public static dfFontRendererBase Obtain(dfFont font) { dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer renderer = (objectPool.Count <= 0) ? new dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer() : objectPool.Dequeue(); renderer.Reset(); renderer.Font = font; return(renderer); }
public float[] GetCharacterWidths(string text, int startIndex, int endIndex, out float totalWidth) { totalWidth = 0f; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; float[] singleArray = new float[text.Length]; float textScale = base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; float characterSpacing = (float)base.CharacterSpacing * textScale; for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) { dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(text[i]); if (glyph != null) { if (i > 0) { singleArray[i - 1] = singleArray[i - 1] + characterSpacing; totalWidth = totalWidth + characterSpacing; } float single = (float)glyph.xadvance * textScale; singleArray[i] = single; totalWidth = totalWidth + single; } } return(singleArray); }
public float[] GetCharacterWidths(string text, int startIndex, int endIndex, out float totalWidth) { totalWidth = 0f; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; float[] numArray = new float[text.Length]; float num = base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; float num2 = base.CharacterSpacing * num; for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) { dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(text[i]); if (glyph != null) { if (i > 0) { numArray[i - 1] += num2; totalWidth += num2; } float num4 = glyph.xadvance * num; numArray[i] = num4; totalWidth += num4; } } return(numArray); }
private void calculateTokenRenderSize(dfMarkupToken token) { try { dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; int num = 0; char previousChar = '\0'; char id = '\0'; if ((token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace) || (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text)) { int num2 = 0; while (num2 < token.Length) { id = token[num2]; if (id == '\t') { num += base.TabSize; } else { dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(id); if (glyph != null) { if (num2 > 0) { num += font.GetKerning(previousChar, id); num += base.CharacterSpacing; } num += glyph.xadvance; } } num2++; previousChar = id; } } else if ((token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag) && token.Matches("sprite")) { if (token.AttributeCount < 1) { throw new Exception("Missing sprite name in markup"); } Texture texture = font.Texture; int lineHeight = font.LineHeight; string str = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = font.atlas[str]; if (info != null) { float num4 = (info.region.width * texture.width) / (info.region.height * texture.height); num = Mathf.CeilToInt(lineHeight * num4); } } token.Height = base.Font.LineHeight; token.Width = num; } finally { } }
private void calculateTokenRenderSize(dfMarkupToken token) { try { dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; int kerning = 0; char chr = '\0'; char item = '\0'; if ((token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace ? true : token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text)) { int num = 0; while (num < token.Length) { item = token[num]; if (item != '\t') { dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(item); if (glyph != null) { if (num > 0) { kerning = kerning + font.GetKerning(chr, item); kerning = kerning + base.CharacterSpacing; } kerning = kerning + glyph.xadvance; } } else { kerning = kerning + base.TabSize; } num++; chr = item; } } else if (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag && token.Matches("sprite")) { if (token.AttributeCount < 1) { throw new Exception("Missing sprite name in markup"); } UnityEngine.Texture texture = font.Texture; int lineHeight = font.LineHeight; string value = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = font.atlas[value]; if (itemInfo != null) { float single = itemInfo.region.width * (float)texture.width / (itemInfo.region.height * (float)texture.height); kerning = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)lineHeight * single); } } token.Height = base.Font.LineHeight; token.Width = kerning; } finally { } }
