public FileStreamResult pdf(int Id)
            MemoryStream workStream = new MemoryStream();
            Document     document   = new Document();

            PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, workStream).CloseStream = false;


            Font font_heading_1 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 19, Font.BOLD);
            Font font_body      = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 9);

            // Create the heading paragraph with the headig font
            Paragraph paragraph;

            paragraph = new Paragraph("Hello world!", font_heading_1);

            // Add a horizontal line below the headig text and add it to the paragraph
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -6f;

            //document.Add(new Header("Technology","Technology Report"));
            //document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));
            //document.Add(new Paragraph(DateTime.Now.ToString()));


            byte[] byteInfo = workStream.ToArray();
            workStream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
            workStream.Position = 0;

            return(new FileStreamResult(workStream, "application/pdf"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Paragraph GetLineSeparator()
            Paragraph LineSeparator = new Paragraph("   ");

            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -4f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Este método cria um cabeçalho para o documento
        public override void OnStartPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document)
            // Cria um novo paragrafo com o texto do cabeçalho
            Paragraph ph = null;

            //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(10f, 30f);
            //rect.BorderColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY;
            //rect.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GREEN;
            //rect.BorderWidth = 2f;
            //rect.Chunks.Add(new Chunk("Exmo.(s) Sr.(s) "));
            //rect.Chunks.Add(new Chunk("SBDE, Lda. "));
            // adiciono a linha e posteriormente mais linhas que podem ser necessárias em um cabeçalho de relatório
            ph           = new Paragraph("Exmo.(s) Sr.(s) ", fonte);
            ph.Alignment = 2;
            ph           = new Paragraph("SBDE, Lda. ", fonte);
            ph.Alignment = 2;
            ph           = new Paragraph("Luanda", fonte);
            ph.Alignment = 2;

            // cria um novo paragrafo para imprimir um traço e uma linha em branco
            ph = new Paragraph();

            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator lineseparator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            lineseparator.LineColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY;
            // cria um objeto sepatador (um traço)
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = lineseparator;

            // adiciona o separador ao paragravo

            // adiciona a linha em branco(enter) ao paragrafo
            ph.Add(new Chunk("\n"));

            // imprime o pagagrafo no documento
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SaveDataGridViewToPDF(DataGridView Dv, string FilePath)
            string folderPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Relatório\\"; //"C:\\PDFs\\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))

            iTextSharp.text.Font     myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 15, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);
            iTextSharp.text.Document pdfDoc = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 10f, 0f);

            PdfWriter wri = PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, new FileStream(FilePath + "Extrato da conta.pdf", FileMode.Create));

            PdfPTable _mytable = new PdfPTable(Dv.ColumnCount - 4);

            float[] widths = new float[] { 2.1f, 5f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.5f };

            _mytable.WidthPercentage = 90;

            //_mytable.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;

            _mytable.DefaultCell.BorderColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.White);

            iTextSharp.text.Paragraph ph = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph("Extrato da conta ", myfont);
            ph.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

            myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);

            ph           = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph("Conta: " + cmbContas.Text, myfont);
            ph.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

            // adiciona a linha em branco(enter) ao paragrafo
            ph.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk("\n"));

            ph = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph("Período: " + dtDataIni.Text + " até " + dtDataFinal.Text, myfont);

            ph = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph("Dada de emissão: " + DateTime.Now, myfont);

            ph = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph();

            // cria um objeto sepatador (um traço)
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();

            // adiciona o separador ao paragravo

            // adiciona a linha em branco(enter) ao paragrafo
            ph.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk("\n"));

            // imprime o pagagrafo no documento
            // pdfDoc.Add(ph);

            ph.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk("\n"));


            myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);

            for (int j = 0; j < Dv.Columns.Count; ++j)
                if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "codigo" && Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "tipo" && Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "codigo_conta" && Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "valor")
                    iTextSharp.text.Phrase p = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText, myfont);
                    PdfPCell cell            = new PdfPCell(p);
                    cell.HorizontalAlignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                    cell.RunDirection        = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL;
                    cell.BorderWidth         = 0;

            myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);

            for (int i = 0; i < Dv.Rows.Count; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < Dv.Columns.Count; ++j)
                    if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "codigo" && Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "tipo" && Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "codigo_conta" && Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText != "valor")
                        iTextSharp.text.Phrase p = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase();// Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value == null ? null : Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString(), myfont);
                        PdfPCell cell            = new PdfPCell();

                        if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Saldo" || Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Saída/ Débito" || Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Entrada/Crédito")
                            myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);

                            if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Saída/ Débito")
                                myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.RED);
                            if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Entrada/Crédito")
                                myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLUE);
                            if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Saldo")
                                var saldo = Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value);
                                if (saldo < 0 && i == Dv.Rows.Count - 1)
                                    myfont = iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.RED);

                            p    = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value == null ? null : Convert.ToDecimal(Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString()).ToString("N2"), myfont);
                            cell = new PdfPCell(p);
                            cell.HorizontalAlignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

                            if (i == 0 || i == Dv.Rows.Count - 1)
                                cell.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.Silver);
                        if (Dv.Columns[j].HeaderText == "Data de lançamento" && Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j + 1].Value.ToString() == "SALDO ANTERIOR" || Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j + 1].Value.ToString() == "SALDO ATUAL CONTA")
                            p    = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value == null ? null : Convert.ToDateTime(Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), myfont);
                            cell = new PdfPCell(p);
                            cell.HorizontalAlignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                            if (i == 0 || i == Dv.Rows.Count - 1)
                                cell.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.Silver);
                            p    = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value == null ? null : Dv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString(), myfont);
                            cell = new PdfPCell(p);
                            cell.HorizontalAlignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                            if (i == 0 || i == Dv.Rows.Count - 1)
                                cell.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.Silver);

                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;

                        // _mytable.DefaultCell.BorderWidth = 0;

                        cell.RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Add text at the X Y position; multiple lines handled
        /// </summary>
        private void addText(float x, float y, float width, float height, string[] textLines,
            StyleInfo styleInfo, float[] textWidths, bool wrap, string url, bool noClip, string tooltip)
            RenderFont renderFont = RenderUtility.GetRenderFont(styleInfo);
            BaseFont baseFont = null;

            //convert the render font type to iTextSharp type
            int fontType = 0;
            switch (renderFont.Style)
                case RenderFont.FontStyle.Bold:
                    fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD;
                case RenderFont.FontStyle.Italic:
                    fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.ITALIC;
                case RenderFont.FontStyle.BoldItalic:
                    fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLDITALIC;
                    fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL;

            //get the index of the font name in the list font name
            int indexBaseFont = BaseFontNames.FindIndex(delegate(string _fontname) { return _fontname == renderFont.FaceName + "_" + fontType; });

            //if not found then add the new BaseFont
            if (indexBaseFont == -1)
                //create a new font or a with a new type
                baseFont = FontFactory.GetFont(renderFont.FaceName, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 0, fontType).BaseFont;

                //add the font face name and font to the lists
                BaseFontNames.Add(renderFont.FaceName + "_" + fontType);
                baseFont = BaseFonts[indexBaseFont];

            //text alignment
            int align = 0;

            //first position x and y and the leading (usefull for all kind of justified text)
            float firstStartX = -1;
            float firstStartY = -1;
            float leading = -1;

            //chunks of text
            List<Chunk> chunks = new List<Chunk>();

