Ejemplo n.º 1
        public mdl_Dsas CollectDsasForInsert(DataSet ds, int dataOwner, bool isAmendment, DataGridView dgvAmendment, string fileName,
                                             string filePath, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?expiryDate, DateTime?destroyDate,
                                             string ownerEmail, bool dspt, bool iso27001, bool encryption, bool remote)
            int?amendmentOfID = null;

            if (isAmendment)
                amendmentOfID = (int?)dgvAmendment.SelectedRows[0].Cells["DocumentID"].Value;

            mdl_Dsas newDsa = new mdl_Dsas
                DataOwner           = dataOwner,
                AmendmentOf         = amendmentOfID,
                DsaName             = fileName,
                DsaFileLoc          = filePath,
                StartDate           = startDate,
                ExpiryDate          = expiryDate,
                DataDestructionDate = destroyDate,
                AgreementOwnerEmail = ownerEmail,
                DSPT               = dspt,
                ISO27001           = iso27001,
                RequiresEncryption = encryption,
                NoRemoteAccess     = remote

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public mdl_Dsas GetDsaRecord(DataSet ds, int id)
            mdl_Dsas dr = ds.Tables["tblDsas"].AsEnumerable()
                          .Where(x => x.Field <int>("DocumentID") == id)
                          .Select(x => new mdl_Dsas
                DsaID               = x.Field <int>("DsaID"),
                ID                  = x.Field <int>("DocumentID"),
                DataOwner           = x.Field <int>("DataOwner"),
                AmendmentOf         = x.Field <int?>("AmendmentOf"),
                DsaName             = x.Field <string>("DsaName"),
                DsaFileLoc          = x.Field <string>("DsaFileLoc"),
                StartDate           = x.Field <DateTime?>("StartDate"),
                ExpiryDate          = x.Field <DateTime?>("ExpiryDate"),
                DataDestructionDate = x.Field <DateTime?>("DataDestructionDate"),
                AgreementOwnerEmail = x.Field <string>("AgreementOwnerEmail"),
                DSPT                = x.Field <bool?>("DSPT"),
                ISO27001            = x.Field <bool?>("ISO27001"),
                RequiresEncryption  = x.Field <bool?>("RequiresEncryption"),
                NoRemoteAccess      = x.Field <bool?>("NoRemoteAccess"),
                ValidFrom           = x.Field <DateTime?>("ValidFrom"),
                ValidTo             = x.Field <DateTime?>("ValidTo"),
                Deprecated          = x.Field <bool>("Deprecated")

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <mdl_DsasProjects> CollectDsaProjectsForInsert(DataSet ds, mdl_Dsas rcrd, IEnumerable <string> projects)
            List <mdl_DsasProjects> newDsaProject = projects.Select(prj => new mdl_DsasProjects {
                Project = prj

            // If this is a DSA update, not DSA create, omit existing DSA-Project links from the insert
            if (rcrd != null && rcrd.ID > 0)
                List <string> currentPrjLinks = GetDsaProjectsList(ds, rcrd.ID);
                newDsaProject = newDsaProject.Where(x => !currentPrjLinks.Contains(x.Project)).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <mdl_DsaNotes> CollectDsaNotesForInsert(DataGridView dgvNotes, DataSet ds, mdl_Dsas rcrd)
            List <mdl_DsaNotes> currentDsaNotes  = GetDsaNotes(ds, rcrd.ID);
            List <string>       existingNotes    = currentDsaNotes.Select(x => x.Note).ToList();
            List <DateTime?>    existingCreateds = currentDsaNotes.Select(x => x.Created).ToList();
            List <mdl_DsaNotes> newDsaNotes      = new List <mdl_DsaNotes>();

            foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvNotes.Rows)
                string       created = dr.Cells["Created"].Value.ToString().NullIfEmpty();
                DateTime?    date    = created == null ? (DateTime?)null : DateTime.Parse(created);
                string       note    = dr.Cells["Notes"].Value.ToString();
                mdl_DsaNotes noteRow = new mdl_DsaNotes {
                    Note = note, Created = date

                bool skip = false;
                foreach (mdl_DsaNotes n in currentDsaNotes)
                    skip = noteRow == n;
                    if (skip)

                if (!skip)
                    newDsaNotes.Add(new mdl_DsaNotes {
                        Note = note, Created = date

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool PutDsaData(mdl_Dsas inDsa, List <mdl_DsaNotes> inDsaNotes, List <mdl_DsasProjects> inDsaProjects,
                               mdl_Dsas rcrd)
            if (rcrd.ID > 0 && rcrd == inDsa && inDsaNotes.Count == 0 && inDsaProjects.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No changes to DSA record, nothing to update.\n", "DSA Not Updated", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            bool[] success = new bool[3];