public static Font GetFontFromdfFont(dfFont font) { Font f = new Font(); f.material = new Material(; f.material.mainTexture = font.Texture; f.material.mainTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; CharacterInfo[] chars = new CharacterInfo[font.Glyphs.Count]; int maxHeight = 0; Debug.Log(font.Glyphs.Count); for (int i = 0; i < font.Glyphs.Count; i++) { CharacterInfo inf = new CharacterInfo(); dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyphDefinition = font.Glyphs[i]; dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = font.Atlas[font.Sprite]; inf.glyphWidth = glyphDefinition.width; inf.glyphHeight = glyphDefinition.height; inf.size = (int)size.x; if (inf.glyphHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = inf.glyphHeight; } inf.index =; float num9 = itemInfo.region.x + (float)glyphDefinition.x * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x; float num10 = itemInfo.region.yMax - (float)glyphDefinition.y * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y; float num11 = num9 + (float)glyphDefinition.width * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x; float num12 = num10 - (float)glyphDefinition.height * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y; inf.uvBottomLeft = (new Vector2(num9, num12)); inf.uvBottomRight = (new Vector2(num11, num12)); inf.uvTopRight = (new Vector2(num11, num10)); inf.uvTopLeft = (new Vector2(num9, num10)); inf.advance = glyphDefinition.xadvance; inf.minY = 0; inf.maxY = inf.glyphHeight; inf.minX = 0; inf.maxX = inf.glyphWidth; chars[i] = inf; } f.characterInfo = chars; return(f); }
private static void setValue(dfFont control, string propertyName, object value) { var property = control.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Property '" + propertyName + "' does not exist on " + control.GetType().Name); } property.SetValue(control, value, null); }
private static object getValue(dfFont control, string propertyName) { var property = control.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Property '" + propertyName + "' does not exist on " + control.GetType().Name); } return(property.GetValue(control, null)); }
internal static void DrawFontPreview(dfFont font, Rect rect) { var previewString = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz!@#$%^&*()[]{}\\/| Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; var x = 0; var y = 0; var atlas = font.Atlas; var texture = getTexture(atlas, font.Sprite); if (texture == null) { return; } var width = 1f / (float)texture.width; var height = 1f / (float)texture.height; for (int i = 0; i < previewString.Length && y < rect.height; i++) { var glyph = font.GetGlyph(previewString[i]); if (glyph == null) { continue; } if (x + glyph.xadvance > rect.width) { x = 0; y += font.LineHeight; if (y + font.LineHeight >= rect.height) { break; } } var xofs = x + (x > 0 ? glyph.xoffset : 0); var yofs = y + glyph.yoffset; var glyphRect = new Rect(rect.x + xofs, rect.y + yofs, glyph.width, glyph.height); var uv = new Rect( (float)glyph.x * width, 1f - (float)glyph.y * height - (float)glyph.height * height, (float)glyph.width * width, (float)glyph.height * height ); GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(glyphRect, texture, uv, true); x += glyph.xadvance; } }
protected internal static void EditSprite(string label, dfFont font, string propertyName, int labelWidth) { var atlas = font.Atlas; if (atlas == null) { return; } dfSpriteSelectionDialog.SelectionCallback callback = delegate(string spriteName) { dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo(font, "Change Sprite"); font.Sprite = spriteName; }; var value = font.Sprite; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label(label, GUILayout.Width(labelWidth)); var displayText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? "[none]" : value; GUILayout.Label(displayText, "TextField", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); var evt = Event.current; if (evt != null && evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.clickCount == 2) { Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (rect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { if (GUI.enabled && value != null) { dfTextureAtlasInspector.SelectedSprite = value; Selection.activeObject = atlas; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(atlas); } } } if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(" ", "Edit " + label), "IN ObjectField", GUILayout.Width(12))) { dfEditorUtil.DelayedInvoke((System.Action)(() => { dfSpriteSelectionDialog.Show("Select Sprite: " + label, atlas, value, callback); })); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(2); }
private void renderSprite(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { try { dfList <Vector3> vertices = destination.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = destination.Triangles; dfList <Color32> colors = destination.Colors; dfList <Vector2> uV = destination.UV; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; string str = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = font.Atlas[str]; if (info != null) { float num = (token.Height * base.TextScale) * base.PixelRatio; float num2 = (token.Width * base.TextScale) * base.PixelRatio; float x = position.x; float y = position.y; int count = vertices.Count; vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(x + num2, y)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(x + num2, y - num)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y - num)); triangles.Add(count); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 2); Color32 item = !base.ColorizeSymbols ? this.applyOpacity(base.DefaultColor) : this.applyOpacity(color); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); Rect region = info.region; uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.y)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.y)); } } finally { } }
