Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void rbnBtnDone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                #region Insert Series
                if (opr.ToUpper() == "INSERT")
                    //Check if the series information are filled well . . .
                    if ((rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem != "Select Patiant") &&
                        (picLstSerImage.Items.Count > 0) && (rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem != null))
                        //Preparing the progress bar . . .
                        int xx = picLstSerImage.Items.Count;
                        xx = 100 / xx;
                        proBarOpr.Visible = true;
                        proBarOpr.Value = 0;

                        //Create the physical path where the image and the series is contained
                        int    sid       = int.Parse(rbnTxtSeriesID.Text);
                        string serFolder = SC.SettingsList[0].TrimEnd('\\') + "\\" + sid.ToString();
                        sid = sid * 100;
                        int imgID = 0;
                        //Extract image features for each image in the series :
                        foreach (PictureListItem P in picLstSerImage.Items)
                            fe = new featureExtractor(P.Tag.ToString());
                            fv = fe.AllFeatures();
                            //Get all image information :
                            string[] info = fe.GetImageInfo().Split('\n');
                            for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                                info[i] = info[i].Trim();
                            //Get image size and Dimensions
                            string size = "", h = "", w = "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                                if (info[i].StartsWith("FileSize"))
                                    size = info[i];
                                else if (info[i].StartsWith("Width"))
                                    w = info[i];
                                else if (info[i].StartsWith("Height"))
                                    h = info[i];
                            info    = new string[2];
                            info[0] = size.Split(':')[1].Trim();        //Image size . . .

                            info[1] = h.Split(':')[1].Trim() + "X"
                                      + w.Split(':')[1].Trim();         //Image Dimensions . . .

                            imgID++;                                    //Image ID in the series . . .
                            int ID = sid + imgID;                       //Image ID in the database . . .
                            //Create image record . . .
                            ImageRecord = new imageRecord(ID.ToString(), info, P.Text, fv);
                            // . . . and insert that record in the opened database
                            if (!ImageRecord.InsertImage(DBC))                                                            //If insertion is not done
                                throw new Exception("Failed to insert the image record with ID: " + ID.ToString() + "!"); //Throw an exception
                            //Copy image file from its location to where each image in the database is stored
                            File.Copy(P.Tag.ToString(), serFolder + "\\" + P.Text, true);
                            proBarOpr.Value += xx;
                        sid = sid / 100;
                        //Determine series categories . . .
                        List <category> catList = new List <category>();
                        for (int i = 0;
                             i < mListCats.Items.Count; i++)
                            if (mListCats.Items[i].CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                                catList.Add(new category(mListCats.Items[i].Description, null, null));
                        //Create series record . . .
                        SeriesRecord = new Series(sid.ToString()
                                                  , rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem.Split('\t')[0]
                                                  , sid.ToString()
                                                  , this.rbnTxtNotes.Text, catList);
                        //Try to insert the series . . .
                        if (!SeriesRecord.InsertSeries(DBC))                       //In insertion is not done
                            throw new Exception("Failed to insert this series !"); //Throw an exception
                        proBarOpr.Value = 100;
                        proBarOpr.Visible = false;
                        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                        this.Close();//Close when done
                        throw new Exception("Please fill all the fields !");
                #region Modify Series
                else if (opr.ToUpper() == "MODIFY")
                    //Check if the fields are filled well . . .
                    if ((rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem != "Select Patiant") &&
                        (rbnCboSeriesID.SelectedItem != "Select Series"))
                        if (!(pat_changed || cats_changed ||
                              images_changed || notes_changed))
                            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
                            MessageBox.Show("No change done to this series !",
                        //Preparing the progress bar . . .
                        int xx = picLstSerImage.Items.Count;
                        xx = 100 / xx;
                        proBarOpr.Visible = true;
                        proBarOpr.Value = 0;

                        //Get the physical path where the image and the series is contained
                        int    sid       = int.Parse(rbnCboSeriesID.SelectedItem);
                        string serFolder = SC.SettingsList[0].TrimEnd('\\') + "\\" + sid.ToString();
                        sid = sid * 100;
                        int imgID = 0;

                        //Extract image features for each changed or new image in the series :
                        foreach (PictureListItem P in picLstSerImage.Items)
                            string txt = P.Text.ToLower();
                            #region If image is removed
                            if (txt.Contains("removed"))
                                if (txt.Contains("new"))
                                    ImageRecord = (imageRecord)P.Value;
                                    if (ImageRecord.DeleteImage(DBC))
                                        P.Text = P.Text.ToLower();
                                        P.Text = P.Text.Replace(" removed", "");
                                        //File.Delete(serFolder + "\\" + P.Text);
                                        throw new Exception("The image with ImageID : " + ImageRecord.ID + "\nCannot be deleted");
                            #region If image is new and not removed
                                if (!txt.Contains("removed") && (txt.Contains("new")))
                                    fe = new featureExtractor(P.Tag.ToString());
                                    fv = fe.AllFeatures();
                                    //Get all image information :
                                    string[] info = fe.GetImageInfo().Split('\n');
                                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                                        info[i] = info[i].Trim();
                                    //Get image size and Dimensions
                                    string size = "", h = "", w = "";
                                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                                        if (info[i].StartsWith("FileSize"))
                                            size = info[i];
                                        else if (info[i].StartsWith("Width"))
                                            w = info[i];
                                        else if (info[i].StartsWith("Height"))
                                            h = info[i];
                                    info    = new string[2];
                                    info[0] = size.Split(':')[1].Trim();        //Image size . . .

                                    info[1] = h.Split(':')[1].Trim() + "X"
                                              + w.Split(':')[1].Trim();       //Image Dimensions . . .

