Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void resize(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, int width, int height)
     if (g_renderer != null)
         g_renderer.resize(width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void step(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, int width, int height)
     if (g_renderer != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static void main(JNIEnv.Real* env, jobject* obj)
     JNIEnv envi = (*env).Wrap();
     Console.WriteLine(".NET hello" + envi.GetVersion());
     envi.CallVoidMethod(obj, "talkBack", "()V");
     envi.CallVoidMethod(obj, "talkBackInt", "(I)V", new jvalue(1));
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_OVRVrCubeWorldSurfaceView_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
             JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz)
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150607-1/vrcubeworld

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            // look almost the same file!

            // OVR_VRAPI_EXPORT const char * vrapi_GetVersionString();

            // if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = n( env,
                //"from Java_OVRVrCubeWorldNative_xActivity_stringFromJNI. yay"


            return v;

            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
        public LocalObjectReferenceHolder(JniEnvironment nativeEnvironment, jobject reference)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(nativeEnvironment != null, "nativeEnvironment");

            _nativeEnvironment = nativeEnvironment;
            _reference = _nativeEnvironment.NewLocalReference(reference);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // ifelse does not look that good. lets keep two sets of signatures..
#if JNIEnv
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        public static jstring stringFromJNI(JNIEnv env, jobject thiz)
            // called by
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\android\synergy\OVRVrCubeWorldSurfaceView\OVRVrCubeWorldSurfaceViewX\ApplicationActivity.cs

            // jstring Java_com_oculus_gles3jni_GLES3JNILib_stringFromJNI(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz)
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\c\Test\TestNamespaceFixup\TestNamespaceFixup\Class1.cs

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150607-1/vrcubeworld
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            // look almost the same file!

            // OVR_VRAPI_EXPORT const char * vrapi_GetVersionString();

            // if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = env.NewStringUTF(env,
                //"hey! XNDK!"


            //v = env.JNIEnv_NewStringUTF(VrApi.vrapi_GetVersionString());
            // the other option is to have a debugger send the updated MSIL via edit and continue, and we would have to patch the function on the fly.

            return v;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_x360video_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI(JNIEnv env, jobject thiz, jobject args)
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter Java_x360video_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI");

            if (args != null)
                var loctype = env.GetObjectClass(env, args);
                var gtype = env.NewGlobalRef(env, loctype);

                //GlobalActivityClass = (jclass)jni->NewGlobalRef(jni->GetObjectClass(activity));

                var startMovieFromNative = env.GetMethodID(env, loctype, "startMovieFromNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");

                ConsoleExtensions.tracei64("startMovieFromNative: ", (int)(object)startMovieFromNative);


            // do we have a console yet?
            //Console.WriteLine("enter Java_AndroidBrowserVRNDK_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI");

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            //// if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = n(env, "hello from Java_x360video_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI. yay");

            return v;
            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Invoke(jobject that)

                InternalDeclaringType.arg0_env, that, this.methodID, args: default(jvalue[])
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Invoke(jobject that)

                InternalDeclaringType.arg0_env, that, this.methodID, args: default(jvalue[])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public jclass* GetObjectClass(jobject* obj)
     if (getObjectClass == null)
         Util.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functions.GetObjectClass, ref getObjectClass);
     return getObjectClass.Invoke(real, obj);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public JNIResult CallVoidMethodA(jobject* obj, jmethodID* methodID, params jvalue[] args)
     if (callVoidMethodA == null)
         Util.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functions.CallVoidMethodA, ref callVoidMethodA);
     return callVoidMethodA(real, obj, methodID, args);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void onResume(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 1961

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onResume, did we come back from the menu?");