private void renderSprite(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { try { dfList <Vector3> vertices = destination.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = destination.Triangles; dfList <Color32> colors = destination.Colors; dfList <Vector2> uV = destination.UV; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; string value = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = font.Atlas[value]; if (item != null) { float height = (float)token.Height * base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; float width = (float)token.Width * base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; float single = position.x; float single1 = position.y; int count = vertices.Count; vertices.Add(new Vector3(single, single1)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(single + width, single1)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(single + width, single1 - height)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(single, single1 - height)); triangles.Add(count); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 2); Color32 color32 = (!base.ColorizeSymbols ? this.applyOpacity(base.DefaultColor) : this.applyOpacity(color)); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); Rect rect = item.region; uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y)); uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y)); } } finally { } }
public static Font DFFontToUnityFont(dfFont font, int scale = 1) { Font f = new Font(; f.material = new Material(; f.material.mainTexture = font.Texture; f.material.mainTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; CharacterInfo[] chars = new CharacterInfo[font.Glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo inf = new CharacterInfo(); dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyphDefinition = font.Glyphs[i]; dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = font.Atlas[font.Sprite]; inf.glyphWidth = glyphDefinition.width * scale; inf.glyphHeight = glyphDefinition.height * scale; inf.size = 0; // Must be 0 inf.index =; float left = itemInfo.region.x + glyphDefinition.x * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x; float right = left + glyphDefinition.width * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x; float top = itemInfo.region.yMax - glyphDefinition.y * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y; float bottom = top - glyphDefinition.height * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y; inf.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(left, top); inf.uvTopRight = new Vector2(right, top); inf.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(left, bottom); inf.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(right, bottom); inf.advance = glyphDefinition.xadvance * scale; inf.minY = scale * -glyphDefinition.height / 2; inf.maxY = scale * glyphDefinition.height / 2; chars[i] = inf; } f.characterInfo = chars; return(f); }
private static void setValue( dfFont control, string propertyName, object value ) { var property = control.GetType().GetProperty( propertyName ); if( property == null ) throw new ArgumentException( "Property '" + propertyName + "' does not exist on " + control.GetType().Name ); property.SetValue( control, value, null ); }
protected internal static void EditSprite(string label, dfFont font, string propertyName) { EditSprite(label, font, propertyName, 90); }
protected internal static void EditSprite( string label, dfFont font, string propertyName, int labelWidth = 90 ) { var atlas = font.Atlas; if( atlas == null ) return; dfSpriteSelectionDialog.SelectionCallback callback = delegate( string spriteName ) { dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo( font, "Change Sprite" ); font.Sprite = spriteName; }; var value = font.Sprite; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label( label, GUILayout.Width( labelWidth ) ); var displayText = string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ? "[none]" : value; GUILayout.Label( displayText, "TextField", GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ); var evt = Event.current; if( evt != null && evt.type == EventType.mouseDown && evt.clickCount == 2 ) { Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if( rect.Contains( evt.mousePosition ) ) { if( GUI.enabled && value != null ) { dfTextureAtlasInspector.SelectedSprite = value; Selection.activeObject = atlas; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( atlas ); } } } if( GUILayout.Button( new GUIContent( " ", "Edit " + label ), "IN ObjectField", GUILayout.Width( 12 ) ) ) { dfEditorUtil.DelayedInvoke( (System.Action)( () => { dfSpriteSelectionDialog.Show( "Select Sprite: " + label, atlas, value, callback ); } ) ); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 2 ); }
