Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// Returns random location on navmesh within the reach of specified location.
        /// Polygons are chosen weighted by area. The search runs in linear related to number of polygon.
        /// The location is not exactly constrained by the circle, but it limits the visited polygons.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
        ///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the search circle. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[in]		frand			Function returning a random number [0..1).
        ///  @param[out]	randomRef		The reference id of the random location.
        ///  @param[out]	randomPt		The random location. [(x, y, z)]
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
		public dtStatus findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] centerPos, float radius,
													         dtQueryFilter filter, randomFloatGenerator frand,
													         ref dtPolyRef randomRef,ref float[] randomPt)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_nodePool != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_openList != null);
	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0 || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtMeshTile startTile = null;
	        dtPoly startPoly = null;
	        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(startRef, ref startTile, ref startPoly);
	        if (!filter.passFilter(startRef, startTile, startPoly))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtNode startNode = m_nodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        dtVcopy(startNode.pos, centerPos);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.cost = 0;
	        startNode.total = 0;
	        startNode.id = startRef;
	        startNode.flags = (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        float radiusSqr = dtSqr(radius);
	        float areaSum = 0.0f;

	        dtMeshTile randomTile = null;
	        dtPoly randomPoly = null;
	        dtPolyRef randomPolyRef = 0;

	        while (!m_openList.empty())
		        dtNode bestNode = m_openList.pop();
		            bestNode.flags &= (byte)( ~ dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN );
		        bestNode.flags |= (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
		        // Get poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef bestRef = bestNode.id;
		        dtMeshTile bestTile = null;
		        dtPoly bestPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, ref bestTile, ref bestPoly);

		        // Place random locations on on ground.
		        if (bestPoly.getType() == (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_GROUND)
			        // Calc area of the polygon.
			        float polyArea = 0.0f;
			        for (int j = 2; j < bestPoly.vertCount; ++j)
				        //const float* va = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[0]*3];
				        //const float* vb = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[j-1]*3];
				        //const float* vc = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[j]*3];
				        polyArea += dtTriArea2D(bestTile.verts, bestPoly.verts[0]*3, bestTile.verts, bestPoly.verts[j-1]*3, bestTile.verts, bestPoly.verts[j]*3);
			        // Choose random polygon weighted by area, using reservoi sampling.
			        areaSum += polyArea;
			        float u = frand();
			        if (u*areaSum <= polyArea)
				        randomTile = bestTile;
				        randomPoly = bestPoly;
				        randomPolyRef = bestRef;
		        // Get parent poly and tile.
		        dtPolyRef parentRef = 0;
		        dtMeshTile parentTile = null;
		        dtPoly parentPoly = null;
		        if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
			        parentRef = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
		        if (parentRef != 0)
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(parentRef, ref parentTile, ref parentPoly);
		        for (uint i = bestPoly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
			        dtLink link = bestTile.links[i];
			        dtPolyRef neighbourRef = link.polyRef;
			        // Skip invalid neighbours and do not follow back to parent.
			        if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
			        // Expand to neighbour
			        dtMeshTile neighbourTile = null;
			        dtPoly neighbourPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, ref neighbourTile, ref neighbourPoly);
			        // Do not advance if the polygon is excluded by the filter.
			        if (!filter.passFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
			        // Find edge and calc distance to the edge.
			        float[] va = new float[3];//, vb[3];
                    float[] vb = new float[3];
			        if (getPortalPoints(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile, neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile, va, vb) == 0)
			        // If the circle is not touching the next polygon, skip it.
			        float tseg = .0f;
			        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos, 0, va, 0, vb, 0, ref tseg);
			        if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
			        dtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.getNode(neighbourRef);
			        if (neighbourNode == null)
				        status |= DT_OUT_OF_NODES;
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0)
			        // Cost
			        if (neighbourNode.flags == 0){
				        dtVlerp(neighbourNode.pos, va, vb, 0.5f);
			        float total = bestNode.total + dtVdist(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos);
			        // The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
			        if (((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0) && total >= neighbourNode.total)
			        neighbourNode.id = neighbourRef;
			            neighbourNode.flags = (byte)(neighbourNode.flags & (byte)(~dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED));
			        neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.getNodeIdx(bestNode);
			        neighbourNode.total = total;
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0)
				        neighbourNode.flags = (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        if (randomPoly == null)
		        return DT_FAILURE;
	        // Randomly pick point on polygon.
	        //float* v = &randomTile.verts[randomPoly.verts[0]*3];
	        float[] verts = new float[3*DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        float[] areas = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        dtVcopy(verts, 0*3, randomTile.verts, 0);
	        for (int j = 1; j < randomPoly.vertCount; ++j)
		        //v = &randomTile.verts[randomPoly.verts[j]*3];
	        float s = frand();
	        float t = frand();
	        float[] pt = new float[3];
	        dtRandomPointInConvexPoly(verts, randomPoly.vertCount, areas, s, t, pt);
	        float h = 0.0f;
	        dtStatus stat = getPolyHeight(randomPolyRef, pt, ref h);
	        if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		        return stat;
	        pt[1] = h;
	        dtVcopy(randomPt, pt);
	        randomRef = randomPolyRef;
	        return DT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// Queries polygons within a tile.
		public int queryPolygonsInTile(dtMeshTile tile, float[] qmin, float[] qmax,
										        dtQueryFilter filter,
										        dtPolyRef[] polys, int polyStart, int maxPolys)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);

	        if (tile.bvTree != null)
		        dtBVNode node = tile.bvTree[0];
		        //dtBVNode* end = &tile.bvTree[tile.header.bvNodeCount];
                int endIndex = tile.header.bvNodeCount;
		        float[] tbmin = tile.header.bmin;
		        float[] tbmax = tile.header.bmax;
		        float qfac = tile.header.bvQuantFactor;
		        // Calculate quantized box
		        ushort[] bmin = new ushort[3];//, bmax[3];
                ushort[] bmax = new ushort[3];
		        // dtClamp query box to world box.
		        float minx = dtClamp(qmin[0], tbmin[0], tbmax[0]) - tbmin[0];
		        float miny = dtClamp(qmin[1], tbmin[1], tbmax[1]) - tbmin[1];
		        float minz = dtClamp(qmin[2], tbmin[2], tbmax[2]) - tbmin[2];
		        float maxx = dtClamp(qmax[0], tbmin[0], tbmax[0]) - tbmin[0];
		        float maxy = dtClamp(qmax[1], tbmin[1], tbmax[1]) - tbmin[1];
		        float maxz = dtClamp(qmax[2], tbmin[2], tbmax[2]) - tbmin[2];
		        // Quantize
		        bmin[0] = (ushort)((int)(qfac * minx) & 0xfffe);
		        bmin[1] = (ushort)((int)(qfac * miny) & 0xfffe);
		        bmin[2] = (ushort)((int)(qfac * minz) & 0xfffe);
		        bmax[0] = (ushort)((int)(qfac * maxx + 1) | 1);
		        bmax[1] = (ushort)((int)(qfac * maxy + 1) | 1);
		        bmax[2] = (ushort)((int)(qfac * maxz + 1) | 1);
		        // Traverse tree
		        dtPolyRef polyRefBase = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(tile);
		        int n = 0;
                int nodeIndex = 0;
		        while (nodeIndex < endIndex)
                    node = tile.bvTree[nodeIndex];