            //loop thru the lines of text
            for (int i = 0; i < textLines.Length; i++)
                string text = textLines[i];
                float textwidth = textWidths[i];

                float startX = x + styleInfo.PaddingLeft;						    // TODO: handle tb_rl
                float startY = y + styleInfo.PaddingTop + (i * styleInfo.FontSize);	// TODO: handle tb_rl

                if (styleInfo.WritingMode == WritingModeEnum.lr_tb)
                    //calculate the x position
                    switch (styleInfo.TextAlign)
                        case TextAlignEnum.Center:
                            if (width > 0)
                                startX = x + styleInfo.PaddingLeft + (width - styleInfo.PaddingLeft - styleInfo.PaddingRight) / 2 - textwidth / 2;
                                align = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                        case TextAlignEnum.Right:
                            if (width > 0)
                                startX = x + width - textwidth - styleInfo.PaddingRight - 2;
                                align = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                        case TextAlignEnum.Justified:
                        case TextAlignEnum.JustifiedLine:
                        case TextAlignEnum.JustifiedDottedLine:
                            if (width > 0)
                                startX += 2;
                                align = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED;

                        case TextAlignEnum.Left:
                            if (width > 0)
                                startX += 2;
                            align = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

                    //calculate the y position
                    switch (styleInfo.VerticalAlign)
                        case VerticalAlignEnum.Middle:
                            if (height <= 0)

                            //calculate the middle of the region
                            startY = y + styleInfo.PaddingTop + (height - styleInfo.PaddingTop - styleInfo.PaddingBottom) / 2 - styleInfo.FontSize / 2;

                            //now go up or down depending on which line
                            if (textLines.Length == 1)

                            //even number
                            if (textLines.Length % 2 == 0)
                                startY = startY - ((textLines.Length / 2 - i) * styleInfo.FontSize) + styleInfo.FontSize / 2;
                                startY = startY - ((textLines.Length / 2 - i) * styleInfo.FontSize);

                        case VerticalAlignEnum.Bottom:
                            if (height <= 0)

                            startY = y + height - styleInfo.PaddingBottom - (styleInfo.FontSize * (textLines.Length - i));

                        case VerticalAlignEnum.Top:
                    //move x in a little - it draws to close to the edge of the rectangle (25% of the font size seems to work!) and Center or right align vertical text
                    startX += styleInfo.FontSize / 4;

                    switch (styleInfo.TextAlign)
                        case TextAlignEnum.Center:
                            if (height > 0)
                                startY = y + styleInfo.PaddingLeft + (height - styleInfo.PaddingLeft - styleInfo.PaddingRight) / 2 - textwidth / 2;

                        case TextAlignEnum.Right:
                            if (width > 0)
                                startY = y + height - textwidth - styleInfo.PaddingRight;

                        case TextAlignEnum.Left:

                //mark the first x position for justify text
                if (firstStartX == -1)
                    firstStartX = startX;

                //mark the first y position for justify text
                if (firstStartY == -1)
                    firstStartY = startY;

                //mark the first leading height for justify text
                else if (leading == -1)
                    leading = startY - firstStartY;

                //draw background rectangle if needed (only put out on the first line, since we do whole rectangle)
                if (!styleInfo.BackgroundColor.IsEmpty && height > 0 && width > 0 && i == 0)
                    addFillRectangle(x, y, width, height, styleInfo.BackgroundColor);

                //set the clipping path, (Itext have no clip)
                if (height > 0 && width > 0)
                    pdfContent.SetRGBColorFill(styleInfo.Color.R, styleInfo.Color.G, styleInfo.Color.B);

                    if (align == Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED)
                        chunks.Add(new Chunk(text));
                        if (styleInfo.WritingMode == WritingModeEnum.lr_tb)
                            //if textline after measure with word break can fit just simple show Text
                            if (width >= textwidth)
                                pdfContent.SetFontAndSize(baseFont, styleInfo.FontSize);
                                //same fonts dont have nativelly bold so we could simulate that
                                if (renderFont.SimulateBold)
                                pdfContent.SetTextMatrix(startX, pageHeight - startY - styleInfo.FontSize);
                                //else use Column text to wrap or clip (wrap: for example a text like an URL so word break is not working here
                                //itextsharp ColumnText do the work for us)
                                ColumnText columnText = new ColumnText(pdfContent);
                                columnText.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase(text, new iTextSharp.text.Font(baseFont, styleInfo.FontSize)),
                                    x + styleInfo.PaddingLeft, pageHeight - startY, x + width - styleInfo.PaddingRight,
                                    pageHeight - y - styleInfo.PaddingBottom - height, 10f, align);
                            //not checked
                            double rads = -283.0 / 180.0;
                            double radsCos = Math.Cos(rads);
                            double radsSin = Math.Sin(rads);
                            pdfContent.SetFontAndSize(baseFont, styleInfo.FontSize);
                            pdfContent.SetTextMatrix((float)radsCos, (float)radsSin, (float)-radsSin, (float)radsCos, startX, pageHeight - startY);

                    //add URL
                    if (url != null)
                        document.Add(new Annotation(x, pageHeight - y, height, width, url));

                    //add tooltip
                    if (tooltip != null)
                        document.Add(new Annotation(x, pageHeight - y, height, width, tooltip));

                //handle underlining etc ...
                float maxX;
                switch (styleInfo.TextDecoration)
                    case TextDecorationEnum.Underline:
                        maxX = width > 0 ? Math.Min(x + width, startX + textwidth) : startX + textwidth;
                        addLine(startX, startY + styleInfo.FontSize + 1, maxX, startY + styleInfo.FontSize + 1, 1, styleInfo.Color, BorderStyleEnum.Solid);

                    case TextDecorationEnum.LineThrough:
                        maxX = width > 0 ? Math.Min(x + width, startX + textwidth) : startX + textwidth;
                        addLine(startX, startY + (styleInfo.FontSize / 2) + 1, maxX, startY + (styleInfo.FontSize / 2) + 1, 1, styleInfo.Color, BorderStyleEnum.Solid);

                    case TextDecorationEnum.Overline:
                        maxX = width > 0 ? Math.Min(x + width, startX + textwidth) : startX + textwidth;
                        addLine(startX, startY + 1, maxX, startY + 1, 1, styleInfo.Color, BorderStyleEnum.Solid);

                    case TextDecorationEnum.None:

            //add text to justify
            if (chunks.Count > 0)
                Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
                paragraph.Alignment = align;
                paragraph.Leading = leading;
                paragraph.Font = new iTextSharp.text.Font(baseFont, styleInfo.FontSize);

                //join all text (is necessary to justify alignment)
                foreach (Chunk chunk in chunks)

                //add separator for kind of justified alignments
                if (styleInfo.TextAlign == TextAlignEnum.JustifiedLine)
                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator lineSeparator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
                    lineSeparator.Offset = 3f;
                    lineSeparator.LineColor = new BaseColor(styleInfo.Color);
                    paragraph.Add(new Chunk(lineSeparator));
                else if (styleInfo.TextAlign == TextAlignEnum.JustifiedDottedLine)
                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.DottedLineSeparator dottedLineSeparator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.DottedLineSeparator();
                    dottedLineSeparator.Offset = 3f;
                    dottedLineSeparator.LineColor = new BaseColor(styleInfo.Color);
                    paragraph.Add(new Chunk(dottedLineSeparator));