protected internal static void SelectTextureAtlas( string label, dfFont view, string propertyName, bool readOnly, bool colorizeIfMissing, int labelWidth = 95 ) { var savedColor = GUI.color; var showDialog = false; try { var atlas = getValue( view, propertyName ) as dfAtlas; GUI.enabled = !readOnly; if( atlas == null && colorizeIfMissing ) GUI.color =; dfPrefabSelectionDialog.SelectionCallback selectionCallback = delegate( GameObject item ) { var newAtlas = ( item == null ) ? null : item.GetComponent<dfAtlas>(); dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo( view, "Change Atlas" ); setValue( view, propertyName, newAtlas ); }; var value = (dfAtlas)getValue( view, propertyName ); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField( label, "", GUILayout.Width( labelWidth ) ); var displayText = value == null ? "[none]" :; GUILayout.Label( displayText, "TextField" ); var evt = Event.current; if( evt != null ) { Rect textRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if( evt.type == EventType.mouseDown && evt.clickCount == 2 ) { if( textRect.Contains( evt.mousePosition ) ) { if( GUI.enabled && value != null ) { Selection.activeObject = value; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( value ); } } } else if( evt.type == EventType.DragUpdated || evt.type == EventType.DragPerform ) { if( textRect.Contains( evt.mousePosition ) ) { var draggedObject = DragAndDrop.objectReferences.First() as GameObject; var draggedFont = draggedObject != null ? draggedObject.GetComponent<dfAtlas>() : null; DragAndDrop.visualMode = ( draggedFont != null ) ? DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy : DragAndDropVisualMode.None; if( evt.type == EventType.DragPerform ) { selectionCallback( draggedObject ); } evt.Use(); } } } if( GUI.enabled && GUILayout.Button( new GUIContent( " ", "Edit Atlas" ), "IN ObjectField", GUILayout.Width( 14 ) ) ) { showDialog = true; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 2 ); if( showDialog ) { var dialog = dfPrefabSelectionDialog.Show( "Select Texture Atlas", typeof( dfAtlas ), selectionCallback, dfTextureAtlasInspector.DrawAtlasPreview, null ); dialog.previewSize = 200; } } finally { GUI.enabled = true; GUI.color = savedColor; } }
protected internal static void SelectTextureAtlas(string label, dfFont view, string propertyName, bool readOnly, bool colorizeIfMissing, int labelWidth) { var savedColor = GUI.color; var showDialog = false; try { var atlas = getValue(view, propertyName) as dfAtlas; GUI.enabled = !readOnly; if (atlas == null && colorizeIfMissing) { GUI.color = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? Color.yellow :; } dfPrefabSelectionDialog.SelectionCallback selectionCallback = delegate(GameObject item) { var newAtlas = (item == null) ? null : item.GetComponent <dfAtlas>(); dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo(view, "Change Atlas"); setValue(view, propertyName, newAtlas); }; var value = (dfAtlas)getValue(view, propertyName); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label, "", GUILayout.Width(labelWidth)); var displayText = value == null ? "[none]" :; GUILayout.Label(displayText, "TextField"); var evt = Event.current; if (evt != null) { Rect textRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.clickCount == 2) { if (textRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { if (GUI.enabled && value != null) { Selection.activeObject = value; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(value); } } } else if (evt.type == EventType.DragUpdated || evt.type == EventType.DragPerform) { if (textRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { var draggedObject = DragAndDrop.objectReferences.First() as GameObject; var draggedFont = draggedObject != null?draggedObject.GetComponent <dfAtlas>() : null; DragAndDrop.visualMode = (draggedFont != null) ? DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy : DragAndDropVisualMode.None; if (evt.type == EventType.DragPerform) { selectionCallback(draggedObject); } evt.Use(); } } } if (GUI.enabled && GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(" ", "Edit Atlas"), "IN ObjectField", GUILayout.Width(14))) { showDialog = true; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(2); if (showDialog) { var dialog = dfPrefabSelectionDialog.Show("Select Texture Atlas", typeof(dfAtlas), selectionCallback, dfTextureAtlasInspector.DrawAtlasPreview, null); dialog.previewSize = 200; } } finally { GUI.enabled = true; GUI.color = savedColor; } }
