// Update is called once per frame public void addToPlayerActionLog(string actionRefID, string actionInfo) { //get roomID & playerName GameObject gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); GameManagerVik vikky = gameManager.GetComponent<GameManagerVik>(); string sessionID = vikky.sessionID.ToString (); string playerName = vikky.loginName; string playerRole = vikky.characterName; //add to db dbClass db = new dbClass(); db.addFunction("playerActionLog"); db.addValues("playerName", playerName); db.addValues("playerRole", playerRole); db.addValues("sessionID", sessionID); db.addValues("actionRefID", actionRefID); db.addValues("actionInfo", actionInfo); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb(); if (dbReturn != "SUCCESS NO RETURN") { print (dbReturn); } //end add to db }
public ActionResult Addmember(addMemberClass add) { dbClass sdb = new dbClass(); String fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(add.ImageFile.FileName); String ext = Path.GetExtension(add.ImageFile.FileName); fn = fn + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + ext; add.path = "~/images/" + fn; fn = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/"), fn); add.ImageFile.SaveAs(fn); add.photo = fn.ToString(); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (sdb.AddMember(add)) { // ViewBag.Message = String.Format("Hello{0}.\\ncurrent Date and time:{1}", "name", DateTime.Now.ToString()); ViewBag.Message = "Member Added Successfully"; ModelState.Clear(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } } catch { return(View()); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult viewmember() { dbClass dbhandle = new dbClass(); ModelState.Clear(); return(View(dbhandle.viewMember())); }
public byte[] ShowEmpImage(int imgID) { dbClass db = new dbClass(); string sql = "SELECT LOGpdf FROM tableName WHERE LOGuid = @ID"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, db.con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", imgID); object img = null; try { db.Connect(); img = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } catch { return(null); } finally { db.Disconnect(); } return((byte[])img); }
private void alterarItem() { dbClass db = new dbClass(); string sql = "update sipXtrimestre set cd_empresa = cd_empresa "; if (txtQtEventos.Text.Length > 0) { sql += ", qt_evento = " + txtQtEventos.Text; } if (txtQtBenefCarencia.Text.Length > 0) { sql += ", qt_benef_fora_per_carencia = " + txtQtBenefCarencia.Text; } if (txtTtDespLiq.Text.Length > 0) { sql += ", tt_despesa_liq = " + txtTtDespLiq.Text.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "."); } sql += " where cd_empresa = " + cboEmpresa.SelectedValue; sql += " and ano = " + txtAno.Text; sql += " and trimestre = " + cboTrimestre.SelectedValue; sql += " and uf = '" + txtUF.Text + "'"; sql += " and formaContratacao = '" + cboFormacontrat.SelectedValue + "'"; sql += " and cd_sip = '" + cboItemAssit.SelectedValue + "'"; db.execmd(sql, false); }
public static void comboRellenar(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList combo, string textoSql, string cadenaConexion, string mensajeInicial) { combo.Items.Clear(); if (cadenaConexion == "") { cadenaConexion = ctes.conStringAdoGeneral; } dbClass pp = new dbClass(cadenaConexion); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader reg; // 'SqlClient.SqlDataReader DataTable esquema; reg = pp.sql(textoSql); esquema = reg.GetSchemaTable(); combo.DataSource = reg; //myDataReader combo.DataTextField = sf.cadena(esquema.Rows[1].ItemArray[0]); combo.DataValueField = sf.cadena(esquema.Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); //.Columns(1).ColumnName.ToString '.Item(0).ColumnName.ToString; //'"idlicencias" 'myDataReader.Fields(0).Name; combo.DataBind(); // mensajeInicial = "<Elija una opcion>"; if (mensajeInicial != "") { ListItem per = new ListItem(); per.Value = sf.cadena(0); per.Text = mensajeInicial; combo.Items.Insert(0, per); } pp.Dispose(); }
private void calcIncome(int days, double gross, double overtime, int absences, double loans, double netpay) { dbClass db = new dbClass(); DataTable getJob = db.dbSelect("SELECT job from tb_info WHERE id=" + this.del_id); DataTable getJobs = db.dbSelect("SELECT salary from tb_job where id=" + getJob.Rows[0][0]); MessageBox.Show(getJobs.Rows[0][0].ToString()); }
private void carregaSubItens(XmlElement item, string select, string codigo) { //int ttEventos = 0; //int ttbenef = 0; //double ttDespesa = 0; dbClass db1 = new dbClass(); SqlDataReader dr = db1.DataReader(select + " and b.subItemDe = " + codigo + " order by b.id"); while (dr.Read()) { string localName = dr["tagXml"].ToString(); XmlElement xmlProcedimento = doc.CreateElement(localName); item.AppendChild(xmlProcedimento); if (String.Compare(dr["lg_evento"].ToString(), "S") == 0) { XmlElement xmlEventos = doc.CreateElement("eventos"); xmlEventos.InnerText = dr["qt_evento"].ToString(); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlEventos); //int qtEventos = int.Parse(dr["qt_evento"].ToString()); //ttEventos += qtEventos; } if (String.Compare(dr["lg_beneficiario"].ToString(), "S") == 0) { XmlElement xmlBeneficiarios = doc.CreateElement("beneficiarios"); xmlBeneficiarios.InnerText = dr["qt_benef_fora_per_carencia"].ToString(); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlBeneficiarios); //int qtBenef = int.Parse(dr["qt_benef_fora_per_carencia"].ToString()); //ttbenef += qtBenef; } if (String.Compare(dr["lg_despesa"].ToString(), "S") == 0) { XmlElement xmlDespesas = doc.CreateElement("despesas"); xmlDespesas.InnerText = double.Parse(dr["tt_despesa_liq"].ToString()).ToString("F"); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlDespesas); //double vrDespesa = double.Parse(dr["tt_despesa_liq"].ToString()); //ttDespesa += vrDespesa; } } /* * if (dr.HasRows) * { * item.SelectSingleNode("eventos").InnerText = ttEventos.ToString(); * item.SelectSingleNode("beneficiarios").InnerText = ttbenef.ToString(); * item.SelectSingleNode("despesas").InnerText = ttDespesa.ToString("F"); * } */ dr.Close(); db1.closeConn(); }
private void Income_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.AcceptButton = btnAdd; dbClass db = new dbClass(); DataTable dt = db.dbSelect("SELECT * FROM tb_info"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { cmbEmployees.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i]["firstname"].ToString() + " " + dt.Rows[i]["lastname"].ToString()); } }
public void getDept() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dbClass db = new dbClass(); dt = db.dbSelect("SELECT * FROM tb_department"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { cmbDept.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i]["code"]); cmbParent.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i]["code"]); } }