                ColumnText columnText = new ColumnText(pdfContent);
                //start from the top of the column
                columnText.UseAscender = true;
                //width, y position from the bottom page (compensate 2 units), x position, 0
                columnText.SetSimpleColumn(firstStartX, pageHeight - firstStartY - 2, firstStartX + width - styleInfo.PaddingRight, 0);

            //add any required border
            addBorder(styleInfo, x, y, width, height);
        public byte[] GeneratePDF(int?ReservationID)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

            iTextSharp.text.Document document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A5, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, memoryStream);


            int     ID          = int.Parse(Session["bookID"].ToString());
            Student roomBooking = new Student();

            roomBooking = db.students.Find(ID);

            //var tenant1 = db.Tenants.Find(roomBooking.TenantId);

            //var reservation = _iReservationService.Get(Convert.ToInt64(ReservationID));
            //var user = _iUserService.Get(reservation.UserID);

            iTextSharp.text.Font font_heading_3 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.Color.RED);
            iTextSharp.text.Font font_body      = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, iTextSharp.text.Color.BLUE);

            // Create the heading paragraph with the headig font
            PdfPTable table1 = new PdfPTable(1);
            PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(5);
            PdfPTable table3 = new PdfPTable(1);

            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -6f;
            // Remove table cell
            table1.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            table3.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;

            table1.WidthPercentage = 80;
            table1.SetWidths(new float[] { 100 });
            table2.WidthPercentage = 80;
            table3.SetWidths(new float[] { 100 });
            table3.WidthPercentage = 80;

            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(""));

            cell.Colspan = 3;
                "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" +
                "New Erra \n" +
                "Email :[email protected]" + "\n" +
                "\n" + "\n");
            table1.AddCell("            Student Details                        ");
            table1.AddCell("\nClass Name : \t" + roomBooking.StudentGrade);
            table1.AddCell("Full Name : \t" + roomBooking.StudentName);
            table1.AddCell("Last Name : \t" + roomBooking.StudentSurname);
            table1.AddCell("Gender : \t" + roomBooking.StudentGender);
            table1.AddCell("Address : \t" + roomBooking.StudentAddress);
            table1.AddCell("Student Town : \t" + roomBooking.StudentTown);
            table1.AddCell("Student Contact : \t" + roomBooking.StudentContact);
            table1.AddCell("Student Email : \t" + roomBooking.StudentEmail);

            table1.AddCell("\n           School details  \n");

            table1.AddCell("\nStudentGrade : \t" + roomBooking.StudentGrade);


            //table3.AddCell("------------Looking forward to hear from you soon-");

            //////Intergrate information into 1 document
            //var qrCode = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(reservation.QrCodeImage);
            //qrCode.ScaleToFit(200, 200);

            byte[] bytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public byte[] GeneratePDF(int BookingID)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            Document     document     = new Document(PageSize.A5, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            PdfWriter    writer       = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, memoryStream);


            RoomBooking roomBooking = new RoomBooking();

            roomBooking = db.RoomBookings.Find(BookingID);
            var userName = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            var guest    = db.guests.Where(x => x.Email == userName).FirstOrDefault();

            iTextSharp.text.Font font_heading_3 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.RED);
            iTextSharp.text.Font font_body      = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLUE);

            // Create the heading paragraph with the headig font
            PdfPTable table1 = new PdfPTable(1);
            PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(5);
            PdfPTable table3 = new PdfPTable(1);

            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -6f;
            // Remove table cell
            table1.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            table3.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;

            table1.WidthPercentage = 80;
            table1.SetWidths(new float[] { 100 });
            table2.WidthPercentage = 80;
            table3.SetWidths(new float[] { 100 });
            table3.WidthPercentage = 80;

            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(""));

            cell.Colspan = 3;
                "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" +
                "Homelink \n" +
                "Email :[email protected]" + "\n" +
                "\n" + "\n");
            table1.AddCell("------------Your Details--------------!");

            table1.AddCell("Full Name : \t" + guest.FullName);
            table1.AddCell("Last Name : \t" + guest.LastName);
            table1.AddCell("Email : \t" + guest.Email);
            table1.AddCell("Phone Number : \t" + guest.Phone);
            table1.AddCell("Gender : \t" + guest.Gender);
            table1.AddCell("Address : \t" + guest.Address);

            table1.AddCell("\n------------Booking details--------------!\n");

            table1.AddCell("Booking # : \t" + roomBooking.RoomBookingId);
            table1.AddCell("Room Type : \t" + roomBooking.RoomType);
            table1.AddCell("Room Price Per Night: \t" + roomBooking.RoomPrice.ToString("C"));
            table1.AddCell("Arrival date : \t" + roomBooking.CheckInDate);
            table1.AddCell("Departure date : \t" + roomBooking.CheckOutDate);
            table1.AddCell("Number Of days : \t" + roomBooking.NumberOfDays);
            table1.AddCell("Number Of People : \t" + roomBooking.NumberOfPeople);
            table1.AddCell("Total Room Cost: \t" + roomBooking.Total.ToString("C"));


            table3.AddCell("------------Looking forward to hear from you soon--------------!");

            //////Intergrate information into 1 document
            //var qrCode = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(reservation.QrCodeImage);
            //qrCode.ScaleToFit(200, 200);

            byte[] bytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Print orders to PDF
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream</param>
        /// <param name="orders">Orders</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier; 0 to use a language used when placing an order</param>
        public virtual void PrintOrdersToPdf(Stream stream, PhoiVe _phoive, int languageId = 0)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

            if (_phoive == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Không có vé");
            //get thong tin nguon ve
            var order = _orderService.GetOrderById(_phoive.OrderId);

            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Không có đơn hàng");
            var nguonvexe = _hanhtrinhService.GetNguonVeXeById(_phoive.NguonVeXeId);

            if (nguonvexe.ParentId > 0)
                nguonvexe = _hanhtrinhService.GetNguonVeXeById(_phoive.NguonVeXeConId);
            //get thong tin nha xe
            var nhaxe = _nhaxeService.GetNhaXeById(nguonvexe.NhaXeId);

            var diachi = _diachiService.GetById(nhaxe.DiaChiID);
            //get thong tin xe xuan ben
            var xexuatbenInfo = _nhaxeService.GetHistoryXeXuatBenByNguonVeId(nguonvexe.Id, _phoive.NgayDi);
            var TenXe         = "";
            var BienSo        = "";

            if (xexuatbenInfo != null)
                var xeInfo = _xeinfoService.GetXeInfoById(xexuatbenInfo.XeVanChuyenId.GetValueOrDefault(0));
                TenXe  = xeInfo.TenXe;
                BienSo = xeInfo.BienSo;

            var logoPicture = _pictureService.GetPictureById(nhaxe.LogoID);
            var logoExists  = logoPicture != null;
            var doc         = new Document();
            var pdfWriter   = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, stream);

            var titleFont = GetFont();

            titleFont.Size = BaseFont.SUPERSCRIPT_SIZE;
            //font ten nha xe
            var TenNhaXe = GetFont();


            //font thong tin
            var InfoFont = GetFont();

            InfoFont.Size = 14;
            var font = GetFont();

            font.Size = 13;

            var pdfSettingsByStore = _settingContext.LoadSetting <PdfSettings>(order.StoreId);
            var lang = _workContext.WorkingLanguage;

            float[] widths     = { 3, 7 };
            var     HeaderVeIn = new PdfPTable(widths);