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public jvalue(JavaVM virtualMachine, JvmtiEnvironment environment, JniEnvironment nativeEnvironment, Value value)
            : this()
            if (value.Data == 0)

            switch (value.Tag)
            case Tag.Byte:
                ByteValue = (byte)value.Data;

            case Tag.Char:
                CharValue = (char)value.Data;

            case Tag.Float:
                IntValue = (int)(uint)value.Data;

            case Tag.Int:
                IntValue = (int)value.Data;

            case Tag.Double:
                LongValue = (long)(ulong)value.Data;

            case Tag.Long:
                LongValue = value.Data;

            case Tag.Short:
                ShortValue = (short)value.Data;

            case Tag.Boolean:

            case Tag.Array:
            case Tag.Object:
            case Tag.String:
            case Tag.Thread:
            case Tag.ThreadGroup:
            case Tag.ClassLoader:
            case Tag.ClassObject:
                if (value.Data == 0)

                ObjectValue = virtualMachine.GetLocalReferenceForObject(nativeEnvironment, new ObjectId(value.Data)).Value;

            case Tag.Void:
            case Tag.Invalid:
                throw new ArgumentException();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public PrintStream(jobject obj)
            if (!obj.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Empty object reference.", nameof(obj));

            this.obj = obj;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        internal void DeleteGlobalReference(jobject reference)
            if (!AgentExports.IsLoaded)

            _nativeInterface.DeleteGlobalRef(_nativeEnvironmentHandle, reference);
Ejemplo n.º 16
//        E/AndroidRuntime( 1880): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for void HybridGLES3JNIActivity.NDK.GLES3JNILib.init() (tried
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at HybridGLES3JNIActivity.NDK.GLES3JNILib.init(Native Method)
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at HybridGLES3JNIActivity.Activities.GLES3JNIView_Renderer.onSurfaceCreated(GLES3JNIView_Renderer.java:39)
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1539)
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1278)


        static void init(JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            ConsoleExtensions.tracei("enter init, call createES3Renderer");

            g_renderer = RendererES3.createES3Renderer();
            // here we are storing a pointer in native heap. why is oculus sending it back to java world??

            //resize =
Ejemplo n.º 17
        static void onStart(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj, ovrAppThreadPointer handle)
            // 1952
            var appThread = (VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread)handle;
            var message   = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);

            message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_START, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);
Ejemplo n.º 18
//        E/AndroidRuntime( 1880): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for void HybridGLES3JNIActivity.NDK.GLES3JNILib.init() (tried
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at HybridGLES3JNIActivity.NDK.GLES3JNILib.init(Native Method)
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at HybridGLES3JNIActivity.Activities.GLES3JNIView_Renderer.onSurfaceCreated(GLES3JNIView_Renderer.java:39)
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1539)
//E/AndroidRuntime( 1880):        at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1278)

        static void init(JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            ConsoleExtensions.tracei("enter init, call createES3Renderer");

            g_renderer = RendererES3.createES3Renderer();
            // here we are storing a pointer in native heap. why is oculus sending it back to java world??

            //resize =
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:71 mallinfo  total allocated space:  2 027 243 344
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:72 mallinfo  total free  space:  70 957 232
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrApi.ovrMatrix4f.cs:343 out of heap? errno: 12 Out of memory
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:71 mallinfo  total allocated space:  -2 080 212 552
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:72 mallinfo  total free  space:  74 286 664

            //I/xNativeActivity(15462): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:90 mallinfo  total allocated space:  5 512 048
            //I/xNativeActivity(15462): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:91 mallinfo  total free  space:  13 362 320

            //I/xNativeActivity(18481): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:71 mallinfo  total allocated space:  -2083023504
            //I/xNativeActivity(18481): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:72 mallinfo  total free  space:  76 049 040

            // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-ndk/lcnwzszrESo
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30480007/is-using-largeheap-in-android-manifest-a-good-practice
            // https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.html#getLargeMemoryClass()
            // http://dwij.co.in/increase-heap-size-of-android-application/
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16957805/android-how-to-increase-application-memory-using-ndk

            // called by onCreate
            public ovrAppThread(JNIEnv env, jobject activityObject)
                // 1907
                ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter ovrAppThread, call pthread_create");

                // why keep it?
                env.GetJavaVM(env, out this.JavaVm);
                this.ActivityObject = env.NewGlobalRef(env, activityObject);

                this.Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(
                    // can we do closures?
                    ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter thread for vrapi_SubmitFrame");



                    //ConsoleExtensions.trace("adding memory pressure...");

                    //var mb = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
                    //var pressure = new byte[mb];



                    ////ConsoleExtensions.trace("adding memory pressure... store...");

                    ////for (int i = 0; i < mb; i++)
                    ////    pressure[i] = (byte)(0xcc ^ i);


                    //// GC. would jsc static analysis know it means we can free that memory?