                                    imgID = getUnusedImageID(sid / 100);      //Image ID in the series . . .
                                    int ID = imgID + 1;                       //Image ID in the database . . .
                                    //Create image record . . .
                                    P.Text      = P.Text.ToLower();
                                    P.Text      = P.Text.Replace(" new", "");
                                    ImageRecord = new imageRecord(ID.ToString(), info, P.Text, fv);
                                    // . . . and insert that record in the opened database
                                    if (!ImageRecord.InsertImage(DBC))                                                                //If insertion is not done
                                        throw new Exception("Failed to insert the new image record with ID: " + ID.ToString() + "!"); //Throw an exception
                                    //Copy image file from its location to where each image in the database is stored
                                    File.Copy(P.Tag.ToString(), serFolder + "\\" + P.Text, true);
                            #region If image is not new nor removed but changed
                            if (txt.Contains("changed"))    //Manipulated (Edited) image
                                //Do not do any thing to this image why?!!! . . .
                                //simply because it was added by the manipulation process
                            proBarOpr.Value += xx;
                        sid = sid / 100;
                        //Determine series categories . . .
                        List <category> catList = new List <category>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < mListCats.Items.Count; i++)
                            if (mListCats.Items[i].CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                                catList.Add(new category(mListCats.Items[i].Description, null, null));
                        //Create series record . . .
                        SeriesRecord = new Series(sid.ToString()
                                                  , rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem.Split('\t')[0]
                                                  , sid.ToString()
                                                  , this.rbnTxtNotes.Text, catList);
                        //Try to update the series . . .
                        if (!SeriesRecord.UpdateSeries(DBC))                       //If modification not done . . .
                            throw new Exception("Failed to update this series !"); //Throw an exception
                        proBarOpr.Value = 100;
                        proBarOpr.Visible = false;
                        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                        this.Close();//Close when done
                        throw new Exception("Please fill all the fields !");
                #region Delete Series
                else if (opr.ToUpper() == "DELETE")
                    DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this series and all its images ?", "Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //Check if the fields are filled well . . .
                        if ((rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem != "Select Patiant") &&
                            (rbnCboSeriesID.SelectedItem != "Select Series"))
                            //Preparing the progress bar . . .
                            int xx = picLstSerImage.Items.Count;
                            xx = 100 / xx;
                            proBarOpr.Visible = true;
                            proBarOpr.Value = 0;

                            //Get the physical path where the image and the series is contained
                            int    sid       = int.Parse(rbnCboSeriesID.SelectedItem);
                            string serFolder = SC.SettingsList[0].TrimEnd('\\') + "\\" + sid.ToString();
                            sid = sid * 100;
                            int imgID = 0;

                            //Delete each image in the series :
                            foreach (PictureListItem P in picLstSerImage.Items)
                                string txt = P.Text.ToLower();
                                ImageRecord = (imageRecord)P.Value;
                                if (!P.Text.ToLower().Contains("new"))
                                    if (!ImageRecord.DeleteImage(DBC))
                                        throw new Exception("The image with ImageID : " + ImageRecord.ID + "\nCannot be deleted");
                                proBarOpr.Value += xx;
                            sid = sid / 100;
                            //Determine series categories . . .
                            List <category> catList = new List <category>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < mListCats.Items.Count; i++)
                                catList.Add(new category(mListCats.Items[i].Description, null, null));
                            //Create series record . . .
                            SeriesRecord = new Series(sid.ToString()
                                                      , rbnCboPatiant.SelectedItem.Split('\t')[0]
                                                      , sid.ToString()
                                                      , this.rbnTxtNotes.Text, catList);
                            //Try to delete the series . . .
                            if (!SeriesRecord.DeleteSeries(DBC))                       //If deletion not done . . .
                                throw new Exception("Failed to delete this series !"); //Throw an exception
                            proBarOpr.Value = 100;
                            proBarOpr.Visible = false;
                            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                            this.Close();//Close when done
            catch (Exception ex)
                    "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                if (proBarOpr.Visible)
                    proBarOpr.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void tlStrpSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (opr.ToLower() == "insert")
                    System.IO.File.Copy(ImgPro.NewImagePath, ImgPro.OriginalImagePath, true);
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                else //If operation is modify image . . .
                    featureExtractor fe = new featureExtractor(ImgPro.NewImagePath);
                    List <Feature>   fv = new List <Feature>();
                    fv = fe.AllFeatures();
                    //Get all image information :
                    string[] info = fe.GetImageInfo().Split('\n');
                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                        info[i] = info[i].Trim();
                    //Get image size and Dimensions
                    string size = "", h = "", w = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                        if (info[i].StartsWith("FileSize"))
                            size = info[i];
                        else if (info[i].StartsWith("Width"))
                            w = info[i];
                        else if (info[i].StartsWith("Height"))
                            h = info[i];
                    info    = new string[2];
                    info[0] = size.Split(':')[1].Trim();        //Image size . . .

                    info[1] = h.Split(':')[1].Trim() + "X"
                              + w.Split(':')[1].Trim();         //Image Dimensions . . .

                    ImageRecord.ImageInfo     = info;
                    ImageRecord.FeatureVector = fv;
                    // . . . and modify that record in the opened database
                    if (!ImageRecord.ModifyImage(DBC))                                                                  //If insertion is not done
                        throw new Exception("Failed to save changes to image record with ID: " + ImageRecord.ID + "!"); //Throw an exception
                    System.IO.File.Copy(ImgPro.NewImagePath, ImgPro.OriginalImagePath, true);
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Saving Changes", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);