			        bool overlap = dtOverlapQuantBounds(bmin, bmax, node.bmin, node.bmax);
			        bool isLeafNode = node.i >= 0;
			        if (isLeafNode && overlap)
				        dtPolyRef polyRef = polyRefBase | (dtPolyRef)node.i;
				        if (filter.passFilter(polyRef, tile, tile.polys[node.i]))
					        if (n < maxPolys)
						        polys[polyStart + n++] = polyRef;
			        if (overlap || isLeafNode){
				        int escapeIndex = -node.i;
				        nodeIndex += escapeIndex;
		        return n;
		        float[] bmin = new float[3];//, bmax[3];
                float[] bmax = new float[3];
		        int n = 0;
		        dtPolyRef polyRefBase = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(tile);
		        for (int i = 0; i < tile.header.polyCount; ++i)
			        dtPoly p = tile.polys[i];
			        // Do not return off-mesh connection polygons.
			        if (p.getType() == (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)
			        // Must pass filter
			        dtPolyRef polyRef = polyRefBase | (dtPolyRef)i;
			        if (!filter.passFilter(polyRef, tile, p))
			        // Calc polygon bounds.
			        //const float* v = &tile.verts[p.verts[0]*3];
                    int vStart = p.verts[0]*3;
			        dtVcopy(bmin,0, tile.verts,vStart);
			        dtVcopy(bmax,0, tile.verts,vStart);
			        for (int j = 1; j < p.vertCount; ++j)
				        //v = &tile.verts[p.verts[j]*3];
                        vStart = p.verts[j]*3;
				        dtVmin(bmin,0, tile.verts,vStart);
				        dtVmax(bmax,0, tile.verts,vStart);
			        if (dtOverlapBounds(qmin,qmax, bmin,bmax))
				        if (n < maxPolys)
					        polys[polyStart + n++] = polyRef;
		        return n;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// Finds the distance from the specified position to the nearest polygon wall.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon containing @p centerPos.
        ///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the search circle. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		maxRadius		The radius of the search circle.
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	hitDist			The distance to the nearest wall from @p centerPos.
        ///  @param[out]	hitPos			The nearest position on the wall that was hit. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[out]	hitNormal		The normalized ray formed from the wall point to the 
        ///  								source point. [(x, y, z)]
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
        /// @par
        /// @p hitPos is not adjusted using the height detail data.
        /// @p hitDist will equal the search radius if there is no wall within the 
        /// radius. In this case the values of @p hitPos and @p hitNormal are
        /// undefined.
        /// The normal will become unpredicable if @p hitDist is a very small number.
        dtStatus findDistanceToWall(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] centerPos, float maxRadius,
											        dtQueryFilter filter,
											        ref float hitDist, float[] hitPos, float[] hitNormal)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_nodePool != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_openList != null);
	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0 || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtNode startNode = m_nodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        dtVcopy(startNode.pos, centerPos);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.cost = 0;
	        startNode.total = 0;
	        startNode.id = startRef;
	        startNode.flags = (byte) dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        float radiusSqr = dtSqr(maxRadius);
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        while (!m_openList.empty())
		        dtNode bestNode = m_openList.pop();
		        //bestNode.flags &= ~DT_NODE_OPEN;
		        //bestNode.flags |= DT_NODE_CLOSED;
		        // Get poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef bestRef = bestNode.id;
		        dtMeshTile bestTile = null;
		        dtPoly bestPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, ref bestTile, ref bestPoly);
		        // Get parent poly and tile.
		        dtPolyRef parentRef = 0;
		        dtMeshTile parentTile = null;
		        dtPoly parentPoly = null;
		        if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
			        parentRef = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
		        if (parentRef != 0)
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(parentRef, ref parentTile, ref parentPoly);
		        // Hit test walls.
		        for (int i = 0, j = (int)bestPoly.vertCount-1; i < (int)bestPoly.vertCount; j = i++)
			        // Skip non-solid edges.
			        if ((bestPoly.neis[j] & DT_EXT_LINK) != 0)
				        // Tile border.
				        bool solid = true;
				        for (uint k = bestPoly.firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = bestTile.links[k].next)
					        dtLink link = bestTile.links[k];
					        if (link.edge == j)
						        if (link.polyRef != 0)
							        dtMeshTile neiTile = null;
							        dtPoly neiPoly = null;
							        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(link.polyRef, ref neiTile, ref neiPoly);
							        if (filter.passFilter(link.polyRef, neiTile, neiPoly))
								        solid = false;
				        if (!solid) continue;
			        else if (bestPoly.neis[j] != 0)
				        // Internal edge
				        uint idx = (uint)(bestPoly.neis[j]-1);
				        dtPolyRef polyRef = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(bestTile) | idx;
				        if (filter.passFilter(polyRef, bestTile, bestTile.polys[idx]))
			        // Calc distance to the edge.
			        //const float* vj = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[j]*3];
			        //const float* vi = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[i]*3];
                    int vjStart = bestPoly.verts[j]*3;
                    int viStart = bestPoly.verts[i]*3;
			        float tseg = .0f;
			        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos, 0, bestTile.verts,vjStart, bestTile.verts, viStart,ref tseg);
			        // Edge is too far, skip.
			        if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
			        // Hit wall, update radius.
			        radiusSqr = distSqr;
			        // Calculate hit pos.
			        hitPos[0] = bestTile.verts[vjStart + 0] + (bestTile.verts[viStart + 0] - bestTile.verts[vjStart + 0])*tseg;
			        hitPos[1] = bestTile.verts[vjStart + 1] + (bestTile.verts[viStart + 1] - bestTile.verts[vjStart + 1])*tseg;
			        hitPos[2] = bestTile.verts[vjStart + 2] + (bestTile.verts[viStart + 2] - bestTile.verts[vjStart + 2])*tseg;
		        for (uint i = bestPoly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
			        dtLink link = bestTile.links[i];
			        dtPolyRef neighbourRef = link.polyRef;
			        // Skip invalid neighbours and do not follow back to parent.
			        if (neighbourRef != 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
			        // Expand to neighbour.
			        dtMeshTile neighbourTile = null;
			        dtPoly neighbourPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, ref neighbourTile, ref neighbourPoly);
			        // Skip off-mesh connections.
			        if (neighbourPoly.getType() == (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)
			        // Calc distance to the edge.
			        //const float* va = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[link.edge]*3];
			        //const float* vb = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[(link.edge+1) % bestPoly.vertCount]*3];
                    int vaStart = bestPoly.verts[link.edge]*3;
                    int vbStart = bestPoly.verts[(link.edge+1) % bestPoly.vertCount]*3;