public void getJob() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dbClass db = new dbClass(); DataTable parent = db.dbSelect("SELECT id from tb_department WHERE code='" + cmbDept.Text + "'"); try { dt = db.dbSelect("SELECT * FROM tb_job WHERE parent=" + parent.Rows[0][0]); } catch { } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { cmbJob.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i]["description"]); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; string sOut; db1 = new dbClass(); db1.dbhost = "localhost"; db1.dbname = "northwind"; db1.dbuser = "******"; db1.dbpass = "******"; if (IsPostBack) { if (DropDownList1.Text != "ALL") { sql = "SELECT EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,City FROM `northwind`.`employees` WHERE City='" + DropDownList1.Text + "'"; } else { sql = "SELECT EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,City FROM `northwind`.`employees`;"; } } else { sql = "SELECT EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,City FROM `northwind`.`employees`;"; } db1.openConnection(); db1.QueryDBDataset(sql); sOut = "<table>"; for (i = 0; i < db1.ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { sOut += "<tr><td>" + db1.ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString() + "</td>"; sOut += "<td>" + db1.ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString() + "</td>"; sOut += "<td>" + db1.ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString() + "</td>"; sOut += "<td>" + db1.ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[3].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; } sOut += "</table>"; lblOut.Text = sOut; db1.closeConnection(); }
private void gera_sip() { dbClass db = new dbClass(); string NrRegANS = ""; if (cboEmpresa.SelectedValue == "1") { NrRegANS = db.execmd("select vl_parametro from parametro where cd_parametro = 'CDRANS'", true); } else if (cboEmpresa.SelectedValue == "2") { NrRegANS = db.execmd("select vl_parametro from parametro where cd_parametro = 'CDANS2'", true); } nmArq = NrRegANS; string dtTrimestre = getTrimestre(txtAno.Text, cboTrimestre.SelectedIndex + 1); nmArq += "_" + dtTrimestre.Substring(0, 2) + dtTrimestre.Substring(3, 2) + dtTrimestre.Substring(6); nmArq += "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss"); nmArq = nmArq + ".xsip"; string nmSoarq = nmArq; nmArq = @"c:\temp\" + nmArq + ".xsip"; doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlMensagemSIP = doc.CreateElement("mensagemSIP"); doc.AppendChild(xmlMensagemSIP); string Sequencial = "1"; string Cnpj = "01306081000115"; if (cboEmpresa.SelectedValue == "2") //seato { Cnpj = "00844669000160"; } geraCabecalhoSIP(xmlMensagemSIP, "ENVIO_SIP", Sequencial, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"), NrRegANS, "03589068000146", Cnpj, "1.02", "Multiodonto", "", "Proprio"); geraMensagemSIP(xmlMensagemSIP, txtAno.Text, (cboTrimestre.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(), "SP", cboEmpresa.SelectedValue); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; doc.Save(nmArq); geraEpilogo(xmlMensagemSIP); DownloadArq(nmArq, nmSoarq); }
private void dataGridView2_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { dbClass db = new dbClass(); DataTable parent = db.dbSelect("SELECT code from tb_department WHERE id=" + dataGridView2.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString()); FillForm form = new FillForm(); form.getDept(); if (this.activeTab == "Job") { form.comboBox1.Text = "Job"; form.btnUpdate.Visible = true; form.btnAdd.Visible = false; form.activeID = dataGridView2.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); form.txtJob.Text = dataGridView2.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); form.cmbParent.Text = parent.Rows[0][0].ToString(); form.txtSalary.Text = dataGridView2.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); this.Hide(); form.Show(); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtOtherLoansName.Text == "Name") { txtOtherLoansName.Text = "Other"; } if (this.txtNetPay.Text != "0.00") { dbClass db = new dbClass(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; String query = "insert into tb_employee (fullname, department, job, rate, no_of_days, gross_income, overtime_hrs, no_of_absences, loan_pagibig, loan_sss, loan_other_name, loan_other, prem_pagibig, prem_sss, prem_philhealth, total_loans, total_prem_loans, total_deduction, net_pay, date) values ('" + cmbEmployees.Text + "', '" + lblDept.Text + "', '" + lblJob.Text + "', " + txtSalary.Text + ", " + numWorkDays.Value + ", " + this.gross_pay + ", " + numOT.Value + ", " + numAbsent.Value + ", " + txtPagibigLoans.Text + ", " + txtSSSLoans.Text + ", '" + txtOtherLoansName.Text + "', " + txtOtherLoans.Text + ", " + txtPremPagibig.Text + ", " + txtPremSSS.Text + ", " + txtPremPhil.Text + ", " + labelLoans.Text + ", " + lblPremLoans.Text + ", " + lblTotalDeductions.Text + ", " + txtNetPay.Text + ", '" + date + "')"; db.dbInsert(query); Main main = new Main(); this.Hide(); main.Show(); MessageBox.Show("Record added!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please fill all forms!"); } }
private void gera_sip() { dbClass db = new dbClass(); string NrRegANS = db.execmd("select vl_parametro from parametro where cd_parametro = 'CDRANS'", true); nmArq = @"c:\temp\"; nmArq += NrRegANS; string dtTrimestre = getTrimestre(txtAno.Text, cboTrimestre.SelectedIndex + 1); nmArq += "_" + dtTrimestre.Substring(0, 2) + dtTrimestre.Substring(3, 2) + dtTrimestre.Substring(6); nmArq += "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss"); nmArq += ".xsip"; doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlMensagemSIP = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "mensagemSIP", nmUrl); doc.AppendChild(xmlMensagemSIP); geraCabecalhoSIP(xmlMensagemSIP, "ENVIO_SIP", "100", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss"), NrRegANS, "03.589.068/0001-46", "01.306.081/0001-15", "V1.01", "Multiodonto", "", "Proprio"); geraMensagemSIP(xmlMensagemSIP, txtAno.Text, (cboTrimestre.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(), "SP", "1"); doc.Save(nmArq); geraEpilogo(xmlMensagemSIP); }
private void gravarItem() { dbClass db = new dbClass(); string sql = "insert into sipXtrimestre (cd_empresa, ano, trimestre, uf, formaContratacao, cd_sip, qt_evento,qt_benef_fora_per_carencia, tt_despesa_liq) values ("; sql += cboEmpresa.SelectedValue + ","; sql += txtAno.Text + ","; sql += cboTrimestre.SelectedValue + ",'"; sql += txtUF.Text + "','"; sql += cboFormacontrat.SelectedValue + "','"; sql += cboItemAssit.SelectedValue + "',"; if (txtQtEventos.Text.Length > 0) { sql += txtQtEventos.Text + ","; } else { sql += "0,"; } if (txtQtBenefCarencia.Text.Length > 0) { sql += txtQtBenefCarencia.Text + ","; } else { sql += "0,"; } if (txtTtDespLiq.Text.Length > 0) { sql += txtTtDespLiq.Text.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".") + ")"; } else { sql += "0)"; } db.execmd(sql, false); limpaTela(); }