                    ////pressure = null;


                    // would our chrome app be able to switch over to ndk over udp?
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static void onKeyEvent(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, int keyCode, int action)
            // 2094
            var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);

            message.ovrMessage_Init(MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_KEY_EVENT, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_NONE);
            message[0] = keyCode;
            message[1] = action;
            // ovrApp_HandleKeyEvent
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);
            // called by onCreate
            public ovrAppThread(JNIEnv env, jobject activityObject)
                // 1907
                ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter ovrAppThread, call pthread_create");

                env.GetJavaVM(env, out this.JavaVm);
                this.ActivityObject = env.NewGlobalRef(env, activityObject);

                var createErr = pthread.pthread_create(out this.Thread, null, AppThreadFunction, this);
                // tail call?
Ejemplo n.º 22
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_TestHybridOVR_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI(
            ref JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz)
            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            // look almost the same file!

            var v = n(ref env, "from Java_TestHybridOVR_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI");

Ejemplo n.º 23
        static void onSurfaceDestroyed(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, ovrAppThreadPointer handle)
            // 2074
            var appThread = (VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread)handle;
            var message   = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);

            message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);

            appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static void onTouchEvent(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, int action, float x, float y)
            // 2108
            var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);

            message.ovrMessage_Init(MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_TOUCH_EVENT, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_NONE);
            message[0] = action;
            message[1] = x;
            message[2] = y;
            // ovrApp_HandleTouchEvent
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        static void onDestroy(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, ovrAppThreadPointer handle)
            // 1988
            var appThread = (VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread)handle;
            var message   = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);

            message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_DESTROY, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        static void onDestroy(JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 1988


            appThread = null;

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("exit onDestroy");
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public JNIResult CallVoidMethod(jobject* obj, string method, string sig, params jvalue[] args)
     jclass* objectClass = GetObjectClass(obj);
     if (objectClass != null)
         jmethodID* id = GetMethodID(objectClass, method, sig);
         if (id != null)
             return CallVoidMethodA(obj, id, args);
     return JNIResult.JNI_ERR;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        // named pointers! typedefs!
        static ovrAppThreadPointer onCreate(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, jobject activity)
            // 1937
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onCreate");

            appThread = new VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread(env, activity);

            // set property?

Ejemplo n.º 29
        // named pointers! typedefs!
        static ovrAppThreadPointer onCreate(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, jobject activity)
            // 1937
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onCreate, then ovrAppThread, then ovrMessageQueue_Enable");

            var appThread = new VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread(env, activity);

            // set property?

            var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);
            message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_CREATE, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);

            return appThread;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        // named pointers! typedefs!
        static ovrAppThreadPointer onCreate(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, jobject activity)
            // 1937
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onCreate, then ovrAppThread, then ovrMessageQueue_Enable");

            var appThread = new VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread(env, activity);

            // set property?

            var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);

            message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_CREATE, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);

Ejemplo n.º 31
        static void onSurfaceDestroyed(JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 2074

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150704


            appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("exit onSurfaceDestroyed, are we in the menu?");