			        float tseg = .0f;
			        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos, 0, bestTile.verts, vaStart, bestTile.verts, vbStart, ref tseg);
			        // If the circle is not touching the next polygon, skip it.
			        if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
			        if (!filter.passFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))

			        dtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.getNode(neighbourRef);
			        if (neighbourNode == null)
				        status |= DT_OUT_OF_NODES;
			        if (neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED))// .flags & DT_NODE_CLOSED)
			        // Cost
			        if (neighbourNode.flags == 0)
				        getEdgeMidPoint(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile,
								        neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile, neighbourNode.pos);
			        float total = bestNode.total + dtVdist(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos);
			        // The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
			        if (neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) && total >= neighbourNode.total)
			        neighbourNode.id = neighbourRef;
			        //neighbourNode.flags = (neighbourNode.flags & ~DT_NODE_CLOSED);
			        neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.getNodeIdx(bestNode);
			        neighbourNode.total = total;
			        if (neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN))// .flags & DT_NODE_OPEN)
				        //neighbourNode.flags |= DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        // Calc hit normal.
	        dtVsub(hitNormal, centerPos, hitPos);
	        hitDist = (float) Math.Sqrt(radiusSqr);
	        return status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// @}
        /// @name Miscellaneous Functions
        /// @{

        /// Returns true if the polygon reference is valid and passes the filter restrictions.
        ///  @param[in]		ref			The polygon reference to check.
        ///  @param[in]		filter		The filter to apply.
        bool isValidPolyRef(dtPolyRef polyRef,dtQueryFilter filter)
	        dtMeshTile tile = null;
	        dtPoly poly = null;
	        dtStatus status = m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRef(polyRef, ref tile, ref poly);
	        // If cannot get polygon, assume it does not exists and boundary is invalid.
	        if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		        return false;
	        // If cannot pass filter, assume flags has changed and boundary is invalid.
	        if (!filter.passFilter(polyRef, tile, poly))
		        return false;
	        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// Finds the non-overlapping navigation polygons in the local neighbourhood around the center position.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
        ///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the query circle. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		radius			The radius of the query circle.
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	resultRef		The reference ids of the polygons touched by the circle.
        ///  @param[out]	resultParent	The reference ids of the parent polygons for each result. 
        ///  								Zero if a result polygon has no parent. [opt]
        ///  @param[out]	resultCount		The number of polygons found.
        ///  @param[in]		maxResult		The maximum number of polygons the result arrays can hold.
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
        /// @par
        /// This method is optimized for a small search radius and small number of result 
        /// polygons.
        /// Candidate polygons are found by searching the navigation graph beginning at 
        /// the start polygon.
        /// The same intersection test restrictions that apply to the findPolysAroundCircle 
        /// mehtod applies to this method.
        /// The value of the center point is used as the start point for cost calculations. 
        /// It is not projected onto the surface of the mesh, so its y-value will effect 
        /// the costs.
        /// Intersection tests occur in 2D. All polygons and the search circle are 
        /// projected onto the xz-plane. So the y-value of the center point does not 
        /// effect intersection tests.
        /// If the result arrays are is too small to hold the entire result set, they will 
        /// be filled to capacity.
        dtStatus findLocalNeighbourhood(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] centerPos, float radius,
												        dtQueryFilter filter,
												        dtPolyRef[] resultRef, dtPolyRef[] resultParent,
												        ref int resultCount, int maxResult)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_tinyNodePool != null);
	        resultCount = 0;

