Ejemplo n.º 1
//    void BuildDeliveryTable(OleDbDataReader pDataReader, bool pPrintForm)
        void BuildDeliveryTable(IDataReader pDataReader, bool pPrintForm)
            // delete the old data
            while (1 < tblDeliveries.Rows.Count)

            //casting null check
            int iSortOrder;

            // string lists to store the company names and the items to be delivered to them
            List <deliveryItems> deliveryDetailsList = new List <DeliverySheet.deliveryItems>();
            // Delivery Persons list, we use a dictionary for easy of use
            SortedDictionary <string, string> ListOfDeliveryBy = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
            // The Totals Table stuff
            string _strItemID        = "";
            string _strItemDesc      = "";
            string _strTotalItemDesc = "";
            bool   _isUnknownClient  = false;
            Dictionary <string, ItemTotals> sumItemTotals = new Dictionary <string, ItemTotals>();
            /// InvoiceType - shoudl add to search of orderstbl nut in the meantime
            int _PatchInvoiceType = 0;

            string[]            _PatchInvoicePrefix = { "", "dN", "d#", "g$", "cS", "s@", "!!", "??" };
            CustomersAccInfoTbl _PatchCAI           = new CustomersAccInfoTbl();

            // how many items will be deliverred, this will be the counter
            int numDeliveryItems = 0;

            // read the data from the SQL query and add data to delivery list
            while (pDataReader.Read())
                _isUnknownClient = false;
                // for each line read the data, and then if the company name has changed add that line to the table
                deliveryItems _tDeliveryItem = new deliveryItems();
                _tDeliveryItem.ContactID      = pDataReader["CustomerId"].ToString(); // ID is used for link to ediot of customer
                _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = pDataReader["CoName"].ToString();
                // do some basic manipluation of names depending on what is selected, add notes.
                if (_tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany.StartsWith("ZZName"))
                { // add the ZZname but check if there is a ":" which is the end of name delimiter
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactID = CONST_IS_ZZNAME;
                    _isUnknownClient         = true;
                    var _strNotes = pDataReader["Notes"].ToString();
                    if (_strNotes.Contains(":"))
                        _strNotes = _strNotes.Remove(_strNotes.IndexOf(":")).Trim();
                    _strNotes = StripEmailOut(_strNotes);

                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = CONST_ZZNAME_PREFIX + " " + _strNotes;
                else if (_tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany.StartsWith("Stock"))
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = "STK: " + pDataReader["Notes"].ToString();
                // if the notes have a "+" to start with append that to the name
                if (pDataReader["Notes"].ToString().StartsWith("+"))
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany += "[" + pDataReader["Notes"].ToString() + "]";

                // temporary check invoice type
                if (!_tDeliveryItem.ContactID.Equals(CONST_IS_ZZNAME))
                    long _ID = 0;
                    if (long.TryParse(_tDeliveryItem.ContactID, out _ID))
                        _PatchInvoiceType = _PatchCAI.GetCustomersInvoiceType(_ID);
                        if (_PatchInvoiceType > InvoiceTypeTbl.CONST_DEFAULT_INVOICETYPEID)
                            _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = _PatchInvoicePrefix[_PatchInvoiceType - 1] + "]> " + _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany;
                // Check if the deliver is done, and mark it so
                _tDeliveryItem.Done = (pDataReader["Done"] == DBNull.Value) ? false : (bool)pDataReader["Done"];
                if (_tDeliveryItem.Done)
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = "<b>DONE</b>-> " + _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany;

                // get delivery person, and store them for the ddl only if not printing
                if (!pPrintForm)
                    if (!ListOfDeliveryBy.ContainsKey(pDataReader["ToBeDeliveredBy"].ToString()))
                        ListOfDeliveryBy[pDataReader["ToBeDeliveredBy"].ToString()] = pDataReader["Abreviation"].ToString();
                    /// add url
                    _tDeliveryItem.OrderDetailURL = ResolveUrl("~/Pages/OrderDetail.aspx") + "?" +
                                                                  HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(pDataReader["CustomerID"].ToString()), pDataReader["RequiredByDate"],