            HeaderVeIn.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;

            if (logoExists)
                var logoFilePath = _pictureService.GetThumbLocalPath(logoPicture, 0, false);
                var logo         = Image.GetInstance(logoFilePath);
                logo.ScaleToFit(200, 100);

                PdfPCell CellLeft = new PdfPCell(logo);
                CellLeft.Border      = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
                CellLeft.FixedHeight = 80f;
            PdfPCell CellRight = new PdfPCell();

            CellRight.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            var ParaTenNhaXe = new Paragraph(string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.TenNhaXe", lang.Id),
                                                           nhaxe.TenNhaXe), font);

            ParaTenNhaXe.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            var ParaDiaChi = new Paragraph(string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.DiaChiNhXe", lang.Id),
                                                         diachi.DiaChi1 + " " + diachi.DiaChi2), font);

            ParaDiaChi.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            var ParaSdt = new Paragraph(string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.SDTNhaXe", lang.Id),
                                                      nhaxe.DienThoai), font);

            ParaSdt.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(""));
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(""));
            //add line
            var line = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator(0, 100, BaseColor.GRAY, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 1);

            doc.Add(new Chunk(line));
            Paragraph vexekhach = new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.VeXeKhach", lang.Id), titleFont);

            vexekhach.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(""));
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(""));
            var Table1 = new PdfPTable(2);

            float[] widthTable1 = new float[] { 1f, 2f };
            Table1.RunDirection       = GetDirection(lang);
            Table1.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            Table1.AddCell(new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.Tuyen", lang.Id), font));
            Table1.AddCell(new Paragraph(nguonvexe.TenDiemDon + " -- " + nguonvexe.TenDiemDen, InfoFont));
            Table1.AddCell(new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.GiaVe", lang.Id), font));
            Table1.AddCell(new Paragraph(nguonvexe.LichTrinhInfo.GiaVeToanTuyen.ToString() + " VNĐ", InfoFont));
            //add ghe,xe
            var Table2 = new PdfPTable(4);

            float[] widthTable2 = new float[] { 1f, 2f, 1f, 2f };
            Table2.RunDirection       = GetDirection(lang);
            Table2.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            Table2.AddCell(new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.SoXe", lang.Id), font));
            Table2.AddCell(new Paragraph(TenXe + "/" + BienSo, InfoFont));
            Table2.AddCell(new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.SoGhe", lang.Id), font));
            Table2.AddCell(new Paragraph(_phoive.sodoghexequytac.Val + " ( Tầng" + _phoive.sodoghexequytac.Tang + ")", InfoFont));
            //add thoi gian khoi hanh
            var Table3 = new PdfPTable(4);

            float[] widthTable3 = new float[] { 2f, 1f, 1f, 2f };
            Table3.RunDirection       = GetDirection(lang);
            Table3.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            Table3.AddCell(new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.ThoiGianDi", lang.Id), font));
            Table3.AddCell(new Paragraph(nguonvexe.ThoiGianDi.ToString("HH:mm"), InfoFont));
            Table3.AddCell(new Paragraph(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFInvoice.NgayDi", lang.Id), font));
            Table3.AddCell(new Paragraph(_phoive.NgayDi.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), InfoFont));
            //add footer
            var FooterNgayBan = new Paragraph("Ngày " + DateTime.Now.Day + " tháng " + DateTime.Now.Month + " năm " + DateTime.Now.Year, font);

            FooterNgayBan.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            var FooterNguoiBanTitle = new Paragraph("Người bán vé", font);

            FooterNguoiBanTitle.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            var firtname          = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetAttribute <string>(SystemCustomerAttributeNames.FirstName);
            var lastname          = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetAttribute <string>(SystemCustomerAttributeNames.LastName);
            var FooterTenNguoiBan = new Paragraph(firtname + " " + lastname, font);

            FooterTenNguoiBan.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            var Table4 = new PdfPTable(1);

            Table4.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            PdfPCell CellFooter = new PdfPCell();

            CellFooter.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(" "));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void ExportReport(iTextSharp.text.Document doc, DataTable dt)
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator line = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator(2f, 100f, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK, iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, -1);
            iTextSharp.text.Chunk linebreak             = new iTextSharp.text.Chunk(line);
            iTextSharp.text.Font  black = new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 9f, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);
            var logo = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph()
                Alignment = 0

            logo.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk("Tachyon", new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 36, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK)));
            logo.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk("FIX", new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 36, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(26, 188, 156))));
            doc.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk(line));
            doc.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk(ConcatStrings("Log List", DateTime.Now.ToString()), new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 9f, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK)))
                Alignment = 0

            doc.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk(" ", new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 9f, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK)))
                Alignment = 0

            doc.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph(" "));

            var bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\arial.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, true);

            iTextSharp.text.Font NormalFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);
            iTextSharp.text.Font TFont      = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.GREEN);
            iTextSharp.text.Font XFont      = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.RED);

            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(dt.Columns.Count)
                WidthPercentage = 100

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                table.AddCell(new PdfPCell()
                    Phrase = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName), BackgroundColor = iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.GRAY

            //table.SetWidths(new float[] { 3, 25, 25, 8 });

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                ReportProgress((i / (double)dt.Rows.Count) * 100, "Exporting Rows...");
                DataRow GridRow = dt.Rows[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                    table.AddCell(new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(GridRow.ItemArray[j].ToString(), NormalFont));

        //public ActionResult Index(string levelString, string session, string arm, string DateFrom, string DateTo, string ApprovedString, string searchString, string SexString, string LevelString, string StudentIDString, int? page
        //    , string paidschoolfess, string term, bool? printQuery)
        public ActionResult Index(string levelString, string session, string arm, string DateFrom, string DateTo, string ApprovedString, string searchString, string SexString, string LevelString, string StudentIDString, int?page
                                  , string paidschoolfess, string term)
            bool?thePrintQuery = null;

            //  thePrintQuery = printQuery;
            if (User.IsInRole("Parent"))
                List <TermRegistration> studentList = new List <TermRegistration>();
                int    theParentUserName            = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                Parent theParent = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theParentUserName).First();

                List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStudents = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.ParentID == theParent.ParentID).ToList();

                int counter = 0;
                foreach (PrimarySchoolStudent s in theStudents)
                    if (counter == 0)
                        theParent.StudentIDOne = Convert.ToString(s.UserID);
                    if (counter == 1)
                        theParent.StudentIDTwo = Convert.ToString(s.UserID);

                    if (counter == 2)
                        theParent.StudentIDThree = Convert.ToString(s.UserID);
                    if (counter == 3)
                        theParent.StudentIDFour = Convert.ToString(s.UserID);
                    if (counter == 4)
                        theParent.StudentIDFive = Convert.ToString(s.UserID);
                    counter = counter + 1;

                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDOne)))
                    int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDOne);
                    //List<TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID && a.Term == term && a.Session == session).ToList();
                    List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList();
                    if (theList.Count > 0)
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDTwo)))
                    int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDTwo);
                    List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList();
                    if (theList.Count > 0)
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDThree)))
                    int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDThree);
                    List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList();
                    if (theList.Count > 0)

                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDFour)))
                    int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDFour);
                    List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList();
                    if (theList.Count > 0)

                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDFive)))
                    int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDFive);
                    List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList();
                    if (theList.Count > 0)

                List <SelectListItem> theItem = new List <SelectListItem>();
                theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = "None", Value = ""

                foreach (var level in studentList)
                    theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Text = level.StudentID.ToString(), Value = level.StudentID.ToString()