            //      HWC | 7f8912c2b0 | 0000 | 0000 | 00 | 0100 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 1440.0, 2560.0 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 | Mono background window
            //      HWC | 7f8912c1d0 | 0000 | 0000 | 04 | 0105 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 2560.0, 1440.0 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 |    0,    0, 2560, 1440 | OVRMyCubeWorld.Activities/OVRMyCubeWorld.Activities.ApplicationActivity
            //FB TARGET | 7f96525080 | 0000 | 0000 | 00 | 0105 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 1440.0, 2560.0 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 |    0,    0,    0,    0 | HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET
Ejemplo n.º 32
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static long Java_TestNDKAsAsset_xActivity_mmap(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
            ref JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz,
            int fd,
            int length)
            const int PROT_READ  = 0x1;
            const int PROT_WRITE = 0x2;
            const int MAP_SHARED = 0x0010;

            //jni/TestNDKAsAsset.exe.c:72:13: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
            //     return  (long long)mmap((void*)NULL, (int)length, (int)1, (int)16, (int)fd, (int)0);
            // http://osdir.com/ml/android-porting/2010-05/msg00182.html

            var z = (int)ScriptCoreLibNative.SystemHeaders.sys.mman_h.mmap(
                //PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,


            ConsoleExtensions.tracei("mmap", z);

            // this will crash Vs2015
            //    ScriptCoreLibNative.SystemHeaders.android.log.android_LogPriority.ANDROID_LOG_INFO,
            //    "System.Console",

            //    fmt: "after mmap"

            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17202741/why-does-mmap-fail-with-permission-denied-for-the-destination-file-of-a-file-c
            // "X:\jsc.svn\examples\c\android\Test\TestNDKAsAsset\TestNDKAsAsset\bin\Debug\staging\libs\armeabi-v7a\libTestNDKAsAsset.so"
            // http://linux.die.net/man/3/explain_mmap

Ejemplo n.º 33
        // named pointers! typedefs!
        static ovrAppThreadPointer onCreate(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, jobject activity)
            // 1937
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onCreate");

            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# 0.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -4482497940269729854931310573780992.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112522782313195449178724042276864.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112561990195377190832118112976896.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# 0.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112309334370484290251637919842304.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112521273573772570121514008969216.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112522782313195449178724042276864.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# 0.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112561990195377190832118112976896.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# 0.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -4419917904888785132619678770790400.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# 0.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -4442953183654797667429932949569536.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# -112522134328956135737486399766528.000000
            //I/xNativeActivity(24015): \GLES3JNILib.cs:322 alloca# nan

            //var alloca = stackalloc float[16];

            //for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            //    ConsoleExtensions.tracef("alloca#", alloca[i]);

            //    alloca[i] = i;

            //    ConsoleExtensions.tracef("alloca0", alloca[i]);

            appThread = new VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread(env, activity);

            // set property?

Ejemplo n.º 34
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI(
            ref JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz)
                log.android_LogPriority.ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "xNativeActivity", "enter Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI"

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            // look almost the same file!

            var x = OvrApp.cxxGetString();

            //var v = n(ref env, "from Java_TestHybridOVR_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI");
            var v = n(ref env, x);

Ejemplo n.º 35
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_TestNDKAsAsset_xActivity_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
            ref JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz)
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            // look almost the same file!

            // if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = n(ref env, "from Java_TestHybridOVR_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI. yay");


            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 36
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_TestNDKAsAsset_xActivity_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
            ref JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz)
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            // look almost the same file!

            // if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = n(ref env, "from Java_TestHybridOVR_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI. yay");

            return v;

            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 37
        static void onSurfaceChanged(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, ovrAppThreadPointer handle, jobject surface)
            // 2032
            var appThread = (VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread)handle;

            var newNativeWindow = native_window_jni.ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface);

            if (native_window.ANativeWindow_getWidth(newNativeWindow) < native_window.ANativeWindow_getHeight(newNativeWindow))
                // An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
                // the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
                // manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
                // the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
                //ALOGE("        Surface not in landscape mode!");

            if (newNativeWindow != appThread.NativeWindow)
                if (appThread.NativeWindow != null)
                    var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);
                    message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
                    appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);

                    appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);
                if (newNativeWindow != null)
                    var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);
                    message.ovrMessage_Init(VrCubeWorld.MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
                    appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);

                    appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);
            else if (newNativeWindow != null)
Ejemplo n.º 38
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_AndroidBrowserVR_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
             JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz,
            jobject args
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter Java_AndroidBrowserVR_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI");