                // add delivery details
                _tDeliveryItem.Details = String.Format("{0:d}, {1}", pDataReader["RequiredByDate"], pDataReader["Abreviation"]);
                // add invoiuce and PO stuff
                _tDeliveryItem.InvoiceDone   = (pDataReader["InvoiceDone"] == DBNull.Value) ? false : (bool)pDataReader["InvoiceDone"];
                _tDeliveryItem.PurchaseOrder = (pDataReader["PurchaseOrder"] == DBNull.Value) ? string.Empty : pDataReader["PurchaseOrder"].ToString();
                // get the item Description, may need to do some replacement calculation here
                _strItemID        = pDataReader["ItemTypeID"].ToString();
                _strItemDesc      = ((pDataReader["ItemShortName"].ToString().Length > 0) ? pDataReader["ItemShortName"].ToString() : pDataReader["ItemDesc"].ToString());
                _strTotalItemDesc = _strItemDesc;
                // check to see if item available if not added error colours
                if (!Boolean.Parse(pDataReader["ItemEnabled"].ToString()))
                    _strItemDesc      = "<span style='background-color: RED; color: WHITE'>SOLD OUT</span> " + _strItemDesc;
                    _strTotalItemDesc = ">" + _strTotalItemDesc + "<";
                // now add description if required
                iSortOrder = (pDataReader["SortOrder"] == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : (int)pDataReader["SortOrder"];
                if (iSortOrder == ItemTypeTbl.CONST_NEEDDESCRIPTION_SORT_ORDER)
                    // if we are already use the notes field for name, check if there is a ":" seperator, and then only use what is after
                    var _strNotes = pDataReader["Notes"].ToString();
                    if ((_isUnknownClient) && (_strNotes.Contains(":")))
                        _strNotes = _strNotes.Substring(_strNotes.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim();

                    _strNotes     = StripEmailOut(_strNotes);
                    _strItemDesc += ": " + _strNotes;
                if (pDataReader["PackDesc"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    _tDeliveryItem.Items += String.Format("<span style='background-color:{0}; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom:2px'>{1}X{2} ({3})</span>", pDataReader["BGColour"], pDataReader["QuantityOrdered"],
                                                          _strItemDesc, pDataReader["PackDesc"]);
                    _tDeliveryItem.Items += String.Format("<span style='background-color:{0}'>{1}X{2}</span>", pDataReader["BGColour"], pDataReader["QuantityOrdered"], _strItemDesc);

                // if Item needs to be added and ID exists the increment the total, otherwise add new item
                if (iSortOrder != ItemTypeTbl.CONST_NEEDDESCRIPTION_SORT_ORDER)
                    if (sumItemTotals.ContainsKey(_strItemID))
                        sumItemTotals[_strItemID].TotalsQty += Convert.ToDouble(pDataReader["QuantityOrdered"]);
                        // Remove notes
                        if (_strItemDesc.Contains(":"))
                            _strItemDesc = _strItemDesc.Remove(_strItemDesc.IndexOf(":"));

                        sumItemTotals[_strItemID] = new ItemTotals
                            ItemID    = _strItemID,
                            ItemDesc  = _strTotalItemDesc,
                            TotalsQty = Convert.ToDouble(pDataReader["QuantityOrdered"].ToString()),
                            ItemOrder = (pDataReader["SortOrder"] == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(pDataReader["SortOrder"].ToString())
                // add to list of deliveries

                // increment deliveries now

            // Do a bubble sort on the ZZnames, so that they are all together
            for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < numDeliveryItems; idx1++)
                if (deliveryDetailsList[idx1].ContactCompany.StartsWith(CONST_ZZNAME_PREFIX))
                    for (int idx2 = idx1 + 2; idx2 < numDeliveryItems; idx2++)
                        if (deliveryDetailsList[idx2].ContactCompany.Equals(deliveryDetailsList[idx1].ContactCompany))
                            // this equals the last one so move it to just below the last one
                            deliveryItems thisItem = deliveryDetailsList[idx2];
                            deliveryDetailsList.Insert(idx1 + 1, thisItem);

            // sort the deliveries to make sure that we have all the company names one after the other
            int    _items     = 0;
            int    _PatchPos  = 0;
            string _PatchNAME = "";
            string _strURL    = "";

            while (_items < numDeliveryItems)
                TableRow _tblRow = new TableRow();