                ViewData["studentIds"] = theItem;
                //  students = studentList;

            if (term == "First")
                ViewBag.Term = "1";
            if (term == "Second")
                ViewBag.Term = "2";

            if (term == "Third")
                ViewBag.Term = "3";

            decimal totalAmount = 0;

            if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                // searchString = currentFilter;
                page = 1;
            ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString;

            var students = from s in work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Term == term)
                           select s;

            // var students = from s in work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get()
            //               select s;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(term))
                // students = from s in work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get()
                // select s;
                students = students.Where(s => s.Term.Equals(term));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session))
                students = students.Where(s => s.Session.Equals(session));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LevelString))
                students = students.Where(s => s.Level == LevelString);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentIDString))
                int theID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDString);
                students = students.Where(s => s.StudentID == theID);

            int pageSize   = 50;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paidschoolfess))
                if (paidschoolfess == "Owing")
                    var payments = from s in work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get()
                                   select s;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(term))
                        payments = payments.Where(s => s.Term.Equals(term));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session))
                        payments = payments.Where(s => s.Session.Equals(session));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LevelString))
                        payments = payments.Where(s => s.Level == LevelString);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentIDString))
                        int theID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDString);
                        payments = payments.Where(s => s.StudentID == theID);

                    // payments = payments.Where(a => a.Owing > 0).OrderBy(a => a.StudentID);//.OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid);
                    TermRegistration theStudentWhoRegistered = new TermRegistration();

                    List <TermRegistration> theOwingStudents = new List <TermRegistration>();
                    List <SchoolFeePayment> theRegisteredSchoolFeePyament = new List <SchoolFeePayment>();

                    SchoolFeePayment thePayment = new SchoolFeePayment();
                    TermRegistration tR         = new TermRegistration();
                    SchoolFeePayment sF         = new SchoolFeePayment();

                    List <TermRegistration> theRegisteredStudents = new List <TermRegistration>();

                    theRegisteredStudents = students.ToList();

                    foreach (TermRegistration t in theRegisteredStudents)
                        List <SchoolFeePayment> thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList();
                        if (thisGuyPayment.Count() > 0)
                            SchoolFeePayment theCurrentPayment = thisGuyPayment[0];
                            if (theCurrentPayment.Owing > 0)
                                totalAmount += theCurrentPayment.Owing;
                                theOwingStudents.Add(new TermRegistration {
                                    DateRegistered = t.DateRegistered, Owing = t.Owing, TermRegistrationID = t.TermRegistrationID, Register = t.Register, Sex = t.Sex, LastName = t.LastName, FirstName = t.FirstName, SchoolFeesKind = theCurrentPayment.TheSchoolFeesType, Cost = theCurrentPayment.Cost, Level = theCurrentPayment.Level, Session = theCurrentPayment.Session, Term = theCurrentPayment.Term, StudentID = theCurrentPayment.StudentID,

                    students = theOwingStudents;
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(paidschoolfess) == true)
                        List <SchoolFeePayment> listOfPayments = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get().Where(a => a.Owing <= 0).OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid).ToList();
                        List <TermRegistration> theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid = new List <TermRegistration>();
                        foreach (TermRegistration r in students)
                            foreach (SchoolFeePayment l in listOfPayments)
                                if (r.StudentID == l.StudentID)
                                    totalAmount += l.Cost;
                            // if(s.StudentID ==)theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid
                        students = theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid;
                        List <TermRegistration> theNeverPaidStuddentStudents = new List <TermRegistration>();
                        List <TermRegistration> theRegisteredStudents        = new List <TermRegistration>();

                        theRegisteredStudents = students.ToList();
                        theRegisteredStudents = students.ToList();

                        foreach (TermRegistration t in theRegisteredStudents)
                            List <SchoolFeePayment> thisGuyPayment = new List <SchoolFeePayment>();
                            //   List<SchoolFeePayment> thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(session))
                                thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList();

                            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(session)))
                                thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Session == session && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList();

                            if (thisGuyPayment.Count() == 0)
                                totalAmount += t.Cost;
                                theNeverPaidStuddentStudents.Add(new TermRegistration {
                                    LastName = t.LastName, FirstName = t.FirstName, SchoolFeesKind = t.SchoolFeesKind, Cost = t.Cost, Level = t.Level, Session = t.Session, Term = t.Term, StudentID = t.StudentID
                        students = theNeverPaidStuddentStudents;

            if (User.IsInRole("Parent"))
                //ViewBag.Term = "1";
                int    theParentUserName = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                Parent theParent         = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theParentUserName).First();

                List <TermRegistration> studentList = new List <TermRegistration>();

                int theStudentID = 0;
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentIDString)))
                    theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDString);
                List <TermRegistration> theList = new List <TermRegistration>();
                theList  = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID && a.Term == term && a.Session == session && a.Level == LevelString).ToList();
                students = theList;

            if (User.IsInRole("Student"))
                //  ViewBag.Term = "1";
                int theStudentUserName = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStudent = new List <PrimarySchoolStudent>();
                List <TermRegistration>     theList    = new List <TermRegistration>();
                theStudent = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theStudentUserName).ToList();

                //  List<TermRegistration> studentList = new List<TermRegistration>();
                if ((theStudent.Count > 0))
                    int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theStudent[0].UserID);
                    theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID && a.Level == LevelString && a.Term == term && a.Session == session).ToList();
                    //if (theList.Count > 0)
                    //   theList.Add(theList[0]);
                    //  }
                students = theList;

            if (thePrintQuery != null && students.Count() > 0)
                thePrintQuery = null;
                StringWriter oStringWriter1 = new StringWriter();
                Document     itextDoc       = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
                Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                PrintResult print = new PrintResult();
                // Set up the document and the MS to write it to and create the PDF writer instance
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                //Document document = new Document(PageSize.A3.Rotate());
                Document  document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
                PdfWriter writer   = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);

                // Open the PDF document

                Document thedoc = new SchoolFeesPrinting().FeesPrinting(students.ToList(), ref oStringWriter1, ref document);
                iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
                seperator.Offset = -6f;


                // Hat tip to David for his code on stackoverflow for this bit
                byte[]       file   = ms.ToArray();
                MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
                output.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
                output.Position = 0;

                HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=SchoolFees.pdf");
                return(new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf")); //new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf");

                // return View(new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf"));

            ViewBag.TotalAmount = totalAmount;
            ViewBag.Count       = students.Count();
            return(View(students.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
            // }
            // else
            // {
            //   return View("Index3", students.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));
            // }
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Add text at the X Y position; multiple lines handled
        /// </summary>
        private void addText(float x, float y, float width, float height, string[] textLines,
                             StyleInfo styleInfo, float[] textWidths, bool wrap, string url, bool noClip, string tooltip)
            RenderFont renderFont = RenderUtility.GetRenderFont(styleInfo);
            BaseFont   baseFont   = null;

            //convert the render font type to iTextSharp type
            int fontType = 0;

            switch (renderFont.Style)
            case RenderFont.FontStyle.Bold:
                fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD;

            case RenderFont.FontStyle.Italic:
                fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.ITALIC;

            case RenderFont.FontStyle.BoldItalic:
                fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLDITALIC;

                fontType = iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL;

            //get the index of the font name in the list font name
            int indexBaseFont = BaseFontNames.FindIndex(delegate(string _fontname) { return(_fontname == renderFont.FaceName + "_" + fontType); });

