Ejemplo n.º 1
        static string sortIndex(this iTypeSerializer ser, MemberInfo mi, out bool indexDirectionPositive, out bool multi)
            IndexForColumn[] indices = ser.indicesFromColumn(mi);

            IndexForColumn found = null;

            foreach (var i in indices)
                if (0 != i.columnIndex)
                    continue;                           // For sorting, the column have to be the first on the index
                if (i.primary)
                    // Primary indices should be the best for performance
                    found = i;
                if (null == found)
                    found = i;
            if (null == found)
                throw new ArgumentException("No sort index found for the column {0}".formatWith(mi.Name));

            indexDirectionPositive = found.indexDirectionPositive;
            multi = mi.getColumnAttribute().isMultiValued;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static SearchQuery <tRow> queryWithParamsArray <tRow>(iTypeSerializer ser, LambdaExpression exp) where tRow : new()
            ConvertParamsToArray cpa     = new ConvertParamsToArray(exp.Parameters);
            Expression           newBody = cpa.Visit(exp.Body);

            return(queryImpl <tRow>(ser, newBody, cpa.pRecord, cpa.pArray, exp.Parameters.Count - 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static SearchQuery <tRow> fullTextQuery <tRow>(iTypeSerializer ser, ParameterExpression eRecord, ParameterExpression eArgument, Expression eLeft, Expression eRight, int argsCount) where tRow : new()
            HasParam hp = new HasParam(eRecord);

            bool leftParam = hp.hasParameter(eLeft);

            if (!leftParam)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Full-text queries must have column as the first argument");
            MemberInfo column = parseColumn(eRecord, eLeft);

            bool rightParam = hp.hasParameter(eRight);

            if (rightParam)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Full-text queries can't include column in the second argument");
            Func <object, object> arg = parseConstant(eArgument, eRight);

            IndexForColumn[] inds = ser.indicesFromColumn(column);
            IndexForColumn   ind  = inds.FirstOrDefault(i => i.columnIndex == 0 && i.attrib is Attributes.EseTupleIndexAttribute);

            if (null == ind)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to parse full-text search query: no suitable index found");

            string indName = ind.indexName;
            Action <Recordset <tRow>, object> act = (rs, a) => rs.filterFindSubstring(indName, arg(a));

            return(new SearchQuery <tRow>(act, argsCount, true));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static SearchQuery <tRow> query <tRow>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression <Func <tRow, bool> > exp) where tRow : new()
            ParameterExpression eRecord   = exp.Parameters[0];
            ParameterExpression eArgument = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "unused");

            return(queryImpl <tRow>(ser, exp.Body, eRecord, eArgument, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>Construct a detached cursor.</summary>
 /// <param name="session"></param>
 /// <param name="serializer"></param>
 /// <param name="idTable"></param>
 /// <param name="bReadonly"></param>
 protected EseCursorBase(iSerializerSession session, iTypeSerializer serializer, JET_TABLEID idTable, bool bReadonly)
     m_session    = session;
     m_serializer = serializer;
     m_idTable    = idTable;
     m_bOwnsTable = false;
     m_bReadOnly  = bReadonly;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected ImportExport(iSerializerSession _sess, JET_TABLEID _idTable, iTypeSerializer _serializer)
            sess       = _sess;
            idTable    = _idTable;
            serializer = _serializer as TypeSerializer;

            // Ensure the column IDs were lookup
            serializer.LookupColumnIDs(sess.idSession, idTable);
            schema = serializer.getColumnsSchema().ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Service(SessionPool sessionsPool)
            this.sessionPool = sessionsPool;

            using (var sess = sessionPool.GetSession())
                iTypeSerializer ser = sess.serializer.FindSerializerForType(typeof(Person));
                orderBySex  = Queries.sort <Person, Person.eSex>(ser, p => p.sex, false);
                filterBySex = Queries.filter(ser, (Person p, Person.eSex arg) => p.sex == arg);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void AddType(Type tRecord)
            iTypeSerializer ts = m_serializer.FindSerializerForType(tRecord);

            if (null == ts)
                ts = m_serializer.FindSerializerForType(tRecord);