private void dataGridView1_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Click YES to edit info press NO to print.", "Action", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result.Equals(DialogResult.No)) { Print_Ind ind = new Print_Ind(); ind.id = this.del_id; ind.Show(); } else { dbClass db = new dbClass(); DataTable jb = db.dbSelect("SELECT description from tb_job WHERE id=" + dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[9].Value.ToString()); DataTable dp = db.dbSelect("SELECT code from tb_department WHERE id=" + dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[8].Value.ToString()); FillForm form = new FillForm(); form.getDept(); form.getJob(); if (this.activeTab == "Information") { form.comboBox1.Text = "Information"; form.txtLN.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); form.txtFN.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); form.txtMN.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); form.txtAdd.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); form.pickBday.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[5].Value.ToString(); form.txtBPlace.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[6].Value.ToString(); form.txtContact.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[7].Value.ToString(); form.cmbDept.Text = dp.Rows[0][0].ToString(); form.cmbJob.Text = jb.Rows[0][0].ToString(); form.btnUpdate.Visible = true; form.btnAdd.Visible = false; form.activeID = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); this.Hide(); form.Show(); } } }
private void cmbEmployees_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable id, job, salary, get_job, get_dept; txtNetGross.Text = ""; dbClass db = new dbClass(); String[] name = cmbEmployees.Text.Split(' '); id = db.dbSelect("select id from tb_info where firstname='" + name[0] + "' and lastname ='" + name[1] + "'"); this.id = Convert.ToInt32(id.Rows[0][0]); job = db.dbSelect("select job from tb_info where id=" + this.id); get_job = db.dbSelect("select description, parent from tb_job where id=" + job.Rows[0][0]); get_dept = db.dbSelect("select description from tb_department where id=" + get_job.Rows[0][1]); salary = db.dbSelect("select salary from tb_job where id=" + job.Rows[0][0]); this.salary = Convert.ToDecimal(salary.Rows[0][0]); txtSalary.Text = salary.Rows[0][0].ToString(); lblDept.Text = get_dept.Rows[0][0].ToString(); lblJob.Text = get_job.Rows[0][0].ToString(); try { calcGross(Convert.ToDecimal(salary.Rows[0][0]), Convert.ToInt32(numWorkDays.Value), Convert.ToInt32(numOT.Value)); calcNet(Convert.ToInt32(numAbsent.Value), Convert.ToDecimal(txtLoans.Text)); } catch { } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Int32 imgID; if (context.Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { imgID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["id"]); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No parameter specified"); } byte[] buffer = ShowEmpImage(imgID); bool temp = false; string extension = ""; var enc = new ASCIIEncoding(); var header = enc.GetString(buffer); dbClass db = new dbClass(); extension = db.GetID("select fileExtension from tableName WHERE LOGuid=" + imgID, "fileExtension"); if (extension == null || extension == "") { if (buffer[0] == 0x25 && buffer[1] == 0x50 && buffer[2] == 0x44 && buffer[3] == 0x46) { temp = header.StartsWith("%PDF-"); extension = "application/pdf"; } else if (buffer[0] == 0xFF && buffer[1] == 0xD8 && buffer[2] == 0xFF && buffer[3] == 0xE0) { temp = header.StartsWith("%JPG-"); extension = "image/jpeg"; extension = "image/jpg"; } else if (buffer[0] == 0x89 && buffer[1] == 0x50 && buffer[2] == 0x4E && buffer[3] == 0x47) { temp = header.StartsWith("%PNG-"); extension = "image/jpeg"; extension = "image/png"; } else if (buffer[0] == 0x49 && buffer[1] == 0x49 && buffer[2] == 0x2A && buffer[3] == 0x00) { temp = header.StartsWith("%TIF-"); extension = "image/jpeg"; extension = "image/tiff"; extension = "image/tif"; } else if (buffer[0] == 0x47 && buffer[1] == 0x49 && buffer[2] == 0x46 && buffer[3] == 0x38) { temp = header.StartsWith("%GIF-"); extension = "image/jpeg"; extension = "image/gif"; } else if (buffer[0] == 0x42 && buffer[1] == 0x4D && buffer[2] == 0x46 && buffer[3] == 0x38) { temp = header.StartsWith("%BMP-"); extension = "image/jpeg"; extension = "image/bmp"; } else if (buffer[0] == 0x00 && buffer[1] == 0x00 && buffer[2] == 0x01 && buffer[3] == 0x00) { temp = header.StartsWith("%ICO-"); extension = "image/jpeg"; extension = "image/ico"; } else { extension = "image/jpeg"; } //else //extension = "application/pdf"; } context.Response.ContentType = extension; context.Response.AddHeader("content-length", buffer.Length.ToString()); context.Response.BinaryWrite(buffer); }
void OnGUI() { //set to custom skin GUI.skin = customSkin; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF SHOWING CONNECTING SCREEN //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!PhotonNetwork.connected) { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect((Screen.width - 400) / 2, (Screen.height - 300) / 2, 400, 300)); GUILayout.Label("Connecting to Photon server."); GUILayout.Label("Hint: This demo uses a settings file and logs the server address to the console."); GUILayout.EndArea(); return; //Wait for a connection } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF SHOWING ERROR MESSAGE //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isMessage) { GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect ((Screen.width - 400) / 2, (Screen.height - 300) / 2, 600, 300)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),background); GUILayout.Box (message, GUILayout.Width (300), GUILayout.Height (200)); //ok button if (GUILayout.Button ("OK", GUILayout.Width (80))) { //--------------------------------- // TOGGLE isMessage false //--------------------------------- isMessage = false; } GUILayout.EndArea (); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF LOGGING INTO THE GAME //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } else if (isLogin) { GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),background); GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width/4, Screen.height*.1f, Screen.width/2, Screen.height*.8f)); //title GUILayout.Label ("ORILE","Title"); GUILayout.Space (45); GUILayout.Label ("Login