private void OnValidate() { if (_isSpecialConveyor) { switch (_specialBeltType) { case SpecialBeltType.SpeedUp: if (_heldSpeed.Abs() <= _speed.Abs()) { Debug.LogWarning("Speed-up belt's held speed is lower than initial speed!", this); } break; case SpecialBeltType.SpeedDown: if (_heldSpeed.Abs() >= _speed.Abs()) { Debug.LogWarning("Slow-down belt's held speed is higher than initial speed!", this); } break; } if (_heldSpeed > 0 && _speed < 0 || _heldSpeed < 0 && _speed > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Special belt's held speed will reverse the belt's direction!"); } } }
static float Copysign(float a, float b) { if (b < 0) { return(-a.Abs( )); } return(a.Abs( )); }
float GetSegmentsByAngle(float angle) { if (angle.Abs() <= 1) { return(1); } else if (angle.Abs() < 90)//proportionaly twice as many segments for small angle canvases { return(baseCircleSegments * (Mathf.Abs(angle).Remap(0, 90, 0.01f, 0.5f))); } else { return(baseCircleSegments * (Mathf.Abs(angle).Remap(90, 360.0f, 0.5f, 1))); } }
private void Consider(ref float val, float newVal) { if (newVal.Abs() > val.Abs()) { val = newVal; } }
private void CheckForWall() { if (!Controller.OnGround()) { if (Controller.Input.VerticalAxisRaw.Abs() > 0f) { Vector3 startLocation = Controller.Model.position + ((Controller.MyCamera.transform.forward.With(y: 0f) * .25f) * Controller.Input.VerticalAxisRaw); zMovement = (Physics.CheckCapsule(startLocation, startLocation + Vector3.up, .15f, Controller.MovementData.GroundLayer)) ? 0f : 1f; } if (Controller.Input.HorizontalAxisRaw.Abs() > 0f) { Vector3 startLocation = Controller.Model.position + ((Controller.MyCamera.transform.right.With(y: 0f) * .25f) * Controller.Input.HorizontalAxisRaw); xMovement = (Physics.CheckCapsule(startLocation, startLocation + Vector3.up, .15f, Controller.MovementData.GroundLayer)) ? 0f : 1f; } } else { if (xMovement.Abs() <= 0f || zMovement.Abs() <= 0f) { xMovement = zMovement = 1f; } } }
public static bool EqualsWithDelta(this float value, float other, float absolute = 1e-6f, float relative = 1e-6f) { if (float.IsNaN(value) ^ float.IsNaN(other)) { return(false); } if (float.IsNaN(value) && float.IsNaN(other)) { return(true); } if (float.IsInfinity(value) ^ float.IsInfinity(other)) { return(false); } if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(value) && float.IsPositiveInfinity(other)) { return(true); } if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(value) && float.IsNegativeInfinity(other)) { return(true); } float abs = (value - other).Abs(); if (abs < absolute) { return(true); } return(abs <= absolute.Max(relative * value.Abs().Max(other.Abs()))); }
internal static float GoTowardsWithin360(this float from, double to, double step) { var diff = to - from; if (diff.Abs() >= 180) { if (to.Abs() >= from.Abs()) { if (to < 0) { to += 360; } else { to -= 360; } } else { if (from < 0) { from += 360; } else { from -= 360; } } } return(from.GoTowards(to, step)); }
public void UpdateAcceleration(float targetPosition, float currentPosition, float currentSpeed, float deltaTime) { var dD = targetPosition - currentPosition; var maxAcc = (((dD / deltaTime) - currentSpeed) / deltaTime).Abs(); var standardAcc = dD.Sign() * MaxTargetAcceleration.Abs(); //Si on ne va pas dans la bonne direction, on accelere dans la bonne if (currentSpeed.Sign() != dD.Sign()) { CurrentAcceleration = standardAcc; } else { var a = -(currentSpeed * currentSpeed) / (2 * dD); float borne = standardAcc.Abs(); if (a.Abs() >= borne) { //On ralentie CurrentAcceleration = a.Clamped(-borne, borne); } else { //On accelère CurrentAcceleration = standardAcc; } } //On clamp l'acceleration pour etre certain de ne pas dépasser la cible en 1 frame CurrentAcceleration = CurrentAcceleration.Clamped(-maxAcc, maxAcc); }