	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0 || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        const int MAX_STACK = 48;
	        dtNode[] stack = new dtNode[MAX_STACK];
	        int nstack = 0;
	        dtNode startNode = m_tinyNodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.id = startRef;
	        startNode.flags = (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
	        stack[nstack++] = startNode;
	        float radiusSqr = dtSqr(radius);
	        float[] pa = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON*3];
	        float[] pb = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON*3];
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        int n = 0;
	        if (n < maxResult)
		        resultRef[n] = startNode.id;
		        if (resultParent != null)
			        resultParent[n] = 0;
		        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
	        while (nstack != 0)
		        // Pop front.
		        dtNode curNode = stack[0];
		        for (int i = 0; i < nstack-1; ++i)
			        stack[i] = stack[i+1];
		        // Get poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef curRef = curNode.id;
		        dtMeshTile curTile = null;
		        dtPoly curPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(curRef, ref curTile, ref curPoly);
		        for (uint i = curPoly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = curTile.links[i].next)
			        dtLink link = curTile.links[i];
			        dtPolyRef neighbourRef = link.polyRef;
			        // Skip invalid neighbours.
			        if (neighbourRef == 0)
			        // Skip if cannot alloca more nodes.
			        dtNode neighbourNode = m_tinyNodePool.getNode(neighbourRef);
			        if (neighbourNode == null)
			        // Skip visited.
			        if (neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED))// .flags & DT_NODE_CLOSED)
			        // Expand to neighbour
			        dtMeshTile neighbourTile = null;
			        dtPoly neighbourPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, ref neighbourTile, ref neighbourPoly);
			        // Skip off-mesh connections.
			        if (neighbourPoly.getType() == (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)
			        // Do not advance if the polygon is excluded by the filter.
			        if (!filter.passFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
			        // Find edge and calc distance to the edge.
			        float[] va = new float[3];//, vb[3];
                    float[] vb = new float[3];
			        if (getPortalPoints(curRef, curPoly, curTile, neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile, va, vb) == 0)
			        // If the circle is not touching the next polygon, skip it.
			        float tseg = .0f;
			        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos, 0, va, 0, vb, 0,ref tseg);
			        if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
			        // Mark node visited, this is done before the overlap test so that
			        // we will not visit the poly again if the test fails.
			        //neighbourNode.flags |= DT_NODE_CLOSED;
			        neighbourNode.pidx = m_tinyNodePool.getNodeIdx(curNode);
			        // Check that the polygon does not collide with existing polygons.
			        // Collect vertices of the neighbour poly.
			        int npa = neighbourPoly.vertCount;
			        for (int k = 0; k < npa; ++k){
				        dtVcopy(pa,k*3, neighbourTile.verts,neighbourPoly.verts[k]*3);
			        bool overlap = false;
			        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
				        dtPolyRef pastRef = resultRef[j];
				        // Connected polys do not overlap.
				        bool connected = false;
				        for (uint k = curPoly.firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = curTile.links[k].next)
					        if (curTile.links[k].polyRef == pastRef)
						        connected = true;
				        if (connected)
				        // Potentially overlapping.
				        dtMeshTile pastTile = null;
				        dtPoly pastPoly = null;
				        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(pastRef, ref pastTile, ref pastPoly);
				        // Get vertices and test overlap
				        int npb = pastPoly.vertCount;
				        for (int k = 0; k < npb; ++k){
					        dtVcopy(pb,k*3, pastTile.verts,pastPoly.verts[k]*3);
				        if (dtOverlapPolyPoly2D(pa,npa, pb,npb))
					        overlap = true;
			        if (overlap)
			        // This poly is fine, store and advance to the poly.
			        if (n < maxResult)
				        resultRef[n] = neighbourRef;
				        if (resultParent != null)
					        resultParent[n] = curRef;
				        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
			        if (nstack < MAX_STACK)
				        stack[nstack++] = neighbourNode;
	        resultCount = n;
	        return status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// Returns the segments for the specified polygon, optionally including portals.
        ///  @param[in]		ref				The reference id of the polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	segmentVerts	The segments. [(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz) * segmentCount]
        ///  @param[out]	segmentRefs		The reference ids of each segment's neighbor polygon. 
        ///  								Or zero if the segment is a wall. [opt] [(parentRef) * @p segmentCount] 
        ///  @param[out]	segmentCount	The number of segments returned.
        ///  @param[in]		maxSegments		The maximum number of segments the result arrays can hold.
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
        /// @par
        /// If the @p segmentRefs parameter is provided, then all polygon segments will be returned. 
        /// Otherwise only the wall segments are returned.
        /// A segment that is normally a portal will be included in the result set as a 
        /// wall if the @p filter results in the neighbor polygon becoomming impassable.
        /// The @p segmentVerts and @p segmentRefs buffers should normally be sized for the 
        /// maximum segments per polygon of the source navigation mesh.
        dtStatus getPolyWallSegments(dtPolyRef polyRef, dtQueryFilter filter,
											         float[] segmentVerts, dtPolyRef[] segmentRefs, ref int segmentCount,
											         int maxSegments)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        segmentCount = 0;
	        dtMeshTile tile = null;
	        dtPoly poly = null;
	        if (dtStatusFailed(m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRef(polyRef, ref tile, ref poly)))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        int n = 0;
	        const int MAX_INTERVAL = 16;
	        dtSegInterval[] ints = new dtSegInterval[MAX_INTERVAL];
	        int nints;
	        bool storePortals = segmentRefs != null;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        for (int i = 0, j = (int)poly.vertCount-1; i < (int)poly.vertCount; j = i++) {
                // Skip non-solid edges.
                nints = 0;
                if ((poly.neis[j] & DT_EXT_LINK) != 0) {
                    // Tile border.
                    for (uint k = poly.firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = tile.links[k].next) {
                        dtLink link = tile.links[k];
                        if (link.edge == j) {
                            if (link.polyRef != 0) {
                                dtMeshTile neiTile = null;
                                dtPoly neiPoly = null;
                                m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(link.polyRef, ref neiTile, ref neiPoly);
                                if (filter.passFilter(link.polyRef, neiTile, neiPoly)) {
                                    insertInterval(ints, ref nints, MAX_INTERVAL, link.bmin, link.bmax, link.polyRef);
                } else {
                    // Internal edge
                    dtPolyRef neiRef = 0;
                    if (poly.neis[j] != 0) {
                        uint idx = (uint)(poly.neis[j] - 1);
                        neiRef = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(tile) | idx;
                        if (!filter.passFilter(neiRef, tile, tile.polys[idx]))
                            neiRef = 0;

                    // If the edge leads to another polygon and portals are not stored, skip.
                    if (neiRef != 0 && !storePortals)

                    if (n < maxSegments) {
                        //const float* vj = &tile.verts[poly.verts[j]*3];
                        //const float* vi = &tile.verts[poly.verts[i]*3];
                        //float* seg = &segmentVerts[n*6];
                        int vjStart = poly.verts[j] * 3;
                        int viStart = poly.verts[i] * 3;
                        int segStart = n * 6;
                        dtVcopy(segmentVerts, segStart, tile.verts, vjStart);
                        dtVcopy(segmentVerts, segStart + 3, tile.verts, viStart);
                        if (segmentRefs != null)
                            segmentRefs[n] = neiRef;
                    } else {
                        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;


                // Add sentinels
                insertInterval(ints, ref nints, MAX_INTERVAL, -1, 0, 0);
                insertInterval(ints, ref nints, MAX_INTERVAL, 255, 256, 0);

                // Store segments.
                //const float* vj = &tile.verts[poly.verts[j]*3];
                //const float* vi = &tile.verts[poly.verts[i]*3];
                int vjStart2 = poly.verts[j] * 3;
                int viStart2 = poly.verts[i] * 3;
                for (int k = 1; k < nints; ++k) {
                    // Portal segment.
                    if (storePortals && ints[k].polyRef != 0) {
                        float tmin = ints[k].tmin / 255.0f;
                        float tmax = ints[k].tmax / 255.0f;
                        if (n < maxSegments) {
                            //float* seg = &segmentVerts[n*6];
                            int segStart = n * 6;
                            dtVlerp(segmentVerts, segStart, tile.verts, vjStart2, tile.verts, viStart2, tmin);
                            dtVlerp(segmentVerts, segStart + 3, tile.verts, vjStart2, tile.verts, viStart2, tmax);
                            if (segmentRefs != null)
                                segmentRefs[n] = ints[k].polyRef;
                        } else {
                            status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

                    // Wall segment.
                    int imin = ints[k - 1].tmax;
                    int imax = ints[k].tmin;
                    if (imin != imax) {
                        float tmin = imin / 255.0f;
                        float tmax = imax / 255.0f;
                        if (n < maxSegments) {
                            //float* seg = &segmentVerts[n*6];
                            int segStart = n * 6;
                            dtVlerp(segmentVerts, segStart, tile.verts, vjStart2, tile.verts, viStart2, tmin);
                            dtVlerp(segmentVerts, segStart + 3, tile.verts, vjStart2, tile.verts, viStart2, tmax);
                            if (segmentRefs != null)
                                segmentRefs[n] = 0;
                        } else {
                            status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
	        segmentCount = n;
	        return status;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// Returns random location on navmesh.
        /// Polygons are chosen weighted by area. The search runs in linear related to number of polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[in]		frand			Function returning a random number [0..1).
        ///  @param[out]	randomRef		The reference id of the random location.
        ///  @param[out]	randomPt		The random location. 
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
		public dtStatus findRandomPoint(dtQueryFilter filter, randomFloatGenerator frand,
						        ref dtPolyRef randomRef, ref float[] randomPt)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        // Randomly pick one tile. Assume that all tiles cover roughly the same area.
	        dtMeshTile tile = null;
	        float tsum = 0.0f;
	        for (int i = 0; i < m_nav.getMaxTiles(); i++)
		        dtMeshTile curTile = m_nav.getTile(i);
		        if (curTile == null || curTile.header == null) continue;
		        // Choose random tile using reservoi sampling.
		        const float area = 1.0f; // Could be tile area too.
		        tsum += area;
		        float u = frand();
		        if (u*tsum <= area)
			        tile = curTile;
	        if (tile == null)
		        return DT_FAILURE;

