void findingCombo3()
        thisDir = whichDir.right;

        if (/*comboNum3Reached == false && */ (int)dialAngle <= dialNum3 + 5 && (int)dialAngle >= dialNum3 - 1)
            print("Getting Close to the right number");
//TODO Add vibration/sound to indicate that the dial is nearing the correct number
            if ((int)dialAngle <= dialNum3 + 1 && (int)dialAngle >= dialNum3 - 1)
/*TODO Increase vibration/sound volume to indicate that the player has reached the correct number
 * If the player stops the dial in the correct position for a second, they will unlock the first combo number and be allowed to continue*/
                if (comboStayTimer > 0.0f)
                    comboStayTimer = comboStayTimer - (1.0f * Time.deltaTime);
                else if (comboStayTimer <= 0.0f)
                    //comboNum3Reached = true;
                    currentState = lockState.unlocked;
                    print("You found the THIRD DIGIT! DOOR UNLOCKED");
        else if ((int)dialAngle < dialNum3 - 1 && (int)dialAngle >= dialNum3 - 3)
            currentState = lockState.failed;
            comboStayTimer = 2.0f;
    void OnEnable()
        mainCam.enabled = false;
        camCom.enabled  = true;

        myDial.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, -dialAngle);

        currentState = lockState.findCombo1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void OnEnable()
        solveState = lockState.inProgress;

        //Get the current state of the Laser Countdown Timer (to return to later),
        //then deactivate it while the player tries to solve the puzzle
        isTimerActive           = LevelManager.timerState.ToString();
        LevelManager.timerState = LevelManager.TimerOn.timerDeactivated;

        if (lockChoice == whichLock.rotaryDial)
            gameObject.AddComponent <Lock_RotaryDial>();
            //gameObject.GetComponent<Lock_RotaryDial> ().enabled = true;
        else if (lockChoice == whichLock.tumblerLock)
 void DetermineRotDir()
     if (thisDir == whichDir.right)
         if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0.0f)
             currentState = lockState.failed;
     else if (thisDir == whichDir.left)
         if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0.0f)
             currentState = lockState.failed;
    void dialFailed()
        if (puzzleAttempts < 3)
            myDial.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, -dialAngle);
            print("Press SPACE TO RETRY" + " / Attempts Left: " + (3 - puzzleAttempts));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                currentState = lockState.findCombo1;
        else if (puzzleAttempts >= 3)
            print("Puzzle FAILED! DOOR LOCKED");
            mainCam.enabled    = true;
            lockMan.solveState = LockManager.lockState.failed;
//Upon doing this \/, the door CANNOT BE OPENED
    void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
            //This leaves the puzzle "unsolved" (and no longer "inProgress" for now). Later on, there will be alternate states for:
            currentState = lockState.unsolved;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))
            currentState = lockState.unlocked;

//TODO Set up an arrow sprite to show player which direction to rotate dial
        if (currentState == lockState.findCombo1)
        else if (currentState == lockState.findCombo2)
        else if (currentState == lockState.findCombo3)
        else if (currentState == lockState.unlocked)
        else if (currentState == lockState.failed)
        else if (currentState == lockState.unsolved)
    void findingCombo2()
        thisDir = whichDir.left;

//TODO Does the dial need to pass 0 before going to the next digit? If so, just use a "passedZero" bool

        if (/*comboNum2Reached == false && */ (int)dialAngle >= dialNum2 - 5 && (int)dialAngle <= dialNum2 + 1)
            print("Getting Close to the right number");
//TODO Add vibration/sound to indicate that the dial is nearing the correct number
            if ((int)dialAngle <= dialNum2 + 1 && (int)dialAngle >= dialNum2 - 1)
/*TODO Increase vibration/sound volume to indicate that the player has reached the correct number
 * If the player stops the dial in the correct position for a second, they will unlock the first combo number and be allowed to continue*/
                if (comboStayTimer > 0.0f)
                    comboStayTimer = comboStayTimer - 1.0f * Time.deltaTime;
                else if (comboStayTimer <= 0.0f)
                    //comboNum2Reached = true;
                    currentState = lockState.findCombo3;
                    print("You found the SECOND DIGIT");
        else if ((int)dialAngle > dialNum2 + 1 && dialAngle <= dialNum2 + 3)
            currentState = lockState.failed;
            comboStayTimer = 2.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 //Sets habitat map visuals for previewed lock state
 private void SetLockState(lockState newState)
     if (newState == lockState.LOCK)
         effectImage.enabled = true;
         effectImage.sprite = lockSprites[0];
         effectImage.color = new Color32(255, 50, 35, 255);
     else if (newState == lockState.PARTIAL)
         effectImage.enabled = true;
         effectImage.sprite = lockSprites[1];
         effectImage.color = new Color32(255, 240, 35, 255);
     else if (newState == lockState.UNLOCK)
         effectImage.enabled = true;
         effectImage.sprite = lockSprites[1];
         effectImage.color = new Color32(35, 255, 50, 255);
         effectImage.enabled = false;
         effectImage.sprite = null;
         effectImage.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    //Sets Final Lock State based on Locomotion Lock State and Restriction Lock State
    private void SetLocks(lockState lockLoco, lockState lockRest)
        Adaptation.restriction[] activeRestrictions = critter.GetRestrictions();
        int currentRestrictionCount = CountRestrictions(activeRestrictions);
        bool EquippedLocoOK;


        if (lockLoco == lockState.LOCK || lockRest == lockState.LOCK)
        else if (lockLoco == lockState.UNLOCK)
            if (lockRest == lockState.UNLOCK) { SetLockState(lockState.UNLOCK); }
            else if(lockRest == lockState.PARTIAL) { SetLockState(lockState.PARTIAL); }
                if (currentRestrictionCount > 0) { SetLockState(lockState.PARTIAL); }
                else { SetLockState(lockState.UNLOCK); }
        else if (lockLoco == lockState.NONE)
            EquippedLocoOK = HabitatSupportsAdaptationLocomotion(equippedEvo);

            if (EquippedLocoOK)
                if (lockRest == lockState.UNLOCK) { SetLockState(lockState.UNLOCK); }
                else if (lockRest == lockState.PARTIAL) { SetLockState(lockState.PARTIAL); }
                if (lockRest == lockState.UNLOCK) { SetLockState(lockState.PARTIAL); }
                else if (lockRest == lockState.PARTIAL) { SetLockState(lockState.PARTIAL); }