Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <Models.Profile> ListAll()
            using (var db = new hotdogEntities()){
                var viewProfiles = (
                    from profiles in db.Profiles
                    select new Models.Profile()
                    ProfileID = (int)profiles.ProfileID,
                    Name = profiles.Name,
                    Bio = profiles.Bio,
                    Picture = profiles.Picture

             * List<Models.Profile> viewProfiles = new  List<Models.Profile>();
             * Models.HotDog viewHotDog = new Models.HotDog();
             * List<DAL.Profile> modelProfiles = db.Profiles.ToList();
             * foreach (DAL.Profile modelProfile in modelProfiles) {
             *  Models.Profile viewProfile = new Models.Profile()
             *  {
             *      Bio=modelProfile.Bio,
             *      Name=modelProfile.Name,
             *      Picture=modelProfile.Picture,
             *      ProfileID = Convert.ToInt32(modelProfile.ProfileID)
             *  };
             *  viewProfiles.Add(viewProfile);
             * }
             * return viewProfiles;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Models.Profile Get(int id)
            using (var db = new hotdogEntities()){
                var profile = (
                    from profiles in db.Profiles
                    from hotdogs in profiles.HotDogs
                    where profiles.ProfileID == id
                    select new Models.Profile()
                    ProfileID = (int)profiles.ProfileID,
                    Name = profiles.Name,
                    Bio = profiles.Bio,
                    Picture = profiles.Picture,
                    HotDogListTmp = (
                        from p in db.Profiles
                        from hd in p.HotDogs
                        select new Models.HotDog()
                        HotDogID = (int)hd.HotDogID,
                        HotDogName = hd.Name,
                        LastTimeAte = hd.LastAte,
                        LastPlaceAte = hd.LastPlaceAte
                    FavoriteHotDog = db.HotDogs
                                     .Where(x => x.HotDogID == profiles.HotDogID)
                                     .Select(h => new Models.HotDog()
                        HotDogID = (int)h.HotDogID,
                        HotDogName = h.Name,
                        LastTimeAte = h.LastAte,
                        LastPlaceAte = h.LastPlaceAte
                //hack to convert IEnumerable to a list
                profile.HotDogList = profile.HotDogListTmp.ToList();

             * DAL.Profile modelProfile = db.Profiles.Find(id);
             * DAL.HotDog modelHotdog = db.HotDogs.Find(modelProfile.HotDogID);
             * ICollection<DAL.HotDog> modelFavoriteHotDogList = modelProfile.HotDogs;
             * List<Models.HotDog> viewFavoritHotDogList = new List<Models.HotDog>();
             * foreach (DAL.HotDog favoriteHotDog in modelFavoriteHotDogList) {
             *  Models.HotDog modelFavoriteHotDog = new Models.HotDog() {
             *      HotDogID = Convert.ToInt32(favoriteHotDog.HotDogID),
             *      HotDogName = favoriteHotDog.Name,
             *      LastPlaceAte = favoriteHotDog.LastPlaceAte,
             *      LastTimeAte = favoriteHotDog.LastAte,
             *      Rating = 5
             *  };
             *  viewFavoritHotDogList.Add(modelFavoriteHotDog);
             * }
             * Models.HotDog viewHotdog = new Models.HotDog(){
             *  HotDogID= Convert.ToInt32(modelHotdog.HotDogID),
             *  HotDogName=modelHotdog.Name,
             *  LastPlaceAte=modelHotdog.LastPlaceAte,
             *  LastTimeAte=modelHotdog.LastAte,
             *  Rating=5
             * };
             * Models.Profile viewProfile = new Models.Profile() {
             *  Bio = modelProfile.Bio,
             *  ProfileID = Convert.ToInt32(modelProfile.ProfileID),
             *  Name = modelProfile.Name,
             *  Picture = modelProfile.Picture,
             *  FavoriteHotDog = viewHotdog,
             *  HotDogList = viewFavoritHotDogList
             * };
             * return viewProfile;