                // now add details
                // add delivery and date
                TableCell _tblCellBy = new TableCell();
                _tblCellBy.Text = deliveryDetailsList[_items].Details;
                if (pPrintForm)
                    _tblCellBy.Font.Size = FontUnit.XSmall;
                    _tblCellBy.Text      = _tblCellBy.Text.Remove(0, _tblCellBy.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                else // add a hyperlink to edit
                    _tblCellBy.Text = String.Format("<a class='plain' href='{0}'>{1}</a>", deliveryDetailsList[_items].OrderDetailURL, _tblCellBy.Text.Trim());

                // add company name and a link to the customer edit form.
                TableCell _tblCell = new TableCell();
                if (pPrintForm)
                    _PatchNAME = deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany;

                    if (_PatchNAME.Contains("]>"))
                        _PatchPos  = _PatchNAME.IndexOf("]>");
                        _PatchNAME = _PatchNAME.Substring(_PatchPos + 3);
                    _tblCell.Text = _PatchNAME;
                else if (deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactID == CONST_IS_ZZNAME)
                    _tblCell.Text = deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany;
                    _PatchNAME = deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany;

                    if (_PatchNAME.Contains("]>"))
                        _PatchPos     = _PatchNAME.IndexOf("]>");
                        _tblCell.Text = String.Format("{0} - <a href='./CustomerDetails.aspx?ID={1}&'>{2}</a>",
                                                      _PatchNAME.Substring(0, _PatchPos), deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactID, _PatchNAME.Substring(_PatchPos + 3));
                        _tblCell.Text = String.Format("<a href='./CustomerDetails.aspx?ID={0}&'>{1}</a>", deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactID, _PatchNAME);
                // Add received and signed by
                if (pPrintForm)
                    TableCell _tcReceviedBy = new TableCell();
                    _tcReceviedBy.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;

                    _tcReceviedBy.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(1);
                    _tcReceviedBy.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                    TableCell _tcSignature = new TableCell();
                    _tcSignature.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
                    _tcSignature.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(1);
                    _tcSignature.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                // Now the items
                TableCell _tblCellItems = new TableCell();
                // prefix PO and invoice stuff
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deliveryDetailsList[_items].PurchaseOrder))
                    _tblCellItems.Text = string.Format("<b>[PO: {0}]</b>", deliveryDetailsList[_items].PurchaseOrder);
                if ((!pPrintForm) && (deliveryDetailsList[_items].InvoiceDone))
                    _tblCellItems.Text += ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tblCellItems.Text)) ? "" : " ") + "<span style='background-color:green; color: white'>$Invcd$</span>";

                _strURL = "<span  style='vertical-align:middle'> <a  href='{0}' class='plain'><img src='../images/imgButtons/EditButton.gif' alt='edit' /></a>";
                if (!deliveryDetailsList[_items].InvoiceDone)
                    _strURL += "&nbsp<a href='{0}&" + OrderDetail.CONST_QRYSTR_INVOICED + "=Y' class='plain'><img src='../images/imgButtons/InvoicedButton.gif' alt='invcd' /></a></span>";
                if (!deliveryDetailsList[_items].Done)
                    _strURL += "&nbsp<a href='{0}&" + OrderDetail.CONST_QRYSTR_DELIVERED + "=Y' class='plain'><img src='../images/imgButtons/DoneButton.gif' alt='dlvrd' /></a></span>";

                _strURL = String.Format(_strURL, deliveryDetailsList[_items].OrderDetailURL);

                // add all items to the row
                    _tblCellItems.Text += ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tblCellItems.Text)) ? "" : "; ") + deliveryDetailsList[_items].Items.ToString();

                } while ((_items < numDeliveryItems) && (deliveryDetailsList[_items - 1].ContactCompany == deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany));
                // add items

                // Add in stock
                if (pPrintForm)
                    _tblRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
                // now add edit url
                bool _RunningOnMobile = (bool)Session[CheckBrowser.CONST_SESSION_RUNNINGONMOBILE];

                if (!pPrintForm && !_RunningOnMobile)
                    _tblRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell {
                        Text = _strURL

