Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AccountingDoc(dbconn db, AccountListView view, FilterParam filterParam)
            this.db             = db;
            this.view           = view;
            this.AccountingView = new DataTable();
            this.PeopleTable    = new DataTable();

                if (db != null)
                    this.view.DataSource = AccountingView;
                    AtLog.AddMessage("db is null");
            catch (Exception e)
        public void Run(dbconn _db, DataRow[] _dr, bool isAll, object Class)
            DataRow dataRow = _dr[0];

            if (dataRow["name"].ToString() == string.Empty && Settings.isDealer)
                dataRow["name"] = (object)(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Remove(0, 3) + Settings.People.addstr + (int.MaxValue + Useful.GetInt32(dataRow["idorder"])).ToString("000"));
            OrderClass orderClass = Class as OrderClass;

            if (orderClass != null)
                orderClass.IsRefreshNumpos       = OrderClass.RefreshPosType.Refresh;
                orderClass.IsRefreshConstrNumpos = OrderClass.RefreshPosType.Refresh;
            _db.command.CommandText = "select count(*) from seller where deleted is null and name = 'OOO \"Пластконструктор\"'";
            int num = (int)_db.command.ExecuteScalar();

            if ((num == 0 || Settings.isDealer) && Convert.ToInt32(_dr[0]["saved"]) == 1)
                orderClass.OrderItemForm.ReadOnlyOrder = true;
            if (_dr[0]["iddocstate"] != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToInt32(_dr[0]["iddocstate"]) >= 3)
                orderClass.OrderItemForm.ReadOnlyOrder = true;
            if (num <= 0 || Settings.people_admin)
            orderClass.OrderItemForm.MenuItemlPriceChange.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public EmbrasureTypeForm(dbconn _db)
     this.FormClosing                      += new FormClosing(this.EmbrasureTypeForm_FormClosing);
     this.Shown                            += new Shown(this.EmbrasureTypeForm_Shown);
     this.cmdApply.Click                   += new EventHandler(this.cmdApply_Click);
     this.cmdReLoad.Click                  += new EventHandler(this.cmdReLoad_Click);
     this.cmdClose.Click                   += new EventHandler(this.cmdClose_Click);
     this.cmdOk.Click                      += new EventHandler(this.cmdOk_Click);
     this.cmdCancel.Click                  += new EventHandler(this.cmdCancel_Click);
     this.gridViewItem.DoubleClick         += new EventHandler(this.gridViewItem_DoubleClick);
     this.treeListGroup.KeyDown            += new KeyEventHandler(this.treeListGroup_KeyDown);
     this.treeListGroup.FocusedNodeChanged += new FocusedNodeChangedEventHandler(this.treeListGroup_FocusedNodeChanged);
     this.treeListGroup.LostFocus          += new EventHandler(this.treeListGroup_LostFocus);
     this.MenuGroupAddMain.Click           += new EventHandler(this.MenuGroupAddMain_Click);
     this.MenuGroupAddChild.Click          += new EventHandler(this.MenuGroupAddChild_Click);
     this.MenuGroupRemove.Click            += new EventHandler(this.MenuGroupRemove_Click);
     this.MenuGroupMove.Click              += new EventHandler(this.MenuGroupMove_Click);
     this.MenuGroupRename.Click            += new EventHandler(this.MenuGroupRename_Click);
     this.MenuGroupSetMain.Click           += new EventHandler(this.MenuGroupSetMain_Click);
     this.MenuItemAdd.Click                += new EventHandler(this.MenuItemAdd_Click);
     this.MenuItemDoublicate.Click         += new EventHandler(this.MenuItemDoublicate_Click);
     this.MenuItemRemove.Click             += new EventHandler(this.MenuItemRemove_Click);
     this.MenuItemChangeGroup.Click        += new EventHandler(this.MenuItemChangeGroup_Click);
 public CreateGoodForColorForm(dbconn _db)
     _db.command.CommandText = "select * from colorgroup where deleted is null";
     this.cmdCreate.Click += new EventHandler(this.cmdCreate_Click);
        public СlosePeriodForm(dbconn db)

            this.db = db;

            for (int i = 2018; i <= 2050; i++)
            public RunCalcUpdater(dbconn db, string path, SettingVar settingSha)
                this.settingSha = settingSha;

                SettingVar assemblyBlob = Settings.GetSetVar(SETTING_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
                Assembly   assembly     = Assembly.Load(assemblyBlob.blbvalue);

                updaterType     = assembly.GetType(ASSEMBLY_UPDATER_CLASSNAME, true, true);
                updaterInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(updaterType, new object[] { path });

                this.db = db;
        public void Run(dbconn _db, DataRow[] _dr, bool isDelete)
            db = _db;

//			if((int) Settings.idpeople == 581){
//				SettingVar var = Settings.GetSetVar(465);
//				Byte[] asseblyByte = var.blbvalue;
//				Assembly assebly = Assembly.Load(asseblyByte);
//				Object o = assebly.CreateInstance("BlackLord.MainForm");
//				Form frm = (Form) o;
//				frm.Show();
//			}

            try {
                if (!Settings.isDealer)

                if (!CheckInternetConnection())

                if (Settings.GetSetVar(SETTING_SHA_NAME) == null)
                    Settings.AddSetVar(SETTING_SHA_NAME, 0);