	        // Randomly pick one polygon weighted by polygon area.
	        dtPoly poly = null;
	        dtPolyRef polyRef = 0;
	        dtPolyRef polyRefBase = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(tile);

	        float areaSum = 0.0f;
	        for (int i = 0; i < tile.header.polyCount; ++i)
		        dtPoly p = tile.polys[i];
		        // Do not return off-mesh connection polygons.
		        if (p.getType() != (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_GROUND)
		        // Must pass filter
		        dtPolyRef pRef = polyRefBase | (dtPolyRef)i;
		        if (!filter.passFilter(pRef, tile, p))

		        // Calc area of the polygon.
		        float polyArea = 0.0f;
		        for (int j = 2; j < p.vertCount; ++j)
			        //float* va = &tile.verts[p.verts[0]*3];
			        //float* vb = &tile.verts[p.verts[j-1]*3];
			        //float* vc = &tile.verts[p.verts[j]*3];

			        polyArea += Detour.dtTriArea2D(tile.verts, p.verts[0]*3, tile.verts, p.verts[j-1]*3, tile.verts, p.verts[j]*3);

		        // Choose random polygon weighted by area, using reservoi sampling.
		        areaSum += polyArea;
		        float u = frand();
		        if (u*areaSum <= polyArea)
			        poly = p;
			        polyRef = pRef;
	        if (poly == null)
		        return DT_FAILURE;

	        // Randomly pick point on polygon.
	        //const float* v = &tile.verts[poly.verts[0]*3];
            int vStart = poly.verts[0]*3;
	        float[] verts = new float[3*DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        float[] areas = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        for (int j = 1; j < poly.vertCount; ++j)
		        //v = &tile.verts[poly.verts[j]*3];
	        float s = frand();
	        float t = frand();
	        float[] pt = new float[3];
	        dtRandomPointInConvexPoly(verts, poly.vertCount, areas, s, t, pt);
	        float h = 0.0f;
	        dtStatus status = getPolyHeight(polyRef, pt, ref h);
	        if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		        return status;
	        pt[1] = h;
	        Detour.dtVcopy(randomPt, 0 , pt, 0);
	        randomRef = polyRef;

	        return DT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// Finds the polygons along the naviation graph that touch the specified convex polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
        ///  @param[in]		verts			The vertices describing the convex polygon. (CCW) 
        ///  								[(x, y, z) * @p nverts]
        ///  @param[in]		nverts			The number of vertices in the polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	resultRef		The reference ids of the polygons touched by the search polygon. [opt]
        ///  @param[out]	resultParent	The reference ids of the parent polygons for each result. Zero if a 
        ///  								result polygon has no parent. [opt]
        ///  @param[out]	resultCost		The search cost from the centroid point to the polygon. [opt]
        ///  @param[out]	resultCount		The number of polygons found.
        ///  @param[in]		maxResult		The maximum number of polygons the result arrays can hold.
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
        /// @par
        /// The order of the result set is from least to highest cost.
        /// At least one result array must be provided.
        /// A common use case for this method is to perform Dijkstra searches. 
        /// Candidate polygons are found by searching the graph beginning at the start 
        /// polygon.
        /// The same intersection test restrictions that apply to findPolysAroundCircle()
        /// method apply to this method.
        /// The 3D centroid of the search polygon is used as the start position for cost 
        /// calculations.
        /// Intersection tests occur in 2D. All polygons are projected onto the 
        /// xz-plane. So the y-values of the vertices do not effect intersection tests.
        /// If the result arrays are is too small to hold the entire result set, they will 
        /// be filled to capacity.
        dtStatus findPolysAroundShape(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] verts, int nverts,
											          dtQueryFilter filter,
											          dtPolyRef[] resultRef,dtPolyRef[] resultParent, float[] resultCost,
											          ref int resultCount, int maxResult)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_nodePool != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_openList != null);
	        resultCount = 0;
	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0 || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        float[] centerPos = new float[] {0,0,0};
	        for (int i = 0; i < nverts; ++i){

	        dtNode startNode = m_nodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        dtVcopy(startNode.pos, centerPos);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.cost = 0;
	        startNode.total = 0;
	        startNode.id = startRef;
	        startNode.flags = (byte) dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;