            } // while we have delivery items

            // set hieght of table depending on the nubmer of rows
            Style _NewStyle = new Style();

            if (tblDeliveries.Rows.Count < CONST_ONLYAFEWDELIVERIES)
                _NewStyle.Height = new Unit(4.5, UnitType.Em);
            else if (tblDeliveries.Rows.Count > CONST_ALOTOFDELIVERIES)
                _NewStyle.Height    = new Unit(.3, UnitType.Em);
                _NewStyle.Font.Size = new FontUnit(11, UnitType.Pixel);
                _NewStyle.Height = new Unit(2, UnitType.Em);

            foreach (TableRow _tblRow in tblDeliveries.Rows)

            tblDeliveries.Rows[0].Cells[1].Text = String.Format("To ({0})", tblDeliveries.Rows.Count - 1);
            //Display the totals table now
            Dictionary <string, ItemTotals> sortedItemTotals = (from entry in sumItemTotals orderby entry.Value.ItemOrder ascending select entry).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
            // now do the totals table
            TableRow _tblItemsNameRow  = new TableHeaderRow();
            TableRow _tblItemsTotalRow = new TableRow();

            // add headers
            TableHeaderCell _tblItemHdr1 = new TableHeaderCell();

            _tblItemHdr1.Text      = "Item";
            _tblItemHdr1.Font.Bold = true;
            TableCell _tblItemHdr2 = new TableCell();

            _tblItemHdr2.Text      = "Total";
            _tblItemHdr2.Font.Bold = true;

            // for each item in the totals table add a column and value
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ItemTotals> _pair in sortedItemTotals)
                //        _tblItemsNameRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
                // add the description
                TableHeaderCell _tblCellItemDesc = new TableHeaderCell();
                _tblCellItemDesc.Text      = _pair.Value.ItemDesc;
                _tblCellItemDesc.Font.Bold = true;
                // add the total
                TableCell _tblCellItemTotal = new TableCell();
                _tblCellItemTotal.Text            = String.Format("{0:0.00}", _pair.Value.TotalsQty);
                _tblCellItemTotal.HorizontalAlign = System.Web.UI.WebControls.HorizontalAlign.Right;
            //now add Theme total rows.
            if (pPrintForm)
                tblTotals.CssClass = tblTotals.CssClass + " small";
                // now add the drop down list items for delivery person
                bool bShowDeilveryBy = ListOfDeliveryBy.Count > 1;
                ddlDeliveryBy.Visible = bShowDeilveryBy;
                lblDeliveryBy.Visible = bShowDeilveryBy;

                if (bShowDeilveryBy)
                    ddlDeliveryBy.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "--- All ---", Value = "%", Selected = true
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> _deliveryByPair in ListOfDeliveryBy)
                        ddlDeliveryBy.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                            Text = _deliveryByPair.Value, Value = _deliveryByPair.Key
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void BuildDeliveryTable(OleDbDataReader oleData, bool pPrintForm)
            // delete the old data
            while (1 < tblDeliveries.Rows.Count)

            //casting null check
            int iSortOrder;

            // string lists to store the company names and the items to be delivered to them
            List <deliveryItems> deliveryDetailsList = new List <DeliverySheet.deliveryItems>();
            // Delivery Persons list, we use a dictionary for easy of use
            SortedDictionary <string, string> ListOfDeliveryBy = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
            // The Totals Table stuff
            string _strItemID        = "";
            string _strItemDesc      = "";
            string _strTotalItemDesc = "";
            bool   _isUnknownClient  = false;
            Dictionary <string, ItemTotals> sumItemTotals = new Dictionary <string, ItemTotals>();
            // how many items will be deliverred, this will be the counter
            int numDeliveryItems = 0;

            // read the data from the SQL query and add data to delivery list
            while (oleData.Read())
                _isUnknownClient = false;
                // for each line read the data, and then if the compnay name has changed add that line to the table
                deliveryItems _tDeliveryItem = new deliveryItems();
                _tDeliveryItem.ContactID      = oleData["CustomerId"].ToString(); // ID is used for link to ediot of customer
                _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = oleData["CoName"].ToString();
                // do some basic manipluation of names depending on what is selected, add notes.
                if (_tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany.StartsWith("ZZName"))
                { // add the ZZname but check if there is a ":" which is the end of name delimiter
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactID = CONST_IS_ZZNAME;
                    _isUnknownClient         = true;
                    var _strNotes = oleData["Notes"].ToString();
                    if (_strNotes.Contains(":"))
                        _strNotes = _strNotes.Remove(_strNotes.IndexOf(":")).Trim();