            // do we have a console yet?
            //Console.WriteLine("enter Java_AndroidBrowserVRNDK_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI");

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            //// if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = n(env, "hello from Java_AndroidBrowserVR_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI. yay");

            return v;
            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 39
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_AndroidBrowserVR_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
            JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz,
            jobject args
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter Java_AndroidBrowserVR_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI");

            // do we have a console yet?
            //Console.WriteLine("enter Java_AndroidBrowserVRNDK_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI");

            var n = env.NewStringUTF;

            //// if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = n(env, "hello from Java_AndroidBrowserVR_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI. yay");

            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 40
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jlong Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_nativeSetAppInterface(
            ref JNIEnv env,
            jclass clazz,
            jobject activity,

            jstring fromPackageNameString, jstring commandString, jstring uriString
            log.__android_log_print(log.android_LogPriority.ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "xNativeActivity", "enter Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_nativeSetAppInterface");

            //jni/HybridOculusVrActivity.dll.c: In function 'Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_nativeSetAppInterface':
            //jni/HybridOculusVrActivity.dll.c:64:5: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Werror=format-security]

            //var x = OvrApp.cxxGetString();

            //log.__android_log_print(log.android_LogPriority.ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "xNativeActivity", x);

            //      return (new OvrApp())->SetActivity( jni, clazz, activity );

            //I/System.Console(13696): enter  HybridOculusVrActivity.OVRJVM ApplicationActivity onCreate
            //I/xNativeActivity(13696): enter Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_stringFromJNI
            //I/xNativeActivity(13696): enter Java_HybridOculusVrActivity_OVRJVM_ApplicationActivity_nativeSetAppInterface

            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7281441/elegantly-call-c-from-c

            //long u = 0;

                       ref env,

                       // added by oculus050
                       fromPackageNameString, commandString, uriString
Ejemplo n.º 41
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_OVROculus360Photos_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
            JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz,
            jobject args
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150607-1/vrcubeworld

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            var x = default(jstring);

            if (yield != null)
                x = yield(env, thiz, args);


            ////var n = env.NewStringUTF;


            //// look almost the same file!

            //// OVR_VRAPI_EXPORT const char * vrapi_GetVersionString();

            //// if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            //var v = n(env, "from Java_OVROculus360PhotosNDK_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI. yay");

            //return v;

            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 42
        static void onSurfaceCreated(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, jobject surface)
            // 2009
            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onSurfaceCreated");

            //var appThread = (VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread)handle;

            var newNativeWindow = native_window_jni.ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface);

            if (native_window.ANativeWindow_getWidth(newNativeWindow) < native_window.ANativeWindow_getHeight(newNativeWindow))
                // An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
                // the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
                // manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
                // the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
                //ALOGE("        Surface not in landscape mode!");

            appThread.NativeWindow = newNativeWindow;

            var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);
            message.ovrMessage_Init(MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
            message.ovrMessage_SetPointerParm(0, appThread.NativeWindow);
            //ConsoleExtensions.tracei("onSurfaceCreated, post MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED");
            appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);

            //ConsoleExtensions.tracei("exit onSurfaceCreated");
Ejemplo n.º 43
        // defined at
        // X:\opensource\ovr_mobile_sdk_0.6.0.1\VrSamples\Native\Oculus360PhotosSDK\jni\Oculus360Photos.cpp
        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150721/ovroculus360photoshud
        //public static object AtStartBackgroundPanoLoad;

        public static long Java_com_oculus_oculus360photossdk_MainActivity_nativeSetAppInterface(JNIEnv env,
            jclass clazz,
            jobject activity,

            jstring fromPackageNameString,
            jstring commandString,
            jstring uriString,

            object arg_AtStartBackgroundPanoLoad
         ) { return 0; }
Ejemplo n.º 44
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static long Java_OVROculus360Photos_Activities_xMarshal_nativeSetAppInterface(
             JNIEnv env,
            jclass clazz,

            // ApplicationActivity : com.oculus.vrappframework.VrActivity
            jobject activity,

            jstring fromPackageNameString,
            jstring commandString,
            jstring uriString
            // can we do typeof() yet and have our env from there?