            //if not found then add the new BaseFont
            if (indexBaseFont == -1)
                //create a new font or a with a new type
                baseFont = FontFactory.GetFont(renderFont.FaceName, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 0, fontType).BaseFont;

                //add the font face name and font to the lists
                BaseFontNames.Add(renderFont.FaceName + "_" + fontType);
                baseFont = BaseFonts[indexBaseFont];

            //text alignment
            int align = 0;

            //first position x and y and the leading (usefull for all kind of justified text)
            float firstStartX = -1;
            float firstStartY = -1;
            float leading     = -1;

            //chunks of text
            List <Chunk> chunks = new List <Chunk>();

            //loop thru the lines of text
            for (int i = 0; i < textLines.Length; i++)
                string text      = textLines[i];
                float  textwidth = textWidths[i];

                float startX = x + styleInfo.PaddingLeft;                               // TODO: handle tb_rl
                float startY = y + styleInfo.PaddingTop + (i * styleInfo.FontSize);     // TODO: handle tb_rl

                if (styleInfo.WritingMode == WritingModeEnum.lr_tb)
                    //calculate the x position
                    switch (styleInfo.TextAlign)
                    case TextAlignEnum.Center:
                        if (width > 0)
                            startX = x + styleInfo.PaddingLeft + (width - styleInfo.PaddingLeft - styleInfo.PaddingRight) / 2 - textwidth / 2;
                            align  = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                    case TextAlignEnum.Right:
                        if (width > 0)
                            startX = x + width - textwidth - styleInfo.PaddingRight - 2;
                            align  = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                    case TextAlignEnum.Justified:
                    case TextAlignEnum.JustifiedLine:
                    case TextAlignEnum.JustifiedDottedLine:
                        if (width > 0)
                            startX += 2;
                            align   = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED;

                    case TextAlignEnum.Left:
                        if (width > 0)
                            startX += 2;
                        align = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

                    //calculate the y position
                    switch (styleInfo.VerticalAlign)
                    case VerticalAlignEnum.Middle:
                        if (height <= 0)

                        //calculate the middle of the region
                        startY = y + styleInfo.PaddingTop + (height - styleInfo.PaddingTop - styleInfo.PaddingBottom) / 2 - styleInfo.FontSize / 2;

                        //now go up or down depending on which line
                        if (textLines.Length == 1)

                        //even number
                        if (textLines.Length % 2 == 0)
                            startY = startY - ((textLines.Length / 2 - i) * styleInfo.FontSize) + styleInfo.FontSize / 2;
                            startY = startY - ((textLines.Length / 2 - i) * styleInfo.FontSize);

                    case VerticalAlignEnum.Bottom:
                        if (height <= 0)

                        startY = y + height - styleInfo.PaddingBottom - (styleInfo.FontSize * (textLines.Length - i));

                    case VerticalAlignEnum.Top:
                    //move x in a little - it draws to close to the edge of the rectangle (25% of the font size seems to work!) and Center or right align vertical text
                    startX += styleInfo.FontSize / 4;

                    switch (styleInfo.TextAlign)
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                                //itextsharp ColumnText do the work for us)
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            addBorder(styleInfo, x, y, width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public FileStreamResult printBidForm(string BidId)
            var preBidDetails = HomeDal.getPreBidFormByBid(BidId);
            // Set up the document and the MS to write it to and create the PDF writer instance
            MemoryStream ms       = new MemoryStream();
            Document     document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
            PdfWriter    writer   = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);

            // Open the PDF document

            // Set up fonts used in the document
            var LightBlue = new BaseColor(14, 45, 76);
            var grey      = new BaseColor(119, 119, 119);

            iTextSharp.text.Font font_heading_1 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 17, LightBlue);
            iTextSharp.text.Font font_body      = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, LightBlue);
            iTextSharp.text.Font font_body_bold = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 12, LightBlue);
            iTextSharp.text.Font spanBold       = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 12, grey);
            iTextSharp.text.Font spanNormal     = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 11, grey);

            preBidDetails.JobNumber = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(preBidDetails.JobNumber) ? BusinessConstants.NA : preBidDetails.JobNumber);
            // Create the heading paragraph with the headig font
            Paragraph header;

            header = new Paragraph("Pre-Bid [" + Convert.ToString(Session["CommID"]) + (preBidDetails.PRJID) + "] Bid Item #" + BidId, font_heading_1);
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -4f;

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            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Form Type:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(preBidDetails.FormType, spanNormal));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase());
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase());

            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("JobNumber:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(preBidDetails.JobNumber, spanNormal));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Job Name:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(preBidDetails.JobName, spanNormal));

            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("BI Number:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToString(preBidDetails.BINumber), spanNormal));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("BI Name:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(preBidDetails.BIName, spanNormal));

            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Sales Person:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToString(preBidDetails.SalesPerson), spanNormal));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Company:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(preBidDetails.Company, spanNormal));

            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Fence Type:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToString(preBidDetails.FenceType), spanNormal));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Rate Type:", spanBold));
            HeaderTable.AddCell(new Phrase(preBidDetails.RateType, spanNormal));
            HeaderTable.TotalWidth = 100;

            if (preBidDetails.PreTaxSoldFor < preBidDetails.SuggestdSoldFor)
                Paragraph            alertData;
                iTextSharp.text.Font redFont = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, new BaseColor(255, 0, 0));
                string data = "Pre-Tax Sold For " + String.Format("{0:C}", preBidDetails.PreTaxSoldFor) + " is quoted less than Suggested Price " + String.Format("{0:C}", preBidDetails.SuggestdSoldFor);
                alertData = new Paragraph(data, redFont);

            var SectionTable = new PdfPTable(4);

            SectionTable.HorizontalAlignment = 0;
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            SectionTable.SpacingAfter        = 5;
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            SectionTable.SetWidths(new int[] { 7, 4, 4, 4 });
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Material Cost:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.Material, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Material Handling Charge:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.MaterialHandling, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Concrete:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.Concrete, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Material Total:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.MaterialTotal, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.MaterialCOSPercent, spanNormal, true));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Onsite Labor:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.OnsiteLabor, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Load Labor:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.LoadLabor, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Drive Labor:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.DriveLabor, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Supervisor:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.Supervisor, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Labor Reserve:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.LaborReserve, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Labor Total:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.LaborTotal, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.LaborCOSPercent, spanNormal, true));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Other Charges:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.OtherCharges, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Other Charges Markup:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.OtherChargesMarkup, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Other Charges Total:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.OtherChargesTotal, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.OtherCOSPercent, spanNormal, true));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Equipment Cost:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.EquipmentCost, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.EquipmentCOSPercent, spanNormal, true));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Benefits:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.Benefits, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Retirement:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.Retirement, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Payroll Tax:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.PayrollTax, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Workers Comp:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.WorkersComp, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Indirect Total:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.IndirectTotal, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.IndirectCOSPercent, spanNormal, true));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Job Cost:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.JobCost, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Job Markup:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.JobMarkUpTotal, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.JobMarkupPercent, spanNormal, true));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Suggested Sold For:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.SuggestdSoldFor, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Pre-Tax Sold For:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.PreTaxSoldFor, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Sales Tax Type:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.SalesTaxType, spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Sales Tax Percent:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.SalesTaxPercent, spanNormal, true));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Sales Tax Total:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.SalesTaxTotal, font_body_bold));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Crew Head Count:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.CrewHeadCount, spanNormal, hasBorder: false));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Days On Site:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.DaysOnsite, spanNormal, hasBorder: false, plainText: true));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Crew Labor Budget:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.CrewLaborBudget, spanNormal, hasBorder: false));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("Rev Per Mh:", font_body));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getDecimalValue(preBidDetails.RevPerMh, spanNormal, hasBorder: false));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));
            SectionTable.AddCell(getLabelValue("     ", spanNormal));

            byte[]       file   = ms.ToArray();
            MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();

            output.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
            output.Position = 0;

            HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=PreBid_BidItem_" + preBidDetails.BINumber + ".pdf");
            return(File(output, "application/pdf"));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public FileStreamResult PrintPassword()
            // Set up the document and the MS to write it to and create the PDF writer instance
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);

            // Open the PDF document

            PdfPTable table1 = new PdfPTable(1);

            // oStringWriter.Write("This is the content");
            //  Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            //  Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

            //  MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            //  Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());

            // Open the PDF document
            // document.Open();

            // PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);

            // Set up fonts used in the document
            Font font_heading_1 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 21, Font.BOLD);
            Font font_body = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12);
            Font font_body2 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 13);

            List<string> theDepartments = new List<string>();

            theDepartments.Add("100level Chemical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("100level Computer Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("100level Civil Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("100level Electrical Electronics");
            theDepartments.Add("100level Mechatronics Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("100level Mechanical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("100level Petroleum Engineering");

            theDepartments.Add("200level Chemical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("200level Computer Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("200level Civil Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("200level Electrical Electronics");
            theDepartments.Add("200level Mechatronics Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("200level Mechanical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("200level Petroleum Engineering");

            theDepartments.Add("400level Chemical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("400level Computer Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("400level Civil Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("400level Electrical Electronic");
            theDepartments.Add("400level Mechatronics Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("400level Mechanical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("400level Petroleum Engineering");

            theDepartments.Add("500level Chemical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("500level Computer Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("500level Civil Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("500level Electrical Electronics");
            theDepartments.Add("500level Mechatronics Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("500level Mechanical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("500level Petroleum Engineering");

            theDepartments.Add("300level Chemical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("300level Computer Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("300level Civil Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("300level Electrical Electronics");
            theDepartments.Add("300level Mechatronics Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("300level Mechanical Engineering");
            theDepartments.Add("300level Petroleum Engineering");

               // theDepartments.Add("ORAL MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY");
               // theDepartments.Add("GERIATRICS");
               // theDepartments.Add("HOUSE OFFICER");

               // theDepartments.Add("ANAESTHESIA");
               // theDepartments.Add("CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY");
               // theDepartments.Add("GENERAL OUTPATIENT");
               // theDepartments.Add("HAEMATOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("PRIVATE SUITE");
               // theDepartments.Add("NEURO SURGERY");
               // theDepartments.Add("MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("MEDICINE");
               // theDepartments.Add("OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("OPHTHALMOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("ENT");
               // theDepartments.Add("PAEDIATRICS");
               // theDepartments.Add("PATHOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("COMMUNITY MEDICINE");
               // theDepartments.Add("PSYCHIATRY");
               // theDepartments.Add("RADIOLOGY");
               // theDepartments.Add("RADIOTHERAPY");
               // theDepartments.Add("COLLEGE OF MEDICINE STAFF");
               // theDepartments.Add("STAFF CLINIC");
               // theDepartments.Add("SURGERY");
               // theDepartments.Add("OFFICE OF CMD");
               // theDepartments.Add("CONSULTANT");

               // theDepartments.Add("ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMA");
               // theDepartments.Add("ACCIDENT & EMEGENCY");
               // theDepartments.Add("NUCLEAR MEDICINE");
               //// theDepartments.Add("RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY");
               // theDepartments.Add("ORAL MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY");

               // theDepartments.Add("GERIATRICS");
               // theDepartments.Add("HOUSE OFFICER");

            //string theDepartment =
            foreach (string d in theDepartments)
                List<Voter> theVoters = work.VoterRepository.Get(a => a.IdentityNumber != "chair" && a.IdentityNumber != "kazeem" && a.IdentityNumber != "password" && a.Department == d && a.IdentityNumber != "").OrderBy(a => a.IdentityNumber).ToList();
                Font font_body4 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 21);
                PdfPTable table3 = new PdfPTable(1);
                Paragraph paragraph3 = new Paragraph(d, font_body4);
                // table1.AddCell(paragraph3);
                foreach (Voter v in theVoters)
                    PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(1);
                    string staffID = v.FirstName + " Student Matic No- " + v.Matric;
                    string staffPassword = "******" + v.IdentityNumber + " PASSWORD: "******"");
            // Create the heading paragraph with the headig font
            // Paragraph paragraph;
            // paragraph = new Paragraph("Hello world!", font_heading_1);
            //  itextDoc.Add(table1);
            // Document thedoc = itextDoc;// print.PrinttheResultPrimary(studentName, Term, studentLevel, ref oStringWriter1, ref document);
            // Add a horizontal line below the headig text and add it to the paragraph
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -6f;
            // paragraph.Add(seperator);

            // Add paragraph to document
            // document.Add(paragraph);

            // Close the PDF document

            // Hat tip to David for his code on stackoverflow for this bit
            byte[] file = ms.ToArray();
            MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
            output.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
            output.Position = 0;
            HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=form.pdf");

            // Close the PDF document
            // document.Close();

            return File(output, "application/pdf");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult PrintResult(int id)
            Result theResult = work.ResultRepository.GetByID(id);

         string[] SplitedClass =   theResult.Class.Split(':');

         string theClass = SplitedClass[0];
         string[] theClassNumber = theClass.Split(null);
         string theNumber = theClassNumber[1];


            StringWriter oStringWriter1 = new StringWriter();
            Document itextDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4);
            Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
          //  PrintResult print = new PrintResult();
            // Set up the document and the MS to write it to and create the PDF writer instance
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            //Document document = new Document(PageSize.A3.Rotate());
            Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);

            // Open the PDF document
            Document thedoc = new Document();
            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theNumber)))
                int theNewNumber = Convert.ToInt16(theNumber);

                if(theNewNumber > 9)
                    thedoc = new PrintResultSenoir().PrintSilverDaleResult(theResult, ref oStringWriter1, ref document);
                    thedoc = new PrintResult().PrintSilverDaleResult(theResult, ref oStringWriter1, ref document);
            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -6f;


            // Hat tip to David for his code on stackoverflow for this bit
            byte[] file = ms.ToArray();
            MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
            output.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
            output.Position = 0;
            // work.DeductionHistoryRepository
            HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Result.pdf");
            return new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf"); //new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public byte[] GeneratePDF(int EventBookingID)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            Document     document     = new Document(PageSize.A5, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            PdfWriter    writer       = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, memoryStream);


            BookEvent bookEvent = new BookEvent();

            bookEvent = db.BookEvents.Find(EventBookingID);
            var userName = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            var student  = db.students.Where(x => x.StudentEmail == userName).FirstOrDefault();

            iTextSharp.text.Font font_heading_3 = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.RED);
            iTextSharp.text.Font font_body      = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLUE);

            // Create the heading paragraph with the headig font
            PdfPTable table1 = new PdfPTable(1);
            PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(5);
            PdfPTable table3 = new PdfPTable(1);

            iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
            seperator.Offset = -6f;
            // Remove table cell
            table1.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            table3.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;

            table1.WidthPercentage = 80;
            table1.SetWidths(new float[] { 100 });
            table2.WidthPercentage = 80;
            table3.SetWidths(new float[] { 100 });
            table3.WidthPercentage = 80;