            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();

            conn.ConnectionString = SQL_Stuff.conString;
            conn.Credential       = SQL_Stuff.credential;
            using (conn)
                SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    // If DSA record already exists and new data is equal to old, do not perform insert
                    if (rcrd.ID > 0 && rcrd == inDsa)
                        success[0] = true;
                        // tblDsas insert
                        string qryDsas = @"
                            INSERT INTO dbo.tblDsas (DocumentID, DataOwner, AmendmentOf, DsaName, 
                                DsaFileLoc, StartDate, ExpiryDate, DataDestructionDate, AgreementOwnerEmail, 
                                DSPT, ISO27001, RequiresEncryption, NoRemoteAccess)
                            OUTPUT INSERTED.DsaID
                            VALUES (@DocumentID, @DataOwner, @AmendmentOf, @DsaName, @DsaFileLoc, @StartDate, 
                                @ExpiryDate, @DataDestructionDate, @AgreementOwnerEmail, @DSPT, @ISO27001, 
                                @RequiresEncryption, @NoRemoteAccess)";

                        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText: qryDsas, connection: conn, transaction: trans))
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@DocumentID", SqlDbType.Int).Value          = inDsa.ID;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@DataOwner", SqlDbType.Int).Value           = inDsa.DataOwner;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@AmendmentOf", SqlDbType.Int).Value         = inDsa?.AmendmentOf ?? (object)DBNull.Value;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@DsaName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value    = inDsa.DsaName;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@DsaFileLoc", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200).Value = inDsa.DsaFileLoc;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@StartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value      =
                                inDsa.StartDate.HasValue ? inDsa.StartDate.Value.Date : (object)DBNull.Value;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@ExpiryDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value =
                                inDsa.ExpiryDate.HasValue ? inDsa.ExpiryDate.Value.Date : (object)DBNull.Value;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@DataDestructionDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value =
                                inDsa.DataDestructionDate.HasValue ? inDsa.DataDestructionDate.Value.Date : (object)DBNull.Value;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@AgreementOwnerEmail", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = inDsa.AgreementOwnerEmail;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@DSPT", SqlDbType.Bit).Value               = inDsa.DSPT;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@ISO27001", SqlDbType.Bit).Value           = inDsa.ISO27001;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@RequiresEncryption", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = inDsa.RequiresEncryption;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@NoRemoteAccess", SqlDbType.Bit).Value     = inDsa.NoRemoteAccess;

                            inDsa.DsaID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                        success[0] = inDsa.DsaID > 0;

                        // If new DSA record, update DocumentID to be new dsa ID --> inDsa.DsaID
                        if (inDsa.ID == 0 && rcrd.ID == 0)
                            string setDocID = @"UPDATE dbo.tblDsas SET DocumentID = @ID WHERE DsaID = @ID";
                            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText: setDocID, connection: conn, transaction: trans))
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = inDsa.DsaID;
                                inDsa.ID = inDsa.DsaID;
                        else if (inDsa.DsaID != rcrd.DsaID) // If this is a DSA update, logical delete previous record
                            string setValidTo = @"UPDATE dbo.tblDsas SET ValidTo = @NOW WHERE DsaID = @DsaID";
                            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText: setValidTo, connection: conn, transaction: trans))
                                DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@NOW", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = timestamp;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@DsaID", SqlDbType.Int).Value    = rcrd.DsaID;
                                rcrd.ValidTo = timestamp;

                    // Add new DSA identity to tblDsaNotes insert, then bulk insert
                    foreach (mdl_DsaNotes note in inDsaNotes)
                        note.Dsa = inDsa.ID;

                    DataTable tblDsaNotes = inDsaNotes.ToDataTable();
                    int       notesRows   = SQL_Stuff.insertBulk(tblDsaNotes, "dbo.tblDsaNotes", conn, trans);
                    success[1] = notesRows == tblDsaNotes.Rows.Count;

                    // Add new DSA identity to tblDsasProjects insert, then bulk insert
                    foreach (mdl_DsasProjects prj in inDsaProjects)
                        prj.DocumentID = inDsa.ID;

                    DataTable tblDsasProjects = inDsaProjects.ToDataTable();
                    int       prjRows         = SQL_Stuff.insertBulk(tblDsasProjects, "dbo.tblDsasProjects", conn, trans);
                    success[2] = prjRows == tblDsasProjects.Rows.Count;

                catch (Exception ex)
                        "Failed to add new DSA record:" + ex.GetType() + "\n\n" +
                        ex.Message + "\n\n" +
                    catch (Exception ex2)
                            "Failed to roll back transaction:" + ex2.GetType() + "\n\n" +
                            ex2.Message + "\n\n" +

