     var window = mwr.HTMLRuntime.Instance.GlobalContext;
     prototype.DefineOwnProperty("onblur", new mdr.DForwardingProperty(window, "onblur"));
     prototype.DefineOwnProperty("onerror", new mdr.DForwardingProperty(window, "onerror"));
     prototype.DefineOwnProperty("onfocus", new mdr.DForwardingProperty(window, "onfocus"));
     prototype.DefineOwnProperty("onload", new mdr.DForwardingProperty(window, "onload"));
     prototype.DefineOwnProperty("onscroll", new mdr.DForwardingProperty(window, "onscroll"));
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public static mdr.DObject CreateConstantContext(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame)
      //return CreateFunctionContext(ref callFrame);
      //TODO: the following optimization requires proper support in the code generation as well! For now, we don't do much!

      //this function will not change its context, so we can just reuse the outer context
      Debug.Assert(((JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata).Scope.IsConstContext, "Function {0} will need its own context", ((JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata).Declaration);
      var context = callFrame.Function.OuterContext;
      return context;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static void CreateObject(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int resultIndex, int fieldsCount)
   //Here we assume we have (fieldId, value) pairs on the stack starting at resultIndex
   var values = callFrame.Values;
   var obj = new mdr.DObject();
   var lastSP = resultIndex + fieldsCount * 2;
   for (var sp = resultIndex; sp < lastSP; sp += 2)
     obj.SetFieldByFieldId(values[sp].AsInt32(), ref values[sp + 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static void Execute(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
   var ics = callFrame.Function.Metadata.InlineCache;
   var i = fromIndex;
   while (i <= toIndex)
     Debug.WriteLine("Running {0}:{1}", i, ics[i].Method.Name);
     i = ics[i](ref callFrame, i);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static mdr.DObject CreateProgramContext(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame)
   //this function should add everything to global context
   //since this is called once, it will also add all the symbols through a not so efficient loop
   var metadata = (JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata;
   Debug.Assert(metadata.Scope.IsProgram, "Function {0} is not a program", metadata.Declaration);
   var context = JSRuntime.Instance.GlobalContext;
   AddSymbolsToContext(metadata.Scope.Symbols, context);
   return context;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static mdr.DObject CreateEvalContext(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame)
   //this function should add everything to its parent context
   //since we don't cache the generated code, it will also add all the symbols through a not so efficient loop
   var metadata = (JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata;
   Debug.Assert(metadata.Scope.IsEvalFunction, "Function {0} is not an eval", metadata.Declaration);
   Debug.Assert(callFrame.CallerContext != null, "Eval function {0} needs CallerContext in its call frame", metadata.Declaration);
   var context = callFrame.CallerContext;
   AddSymbolsToContext(metadata.Scope.Symbols, context);
   return context;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 static partial void CustomFillPrototype(mdr.DObject prototype)
     Debug.WriteLine("++$> adding geolocation to Navigator props");
     prototype.DefineOwnProperty("geolocation", new mdr.DProperty()
         TargetValueType = mdr.ValueTypes.String,
         OnGetDValue = (mdr.DObject This, ref mdr.DValue v) =>
             v.Set((This as Navigator).Geolocation);
     }, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotWritable);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        static string FormatArgs(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame)
          var formatString = callFrame.Arg0.AsString();

          StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
          int escapeIdx = 0, nextEscapeIdx = 0;
          var nextArg = 1;
          while ((nextEscapeIdx = formatString.IndexOfAny(FormatChars, escapeIdx)) != -1)
            // Append non-escape characters
            str.Append(formatString.Substring(escapeIdx, nextEscapeIdx - escapeIdx));

            // If we're at the last character in the string, just break out of the loop
            if (nextEscapeIdx == formatString.Length - 1)
              escapeIdx = nextEscapeIdx;

            // Interpret escape character
            if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx] == '\\')
              if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1] == '%')
                str.AppendFormat("\\{0}", formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1]);
            else if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx] == '%')
              var arg = callFrame.Arg(nextArg++);
              if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1] == 's')
                str.Append(mjr.Operations.Convert.ToString.Run(ref arg));
              else if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1] == 'd')
                str.Append(mjr.Operations.Convert.ToInt64.Run(ref arg));
              else if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1] == 'i')
                str.Append(mjr.Operations.Convert.ToInt64.Run(ref arg));
              else if (formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1] == 'f')
                str.Append(mjr.Operations.Convert.ToDouble.Run(ref arg));
                str.AppendFormat("[%{0}]", formatString[nextEscapeIdx + 1]);

            // Advance past the escaped character
            escapeIdx = nextEscapeIdx + 2;

          // Append any remaining characters

          // Return the finished formatted string
          return str.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 28
 static void setAttribute (ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame)
     var elem = (Element) callFrame.This;
     var name = callFrame.Arg0.AsString ();
     var val = callFrame.Arg1.AsString ();
     var ehp = callFrame.This.GetPropertyDescriptor(name).GetProperty()
         as EventHandlerProperty;
     if (ehp != null) {
         SetEventHandlerAttr(callFrame.This, ehp.EventType, name, val);
     elem.SetContentAttribute(name, val);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static void SetEventHandlerAttr(mdr.DObject obj, string name, string script)
            if (RecordReplayManager.Instance != null && RecordReplayManager.Instance.RecordEnabled)
                RecordReplayManager.Instance.Record("Element", null, "SetEventHandlerAttr", false, obj, name, script);
            var ehp = obj.GetPropertyDescriptor(name).GetProperty() as EventHandlerProperty;
            if (ehp == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Event " + name);
            SetEventHandlerAttr(obj, ehp.EventType, name, script);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        // all event handler attribute accessors should eventually call these
        public static string GetEventHandlerAttr(mdr.DObject obj, EventTypes type, string name)
            if (RecordReplayManager.Instance != null && RecordReplayManager.Instance.RecordEnabled)
                mwr.RecordReplayManager.Instance.Record("Element", null, "GetEventHandlerAttr", false, obj, type, name);
            var targetElement = obj.FirstInPrototypeChainAs<HTMLElement>();
            var s = targetElement.PrimGetEventHandlerAttr(type);
            Debug.WriteLine("GetEventHandlerAttr({0}) = '{1}'", name, s);
            return s;