protected void ButtonTerminate_clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { //reset system dbLogic.resetElection(); string newMessage = "Hello,<br /><br />This email is to notify you that the current APSCUF election administration has offically <u>terminated</u> the current officer election.<br /><br/>"; newMessage += "<p><b>The administrator has included this message explaining why the current election has been terminated:</b></p>"; newMessage += "<blockquote>" + Server.HtmlEncode(TextBoxMessage.Text) + "</blockquote>"; newMessage += "<p>If you have any questions, comments, or concerns involving this development please email the current administrator of the iVote system.</p><p>-Kutztown APSCUF</p>"; //grab full list of emails ISession session = DatabaseEntities.NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory().OpenSession(); List<DatabaseEntities.User> userList = DatabaseEntities.User.GetAllUsers(session); string[] allAddresses = new string[userList.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (DatabaseEntities.User user in userList) { allAddresses[i] = user.Email; i++; } emailer emailSender = new emailer(); emailSender.sendEmailToList(allAddresses, newMessage, "APSCUF Officer Election Terminated"); //give feedback to the user PanelTerminate.Visible = false; PanelTerminate.Enabled = false; PanelComplete.Visible = true; PanelComplete.Enabled = true; }
public nEmailHandler() { sendEmail = new emailer(); emailBaseUrl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["baseUrl"]; }
protected void ButtonSendEmail_clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { emailer emailSender = new emailer(); string[] emailAddress = new string[1]; emailAddress[0] = dbLogic.selectEmailFromID(Convert.ToInt16(dbLogic.returnUnionIDFromUsername(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name))); emailSender.sendEmailToList(emailAddress, LabelFinalTimeline.Text, "Official Timeline For New Election"); LabelFeedback.Text = "Email message successfully sent. Please wait 5-10 minutes for email to appear in your inbox."; ButtonSendEmail.Enabled = false; }
/* //saves user changes protected void Click_ButtonSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { int count = 0; foreach (ListViewDataItem eachItem in ListViewApproval.Items) { bool changeMade = false; HiddenField id = (HiddenField)eachItem.FindControl("HiddenFieldID"); HiddenField eligible = (HiddenField)eachItem.FindControl("HiddenFieldEligible"); Label fullname = (Label)eachItem.FindControl("LabelFullname"); Label position = (Label)eachItem.FindControl("LabelPosition"); Label statement = (Label)eachItem.FindControl("LabelStatement"); RadioButton approve = (RadioButton)eachItem.FindControl("RadioButton1"); RadioButton deny = (RadioButton)eachItem.FindControl("RadioButton2"); if (approve.Checked == true) { dbLogic.updateEligible(id.Value, "1"); //email to user saying they were accepted email.approveUserEligibility(id.Value); if (eligible.Value != "1") { count += 1; eligible.Value = "1"; } } else if (deny.Checked == true) { dbLogic.updateEligible(id.Value, "0"); //email to user saying they were rejected email.denyUserEligibility(id.Value); if (eligible.Value != "0") { count += 1; eligible.Value = "0"; } } } if (count > 0) LabelFeedback.Text = "Save successful. " + count.ToString() + " nomination(s) changed."; else LabelFeedback.Text = "No changes made."; } */ protected void showFullStatement(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e) { string[] emailList; emailer emailSender = new emailer(); //grab full list of emails emailList = dbLogic.getEmails(); string[] data = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(new char[] { '%' }); if (String.Equals(e.CommandName, "remove")) { dbLogic.updateEligible(data[0], "0"); LabelFeedback.Text = "User successfully removed from the current ballot. Email sent to ALL users alerting them of this action."; emailSender.sendEmailToList(emailList, "Hello and greetings from the APSCUF-KU iVote System! <br /><br />This email is to inform you that " + dbLogic.selectFullName(data[1]) + " has been offically removed from the current election ballot. <br /><br />This action performed by the current system administrator and was likely the cause of this person expressing that they no longer wishes to be considered for their nominationed position.<br /><br />Any questions or comments please email the current APSCUF-KU iVote system administrator.<br /><br />Team A<br />CSC 354<br /><br />(PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.)", dbLogic.selectFullName(data[1]) + " Offically Removed From Election Ballot"); } else if (String.Equals(e.CommandName, "add")) { dbLogic.updateEligible(data[0], "1"); LabelFeedback.Text = "User successfully placed back on the current ballot. Email sent to ALL users alerting them of this action."; emailSender.sendEmailToList(emailList, "Hello and greetings from the APSCUF-KU iVote System! <br /><br />This email is to inform you that " + dbLogic.selectFullName(data[1]) + " has been offically re-added to the ballot for this election by the current system administrator.<br /><br />Any questions or comments please email the current APSCUF-KU iVote system administrator.<br /><br />Team A<br />CSC 354<br /><br />(PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.)", dbLogic.selectFullName(data[1]) + " Offically Re-Added To Election Ballot"); } dbLogic.selectInfoForApprovalTable(); DataSet emailSet = dbLogic.getResults(); ListViewApproval.DataSource = emailSet; ListViewApproval.DataBind(); loadApprovalInfo(); }