            // Error	3	No overload for method '__android_log_print' takes 3 arguments	X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\android\synergy\OVROculus360PhotosNDK\OVROculus360PhotosNDK\xNativeActivity.cs	39	13	OVROculus360PhotosNDK

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150721/ovroculus360photoshud
            ScriptCoreLibAndroidNDK.Library.ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter Java_OVROculus360Photos_Activities_xMarshal_nativeSetAppInterface");

            //Oculus360Photos_h.AtStartBackgroundPanoLoad = new object();
            xNativeAtStartBackgroundPanoLoad = xNativeAtStartBackgroundPanoLoadInvoke;

            //xNativeAtStartBackgroundPanoLoad("not yet loaded", null);

            var loctype = env.GetObjectClass(env, activity);
            var gtype = (jclass)env.NewGlobalRef(env, loctype);
            //var gtype = (jclass)env.NewGlobalRef<jclass>(env, loctype);

            var typeof_this = new __Type { arg0_env = env, arg1_type = gtype };

            //var setDefaultLocale = typeof_this.GetMethodID("setDefaultLocale", "()V");
            var setDefaultLocale = typeof_this.GetMethod("setDefaultLocale", "()V");

            //var setDefaultLocale = env.GetMethodID(env, loctype, "setDefaultLocale", "()V");


            ConsoleExtensions.tracei64("setDefaultLocale: ", (int)(object)setDefaultLocale);

            //            I/xNativeActivity(24350): [3194400] \xNativeActivity.cs:202 enter Java_OVROculus360Photos_Activities_xMarshal_nativeSetAppInterface
            //I/xNativeActivity(24350): [3194400] \xNativeActivity.cs:222 setDefaultLocale:  -2012160456

            //  public virtual void setDefaultLocale()
            //env.NewStringUTF(env, "en");

            //  error: undefined reference to '__new_jvalue'
            // env.CallVoidMethodA(env, activity, setDefaultLocale, args: default(jvalue[]));


            return Oculus360Photos_h.Java_com_oculus_oculus360photossdk_MainActivity_nativeSetAppInterface(

                arg_AtStartBackgroundPanoLoad: xNativeAtStartBackgroundPanoLoad
Ejemplo n.º 45
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        static jstring Java_OVROculus360Photos_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI(
            // what would we be able to do inspecting the runtime?
             JNIEnv env,
            jobject thiz,
            jobject args
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150607-1/vrcubeworld

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            var x = default(jstring);

            if (yield != null)
                x = yield(env, thiz, args);

            return x;

            ////var n = env.NewStringUTF;


            //// look almost the same file!

            //// OVR_VRAPI_EXPORT const char * vrapi_GetVersionString();

            //// if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            //var v = n(env, "from Java_OVROculus360PhotosNDK_Activities_xMarshal_stringFromJNI. yay");

            //return v;

            // ConfigurationCreateNuGetPackage.cs
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public static void onTouchEvent(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, int action, float x, float y)
     // 2108
     var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);
     message.ovrMessage_Init(MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_TOUCH_EVENT, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_NONE);
     message[0] = action;
     message[1] = x;
     message[2] = y;
     // ovrApp_HandleTouchEvent
     appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);
Ejemplo n.º 47
 static void onStop(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
     // 1980
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:71 mallinfo  total allocated space:  2 027 243 344
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:72 mallinfo  total free  space:  70 957 232
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrApi.ovrMatrix4f.cs:343 out of heap? errno: 12 Out of memory
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:71 mallinfo  total allocated space:  -2 080 212 552
            //I/xNativeActivity(21471): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:72 mallinfo  total free  space:  74 286 664