/// <summary> /// Function to return a formatted string containing the memory amount. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount">Amount of memory in bytes to format.</param> /// <returns>A string containing the formatted amount of memory.</returns> /// <remarks> /// This overload is like the <see cref="FormatMemory(int)"/> method, only it will return the value with floating point formatting. e.g: "3.25 MB" instead of "3.0 MB" /// </remarks> public static string FormatMemory(this float amount) { double scale = amount.Abs() / 1125899906842624.0; if (scale >= 1.0) { return(GetCultureString(scale >= 1.0 ? scale : amount, Resources.GOR_UNIT_MEM_PB)); } scale = amount / 1099511627776.0; if (scale >= 1.0) { return(GetCultureString(scale >= 1.0 ? scale : amount, Resources.GOR_UNIT_MEM_TB)); } scale = amount / 1073741824.0; if (scale >= 1.0) { return(GetCultureString(scale >= 1.0 ? scale : amount, Resources.GOR_UNIT_MEM_GB)); } scale = amount / 1048576.0; if (scale >= 1.0) { return(GetCultureString(scale >= 1.0 ? scale : amount, Resources.GOR_UNIT_MEM_MB)); } scale = amount / 1024.0; return(GetCultureString(scale >= 1.0 ? scale : amount, scale >= 1.0 ? Resources.GOR_UNIT_MEM_KB : Resources.GOR_UNIT_MEM_BYTES, false)); }
public void Abst_ShouldReturnAbsoluteValues() { // Arrange sbyte aByte = -10; short aShort = -20; int aInt = -30; long aLong = -40; float aFloat = -50.0F; double aDouble = -60.0; decimal aDecimal = (decimal) - 70.0; // Act short absByte = aByte.Abs(); short absShort = aShort.Abs(); int absInt = aInt.Abs(); long absLong = aLong.Abs(); float absFloat = aFloat.Abs(); double absDouble = aDouble.Abs(); decimal absDecimal = aDecimal.Abs(); // Assert Assert.Equal(10, absByte); Assert.Equal(20, absShort); Assert.Equal(30, absInt); Assert.Equal(40, absLong); Assert.Equal(50, absFloat); Assert.Equal(60, absDouble); Assert.Equal(70, absDecimal); }
public static bool IsCloseTo(this float self, float num) { if (self == num) { return(true); } return((self - num).Abs() / self.Abs().Max(num.Abs()) < 0.0001f); }
/// <summary> /// If limit is negative, return current. /// </summary> public static float UpperLimit(this float current, float limit) { if (limit < 0) { return(current); } return(current.Sign() * Mathf.Min(current.Abs(), limit)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (m_target) { Vector3 toTarget = m_target.position - m_turretObj.transform.position; float angleToTarget = m_turretObj.transform.forward.GetDiffAngle2D(toTarget); float angleToTurn = angleToTarget.Sign() * Mathf.Min(angleToTarget.Abs(), m_rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); m_turretObj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, angleToTurn); } }
public static float MoveTo(this float me, float towards, float byAmount) { if (me < towards) { me += byAmount.Abs(); if (me > towards) { me = towards; } } else if (me > towards) { me -= byAmount.Abs(); if (me < towards) { me = towards; } } return(me); }
internal static float ValueFromSides(this float negativeSide, float positiveSide) { float v1 = negativeSide.Abs(); float v2 = positiveSide.Abs(); if (v1.Approx(v2)) { return(0.0f); } return((double)v1 > (double)v2 ? -v1 : v2); }
public static float ToCircleAngle(this float angle) { var angleSign = angle.Sign(); var absAngle = angle.Abs(); while (absAngle >= Float.CIRCLE_ANGLE) { absAngle -= Float.CIRCLE_ANGLE; } return(absAngle * angleSign); }
void FixedUpdate() { if (speed.Abs() > 0.1f) { agentBody.MovePosition(transform.position + (transform.forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime * speed)); pickupCollider.enabled = false; } else { pickupCollider.enabled = true; } }
private void FireBallFromPaddle() { if (!isOnPaddle || !IsVisible) { return; } isOnPaddle = false; float randomXSpeed = Randomizer.Current.Get(-0.15f, 0.15f); velocity = new Vector2D(randomXSpeed.Abs() < 0.01f ? 0.01f : randomXSpeed, StartBallSpeedY); fireBallSound.Play(); }
public static float Mod(this float value, float modulo) { if (modulo <= 0) { return(0); } if (value < 0) { value += Mathf.Ceil(value.Abs() / modulo) * modulo; } return(value % modulo); }