	        int n = 0;
	        if (n < maxResult)
		        if (resultRef != null)
			        resultRef[n] = startNode.id;
		        if (resultParent != null)
			        resultParent[n] = 0;
		        if (resultCost != null)
			        resultCost[n] = 0;
		        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
	        while (!m_openList.empty())
		        dtNode bestNode = m_openList.pop();
		        //bestNode.flags &= ~DT_NODE_OPEN;
		        //bestNode.flags |= DT_NODE_CLOSED;
		        // Get poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef bestRef = bestNode.id;
		        dtMeshTile bestTile = null;
		        dtPoly bestPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, ref bestTile, ref bestPoly);
		        // Get parent poly and tile.
		        dtPolyRef parentRef = 0;
		        dtMeshTile parentTile = null;
		        dtPoly parentPoly = null;
		        if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
			        parentRef = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
		        if (parentRef != 0)
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(parentRef, ref parentTile, ref parentPoly);
		        for (uint i = bestPoly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
			        dtLink link = bestTile.links[i];
			        dtPolyRef neighbourRef = link.polyRef;
			        // Skip invalid neighbours and do not follow back to parent.
			        if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
			        // Expand to neighbour
			        dtMeshTile neighbourTile = null;
			        dtPoly neighbourPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, ref neighbourTile, ref neighbourPoly);
			        // Do not advance if the polygon is excluded by the filter.
			        if (!filter.passFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
			        // Find edge and calc distance to the edge.
			        float[] va = new float[3];//, vb[3];
                    float[] vb = new float[3];
			        if (getPortalPoints(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile, neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile, va, vb) == 0)
			        // If the poly is not touching the edge to the next polygon, skip the connection it.
			        float tmin = 0, tmax = 0;
			        int segMin = 0, segMax = 0;
			        if (dtIntersectSegmentPoly2D(va, vb, verts, nverts,ref tmin,ref tmax,ref segMin,ref segMax))
			        if (tmin > 1.0f || tmax < 0.0f)
			        dtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.getNode(neighbourRef);
			        if (neighbourNode == null)
				        status |= DT_OUT_OF_NODES;
			        if (neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED))
			        // Cost
			        if (neighbourNode.flags == 0)
				        dtVlerp(neighbourNode.pos, va, vb, 0.5f);
			        float total = bestNode.total + dtVdist(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos);
			        // The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
			        if ((neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN)) && total >= neighbourNode.total)
			        neighbourNode.id = neighbourRef;
			        neighbourNode.dtcsClearFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED);// = (neighbourNode.flags & ~DT_NODE_CLOSED);
			        neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.getNodeIdx(bestNode);
			        neighbourNode.total = total;
			        if (neighbourNode.dtcsTestFlag(dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN))// .flags & DT_NODE_OPEN)
				        if (n < maxResult)
					        if (resultRef != null)
						        resultRef[n] = neighbourNode.id;
					        if (resultParent != null)
						        resultParent[n] = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(neighbourNode.pidx).id;
					        if (resultCost != null)
						        resultCost[n] = neighbourNode.total;
					        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
				        neighbourNode.flags = (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        resultCount = n;
	        return status;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// Casts a 'walkability' ray along the surface of the navigation mesh from 
        /// the start position toward the end position.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef	The reference id of the start polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		startPos	A position within the start polygon representing 
        ///  							the start of the ray. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		endPos		The position to cast the ray toward. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[out]	t			The hit parameter. (FLT_MAX if no wall hit.)
        ///  @param[out]	hitNormal	The normal of the nearest wall hit. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	path		The reference ids of the visited polygons. [opt]
        ///  @param[out]	pathCount	The number of visited polygons. [opt]
        ///  @param[in]		maxPath		The maximum number of polygons the @p path array can hold.
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
        /// @par
        /// This method is meant to be used for quick, short distance checks.
        /// If the path array is too small to hold the result, it will be filled as 
        /// far as possible from the start postion toward the end position.
        /// <b>Using the Hit Parameter (t)</b>
        /// If the hit parameter is a very high value (FLT_MAX), then the ray has hit 
        /// the end position. In this case the path represents a valid corridor to the 
        /// end position and the value of @p hitNormal is undefined.
        /// If the hit parameter is zero, then the start position is on the wall that 
        /// was hit and the value of @p hitNormal is undefined.
        /// If 0 < t < 1.0 then the following applies:
        /// @code
        /// distanceToHitBorder = distanceToEndPosition * t
        /// hitPoint = startPos + (endPos - startPos) * t
        /// @endcode
        /// <b>Use Case Restriction</b>
        /// The raycast ignores the y-value of the end position. (2D check.) This 
        /// places significant limits on how it can be used. For example:
        /// Consider a scene where there is a main floor with a second floor balcony 
        /// that hangs over the main floor. So the first floor mesh extends below the 
        /// balcony mesh. The start position is somewhere on the first floor. The end 
        /// position is on the balcony.
        /// The raycast will search toward the end position along the first floor mesh. 
        /// If it reaches the end position's xz-coordinates it will indicate FLT_MAX
        /// (no wall hit), meaning it reached the end position. This is one example of why
        /// this method is meant for short distance checks.
        dtStatus raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] startPos, float[] endPos,
								         dtQueryFilter filter,
								         ref float t, float[] hitNormal, dtPolyRef[] path, ref int pathCount, int maxPath)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        t = 0;
	        //if (pathCount)
		    pathCount = 0;
	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0 || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtPolyRef curRef = startRef;
	        float[] verts = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON*3];	
	        int n = 0;
	        hitNormal[0] = 0;
	        hitNormal[1] = 0;
	        hitNormal[2] = 0;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        while (curRef != 0)
		        // Cast ray against current polygon.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtMeshTile tile = null;
		        dtPoly poly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(curRef, ref tile, ref poly);
		        // Collect vertices.
		        int nv = 0;
		        for (int i = 0; i < (int)poly.vertCount; ++i)
			        dtVcopy(verts, nv*3, tile.verts, poly.verts[i]*3);
		        float tmin = 0, tmax = 0;
		        int segMin = 0, segMax = 0;
		        if (!dtIntersectSegmentPoly2D(startPos, endPos, verts, nv,ref tmin,ref tmax,ref segMin,ref segMax))
			        // Could not hit the polygon, keep the old t and report hit.
				    pathCount = n;
			        return status;
		        // Keep track of furthest t so far.
		        if (tmax > t)
			        t = tmax;
		        // Store visited polygons.
		        if (n < maxPath)
			        path[n++] = curRef;
			        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
		        // Ray end is completely inside the polygon.
		        if (segMax == -1)
			        t = float.MaxValue;
			        //if (pathCount)
				    pathCount = n;
			        return status;
		        // Follow neighbours.
		        dtPolyRef nextRef = 0;
		        for (uint i = poly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = tile.links[i].next)
			        dtLink link = tile.links[i];
			        // Find link which contains this edge.
			        if ((int)link.edge != segMax)
			        // Get pointer to the next polygon.
			        dtMeshTile nextTile = null;
			        dtPoly nextPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(link.polyRef, ref nextTile, ref nextPoly);
			        // Skip off-mesh connections.
			        if (nextPoly.getType() == (byte) dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)
			        // Skip links based on filter.
			        if (!filter.passFilter(link.polyRef, nextTile, nextPoly))
			        // If the link is internal, just return the ref.
			        if (link.side == 0xff)
				        nextRef = link.polyRef;
			        // If the link is at tile boundary,
			        // Check if the link spans the whole edge, and accept.
			        if (link.bmin == 0 && link.bmax == 255)
				        nextRef = link.polyRef;
			        // Check for partial edge links.
			        int v0 = poly.verts[link.edge];
			        int v1 = poly.verts[(link.edge+1) % poly.vertCount];
			        //const float* left = &tile.verts[v0*3];
			        //const float* right = &tile.verts[v1*3];
                    int leftStart = v0*3;
                    int rightStart = v1*3;
			        // Check that the intersection lies inside the link portal.
			        if (link.side == 0 || link.side == 4)
				        // Calculate link size.
				        const float s = 1.0f/255.0f;
				        float lmin = tile.verts[leftStart + 2] + (tile.verts[rightStart + 2] - tile.verts[leftStart + 2])*(link.bmin*s);
				        float lmax = tile.verts[leftStart + 2] + (tile.verts[rightStart + 2] - tile.verts[leftStart + 2])*(link.bmax*s);
				        if (lmin > lmax) 
                            dtSwap(ref lmin,ref lmax);
				        // Find Z intersection.
				        float z = startPos[2] + (endPos[2]-startPos[2])*tmax;
				        if (z >= lmin && z <= lmax)
					        nextRef = link.polyRef;
			        else if (link.side == 2 || link.side == 6)
				        // Calculate link size.
				        const float s = 1.0f/255.0f;
				        float lmin = tile.verts[leftStart + 0] + (tile.verts[rightStart + 0] - tile.verts[leftStart + 0])*(link.bmin*s);
				        float lmax = tile.verts[leftStart + 0] + (tile.verts[rightStart + 0] - tile.verts[leftStart + 0])*(link.bmax*s);
				        if (lmin > lmax) 
                            dtSwap(ref lmin,ref lmax);
				        // Find X intersection.
				        float x = startPos[0] + (endPos[0]-startPos[0])*tmax;
				        if (x >= lmin && x <= lmax)
					        nextRef = link.polyRef;
		        if (nextRef == 0)
			        // No neighbour, we hit a wall.
			        // Calculate hit normal.
			        int a = segMax;
			        int b = segMax+1 < nv ? segMax+1 : 0;
			        //const float* va = &verts[a*3];
			        //const float* vb = &verts[b*3];
                    int vaStart = a*3;
                    int vbStart = b*3;
			        float dx = verts[vbStart + 0] - verts[vaStart + 0];
			        float dz = verts[vbStart + 2] - verts[vaStart + 2];
			        hitNormal[0] = dz;
			        hitNormal[1] = 0;
			        hitNormal[2] = -dx;
			        //if (pathCount)
				    pathCount = n;
			        return status;
		        // No hit, advance to neighbour polygon.
		        curRef = nextRef;
	        //if (pathCount)
		    pathCount = n;
	        return status;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// Moves from the start to the end position constrained to the navigation mesh.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the start polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		startPos		A position of the mover within the start polygon. [(x, y, x)]
        ///  @param[in]		endPos			The desired end position of the mover. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	resultPos		The result position of the mover. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[out]	visited			The reference ids of the polygons visited during the move.
        ///  @param[out]	visitedCount	The number of polygons visited during the move.
        ///  @param[in]		maxVisitedSize	The maximum number of polygons the @p visited array can hold.
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
        /// @par
        /// This method is optimized for small delta movement and a small number of 
        /// polygons. If used for too great a distance, the result set will form an 
        /// incomplete path.
        /// @p resultPos will equal the @p endPos if the end is reached. 
        /// Otherwise the closest reachable position will be returned.
        /// @p resultPos is not projected onto the surface of the navigation 
        /// mesh. Use #getPolyHeight if this is needed.
        /// This method treats the end position in the same manner as 
        /// the #raycast method. (As a 2D point.) See that method's documentation 
        /// for details.
        /// If the @p visited array is too small to hold the entire result set, it will 
        /// be filled as far as possible from the start position toward the end 
        /// position.
        public dtStatus moveAlongSurface(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] startPos, float[] endPos,
										          dtQueryFilter filter,
										          float[] resultPos, dtPolyRef[] visited, ref int visitedCount, int maxVisitedSize)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_tinyNodePool != null);