            //I/xNativeActivity(15462): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:90 mallinfo  total allocated space:  5 512 048
            //I/xNativeActivity(15462): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:91 mallinfo  total free  space:  13 362 320

            //I/xNativeActivity(18481): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:71 mallinfo  total allocated space:  -2083023504
            //I/xNativeActivity(18481): \VrCubeWorld.AppThread.cs:72 mallinfo  total free  space:  76 049 040

            // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-ndk/lcnwzszrESo
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30480007/is-using-largeheap-in-android-manifest-a-good-practice
            // https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.html#getLargeMemoryClass()
            // http://dwij.co.in/increase-heap-size-of-android-application/
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16957805/android-how-to-increase-application-memory-using-ndk

            // called by onCreate
            public ovrAppThread(JNIEnv env, jobject activityObject)
                // 1907
                ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter ovrAppThread, call pthread_create");

                // why keep it?
                env.GetJavaVM(env, out this.JavaVm);
                this.ActivityObject = env.NewGlobalRef(env, activityObject);

                this.Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(
                        // can we do closures?
                        ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter thread for vrapi_SubmitFrame");



                        //ConsoleExtensions.trace("adding memory pressure...");

                        //var mb = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
                        //var pressure = new byte[mb];



                        ////ConsoleExtensions.trace("adding memory pressure... store...");

                        ////for (int i = 0; i < mb; i++)
                        ////    pressure[i] = (byte)(0xcc ^ i);


                        //// GC. would jsc static analysis know it means we can free that memory?


                        ////pressure = null;


                        // would our chrome app be able to switch over to ndk over udp?
Ejemplo n.º 49
        static void onDestroy(JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 1988


            appThread = null;

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("exit onDestroy");
Ejemplo n.º 50
 static void onStop(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
     // 1980
Ejemplo n.º 51
        static void onPause(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 1970

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("exit onPause");
Ejemplo n.º 52
 //jlong cxxSetAppInterface(JNIEnv* jni, jclass clazz, jobject activity);
 public static jlong cxxSetAppInterface(ref JNIEnv jni, jclass c, jobject activity,
                                        jstring fromPackageNameString, jstring commandString, jstring uriString)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 static void onStart(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
     // 1952
Ejemplo n.º 54
 static void onStart(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
     // 1952
Ejemplo n.º 55
        static void onSurfaceChanged(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, jobject surface)
            // 2032
            //var appThread = (VrCubeWorld.ovrAppThread)handle;

            var newNativeWindow = native_window_jni.ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface);

            if (native_window.ANativeWindow_getWidth(newNativeWindow) < native_window.ANativeWindow_getHeight(newNativeWindow))
                // An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
                // the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
                // manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
                // the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
                //ALOGE("        Surface not in landscape mode!");

            if (newNativeWindow != appThread.NativeWindow)
                if (appThread.NativeWindow != null)

                    appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);

                if (newNativeWindow != null)

                    appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);

            else if (newNativeWindow != null)
Ejemplo n.º 56
        // JVM load the .so and calls this native function
        public static jstring stringFromJNI(JNIEnv env, jobject thiz, jobject fields)
            // what about jobject dynamic?

            //dynamic locfields = fields;
            //locfields.foo = "foo";

            // pickerwengs.blogspot.com/2011/12/android-programming-objects-between.html

            //System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
            //   at jsc.Languages.C.CCompiler.WriteDecoratedMethodName(MethodBase z) in x:\jsc.internal.git\compiler\jsc\Languages\C\CCompiler.WriteDecoratedMethodName.cs:line 60
            //   at jsc.Languages.C.CCompiler.WriteDecoratedMethodName(MethodBase z, Boolean q) in x:\jsc.internal.git\compiler\jsc\Languages\C\CCompiler.WriteDecoratedMethodName.cs:line 31

            // journals.ecs.soton.ac.uk/java/tutorial/native1.1/implementing/field.html

            // generic / per field variables?