                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = CONST_ZZNAME_PREFIX + " " + _strNotes;
                else if (_tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany.StartsWith("Stock"))
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = "STK: " + oleData["Notes"].ToString();
                // if the notes have a "+" to start with append that to the name
                if (oleData["Notes"].ToString().StartsWith("+"))
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany += "[" + oleData["Notes"].ToString() + "]";

                // Check if the deliver is done, and mark it so
                if (Boolean.Parse(oleData["Done"].ToString()))
                    _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany = "<b>DONE</b>-> " + _tDeliveryItem.ContactCompany;

                // get delivery person, and store them for the ddl only if not printing
                if (!pPrintForm)
                    if (!ListOfDeliveryBy.ContainsKey(oleData["ToBeDeliveredBy"].ToString()))
                        ListOfDeliveryBy[oleData["ToBeDeliveredBy"].ToString()] = oleData["Abreviation"].ToString();
                    /// add url
                    _tDeliveryItem.OrderDetailURL = ResolveUrl("~/Pages/OrderDetail.aspx") + "?" +
                                                                  HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(oleData["CustomerID"].ToString()), oleData["RequiredByDate"],

                // add delviery details
                _tDeliveryItem.Details = String.Format("{0:d}, {1}", oleData["RequiredByDate"], oleData["Abreviation"]);

                // get the item Description, may need to do some replaceme3nt calculation here
                _strItemID        = oleData["ItemTypeID"].ToString();
                _strItemDesc      = ((oleData["ItemShortName"].ToString().Length > 0) ? oleData["ItemShortName"].ToString() : oleData["ItemDesc"].ToString());
                _strTotalItemDesc = _strItemDesc;
                // check to see if item available if not added error colours
                if (!Boolean.Parse(oleData["ItemEnabled"].ToString()))
                    _strItemDesc      = "<span style='background-color: RED; color: WHITE'>SOLD OUT</span> " + _strItemDesc;
                    _strTotalItemDesc = ">" + _strTotalItemDesc + "<";
                // now add description if required
                iSortOrder = (oleData["SortOrder"] == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : (int)oleData["SortOrder"];
                if (iSortOrder == CONST_NEEDDESCRIPTION_SORT_ORDER)
                    // if we are already use the notes field for name, check if there is a ":" seperator, and then only use what is after
                    var _strNotes = oleData["Notes"].ToString();
                    if ((_isUnknownClient) && (_strNotes.Contains(":")))
                        _strNotes = _strNotes.Substring(_strNotes.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim();

                    _strItemDesc += ": " + _strNotes;
                if (oleData["PackDesc"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    _tDeliveryItem.Items = String.Format("<span style='background-color:{0}; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom:2px'>{1}X{2} ({3})</span>", oleData["BGColour"], oleData["QuantityOrdered"],
                                                         _strItemDesc, oleData["PackDesc"]);
                    _tDeliveryItem.Items = String.Format("<span style='background-color:{0}'>{1}X{2}</span>", oleData["BGColour"], oleData["QuantityOrdered"], _strItemDesc);
                // if Item needs to be added and ID exists the increment the total, otherwise add new item
                if (iSortOrder != CONST_NEEDDESCRIPTION_SORT_ORDER)
                    if (sumItemTotals.ContainsKey(_strItemID))
                        sumItemTotals[_strItemID].TotalsQty += Convert.ToDouble(oleData["QuantityOrdered"]);
                        // Remove notes
                        if (_strItemDesc.Contains(":"))
                            _strItemDesc = _strItemDesc.Remove(_strItemDesc.IndexOf(":"));

                        sumItemTotals[_strItemID] = new ItemTotals
                            ItemID    = _strItemID,
                            ItemDesc  = _strTotalItemDesc,
                            TotalsQty = Convert.ToDouble(oleData["QuantityOrdered"].ToString()),
                            ItemOrder = (oleData["SortOrder"] == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(oleData["SortOrder"].ToString())
                // add to list of deliveries

                // increment deliveries now

            // Do a bubble sort on the ZZnames, so that they are all together
            for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < numDeliveryItems; idx1++)
                if (deliveryDetailsList[idx1].ContactCompany.StartsWith(CONST_ZZNAME_PREFIX))
                    for (int idx2 = idx1 + 2; idx2 < numDeliveryItems; idx2++)
                        if (deliveryDetailsList[idx2].ContactCompany.Equals(deliveryDetailsList[idx1].ContactCompany))
                            // this equals the last one so move it to just below the last one
                            deliveryItems thisItem = deliveryDetailsList[idx2];
                            deliveryDetailsList.Insert(idx1 + 1, thisItem);