            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(""));

            cell.Colspan = 3;
                "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" +
                "Blue Sky Car Rental \n" +
                "Email :[email protected]" + "\n" +
                "\n" + "\n");
            table1.AddCell("------------Personal Details--------------!");

            table1.AddCell("First Name : \t" + student.StudentName);
            table1.AddCell("Last Name : \t" + student.StudentSurname);
            table1.AddCell("Email : \t" + student.StudentEmail);
            table1.AddCell("Phone Number : \t" + student.StudentContact);
            table1.AddCell("Gender : \t" + student.StudentGender);
            table1.AddCell("Address : \t" + student.StudentAddress);

            table1.AddCell("\n------------Rental details--------------!\n");

            table1.AddCell("Booking Ref. # : \t" + bookEvent.RefNum);
            table1.AddCell("Date Booked : \t" + bookEvent.DateBookinFor.ToShortDateString());
            //table1.AddCell("Number Of days : \t" + @event.Duration);
            //table1.AddCell("Total Rental Cost Due: \t" + @event.Amount.ToString("C"));
            //table1.AddCell("Amount Paid: \t" + @event.AmountPaid.ToString("C"));
            //table1.AddCell("Status : \t" + @event.Status);
            //table1.AddCell("Deposit Payed date : \t" + DateTime.Now);


            table3.AddCell("------------Looking forward to hear from you soon--------------!");

            //////Intergrate information into 1 document
            //var qrCode = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(reservation.QrCodeImage);
            //qrCode.ScaleToFit(200, 200);

            byte[] bytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void AddBreakRule()
     iPdf.draw.LineSeparator line = new iPdf.draw.LineSeparator(1F, 100F, iText.BaseColor.DARK_GRAY, iText.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, -8F);
     AddLine(" ", false);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // FIXME: add to other writers?
        public void AddLineSeparator()
            var line1 = new it.pdf.draw.LineSeparator(0.0f, 100.0f, BaseColor.BLACK, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1);

            fDocument.Add(new Chunk(line1));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public ActionResult Edit(SalaryPaymentHistoryViewModel model)
                // TODO: Add update logic here
                List <SalaryPaymentHistory> thePaymentNow = new List <SalaryPaymentHistory>();
                if (model != null)
                    List <SalaryPaymentHistory> theSalaryHistory = new List <SalaryPaymentHistory>();
                    theSalaryHistory = work.SalaryPaymentHistoryRepository.Get(a => a.DatePaid.Month == DateTime.Now.Month && a.DatePaid.Year == DateTime.Now.Year).ToList();

                    foreach (var staffPayment in model.TheSalaryPaymentHistory)
                        //check if there are payments logged aready

                        // staffPayment.
                        if (staffPayment.PaySalary == true)
                            SalaryPaymentHistory individualPayment = new SalaryPaymentHistory();

                            individualPayment = new SalaryHelper().Lateness(staffPayment);
                            individualPayment = new SalaryHelper().Abscent(staffPayment);
                            individualPayment = new SalaryHelper().Loan(staffPayment);
                            individualPayment = new SalaryHelper().ContributionsOrDeductions(staffPayment);


                    StringWriter oStringWriter1 = new StringWriter();
                    Document     itextDoc       = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
                    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                    PrintResult print = new PrintResult();
                    // Set up the document and the MS to write it to and create the PDF writer instance
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    //Document document = new Document(PageSize.A3.Rotate());
                    Document  document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
                    PdfWriter writer   = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);

                    // Open the PDF document

                    Document thedoc = new SalaryPrinting().PrintPaySlip(thePaymentNow, ref oStringWriter1, ref document);
                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator();
                    seperator.Offset = -6f;


                    // Hat tip to David for his code on stackoverflow for this bit
                    byte[]       file   = ms.ToArray();
                    MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
                    output.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
                    output.Position = 0;

                    if (theSalaryHistory.Count == 0)
                        //log payment
                        decimal totalDeduction = 0;
                        // decimal totalSalarytobeDeducted = 0;
                        foreach (var m in thePaymentNow)
                            // m.ActualSalary
                            //  work.SalaryPaymentHistoryRepository.Insert(m);
                            if (m.TotalLatenessDeduction > 0)
                                DeductionHistory theLateness = new DeductionHistory();
                                theLateness.AmountDeducted = Convert.ToDecimal(m.TotalLatenessDeduction);
                                theLateness.DatePaid       = DateTime.Now;
                                theLateness.Description    = "Lasteness Deduction for the Month " + string.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
                                theLateness.StaffID        = m.StaffID.ToString();
                                totalDeduction             = totalDeduction + theLateness.AmountDeducted;
                                // theLateness.

                            if (m.TotalAbscentDeduction > 0)
                                DeductionHistory theLateness = new DeductionHistory();
                                theLateness.AmountDeducted = Convert.ToDecimal(m.TotalAbscentDeduction);
                                theLateness.DatePaid       = DateTime.Now;
                                theLateness.Description    = "Abscent Deduction for the Month " + string.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
                                theLateness.StaffID        = m.StaffID.ToString();
                                totalDeduction             = totalDeduction + theLateness.AmountDeducted;
                                // theLateness.

                            if (m.TotalLoan > 0)
                                DeductionHistory theLateness = new DeductionHistory();
                                theLateness.AmountDeducted = Convert.ToDecimal(m.TotalLoan);
                                theLateness.DatePaid       = DateTime.Now;
                                theLateness.Description    = "Loan Deduction for the Month " + string.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
                                theLateness.StaffID        = m.StaffID.ToString();
                                totalDeduction             = totalDeduction + theLateness.AmountDeducted;
                                // theLateness.

                            // other subscibed deductions
                            foreach (var subscibed in m.TheDeduction)
                                if (subscibed != null)
                                    DeductionHistory theLateness = new DeductionHistory();
                                    theLateness.AmountDeducted = Convert.ToDecimal(subscibed.Amount);
                                    theLateness.DatePaid       = DateTime.Now;
                                    theLateness.Description    = subscibed.DeductionDescription + " Deduction for the Month " + string.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
                                    theLateness.StaffID        = m.StaffID.ToString();
                                    totalDeduction             = totalDeduction + theLateness.AmountDeducted;
                                    // work.Save();
                            //save the actual salary payment
                            PrimarySchoolStaff theStaf        = work.PrimarySchoolStaffRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == m.StaffID).First();
                            Salary             theStaffSalary = work.SalaryRepository.GetByID(theStaf.SalaryID);
                            m.ActualSalary = theStaffSalary.Amount;
                            m.Description  = "Salary Payment for the Month of " + string.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
                            m.AmountPaid   = theStaffSalary.Amount - totalDeduction;
                            m.DatePaid     = DateTime.Now;
                            totalDeduction = 0;
                            // SalaryPaymentHistory theHistory = new SalaryPaymentHistory{ AmountPaid = m.AmountPaid, ActualSalary = m.ActualSalary, DatePaid = DateTime.Now, Description = "Salary Payment for "+ DateTime.Now.Month, FirstName = m.FirstName}
                    // work.DeductionHistoryRepository
                    HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=form.pdf");
                    return(new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf"));    //new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf");

                    //return RedirectToAction("Index", new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf"));

                    //  return new ActionAsPdf
                    // }