Menu"); GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (0, Screen.height*.275f, Screen.width/2, Screen.height*.5f)); //player name entry GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label ("Player Name:", "labelText"); playerName = GUILayout.TextField (playerName, 25, GUILayout.Width (200)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //password entry GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label ("Password:"******"labelText"); password = GUILayout.PasswordField (password, "*" [0], 25, GUILayout.Width (200)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); //login button GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("",GUILayout.Width (200)); //if 'login' button is pressed, see if can login into game if (GUILayout.Button ("Login", GUILayout.Width (100))) { if (playerName != "" && password != "") { //connect to db dbClass db = new dbClass (); db.addFunction ("playerLogin"); db.addValues ("playerName", playerName); db.addValues ("password", password); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb (); //print (dbReturn); //end add to db //if successful;, means login success if (dbReturn == "SUCCESS") { //------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isLogin false/ isTutorial true //------------------------------------------- isLogin = false; isTutorial = true; //see if admin string playerType = db.getReturnValue("playerType"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerLoginName", playerName); if (playerType == "ADMIN") { isTrainer = true; } } //if not successful print error string else { //--------------------------------- // TOGGLE isMessage true //--------------------------------- isMessage = true; message = dbReturn; } } //send error msg for empty input else { //--------------------------------- // TOGGLE isMessage true //--------------------------------- isMessage = true; message = "Please type in your playerName or password."; } } //press create button, means create new players if (GUILayout.Button ("Create", GUILayout.Width (100))) { //----------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isCreate true/ isLogin false //----------------------------------------- isCreate = true; isLogin = false; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.EndArea (); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF CHOOSING TUTORIAL //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } else if (isTutorial) { // if role selection not completed, draw GUI GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect((Screen.width - 600) / 2, (Screen.height - 300) / 2, 960, 600)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Do you want to play the tutorial?", GUILayout.Width(200)); GUILayout.Space (45); if(GUILayout.Button("Yes",GUILayout.Width(150)) ) { //------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isLogin false/ isTutorial true //------------------------------------------- isTutorial = false; //isMain = true; //load tutorial PlayerPrefs.SetString("isTutorial", "true"); Application.LoadLevel("Fire_event_tutorial"); } if(GUILayout.Button("No",GUILayout.Width(150)) ) { //------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isLogin false/ isTutorial true //------------------------------------------- isTutorial = false; isMain = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF CREATING PLAYER //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } else if (isCreate) { GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),background); GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width/4, Screen.height*.1f, Screen.width/2, Screen.height*.8f)); GUILayout.Label ("ORILE","Title"); GUILayout.Space (45); GUILayout.Label ("Create new player"); GUILayout.Space (15); //player login GUILayout.Label ("Player Name:", GUILayout.Width (150)); playerName = GUILayout.TextField (playerName, GUILayout.Width (150)); //password entry GUILayout.Label ("Password:"******"*" [0], GUILayout.Width (150)); //password re-entry GUILayout.Label ("Re-enter Password:"******"*" [0], GUILayout.Width (150)); //if 'login' button is pressed, see if can login into game if (GUILayout.Button ("CREATE", GUILayout.Width (80))) { if (playerName != "" && password != "") { if (password.Equals (reEnter)) { //add to db dbClass dbClass db = new dbClass (); db.addFunction ("playerCreate"); db.addValues ("playerName", playerName); db.addValues ("password", password); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb (); //print (dbReturn); //end add to db //if successful;, means login success if (dbReturn == "SUCCESS NO RETURN") { //----------------------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isCreate false/ isLogin true/ isMessage true //------------------------------------------------------------ isCreate = false; isLogin = true; isMessage = true; message = "player created!"; } //if not successful print error string else { //--------------------------------- // TOGGLE isMessage true //--------------------------------- isMessage = true; message = dbReturn; } } //password not equal to re-enter password else { //--------------------------------- // TOGGLE isMessage true //--------------------------------- isMessage = true; message = "Password does not sync up.\n Please type it in again."; } } //empty input else { //--------------------------------- // TOGGLE isMessage true //--------------------------------- isMessage = true; message = "Please type in your playerName or password."; } } //back button if (GUILayout.Button ("back", GUILayout.Width (80))) { //----------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isCreate false/ isLogin true //----------------------------------------- isCreate = false; isLogin = true; } GUILayout.EndArea (); GUILayout.EndArea(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF ACCESSING PLAYBACK LIST //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } else if (isPlaybackList) { GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),background); GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect ((Screen.width - 400) / 2, (Screen.height - 300) / 2, 600, 300)); GUILayout.Label ("Playback Menu"); GUILayout.Space (15); GUILayout.Label ("Select the one you want to playback"); GUILayout.Space (15); string[] listArray = this.fileList.Split(','); foreach (string capture in listArray) { string fileName = ""; //Debug.Log(capture); //PARSE THE JSON STRING if (capture.IndexOf("[") == 0) { fileName = capture.Substring(2,capture.Length-3); //Debug.Log(fileName); } else if (capture.IndexOf("]") == capture.Length-1) { fileName = capture.Substring(1,capture.Length-3); //Debug.Log(fileName); } else { fileName = capture.Substring(1,capture.Length-2); //Debug.Log(fileName); } //this