	        visitedCount = 0;
	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0)
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        if (!m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        const int MAX_STACK = 48;
	        dtNode[] stack = new dtNode[MAX_STACK];
	        int nstack = 0;
	        dtNode startNode = m_tinyNodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.cost = 0;
	        startNode.total = 0;
	        startNode.id = startRef;
	        startNode.flags =(byte) dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
	        stack[nstack++] = startNode;
	        float[] bestPos = new float[3];
	        float bestDist = float.MaxValue;
	        dtNode bestNode = null;
	        dtVcopy(bestPos, startPos);
	        // Search constraints
	        float[] searchPos = new float[3];//, searchRadSqr;
            float searchRadSqr = .0f;
	        dtVlerp(searchPos, startPos, endPos, 0.5f);
	        searchRadSqr = dtSqr(dtVdist(startPos, endPos)/2.0f + 0.001f);
	        float[] verts = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON*3];
	        while (nstack != 0)
		        // Pop front.
		        dtNode curNode = stack[0];
		        for (int i = 0; i < nstack-1; ++i)
			        stack[i] = stack[i+1];
		        // Get poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef curRef = curNode.id;
		        dtMeshTile curTile = null;
		        dtPoly curPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(curRef, ref curTile, ref curPoly);			
		        // Collect vertices.
		        int nverts = curPoly.vertCount;
		        for (int i = 0; i < nverts; ++i){
			        dtVcopy(verts,i*3, curTile.verts,curPoly.verts[i]*3);
		        // If target is inside the poly, stop search.
		        if (dtPointInPolygon(endPos, verts, nverts))
			        bestNode = curNode;
			        dtVcopy(bestPos, endPos);
		        // Find wall edges and find nearest point inside the walls.
		        for (int i = 0, j = (int)curPoly.vertCount-1; i < (int)curPoly.vertCount; j = i++)
			        // Find links to neighbours.
			        const int MAX_NEIS = 8;
			        int nneis = 0;
			        dtPolyRef[] neis = new dtPolyRef[MAX_NEIS];
			        if ((curPoly.neis[j] & DT_EXT_LINK) != 0)
				        // Tile border.
				        for (uint k = curPoly.firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = curTile.links[k].next)
					        dtLink link = curTile.links[k];
					        if (link.edge == j)
						        if (link.polyRef != 0)
							        dtMeshTile neiTile = null;
							        dtPoly neiPoly = null;
							        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(link.polyRef, ref neiTile, ref neiPoly);
							        if (filter.passFilter(link.polyRef, neiTile, neiPoly))
								        if (nneis < MAX_NEIS)
									        neis[nneis++] = link.polyRef;
			        else if (curPoly.neis[j] != 0)
				        uint idx = (uint)(curPoly.neis[j]-1);
				        dtPolyRef polyRef = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(curTile) | idx;
				        if (filter.passFilter(polyRef, curTile, curTile.polys[idx]))
					        // Internal edge, encode id.
					        neis[nneis++] = polyRef;
			        if (nneis == 0)
				        // Wall edge, calc distance.
				        //const float* vj = &verts[j*3];
				        //const float* vi = &verts[i*3];
                        int vjStart = j*3;
                        int viStart = i*3;
				        float tseg = .0f;
				        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(endPos, 0, verts, vjStart, verts, viStart, ref tseg);
				        if (distSqr < bestDist)
                            // Update nearest distance.
					        dtVlerp(bestPos,0, verts, vjStart,verts, viStart, tseg);
					        bestDist = distSqr;
					        bestNode = curNode;
				        for (int k = 0; k < nneis; ++k)
					        // Skip if no node can be allocated.
					        dtNode neighbourNode = m_tinyNodePool.getNode(neis[k]);
					        if (neighbourNode == null)
					        // Skip if already visited.
					        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0)
					        // Skip the link if it is too far from search constraint.
					        // TODO: Maybe should use getPortalPoints(), but this one is way faster.
                            int vjStart = j*3;
                            int viStart = i*3;
					        float tseg = .0f;
					        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(searchPos, 0,verts, vjStart,verts,  viStart, ref tseg);
					        if (distSqr > searchRadSqr){
					        // Mark as the node as visited and push to queue.
					        if (nstack < MAX_STACK)
						        neighbourNode.pidx = m_tinyNodePool.getNodeIdx(curNode);
						        stack[nstack++] = neighbourNode;
	        int n = 0;
	        if (bestNode != null)
		        // Reverse the path.
		        dtNode prev = null;
		        dtNode node = bestNode;
			        dtNode next = m_tinyNodePool.getNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
			        node.pidx = m_tinyNodePool.getNodeIdx(prev);
			        prev = node;
			        node = next;
		        while (node != null);
		        // Store result
		        node = prev;