                RunCalcUpdater calcUpdater  = new RunCalcUpdater(_db, Environment.CurrentDirectory, Settings.GetSetVar(SETTING_SHA_NAME));
                Thread         updateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(calcUpdater.CheckUpdate));
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                Exception[] Exceptions = ex.LoaderExceptions;
                foreach (Exception curEx in Exceptions)
                    string curMessage = curEx.Message;
                    Type   CurType    = curEx.GetType();
            catch (Exception e) {
                MessageBox.Show("Ошибка скрипта!\n\n" + e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n\nКонтрольная точка - " + err, "Ошибка скрипта", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CommandLineApplication cla = new CommandLineApplication(throwOnUnexpectedArg: false);

            cla.Name     = "dbrel";
            cla.FullName = "dbrel: Database Release Utility";
            cla.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");
            cla.VersionOption("-v | --version", "0.0.7");
            CommandOption init = cla.Option("-i | --init <dir>"
                                            , "Initialise an empty folder structure."
                                            , CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption target = cla.Option("-t | --target <target>"
                                              , "Target database code referenced in .dbrel"
                                              , CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption config = cla.Option("-c | --config"
                                              , "Apply configuration script."
                                              , CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption schema_action = cla.Option("-s | --schema_action <action>"
                                                     , "Database schema action"
                                                     , CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandArgument file = cla.Argument("file"
                                                , "The file to run in against the target database."
                                                , false);

            cla.OnExecute(() => {
                string pathGiven = Path.GetFullPath(".");
                if (File.Exists(file.Value))
                    pathGiven = Path.GetFullPath(file.Value);
                string root = DBRelLib.FindRoot(pathGiven);
                if (root == null)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Unable to locate .dbrel from {0}", pathGiven));
                    Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > cfg = DBRelLib.Cfg(root);
                    List <string> keys = new List <string>(cfg.Keys);
                    string tgt         = keys[0];
                    if (target.HasValue())
                        tgt = target.Value();
                    if (keys.Contains(tgt))
                        List <string> tgtKeys = new List <string>(cfg[tgt].Keys);
                        // If there is a block_hosts key, interpret it...
                        bool block_host = false;
                        if (tgtKeys.Contains("block_hosts"))
                            List <string> block_hosts = new List <string>(cfg[tgt]["block_hosts"].Split(","));
                            block_host = block_hosts.Contains(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName());
                        // If there is an ignore_patterns key, interpret it...
                        bool ignore_file = false;
                        if (tgtKeys.Contains("ignore_patterns"))
                            List <string> ignore_patterns = new List <string>(cfg[tgt]["ignore_patterns"].Split(","));
                            foreach (string ignore_pattern in ignore_patterns)
                                Regex re = new Regex(ignore_pattern);
                                if (file.Value != null && re.Match(file.Value).Success)
                                    ignore_file = true;
                        if (block_host)
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has been explicitly blocked for the target '{1}'", System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(), tgt));
                        else if (ignore_file)
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Ignoring {0}. Check your .dbrel file is this is a mistake.", file.Value));
                            string cs = cfg[tgt]["connectionString"];
                            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DEBUG") != null)
                            string driver = "mssql";
                            if (cfg[tgt].ContainsKey("driver"))
                                driver = cfg[tgt]["driver"];
                            if (init.HasValue())
                            else if (config.HasValue())
                                DBRelLib.Config(root, tgt, cs, driver);
                            else if (schema_action.HasValue())
                                DBRelLib.SchemaInit(cs, driver);
                                Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, string> > queue = DBRelLib.SchemaQueue(root);
                                dbconn db = new dbconn(cs, driver);
                                List <Dictionary <string, object> > rows = db.rows("select id from _dbrel");
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <string, string> > entry in queue)
                                    string applied = "0";
                                    foreach (Dictionary <string, object> row in rows)
                                        if ((int)row["id"] == entry.Key)
                                            applied = "1";
                                    queue[entry.Key]["applied"] = applied;
                                if (schema_action.Value() == "queue")
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <string, string> > entry in queue)
                                        if (entry.Value["applied"] == "0")
                                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", entry.Key, entry.Value["filepath"]));
                                else if (schema_action.Value() == "rollback")
                                    rows   = db.rows("select isnull(max(id), 1) id from _dbrel");
                                    int id = (int)rows[0]["id"];
                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Rolling back schema patch {0}.\n  I hope you know what you're doing!", id));
                                    db.exec(string.Format("delete _dbrel where id = {0}", id));
                                else if (schema_action.Value() == "apply" ||
                                         schema_action.Value() == "manual")
                                    bool applied = false;
                                    int i        = 1;
                                    while (!applied && i <= queue.Count)
                                        if (queue[i]["applied"] == "0")
                                            string filepath = queue[i]["filepath"];
                                            using (StreamReader fin = File.OpenText(filepath)) {
                                                string sql  = fin.ReadToEnd();
                                                bool result = true;
                                                if (schema_action.Value() == "apply")
                                                    Console.Write(string.Format("Applying schema patch {0}...", filepath));
                                                    result = db.exec(sql);
                                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0}", (result ? "Success" : "Fail")));
                                                    Console.Write(string.Format("Manually marking schema patch {0} as applied.\n  I hope you know what you're doing!", i));
                                                if (result)
                                                    db.exec(string.Format("insert into _dbrel (id) values ({0});", i));
                                            applied = true;
                                    if (!applied)
                                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("No schema patches to apply to {0}", tgt));
                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("I don't know how to perform schema action '{0}'", schema_action.Value()));
                            else if (file.Value != null)
                                if (File.Exists(file.Value))
                                    dbconn db   = new dbconn(cs, driver);
                                    string sql1 = DBRelLib.DropStatement(file.Value, driver);
                                    // Console.WriteLine(sql1);
                                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file.Value)) {
                                        string sql2 = sr.ReadToEnd();
                                        bool result = db.exec(sql2);
                                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Applying {0}... {1}", pathGiven, (result ? "Success" : "Fail")));
                                    Console.WriteLine("Specified file does not exist...\n  {0}", file.Value);
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Invalid target specified: {0}", tgt));