internal static void DrawFontPreview( dfFont font, Rect rect ) { var previewString = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz!@#$%^&*()[]{}\\/| Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; var x = 0; var y = 0; var atlas = font.Atlas; var texture = getTexture( atlas, font.Sprite ); if( texture == null ) return; var width = 1f / (float)texture.width; var height = 1f / (float)texture.height; for( int i = 0; i < previewString.Length && y < rect.height; i++ ) { var glyph = font.GetGlyph( previewString[ i ] ); if( glyph == null ) continue; if( x + glyph.xadvance > rect.width ) { x = 0; y += font.LineHeight; if( y + font.LineHeight >= rect.height ) break; } var xofs = x + ( x > 0 ? glyph.xoffset : 0 ); var yofs = y + glyph.yoffset; var glyphRect = new Rect( rect.x + xofs, rect.y + yofs, glyph.width, glyph.height ); var uv = new Rect( (float)glyph.x * width, 1f - (float)glyph.y * height - (float)glyph.height * height, (float)glyph.width * width, (float)glyph.height * height ); GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords( glyphRect, texture, uv, true ); x += glyph.xadvance; } }
protected internal static void SelectTextureAtlas(string label, dfFont view, string propertyName, bool readOnly, bool colorizeIfMissing) { SelectTextureAtlas(label, view, propertyName, readOnly, colorizeIfMissing, 95); }
private void renderText(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { try { dfList <Vector3> vertices = destination.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = destination.Triangles; dfList <Color32> colors = destination.Colors; dfList <Vector2> uV = destination.UV; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = font.Atlas[font.sprite]; UnityEngine.Texture texture = font.Texture; float single = 1f / (float)texture.width; float single1 = 1f / (float)texture.height; float single2 = single * 0.125f; float single3 = single1 * 0.125f; float textScale = base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; char chr = '\0'; char item1 = '\0'; Color32 color32 = this.applyOpacity(this.multiplyColors(color, base.DefaultColor)); Color32 color321 = color32; if (base.BottomColor.HasValue) { Color color1 = color; Color32?bottomColor = base.BottomColor; color321 = this.applyOpacity(this.multiplyColors(color1, bottomColor.Value)); } int num = 0; while (num < token.Length) { item1 = token[num]; if (item1 != 0) { dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(item1); if (glyph != null) { int kerning = font.GetKerning(chr, item1); float single4 = position.x + (float)(glyph.xoffset + kerning) * textScale; float single5 = position.y - (float)glyph.yoffset * textScale; float single6 = (float)glyph.width * textScale; float single7 = (float)glyph.height * textScale; float single8 = single4 + single6; float single9 = single5 - single7; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(single4, single5); Vector3 vector31 = new Vector3(single8, single5); Vector3 vector32 = new Vector3(single8, single9); Vector3 vector33 = new Vector3(single4, single9); float single10 = item.region.x + (float)glyph.x * single - single2; float single11 = item.region.yMax - (float)glyph.y * single1 - single3; float single12 = single10 + (float)glyph.width * single - single2; float single13 = single11 - (float)glyph.height * single1 + single3; if (base.Shadow) { dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); Vector3 shadowOffset = base.ShadowOffset * textScale; vertices.Add(vector3 + shadowOffset); vertices.Add(vector31 + shadowOffset); vertices.Add(vector32 + shadowOffset); vertices.Add(vector33 + shadowOffset); Color32 color322 = this.applyOpacity(base.ShadowColor); colors.Add(color322); colors.Add(color322); colors.Add(color322); colors.Add(color322); uV.Add(new Vector2(single10, single11)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single12, single11)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single12, single13)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single10, single13)); } if (base.Outline) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer.OUTLINE_OFFSETS.Length; i++) { dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); Vector3 oUTLINEOFFSETS = (dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer.OUTLINE_OFFSETS[i] * (float)base.OutlineSize) * textScale; vertices.Add(vector3 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); vertices.Add(vector31 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); vertices.Add(vector32 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); vertices.Add(vector33 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); Color32 color323 = this.applyOpacity(base.OutlineColor); colors.Add(color323); colors.Add(color323); colors.Add(color323); colors.Add(color323); uV.Add(new