			        visited[n++] = node.id;
			        if (n >= maxVisitedSize)
				        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
			        node = m_tinyNodePool.getNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
		        while (node != null);
	        dtVcopy(resultPos, bestPos);
	        visitedCount = n;
	        return status;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// Finds a path from the start polygon to the end polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef	The refrence id of the start polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		endRef		The reference id of the end polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		startPos	A position within the start polygon. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		endPos		A position within the end polygon. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[out]	path		An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.) 
        ///  							[(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
        ///  @param[out]	pathCount	The number of polygons returned in the @p path array.
        ///  @param[in]		maxPath		The maximum number of polygons the @p path array can hold. [Limit: >= 1]
        /// @par
        /// If the end polygon cannot be reached through the navigation graph,
        /// the last polygon in the path will be the nearest the end polygon.
        /// If the path array is to small to hold the full result, it will be filled as 
        /// far as possible from the start polygon toward the end polygon.
        /// The start and end positions are used to calculate traversal costs. 
        /// (The y-values impact the result.)
		public dtStatus findPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef,
								          float[] startPos, float[] endPos,
								          dtQueryFilter filter,
								          dtPolyRef[] path, ref int pathCount, int maxPath)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_nodePool != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_openList != null);
	        pathCount = 0;
	        if (startRef == 0 || endRef == 0)
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        if (maxPath == 0)
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        // Validate input
	        if (!m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef) || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(endRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        if (startRef == endRef)
		        path[0] = startRef;
		        pathCount = 1;
		        return DT_SUCCESS;
	        dtNode startNode = m_nodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        dtVcopy(startNode.pos, startPos);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.cost = 0;
	        startNode.total = dtVdist(startPos, endPos) * H_SCALE;
	        startNode.id = startRef;
	        startNode.flags =(byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        dtNode lastBestNode = startNode;
	        float lastBestNodeCost = startNode.total;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        while (!m_openList.empty())
		        // Remove node from open list and put it in closed list.
		        dtNode bestNode = m_openList.pop();
		            bestNode.flags &= (byte)( ~ dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN );
		        bestNode.flags |= (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
		        // Reached the goal, stop searching.
		        if (bestNode.id == endRef)
			        lastBestNode = bestNode;
		        // Get current poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef bestRef = bestNode.id;
		        dtMeshTile bestTile = null;
		        dtPoly bestPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, ref bestTile, ref bestPoly);
		        // Get parent poly and tile.
		        dtPolyRef parentRef = 0;
		        dtMeshTile parentTile = null;
		        dtPoly parentPoly = null;
		        if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
			        parentRef = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
		        if (parentRef != 0)
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(parentRef, ref parentTile, ref parentPoly);
		        for (uint i = bestPoly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
			        dtPolyRef neighbourRef = bestTile.links[i].polyRef;
			        // Skip invalid ids and do not expand back to where we came from.
			        if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
			        // Get neighbour poly and tile.
			        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
			        dtMeshTile neighbourTile = null;
			        dtPoly neighbourPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, ref neighbourTile, ref neighbourPoly);			
			        if (!filter.passFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))

			        dtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.getNode(neighbourRef);
			        if (neighbourNode == null)
				        status |= DT_OUT_OF_NODES;
			        // If the node is visited the first time, calculate node position.
			        if (neighbourNode.flags == 0)
				        getEdgeMidPoint(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile,
								        neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile,

			        // Calculate cost and heuristic.
			        float cost = 0;
			        float heuristic = 0;
			        // Special case for last node.
			        if (neighbourRef == endRef)
				        // Cost
				        float curCost = filter.getCost(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos,
													          parentRef, parentTile, parentPoly,
													          bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly,
													          neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly);
				        float endCost = filter.getCost(neighbourNode.pos, endPos,
													          bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly,
													          neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly,
													          0, null, null);
				        cost = bestNode.cost + curCost + endCost;
				        heuristic = 0;
				        // Cost
				        float curCost = filter.getCost(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos,
													          parentRef, parentTile, parentPoly,
													          bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly,
													          neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly);
				        cost = bestNode.cost + curCost;
				        heuristic = dtVdist(neighbourNode.pos, endPos)*H_SCALE;

			        float total = cost + heuristic;
			        // The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0 && total >= neighbourNode.total)
			        // The node is already visited and process, and the new result is worse, skip.
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0 && total >= neighbourNode.total)
			        // Add or update the node.
			        neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.getNodeIdx(bestNode);
			        neighbourNode.id = neighbourRef;
			            neighbourNode.flags = (byte)(neighbourNode.flags & (byte) ~dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED);
			        neighbourNode.cost = cost;
			        neighbourNode.total = total;
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0)
				        // Already in open, update node location.
				        // Put the node in open list.
				        neighbourNode.flags |= (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
			        // Update nearest node to target so far.
			        if (heuristic < lastBestNodeCost)
				        lastBestNodeCost = heuristic;
				        lastBestNode = neighbourNode;
	        if (lastBestNode.id != endRef)
		        status |= DT_PARTIAL_RESULT;
	        // Reverse the path.
	        dtNode prev = null;
	        dtNode node = lastBestNode;
		        dtNode next = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
		        node.pidx = m_nodePool.getNodeIdx(prev);
		        prev = node;
		        node = next;
	        while (node != null);
	        // Store path
	        node = prev;
	        int n = 0;
		        path[n++] = node.id;
		        if (n >= maxPath)
			        status |= DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
		        node = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
	        while (node != null);
	        pathCount = n;
	        return status;