protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { blAdmin objBL = new blAdmin(); dlAdmin objDL = new dlAdmin(); Utilities ul = new Utilities(); if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString()) { Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser; objBL.UserID = Session["username"].ToString(); objBL.Client_ip = ul.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); objBL.Useragent = Request.UserAgent.ToString(); objBL.ClientOS = Utilities.System_Info(this.Page); objBL.ClientBrowser = browse.Browser; objBL.Base_department_id = DDL_BaseDepartment.SelectedValue; objBL.District_id_ofc = RTI_DDL_District.SelectedValue; objBL.Office_category = DDL_OfficeCategory.SelectedValue; objBL.Office_level_id = DDL_OfficeLevel.SelectedValue; objBL.Office_id = DDL_Office.SelectedValue; objBL.Year_issue = txtYearOfIssue.Text; if (fu_UserManual.HasFile) { if (txt_file_desc.Text != "") { HttpPostedFile file = fu_UserManual.PostedFile; if (file.ContentLength < 20000000) // 20 MB { if (file.ContentType == "application/pdf" || file.ContentType == "application/x-pdf" || file.ContentType == "application/x-unknown") { Stream fs = file.InputStream; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes((Int32)fs.Length); objBL.FileName = file.FileName; objBL.ContentType = file.ContentType; objBL.FileData = bytes; objBL.FileDescription = txt_file_desc.Text; } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Only PDF type File will be accepted"); return; } } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Your file size is greater than 2 MB "); return; } } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "File Description Is Required"); return; } } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "PDF File required"); return; } ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = objDL.Insert_DeptUserManual(objBL); if (rb.status == true) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Action Submitted Successfully"); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "कार्रवाई सफलतापूर्वक सबमिट की गई"); } // Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, "Action Submitted Successfully", "../Employee/EmployeeWelcome_Page.aspx"); } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Action Not Submitted"); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "कार्रवाई सबमिट नहीं की गई"); } // Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, "Action Not Submitted"); } // } // end of Submit } } // End of ButtonSubmit click