if statement is still for parsing the info if (fileName != "." && fileName != "..") { //create a button for each playback if (GUILayout.Button (fileName, GUILayout.Width (80))) { //prepare playbackdialogue for playback /*PlaybackDialogue diaggy = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<PlaybackDialogue>(); diaggy.convoTitle = ""; diaggy.dialogueNum = -1; diaggy.currNum = -1; diaggy.currTitle = "";*/ //download files WWWForm sendForm = new WWWForm(); sendForm.AddField("fileName", fileName); sendForm.AddField("load", "DOWN"); WWW w = new WWW("http://www.sgi-singapore.com/projects/ORILE/loadFiles.php", sendForm); StartCoroutine(WaitForDownload(w, fileName)); } } } GUILayout.Space (15); //back button if (GUILayout.Button ("back", GUILayout.Width (80))) { //---------------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isPlaybackList false /isMain true //---------------------------------------------------- isPlaybackList = false; isMain = true; } GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.EndArea(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF MAIN PAGE //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } else if (isMain) { GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),background); GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width/4, Screen.height*.1f, Screen.width/2, Screen.height*.8f)); GUILayout.Label ("ORILE","Title"); GUILayout.Space (45); GUILayout.Label ("Main Menu"); GUILayout.Space (15); //Join room by title GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.Label ("Join Room:", "labelText"); roomName = GUILayout.TextField (roomName,GUILayout.Width(Screen.width/5)); if (GUILayout.Button ("Join",GUILayout.Width(100))) { PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom (roomName); //----------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isChoose true / isMain false //----------------------------------------- isChoose = true; isMain = false; //get from db dbClass db = new dbClass(); db.addFunction("getSessionID"); db.addValues("roomName", roomName); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb(); if (dbReturn != "SUCCESS") { print (dbReturn); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("sessionID", db.getReturnValueInt("sessionID")); PlayerPrefs.SetString("roomName", roomName); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.Space (15); //Create a room (fails if exist!) GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.Label ("Create Room:", "labelText"); roomName = GUILayout.TextField (roomName,GUILayout.Width(Screen.width/5)); if (GUILayout.Button ("Start",GUILayout.Width(100))) { PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (roomName, true, true, 10); //----------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isChoose true / isMain false //----------------------------------------- isChoose = true; isMain = false; //add to db dbClass db = new dbClass(); db.addFunction("sessionCreate"); db.addValues("roomName", roomName); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb(); if (dbReturn != "SUCCESS") { print (dbReturn); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("sessionID", db.getReturnValueInt("sessionID")); PlayerPrefs.SetString("roomName", roomName); //add roomID //GameObject gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); //GameManagerVik vikky = gameManager.GetComponent<GameManagerVik>(); //vikky.sessionID = db.getReturnValueInt("sessionID"); //end add to db } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.Space (15); //Join random room // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); // GUILayout.Label ("Join Random Room:", "labelText"); // if (PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList ().Length == 0) { // GUILayout.Label ("No rooms available..."); // } else { // if (GUILayout.Button ("Join")) { // PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom (); // } // } // GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.Space (15); GUILayout.Space (30); GUILayout.Label ("Room Listing"); GUILayout.Space (15); //room listing if (PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList ().Length == 0) { GUILayout.Label ("..no games available.."); } else { //Room listing: simply call GetRoomList: no need to fetch/poll whatever! scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrollPos); foreach (RoomInfo game in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList()) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.Label (game.name + " " + game.playerCount + "/" + game.maxPlayers,GUILayout.Width(Screen.width/5+200)); //join button if (GUILayout.Button ("Join",GUILayout.Width(100))) { PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom (game.name); //----------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isChoose true / isMain false //----------------------------------------- isChoose = true; isMain = false; //get from db dbClass db = new dbClass(); db.addFunction("getSessionID"); db.addValues("roomName", game.name); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb(); if (dbReturn != "SUCCESS") { print (dbReturn); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("sessionID", db.getReturnValueInt("sessionID")); PlayerPrefs.SetString("roomName", game.name); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); } GUILayout.EndScrollView (); } //video playback GUILayout.Space (45); GUILayout.Label ("Watch Replay"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); //watch button if (GUILayout.Button ("Watch")) { //---------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isPlaybackList true / isMain false //---------------------------------------------- isPlaybackList = true; isMain = false; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); //log out GUILayout.Space (45); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); //watch button if (GUILayout.Button ("Log out")) { //---------------------------------------------- // TOGGLE isLogin true / isMain false //---------------------------------------------- isMain = false; isLogin = true; PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("playerLoginName"); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.EndArea (); GUILayout.EndArea(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF CHOOSING CHARACTER //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (isChoose) { //choose character if player not trainer if (!isTrainer) { // if role selection not completed, draw GUI GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect((Screen.width - 600) / 2, (Screen.height - 300) / 2, 960, 600)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Choose a role:", GUILayout.Width(200)); PhotonView