Vector2(single10, single11)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single12, single11)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single12, single13)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single10, single13)); } } dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector31); vertices.Add(vector32); vertices.Add(vector33); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color321); colors.Add(color321); uV.Add(new Vector2(single10, single11)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single12, single11)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single12, single13)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single10, single13)); position.x = position.x + (float)(glyph.xadvance + kerning + base.CharacterSpacing) * textScale; } } num++; chr = item1; } } finally { } }
protected internal static void EditSprite( string label, dfFont font, string propertyName ) { EditSprite( label, font, propertyName, 90 ); }
protected internal static void SelectTextureAtlas( string label, dfFont view, string propertyName, bool readOnly, bool colorizeIfMissing ) { SelectTextureAtlas( label, view, propertyName, readOnly, colorizeIfMissing, 95 ); }
private void renderText(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { try { dfList <Vector3> vertices = destination.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = destination.Triangles; dfList <Color32> colors = destination.Colors; dfList <Vector2> uV = destination.UV; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = font.Atlas[font.sprite]; Texture texture = font.Texture; float num = 1f / ((float)texture.width); float num2 = 1f / ((float)texture.height); float num3 = num * 0.125f; float num4 = num2 * 0.125f; float num5 = base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; char previousChar = '\0'; char id = '\0'; Color32 item = this.applyOpacity(this.multiplyColors((Color)color, (Color)base.DefaultColor)); Color32 color3 = item; if (base.BottomColor.HasValue) { color3 = this.applyOpacity(this.multiplyColors((Color)color, base.BottomColor.Value)); } int num6 = 0; while (num6 < token.Length) { id = token[num6]; if (id != '\0') { dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(id); if (glyph != null) { int kerning = font.GetKerning(previousChar, id); float x = position.x + ((glyph.xoffset + kerning) * num5); float y = position.y - (glyph.yoffset * num5); float num10 = glyph.width * num5; float num11 = glyph.height * num5; float num12 = x + num10; float num13 = y - num11; Vector3 vector = new Vector3(x, y); Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(num12, y); Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(num12, num13); Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3(x, num13); float num14 = (info.region.x + (glyph.x * num)) - num3; float num15 = (info.region.yMax - (glyph.y * num2)) - num4; float num16 = (num14 + (glyph.width * num)) - num3; float num17 = (num15 - (glyph.height * num2)) + num4; if (base.Shadow) { addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); Vector3 vector5 = (Vector3)(base.ShadowOffset * num5); vertices.Add(vector + vector5); vertices.Add(vector2 + vector5); vertices.Add(vector3 + vector5); vertices.Add(vector4 + vector5); Color32 color4 = this.applyOpacity(base.ShadowColor); colors.Add(color4); colors.Add(color4); colors.Add(color4); colors.Add(color4); uV.Add(new Vector2(num14, num15)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num16, num15)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num16, num17)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num14, num17)); } if (base.Outline) { for (int i = 0; i < OUTLINE_OFFSETS.Length; i++) { addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); Vector3 vector6 = (Vector3)((OUTLINE_OFFSETS[i] * base.OutlineSize) * num5); vertices.Add(vector + vector6); vertices.Add(vector2 + vector6); vertices.Add(vector3 + vector6); vertices.Add(vector4 + vector6); Color32 color5 = this.applyOpacity(base.OutlineColor); colors.Add(color5); colors.Add(color5); colors.Add(color5); colors.Add(color5); uV.Add(new Vector2(num14, num15)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num16, num15)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num16, num17)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num14, num17)); } } addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); vertices.Add(vector); vertices.Add(vector2); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector4); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(color3); colors.Add(color3); uV.Add(new Vector2(num14, num15)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num16, num15)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num16, num17)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num14, num17)); position.x += ((glyph.xadvance + kerning) + base.CharacterSpacing) * num5; } } num6++; previousChar = id; } } finally { } }