            var aI = new argsI {
                env = env, fields = fields

            GLES3JNILib.fields_xvalue = aI["x"];
            GLES3JNILib.fields_yvalue = aI["y"];

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150703/mousex
            GLES3JNILib.fields_mousex = aI["mousex"];
            GLES3JNILib.fields_mousey = aI["mousey"];

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150704
            GLES3JNILib.fields_ad         = aI["ad"];
            GLES3JNILib.fields_ws         = aI["ws"];
            GLES3JNILib.fields_c          = aI["c"];
            GLES3JNILib.fields_mousewheel = aI["mousewheel"];


            var aF = new argsF {
                env = env, fields = fields

            aF["tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_x"] = appThread.tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.x;
            aF["tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_y"] = appThread.tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.y;
            aF["tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_z"] = appThread.tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.z;
            aF["tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_w"] = appThread.tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.w;

            //void ScriptCoreLibNative_BCLImplementation_System___Action_2_Invoke(LPScriptCoreLibNative_BCLImplementation_System___Action_2, void*, void*);

            // can we do lambdas?
            //Action<string, float> set = (fname, f) =>
            //ActionStringFloat set = (fname, f) =>


            //set("tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_x", appThread.tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.x);

            //var fields_tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_x = env.GetFieldID(env, fields_GetType, "tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_x", "F");

            //env.SetFloatField(env, fields, fields_tracking_HeadPose_Pose_Orientation_x,
            //    appThread.tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.x

            // what about sending back a variable_


            // GetIntField
            // if we add a field how can we inspect it?

            // called by
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\android\synergy\OVRVrCubeWorldSurfaceView\OVRVrCubeWorldSurfaceViewX\ApplicationActivity.cs

            // jstring Java_com_oculus_gles3jni_GLES3JNILib_stringFromJNI(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz)
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\c\Test\TestNamespaceFixup\TestNamespaceFixup\Class1.cs

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150607-1/vrcubeworld
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150525

            // look almost the same file!

            // OVR_VRAPI_EXPORT const char * vrapi_GetVersionString();

            if (fields == null)
                return(env.NewStringUTF(env, "dynamic fields null?"));

            // if we change our NDK code, will nuget packaing work on the background, and also upgrade running apps?
            var v = env.NewStringUTF(env,
                                     //"hey! XNDK!"


            //v = env.JNIEnv_NewStringUTF(VrApi.vrapi_GetVersionString());
            // the other option is to have a debugger send the updated MSIL via edit and continue, and we would have to patch the function on the fly.

Ejemplo n.º 57
        static void onSurfaceDestroyed(JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 2074

            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150704


            appThread.NativeWindow = default(native_window.ANativeWindow);

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("exit onSurfaceDestroyed, are we in the menu?");

            //      HWC | 7f8912c2b0 | 0000 | 0000 | 00 | 0100 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 1440.0, 2560.0 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 | Mono background window
            //      HWC | 7f8912c1d0 | 0000 | 0000 | 04 | 0105 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 2560.0, 1440.0 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 |    0,    0, 2560, 1440 | OVRMyCubeWorld.Activities/OVRMyCubeWorld.Activities.ApplicationActivity
            //FB TARGET | 7f96525080 | 0000 | 0000 | 00 | 0105 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 1440.0, 2560.0 |    0,    0, 1440, 2560 |    0,    0,    0,    0 | HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET

Ejemplo n.º 58
        static void onResume(ref JNIEnv env, jobject obj)
            // 1961

            ConsoleExtensions.trace("enter onResume, did we come back from the menu?");

Ejemplo n.º 59
 public static void onKeyEvent(JNIEnv env, jobject obj, int keyCode, int action)
     // 2094
     var message = default(VrCubeWorld.ovrMessage);
     message.ovrMessage_Init(MESSAGE.MESSAGE_ON_KEY_EVENT, VrCubeWorld.ovrMQWait.MQ_WAIT_NONE);
     message[0] = keyCode;
     message[1] = action;
     // ovrApp_HandleKeyEvent
     appThread.MessageQueue.ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage(ref message);