photonView = this.gameObject.GetPhotonView(); for(int i =0;i<playerList.Length;i++) { if (!selectedPlayerList.Contains(playerList[i])) { if(GUILayout.Button(playerList[i],GUILayout.Width(150)) ) { PhotonNetwork.playerName = playerList[i]; PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerName", playerList[i]); // broadcast role selected photonView.RPC ("setRoleUnavailable",PhotonTargets.AllBuffered,playerList[i]); //------------------------------------------ // TOGGLE isLobby true / isChoose false //------------------------------------------ isLobby = true; isChoose = false; } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } else { //if player trainer, do not need to go lobby or choose player; go directly to game PlayerPrefs.SetString("isTrainer", "true"); Application.LoadLevel(sceneLinkage); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IF WAITING LOBBY //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (isLobby) { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect((Screen.width - 400) / 2, (Screen.height - 300) / 2, 600, 300)); GUILayout.Label("YOU HAVE CHOSEN: " + PhotonNetwork.playerName); GUILayout.Space(20); //wait till there are four people in the room if (selectedPlayerList.Count < totalPlayers && !isSkipLobby) { GUILayout.Label ("PLEASE WAIT TILL THERE ARE ENOUGH PLAYERS IN THE ROOM"); GUILayout.Space (20); GUILayout.Label ("Number of players in the room now: " + selectedPlayerList.Count); GUILayout.Space (20); int dotNum = dotInt / 100; GUILayout.Label ("WAITING" + dots [dotNum]); dotInt++; if (dotInt >= 300) { dotInt = 0; } } else { if(GUILayout.Button("StartGame",GUILayout.Width(100)) ) { photonView.RPC ("allStartGame", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered); } } GUILayout.EndArea(); if (isStartGame) { //player not trainer PlayerPrefs.SetString("isTrainer", "false"); Application.LoadLevel(sceneLinkage); //StartGame(); //startGame = false; } } }
// GET api/<controller> public IEnumerable <string> ManageCFind(Cfind _cfind) { dbClass dbcc = new dbClass(); return(dbcc.getCFind(_cfind)); }
private void geraMensagemSIP(XmlElement xmlMensagemSIP, string ano, string trimestre, string uf, string empresa) { XmlElement xmlMensagem = doc.CreateElement("mensagem"); xmlMensagemSIP.AppendChild(xmlMensagem); string dtTrimestre = getTrimestre(ano, int.Parse(trimestre)); XmlElement xmlOperadoraParaANS = doc.CreateElement("operadoraParaANS"); xmlMensagem.AppendChild(xmlOperadoraParaANS); XmlElement xmlSipOperadoreParaAns = doc.CreateElement("sipOperadoraParaAns"); xmlOperadoraParaANS.AppendChild(xmlSipOperadoreParaAns); XmlElement xmlEnvioSip = doc.CreateElement("envioSip"); xmlSipOperadoreParaAns.AppendChild(xmlEnvioSip); XmlElement xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento = doc.CreateElement("dataTrimestreReconhecimento"); xmlEnvioSip.AppendChild(xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento); XmlElement xmlDia = doc.CreateElement("dia"); xmlDia.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(0, 2); xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento.AppendChild(xmlDia); XmlElement xmlMes = doc.CreateElement("mes"); xmlMes.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(3, 2); xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento.AppendChild(xmlMes); XmlElement xmlAno = doc.CreateElement("ano"); xmlAno.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(6); xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento.AppendChild(xmlAno); XmlElement xmlTagFormaContratacao = doc.CreateElement("formaContratacao"); xmlEnvioSip.AppendChild(xmlTagFormaContratacao); dbClass db = new dbClass(); SqlDataReader drFormContrat = db.DataReader("select distinct formaContratacao from sipXtrimestre where cd_empresa = " + empresa + " and ano = " + ano + " and trimestre = " + trimestre + " order by formaContratacao desc"); while (drFormContrat.Read()) { XmlElement xmlFormaContratacao = doc.CreateElement(drFormContrat["formaContratacao"].ToString()); xmlTagFormaContratacao.AppendChild(xmlFormaContratacao); XmlElement xmlSegmentacao = doc.CreateElement("segmentacao"); xmlFormaContratacao.AppendChild(xmlSegmentacao); XmlElement xmlOdontologico = doc.CreateElement("odontologico"); xmlSegmentacao.AppendChild(xmlOdontologico); XmlElement xmlQuadro = doc.CreateElement("quadro"); xmlOdontologico.AppendChild(xmlQuadro); // em entendimento com Gabi, ficou acordado que mandariamos a data trimestre de ocorrencia, igual data trimentes do reconhecimento XmlElement xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia = doc.CreateElement("dataTrimestreOcorrencia"); xmlQuadro.AppendChild(xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia); XmlElement xmlDiaRec = doc.CreateElement("dia"); xmlDiaRec.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(0, 2); XmlElement xmlMesRec = doc.CreateElement("mes"); xmlMesRec.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(3, 2); XmlElement xmlAnoRec = doc.CreateElement("ano"); xmlAnoRec.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(6); xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia.AppendChild(xmlDiaRec); xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia.AppendChild(xmlMesRec); xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia.AppendChild(xmlAnoRec); XmlElement xmlUf = doc.CreateElement("uf"); xmlUf.InnerText = uf; // manda somente para um uf xmlQuadro.AppendChild(xmlUf); XmlElement xmlProcOdonto = doc.CreateElement("procOdonto"); xmlQuadro.AppendChild(xmlProcOdonto); XmlElement xmlprocedimentosOdonto = doc.CreateElement("procedimentosOdonto"); xmlProcOdonto.AppendChild(xmlprocedimentosOdonto); XmlElement xmlEventosTT = doc.CreateElement("eventos"); XmlElement xmlBeneficiariosTT = doc.CreateElement("beneficiarios"); XmlElement xmlDespesasTT = doc.CreateElement("despesas"); xmlprocedimentosOdonto.AppendChild(xmlEventosTT); xmlprocedimentosOdonto.AppendChild(xmlBeneficiariosTT); xmlprocedimentosOdonto.AppendChild(xmlDespesasTT); dbClass db1 = new dbClass(); //int ttEventos = 0; //int ttbenef = 0; //double ttDespesa = 0; // ta passando esse select como parametro para os subitens string select = " select * from sipXtrimestre a, sip b where b.codigo = a.cd_sip and cd_empresa = " + empresa + " and ano = " + ano + " and trimestre = " + trimestre + " and uf = 'SP' and formaContratacao = '" + drFormContrat["formaContratacao"].ToString() + "'"; SqlDataReader dr = db1.DataReader(select + " and b.subItemDe is null order by b.id"); if (dr.Read()) { if (dr["codigo"].ToString() == "I") // por segurança verifica se o primeiro item eh a letra I { xmlEventosTT.InnerText = dr["qt_evento"].ToString(); xmlBeneficiariosTT.InnerText = dr["qt_benef_fora_per_carencia"].ToString(); xmlDespesasTT.InnerText = double.Parse(dr["tt_despesa_liq"].ToString()).ToString("F"); } else { Label1.Text = "Não há a opção I PROCEDIMENTOS ODONTOLÓGICOS"; return; } } while (dr.Read()) { string localName = dr["tagXml"].ToString(); XmlElement xmlProcedimento = doc.CreateElement(localName); xmlprocedimentosOdonto.AppendChild(xmlProcedimento); if (String.Compare(dr["lg_evento"].ToString(), "S") == 0) { XmlElement xmlEventos = doc.CreateElement("eventos"); xmlEventos.InnerText = dr["qt_evento"].ToString(); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlEventos); } if (String.Compare(dr["lg_beneficiario"].ToString(), "S") == 0) { XmlElement xmlBeneficiarios = doc.CreateElement("beneficiarios"); xmlBeneficiarios.InnerText = dr["qt_benef_fora_per_carencia"].ToString(); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlBeneficiarios); } if (String.Compare(dr["lg_despesa"].ToString(), "S") == 0) { XmlElement xmlDespesas = doc.CreateElement("despesas"); xmlDespesas.InnerText = double.Parse(dr["tt_despesa_liq"].ToString()).ToString("F"); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlDespesas); } carregaSubItens(xmlProcedimento, select, dr["codigo"].ToString()); // tem que ser aqui por no carregeSubItens pode estar alimentando esses dados /*if (xmlProcedimento.SelectSingleNode("eventos") != null) * { * int qtEventos = int.Parse(xmlProcedimento.SelectSingleNode("eventos").InnerText); * ttEventos += qtEventos; * } * * if (xmlProcedimento.SelectSingleNode("beneficiarios") != null) * { * int qtBenef = int.Parse(xmlProcedimento.SelectSingleNode("beneficiarios").InnerText); * ttbenef += qtBenef; * } * * if (xmlProcedimento.SelectSingleNode("despesas") != null) * { * double vrDesp = double.Parse(xmlProcedimento.SelectSingleNode("despesas").InnerText); * ttDespesa += vrDesp; * }*/ } // xmlprocedimentosOdonto.SelectSingleNode("eventos").InnerText = ttEventos.ToString(); // xmlprocedimentosOdonto.SelectSingleNode("beneficiarios").InnerText = ttbenef.ToString(); // xmlprocedimentosOdonto.SelectSingleNode("despesas").InnerText = ttDespesa.ToString("F"); dr.Close(); db1.closeConn(); } drFormContrat.Close(); db.closeConn(); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { dbClass sdb = new dbClass(); return(View(sdb.viewMember().Find(smodel => smodel.Id == id))); }
void SendChatMessage(string text, PhotonMessageInfo info) { switch(info.sender.ToString()) { case "Sales Manager": textColor = Color.yellow; break; case "LPU Manager": textColor = Color.blue; break; case "LPU Officer": textColor = Color.cyan; break; case "Credit Risk": textColor = Color.red; break; default: break; } AddMessage("[" + info.sender + "] " + text,textColor); //get roomID & playerName GameObject gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); GameManagerVik vikky = gameManager.GetComponent<GameManagerVik>(); string sessionID = vikky.sessionID.ToString (); string playerName = vikky.loginName; string playerRole = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerName"); //add to db dbClass db = new dbClass(); db.addFunction("addChatLog"); db.addValues("playerName", playerName); db.addValues("playerRole", playerRole); db.addValues("sessionID", sessionID); db.addValues("chatString", text); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb(); if (dbReturn != "SUCCESS NO RETURN") { print (dbReturn); } }
private void geraMensagemSIP(XmlElement xmlMensagemSIP, string ano, string trimestre, string uf, string empresa) { XmlElement xmlMensagem = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "mensagem", nmUrl); xmlMensagemSIP.AppendChild(xmlMensagem); string dtTrimestre = getTrimestre(ano, int.Parse(trimestre)); XmlElement xmlOperadoraParaANS = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "operadoraParaANS", nmUrl); xmlMensagem.AppendChild(xmlOperadoraParaANS); XmlElement xmlSipOperadoreParaAns = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "sipOperadoraParaAns", nmUrl); xmlOperadoraParaANS.AppendChild(xmlSipOperadoreParaAns); XmlElement xmlEnvioSip = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "envioSip", nmUrl); xmlSipOperadoreParaAns.AppendChild(xmlEnvioSip); XmlElement xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "dataTrimestreReconhecimento", nmUrl); xmlEnvioSip.AppendChild(xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento); XmlElement xmlDia = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "dia", nmUrl); xmlDia.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(0, 2); xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento.AppendChild(xmlDia); XmlElement xmlMes = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "mes", nmUrl); xmlMes.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(3, 2); xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento.AppendChild(xmlMes); XmlElement xmlAno = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "ano", nmUrl); xmlAno.InnerText = dtTrimestre.Substring(6); xmlDataTrimestreReconchecimento.AppendChild(xmlAno); dbClass db = new dbClass(); SqlDataReader drFormContrat = db.DataReader("select distinct formaContratacao from sipXtrimestre where cd_empresa = " + empresa + " and ano = " + ano + " and trimestre = " + trimestre); while (drFormContrat.Read()) { XmlElement xmlFormaContratacao = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, drFormContrat["formaContratacao"].ToString(), nmUrl); xmlEnvioSip.AppendChild(xmlFormaContratacao); XmlElement xmlIndividualFamiliar = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "individualFamiliar", nmUrl); xmlFormaContratacao.AppendChild(xmlIndividualFamiliar); XmlElement xmlSegmentacao = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "segmentacao", nmUrl); xmlIndividualFamiliar.AppendChild(xmlSegmentacao); XmlElement xmlOdontologico = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "odontologico", nmUrl); xmlSegmentacao.AppendChild(xmlOdontologico); XmlElement xmlQuadro = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "quadro", nmUrl); xmlOdontologico.AppendChild(xmlQuadro); // em entendimento com Gabi, ficou acordado que mandariamos a data trimestre de ocorrencia, igual data trimentes do reconhecimento XmlElement xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "dataTrimestreOcorrencia", nmUrl); xmlQuadro.AppendChild(xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia); xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia.AppendChild(xmlDia); xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia.AppendChild(xmlMes); xmlDataTrimestreOcorrencia.AppendChild(xmlAno); XmlElement xmlUf = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "uf", nmUrl); xmlUf.InnerText = uf; // manda somente para um uf