void Update() { target = target.Clamp(min, max); offset = offset.TLerp(target, dampening); #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS if (enableTouchScrolling) { scrollVelocity += InputF.TouchVelocity(ScreenF.all).y *scrollSpeed; } #endif scrollVelocity += InputWrapper.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * -scrollSpeed; target += scrollVelocity * Time.deltaTime; scrollVelocity = scrollVelocity.TLerp(0, velocityDampening); foreach (Transform t in angles.Keys) { if (t != null) { Vector3 pos =; float angle = (offset + angles[t]).Clamp(-355, 355); float absAngle = angle.Abs(); t.localScale = * (1 + selectionGrow * (1 - absAngle / 355)); /* * if (absAngle < 5) { * if (selected != t) { * t.SetColor("_Color",; * if (selected != null) { * selected.SetColor("_Color", Color.white); * } * selected = t; * } * * } * //*/ pos.y = scales.y * (float)System.Math.Sinh(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); pos.z = scales.z * (float)System.Math.Cosh(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); t.localPosition = pos; } } }
private IEnumerator <object> WheelScrollingTask() { const int wheelScrollingSpeedFactor = 8; wheelScrollState = WheelScrollState.Stop; float totalScrollAmount = 0f; while (true) { yield return(null); var IsScrollingByMouseWheel = !Frame.Input.IsMousePressed() && (Frame.Input.WasKeyPressed(Key.MouseWheelDown) || Frame.Input.WasKeyPressed(Key.MouseWheelUp)) && CanScroll; if (IsScrollingByMouseWheel) { var newWheelScrollState = (WheelScrollState)Math.Sign(Frame.Input.WheelScrollAmount); if (newWheelScrollState != wheelScrollState) { totalScrollAmount = 0f; wheelScrollState = newWheelScrollState; } totalScrollAmount -= Frame.Input.WheelScrollAmount; } if (totalScrollAmount.Abs() >= 1f && wheelScrollState != WheelScrollState.Stop) { StopScrolling(); var stepPerFrame = totalScrollAmount * Task.Current.Delta * wheelScrollingSpeedFactor; var prevScrollPosition = ScrollPosition; ScrollPosition = Mathf.Clamp(ScrollPosition + stepPerFrame, MinScrollPosition, MaxScrollPosition); if (ScrollPosition == MinScrollPosition || ScrollPosition == MaxScrollPosition) { totalScrollAmount = 0f; } else { // If scroll stopped in the middle, we need to round to upper int if we move down // or to lower int if we move up. ScrollPosition = stepPerFrame > 0 ? ScrollPosition.Ceiling() : ScrollPosition.Floor(); totalScrollAmount += (prevScrollPosition - ScrollPosition); } } else { wheelScrollState = WheelScrollState.Stop; } } }
private void OnBrightnessOffsetChanged(float oldValue, float newValue) { if (oldValue.IsCloseTo(newValue)) { return; } // Normalize the value float value = newValue; if (value.Abs() > 100) { value %= 100; } brightnessOffset = value; }
private void OnHueOffsetChanged(float oldValue, float newValue) { if (oldValue.IsCloseTo(newValue)) { return; } // Normalize the value float value = newValue; if (value.Abs() > 360) { value %= 360; } hueOffset = value; }
public Animation( int[] frames, float frameStep, PlayMode playMode, int maxLoops = 0, Action onFinished = null, Action onLoop = null) { _frames = frames; _initialDelayPerFrame = frameStep.Abs() / _defaultFrameRate; _initialMaxLoops = maxLoops.Abs(); _initialPlayMode = playMode; Frames = new ReadOnlyCollection <int>(_frames); OnFinished = onFinished; OnLoop = onLoop; ResetChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Offsets the specified <see cref="Color"/> by a set of HSB (hue, Saturation, Brightness) /// values. /// </summary> /// <param name="color"> /// The from <see cref="Color"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="hueOffset"> /// The hue offset. /// </param> /// <param name="saturationOffset"> /// The staturation offset. /// </param> /// <param name="brightnessOffset"> /// The brightness offset. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="Color"/> offsets form <paramref name="color"/> by a set of HSB /// (hue, Saturation, Brightness) values. /// </returns> public static Color Offset( Color color, float hueOffset, float saturationOffset, float brightnessOffset) { HsbColor hsbColor = new HsbColor(color); // Normalize all HSB values if (hueOffset.Abs() > 360) { hueOffset %= 360; } if (hueOffset.IsLessThan(0)) { hueOffset += 360; } if (saturationOffset.Abs() > 100) { saturationOffset %= 100; } if (saturationOffset.IsLessThan(0)) { saturationOffset += 100; } if (brightnessOffset.Abs() > 100) { brightnessOffset %= 100; } if (brightnessOffset.IsLessThan(0)) { brightnessOffset += 100; } HsbColor destinationColor = hsbColor.Offset( hueOffset, saturationOffset, brightnessOffset); return((Color)destinationColor); }
private IEnumerator <object> InertialScrollingTask(float velocity) { while (true) { var delta = Task.Current.Delta; float damping = InertialScrollingDamping * (ScrollPosition.InRange(MinScrollPosition, MaxScrollPosition) ? 1 : 10); velocity -= velocity * damping * delta; if ( velocity.Abs() < InertialScrollingStopVelocity || ScrollPosition == MinScrollPosition - BounceZoneThickness || ScrollPosition == MaxScrollPosition + BounceZoneThickness ) { break; } // Round scrolling position to prevent blurring ScrollPosition = ClampScrollPositionWithinBounceZone((ScrollPosition + velocity * delta).Round()); yield return(null); } scrollingTask = null; }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (m_IsMovingHorizontally) { return; } if (IsClosed) { m_StartMoveDelta = m_OpeningDelta; } else if (IsOpen) { m_StartMoveDelta = m_ClosingingDelta; // vertical movement fading out when a finger is released if (m_CurMoveSpeed.Abs() > 0.1f) { m_CurMoveSpeed -= m_FadingSpeed * m_CurMoveSpeed; return; } } m_CurMoveSpeed = 0; }
void Update() { Vector3 waypoint = GetCurrentWaypoint().position; Vector3 position = transform.position; float targetAngle = position.AngleToPoint(waypoint).Mod(360); float currentAngle = graphics.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y.Mod(360); float difference = (targetAngle - currentAngle).Mod(360); if (difference.Abs() > rotationSpeed / 2f && !isLookingAtWaypoint) { //Debug.Log("Rotate " + targetAngle); bool negative = (difference > 180); float step = rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; step = step <= difference ? negative ? -step : step : difference; graphics.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, graphics.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y + step, 0); } else { if (difference != 0) { isLookingAtWaypoint = true; graphics.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, targetAngle, 0); } //Debug.Log("Move"); float step = movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, waypoint, step); } CheckMoveNext(position, waypoint); fov.SetOrigin(originPoint.position); fov.SetAimDirection(focalPoint.position - originPoint.position); RaycastCheck(); }
public bool Check(Collider col, float off, bool vertical, out Vector2 amt) { amt = default; if (off == 0) { return(false); } var unit = vertical ? Vector2.UnitY : Vector2.UnitX; var len = (vertical ? col.Height : col.Width) / 2f; var norm = unit * off.Sign(); var dist = len + off.Abs(); if (Map.CastRay(col.Center, norm, dist, out var hit)) { var dpt = hit.Depth; amt = dpt * norm; return(true); } return(false); }
public static Vector3 EulerAngle(this Quaternion q) { float sin = 2.0f * (q.W * q.X + q.Y * q.Z); float cos = 1.0f - 2.0f * (q.X * q.X + q.Y * q.Y); float roll = ( float )Math.Atan2(sin, cos); float sinP = 2 * (q.W * q.Y - q.Z * q.X); float pitch = 0; if (sinP.Abs( ) >= 1) { float p = ( float )(Math.PI / 2.0); pitch = Copysign(p, sinP); } else { pitch = ( float )Math.Asin(sinP); } float sinY = 2.0f * (q.W * q.Z + q.X * q.Y); float cosY = 1.0f - 2.0f * (q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z); float yaw = ( float )Math.Atan2(sinY, cosY); return(new Vector3(roll.Deg( ), pitch.Deg( ), yaw.Deg( ))); }