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool hasRequiredInputs = dsa.ValidateInputs(
                fileName: tb_FileName.Text,
                filePath: tb_FilePath.Text,
                dataOwner: cb_ExistingDataOwner.SelectedItem.ToString()

            if (!hasRequiredInputs)

            if (dsaRecord.ID == 0 && ConfirmationMsg() == DialogResult.Cancel)

            dsasInsertData = dsa.CollectDsasForInsert(
                ds: ds,
                dataOwner: (int)cb_ExistingDataOwner.SelectedValue,
                isAmendment: dgv_AmendmentOf.Rows.Count == 1,
                dgvAmendment: dgv_AmendmentOf,
                fileName: tb_FileName.Text,
                filePath: tb_FilePath.Text,
                startDate: dtp_StartDate.Checked ? dtp_StartDate?.Value.Date : null,
                expiryDate: dtp_ExpiryDate.Checked ? dtp_ExpiryDate?.Value.Date : null,
                destroyDate: dtp_DestroyDate.Checked ? dtp_DestroyDate?.Value.Date : null,
                ownerEmail: tb_OwnerEmail.Text,
                dspt: chkb_DSPT.Checked,
                iso27001: chkb_ISO27001.Checked,
                encryption: chkb_Encryption.Checked,
                remote: chkb_NoRemoteAccess.Checked

            if (dsaRecord != null && dsaRecord.ID > 0)
                dsasInsertData.ID = dsaRecord.ID;

            dsaNotesInsertData = dsa.CollectDsaNotesForInsert(
                dgvNotes: dgv_AddNote,
                ds: ds,
                rcrd: dsaRecord

            dsasProjectsInsertData = dsa.CollectDsaProjectsForInsert(
                ds: ds,
                rcrd: dsaRecord,
                projects: dgv_DsasProjects.Rows.OfType <DataGridViewRow>()
                .Select(r => r.Cells["Project"])
                .Select(c => c.Value.ToString())

            insertSuccessful = dsa.PutDsaData(dsasInsertData, dsaNotesInsertData, dsasProjectsInsertData, dsaRecord);

            if (insertSuccessful)
                MessageBox.Show("Successfully added new DSA record.\n", "DSA Added", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void InputDsaInfo(int id)
            dsaRecord = dsa.GetDsaRecord(ds, id);
            List <string>       dsaPrjList      = dsa.GetDsaProjectsList(ds, id);
            List <mdl_DsaNotes> dsaNotesHistory = dsa.GetDsaNotes(ds, id);

            int isRebranded = ds.Tables["tblDsaDataOwners"].AsEnumerable()
                              .Where(r => r.Field <int?>("RebrandOf") == dsaRecord.DataOwner)
                              .Select(x => x.Field <int?>("RebrandOf"))

            if (isRebranded > 0)
                chkb_OldDataOwners.Checked = false;

            cb_ExistingDataOwner.SelectedValue = dsaRecord.DataOwner;

            tb_OwnerEmail.Text = dsaRecord.AgreementOwnerEmail;
            tb_FileName.Text   = dsaRecord.DsaName;
            tb_FilePath.Text   = dsaRecord.DsaFileLoc;

            if (dsaRecord.StartDate.HasValue)
                dtp_StartDate.Checked = true;
                dtp_StartDate.Value   = dsaRecord.StartDate.HasValue ? (DateTime)dsaRecord.StartDate : DateTime.Now.Date;
            if (dsaRecord.ExpiryDate.HasValue)
                dtp_ExpiryDate.Checked = true;
                dtp_ExpiryDate.Value   = dsaRecord.ExpiryDate.HasValue ? (DateTime)dsaRecord.ExpiryDate : DateTime.Now.Date;
            if (dsaRecord.DataDestructionDate.HasValue)
                dtp_DestroyDate.Checked = true;
                dtp_DestroyDate.Value   = dsaRecord.DataDestructionDate.HasValue ? (DateTime)dsaRecord.DataDestructionDate : DateTime.Now.Date;

            if (dsaRecord.AmendmentOf.HasValue)
                dgv_AmendmentOf.DataSource = dsa.CreateDsasBasicView(ds).Where(x => x.DocumentID == dsaRecord.AmendmentOf).ToList();
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["DocumentID"].Width          = 80;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["DataOwner"].Width           = 120;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["StartDate"].Width           = 85;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["ExpiryDate"].Width          = 85;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["DataDestructionDate"].Width = 140;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["DsaName"].Width             = 140;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["AmendmentOf"].Width         = 140;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["DSPT"].Width               = 75;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["ISO27001"].Width           = 75;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["RequiresEncryption"].Width = 140;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.Columns["NoRemoteAccess"].Width     = 125;
                dgv_AmendmentOf.RowHeadersWidth = 15;

            chkb_DSPT.Checked           = dsaRecord.DSPT ?? false;
            chkb_ISO27001.Checked       = dsaRecord.ISO27001 ?? false;
            chkb_Encryption.Checked     = dsaRecord.RequiresEncryption ?? false;
            chkb_NoRemoteAccess.Checked = dsaRecord.NoRemoteAccess ?? false;

            foreach (string prj in dsaPrjList)

            foreach (mdl_DsaNotes n in dsaNotesHistory)
                //dsaNotes.Rows.Add(n.Note, n.Created, n.CreatedBy);
                dsaNotes.Rows.Add(n.Note, n.Created);