xmlQuadro.AppendChild(xmlUf); XmlElement xmlProcOdonto = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "procOdonto", nmUrl); xmlQuadro.AppendChild(xmlProcOdonto); dbClass db1 = new dbClass(); SqlDataReader dr = db1.DataReader("select * from sipXtrimestre a, sip b where b.codigo = a.cd_sip and cd_empresa = " + empresa + " and ano = " + ano + " and trimestre = " + trimestre + " and uf = 'SP' and formaContratacao = '" + drFormContrat["formaContratacao"].ToString() + "' order by b.id"); while (dr.Read()) { //preencher a tabela sip o nome das tabas // criar campo na tabela sip para ordernar conforme schema XmlElement xmlEventos = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "eventos", nmUrl); XmlElement xmlBeneficiarios = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "benenficiarios", nmUrl); XmlElement xmlDespesas = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, "despesas", nmUrl); string localName = dr["tagXml"].ToString(); XmlElement xmlProcedimento = doc.CreateElement(xmlPrefix, localName, nmUrl); xmlProcOdonto.AppendChild(xmlProcedimento); xmlEventos.InnerText = dr["qt_evento"].ToString(); xmlBeneficiarios.InnerText = dr["qt_benef_fora_per_carencia"].ToString(); xmlDespesas.InnerText = double.Parse(dr["tt_despesa_liq"].ToString()).ToString("F"); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlEventos); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlBeneficiarios); xmlProcedimento.AppendChild(xmlDespesas); } dr.Close(); db1.closeConn(); } drFormContrat.Close(); db.closeConn(); }
/*} 'esta sirve para cuando solo tenemos un campo, no dos, 'el campo id se va rellenando con incrementos void comboRellenarConIdAuto(ByRef combo As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList, ByVal textoSql As String, ByVal cadenaConexion As String, ByVal campoClave As String, Optional ByVal mensajeInicial As String = "") ' Rellena la lista que me pasan con la select pasada ' pillo el primer campo que me pasan en la select para el campo texto ' pillo el segundo campo que me pasan en la select para el el campo value me pasan el campo a almacenar Dim contador As New Integer If cadenaConexion = "" Then cadenaConexion = ctes.conStringAdoGeneral Dim pp As New dbClass(cadenaConexion) Dim reg As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader 'Object 'SqlClient.SqlDataReader Try If mensajeInicial <> "" Then Dim per As New ListItem per.Value = 0 per.Text = mensajeInicial combo.Items.Insert(0, per) per = Nothing End If contador += 1 reg = pp.sql(textoSql) Do While reg.Read() Dim per As New ListItem per.Value = contador per.Text = reg(campoClave).ToString combo.Items.Add(per) per = Nothing contador += 1 Loop Catch ex As Exception Finally pp.dispose() End Try } #End Region */ public static void rellenarComboDB(ref System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList tmpList, string textoSql, string connectionString) { // Rellena el combobox que me pasan con la select pasada // pillo el segundo campo que me pasan en la select para el campo texto // pillo el primer campo que me pasan en la select para el el campo value me pasan el campo a almacenar // version cambiada para que tire de dataset en vez de datareader tmpList.Items.Clear(); dbClass pp = new dbClass(connectionString); try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = pp.sqlDataset(textoSql); tmpList.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; tmpList.DataTextField = ds.Tables[0].Columns[1].ToString(); tmpList.DataValueField = ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].ToString(); tmpList.DataBind(); ListItem per = new ListItem(); per.Value = "0"; per.Text = "Todos --"; tmpList.Items.Insert(0, per); //(0, "Todos") ds = null; } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { pp.Dispose(); } }
protected void cboItemAssit_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { dbClass db = new dbClass(); SqlDataReader dr = db.DataReader("select * from sipXtrimestre where cd_empresa = " + cboEmpresa.SelectedValue + " and ano = " + txtAno.Text + " and trimestre = " + cboTrimestre.SelectedValue + " and uf = '" + txtUF.Text + "' and formaContratacao = '" + cboFormacontrat.SelectedValue + "' and cd_sip = '" + cboItemAssit.SelectedValue + "'"); if (dr.Read()) { txtQtBenefCarencia.Text = dr["qt_benef_fora_per_carencia"].ToString(); txtQtEventos.Text = dr["qt_evento"].ToString(); txtTtDespLiq.Text = dr["tt_despesa_liq"].ToString(); Session["op"] = "A"; } else { txtQtBenefCarencia.Text = ""; txtQtEventos.Text = ""; txtTtDespLiq.Text = ""; Session["op"] = "I"; } txtQtEventos.Focus(); dr.Close(); db.closeConn(); dr = db.DataReader("select * from sip where codigo = '" + cboItemAssit.SelectedValue + "'"); if (dr.Read()) { if (String.Compare(dr["lg_evento"].ToString(), "N") == 0) { txtQtEventos.Enabled = false; txtQtEventos.Text = ""; txtQtEventos.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; } else { txtQtEventos.Enabled = true; txtQtEventos.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } if (String.Compare(dr["lg_beneficiario"].ToString(), "N") == 0) { txtQtBenefCarencia.Enabled = false; txtQtBenefCarencia.Text = ""; txtQtBenefCarencia.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; } else { txtQtBenefCarencia.Enabled = true; txtQtBenefCarencia.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } if (String.Compare(dr["lg_despesa"].ToString(), "N") == 0) { txtTtDespLiq.Enabled = false; txtTtDespLiq.Text = ""; txtTtDespLiq.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; } else { txtTtDespLiq.Enabled = true; txtTtDespLiq.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } } dr.Close(); db.closeConn(); }
//yield the saving of binary files IEnumerator WaitForConnect() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // create room //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (roomName, true, true, 10); //PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom (roomName); //Debug.Log (PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayersOnMaster); //Debug.Log (PhotonNetwork.countOfRooms); // Debug.Log (PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayersInRooms); //Debug.Log (PhotonNetwork.playerName); PhotonNetwork.playerName = characterName; //PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerName", playerList[i]); // broadcast role selected photonView.RPC ("setRoleUnavailable",PhotonTargets.AllBuffered,characterName); //add to db dbClass db = new dbClass(); db.addFunction("sessionCreate"); db.addValues("roomName", roomName); string dbReturn = db.connectToDb(); if (dbReturn != "SUCCESS") { print (dbReturn); } sessionID = db.getReturnValueInt("sessionID"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); startGame(); }