            this.addType(ts as TypeSerializer, false);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // For mode then 1 parameter, see this:
        // http://stackoverflow.com/a/11160067/126995

        static SearchQuery <tRow> queryImpl <tRow>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression query, ParameterExpression eRecord, ParameterExpression eArgument, int nArguments) where tRow : new()
            // Full text search queries are handled differently: the only case where MethodCallExpression is allowed on the top level
            var mce = query as MethodCallExpression;

            if (null != mce && mce.Method == miStringContains)
                return(fullTextQuery <tRow>(ser, eRecord, eArgument, mce.Object, mce.Arguments[0], nArguments));

            expression[] experessions = parseQuery(eRecord, eArgument, query).ToArray();

            if (experessions.Length <= 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to parse query {0}".formatWith(query));

            HashSet <string> hsInds = null;

            foreach (var e in experessions)
                IEnumerable <string> indNames = e.indices.Select(ifc => ifc.indexName);
                if (null == hsInds)
                    hsInds = new HashSet <string>(indNames);
            if (hsInds.Count <= 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to parse query {0}: no single index covers all referenced columns".formatWith(query));

            bool multi = experessions.Any(e => e.multivalued);

            foreach (string i in hsInds)
                var res = tryIndex <tRow>(experessions, multi, i, nArguments);
                if (null != res)
            throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to parse query {0}: no suitable index found".formatWith(query));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void AddType(Type tRecord)
            if (isInTransaction)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Can't add serialized types from within a transaction.");                       // Because the DB engine will close tables when the transaction ends
            iTypeSerializer ts = m_serializer.FindSerializerForType(tRecord);

            if (null == ts)
                ts = m_serializer.FindSerializerForType(tRecord);

            this.addType(ts as TypeSerializer, false);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static SearchQuery <tRow> query <tRow, tArg1>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression <Func <tRow, tArg1, bool> > exp) where tRow : new()
            if (typeof(tArg1) == typeof(object))
                ParameterExpression eRecord   = exp.Parameters[0];
                ParameterExpression eArgument = exp.Parameters[1];
                return(queryImpl <tRow>(ser, exp.Body, eRecord, eArgument, 1));

            ParameterExpression r   = exp.Parameters[0];
            ParameterExpression arg = exp.Parameters[1];
            ConvertParamType    cpt = new ConvertParamType(arg);

            Expression <Func <tRow, object, bool> > inv = Expression.Lambda <Func <tRow, object, bool> >(cpt.Visit(exp.Body), r, cpt.newParam);

            return(query <tRow, object>(ser, inv));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>Compile query to sort the table by the index.</summary>
        public static SortQuery <tRow> sort <tRow, tKey>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression <Func <tRow, tKey> > exp, bool descending) where tRow : new()
            var me = exp.Body as MemberExpression;

            if (null == me)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Currently, orderBy[Descending] only supports ordering by a single column.");

            IndexForColumn[] indices = ser.indicesFromColumn(me.Member);

            bool indexDirectionPositive, multi;

            string ind = ser.sortIndex(me.Member, out indexDirectionPositive, out multi);

            bool shouldInvert = descending ^ (!indexDirectionPositive);

            return(new SortQuery <tRow>(r => r.filterSort(ind, shouldInvert), multi));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>Construct the cursor.</summary>
 public Cursor(iSerializerSession session, iTypeSerializer serializer, JET_TABLEID idTable, bool isReadOnly)
     : base(session, serializer, idTable, isReadOnly)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>Compile query to filter the table by index, where query has three parameter.</summary>
 public static SearchQuery <tRow> filter <tRow, tArg1, tArg2, tArg3>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression <Func <tRow, tArg1, tArg2, tArg3, bool> > exp) where tRow : new()
     return(FilterQuery.query(ser, exp));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>Look up the ESENT indices</summary>
 public void lookupIndices(iTypeSerializer ser)
     indices = ser.indicesFromColumn(column);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static SearchQuery <tRow> query <tRow, tArg1, tArg2, tArg3>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression <Func <tRow, tArg1, tArg2, tArg3, bool> > exp) where tRow : new()
     return(queryWithParamsArray <tRow>(ser, exp));