            // sort the deliveries to make sure that we have all the company names one after the other
            int    _items  = 0;
            string _strURL = "";

            while (_items < numDeliveryItems)
                TableRow _tblRow = new TableRow();

                // now add details
                // add delivery and date
                TableCell _tblCellBy = new TableCell();
                _tblCellBy.Text = deliveryDetailsList[_items].Details;
                if (pPrintForm)
                    _tblCellBy.Font.Size = FontUnit.XSmall;
                    _tblCellBy.Text      = _tblCellBy.Text.Remove(0, _tblCellBy.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                else // add a hyoerlink to edit
                    _tblCellBy.Text = String.Format("<a class='plain' href='{0}'>{1}</a>", deliveryDetailsList[_items].OrderDetailURL, _tblCellBy.Text.Trim());

                // add company name and a link to the customer edit form.
                TableCell _tblCell = new TableCell();
                if ((pPrintForm) || (deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactID == CONST_IS_ZZNAME))
                    _tblCell.Text = deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany;
                    _tblCell.Text = String.Format("<a href='./CustomerDetails.aspx?ID={0}&'>{1}</a>", deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactID, deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany);
                // Add received and signed by
                _tblRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
                _tblRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
                // Now the items
                TableCell _tblCellItems = new TableCell();
                _strURL = String.Format("<a href='{0}'>Edit</a>", deliveryDetailsList[_items].OrderDetailURL);
                    if (_tblCellItems.Text.Length == 0)
                        _tblCellItems.Text = deliveryDetailsList[_items].Items.ToString();
                        _tblCellItems.Text = _tblCellItems.Text + "; " + deliveryDetailsList[_items].Items.ToString();

                } while ((_items < numDeliveryItems) && (deliveryDetailsList[_items - 1].ContactCompany == deliveryDetailsList[_items].ContactCompany));
                // add items

                // Add in stock
                _tblRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
                // now add edit url
                if (!pPrintForm)
                    _tblRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell {
                        Text = _strURL

            } // while we have delivery items

            //Display the totals table now
            Dictionary <string, ItemTotals> sortedItemTotals = (from entry in sumItemTotals orderby entry.Value.ItemOrder ascending select entry).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
            // now do the totals table
            TableRow _tblItemsNameRow  = new TableHeaderRow();
            TableRow _tblItemsTotalRow = new TableRow();

            // add headers
            TableHeaderCell _tblItemHdr1 = new TableHeaderCell();

            _tblItemHdr1.Text      = "Item";
            _tblItemHdr1.Font.Bold = true;
            TableCell _tblItemHdr2 = new TableCell();

            _tblItemHdr2.Text      = "Total";
            _tblItemHdr2.Font.Bold = true;

            // for each item in the totals table add a column and value
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ItemTotals> _pair in sortedItemTotals)
                //        _tblItemsNameRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
                // add the description
                TableHeaderCell _tblCellItemDesc = new TableHeaderCell();
                _tblCellItemDesc.Text      = _pair.Value.ItemDesc;
                _tblCellItemDesc.Font.Bold = true;
                // add the total
                TableCell _tblCellItemTotal = new TableCell();
                _tblCellItemTotal.Text            = String.Format("{0:0.00}", _pair.Value.TotalsQty);
                _tblCellItemTotal.HorizontalAlign = System.Web.UI.WebControls.HorizontalAlign.Right;
            //now add Theme total rows.
            if (pPrintForm)
                tblTotals.CssClass = tblTotals.CssClass + " small";
                // now add the drop down list items for delivery person
                bool bShowDeilveryBy = ListOfDeliveryBy.Count > 1;
                ddlDeliveryBy.Visible = bShowDeilveryBy;
                lblDeliveryBy.Visible = bShowDeilveryBy;

                if (bShowDeilveryBy)
                    ddlDeliveryBy.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "--- All ---", Value = "%", Selected = true
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> _deliveryByPair in ListOfDeliveryBy)
                        ddlDeliveryBy.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                            Text = _deliveryByPair.Value, Value = _deliveryByPair.Key