Ejemplo n.º 1
        public RawMaterialTableBuilder(db.Db dataBase, calculator.T2Builder t2builder, Market.Market market, StreamWriter sw, string tableName, ApiImport.MainImport import)
            var office = import.ESIbuildCorpAssets.GetContainer(1022964286749);

            long[,] materials = new long[1, 1];
            if (tableName == "Minerals")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(4);
            else if (tableName == "Planetary Interaction")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(2);
            else if (tableName == "Advanced Materials")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(6);
            string[] names = new string[materials.Length / 2];
            int      i     = 0;

            while (i < names.Length)
                names[i] = dataBase.types.TypeName(materials[i, 0]);

            sw.WriteLine("<caption><b>" + tableName + "</b></caption>");
            i = 0;
            decimal totalValue = 0;

            while (i < names.Length)
                long    need = materials[i, 1];
                long    have = office.FindItem(Convert.ToInt32(materials[i, 0]));
                long    lacking;
                decimal value = 0;
                if (have - need >= 0)
                    lacking = 0;
                    lacking = need - have;
                    value   = market.FindPrice("the forge", "buy", materials[i, 0]) * lacking; totalValue += value;
                sw.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + names[i] + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", need) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", have) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", lacking) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", value) + "</td></tr>");
            sw.WriteLine("<tr><td><b>Sum</b></td><td></td><td><b>" +
                         null + "</b></td><td><b>" +
                         null + "</b></td><td><b>" +
                         string.Format("{0:n0}", totalValue) + "</b></td></tr>");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Output(calculator.T2Builder t2mods, db.Db dataBase, Market.Market market, ApiImport.MainImport import)
            StreamReader sr;

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("moduleNumbers.html"))
                using (sr = new StreamReader("files\\htmloutputone.txt"))
                    OutputTableBuilder       otb = new OutputTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, sw, "T2Modules(and ships)");
                    IntermediaryTableBuilder itb = new IntermediaryTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, sw, "T2Components", import, market);
                    itb = new IntermediaryTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, sw, "T1modules", import, market);
                    itb = new IntermediaryTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, sw, "T1ships", import, market);
                    itb = new IntermediaryTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, sw, "Tools", import, market);

                    RawMaterialTableBuilder rmtb = new RawMaterialTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, market, sw, "Minerals", import);
                    rmtb = new RawMaterialTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, market, sw, "Planetary Interaction", import);
                    rmtb = new RawMaterialTableBuilder(dataBase, t2mods, market, sw, "Advanced Materials", import);

                using (sr = new StreamReader("files\\htmloutputtwo.txt"))


            new MarketInfo(dataBase, t2mods, import, market);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public T2Builder(db.Db dataBase_, Market.Market market)
            : base(market, dataBase_)
            this.market         = market;
            t1Modules           = new long[256, 2];    // categoryid=7
            t1ships             = new long[256, 2];    // categoryid=6
            planetaryComodities = new long[256, 2];    // categoryid=43
            tools    = new long[256, 2];               // groupid=332
            minerals = new long[256, 2];               // groupid=18
            constructionComponents = new long[256, 2]; // groupid=334
            compopsites            = new long[256, 2]; // groupip=429

            dataBase      = dataBase_;
            moduleMats    = new int[dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index()][, ];
            moduleAmounts = new int[dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index()];

            output           = new int[dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index(), 2];
            outputName       = new string[dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index()];
            outputTotalValue = new decimal[dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index()];
            outputTotalCost  = new decimal[dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index()];

            int i = 0;

            while (i < dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Index()) // adds amounts
                int bpoid = dataBase.t2bpoOwned.Bpo(i);
                moduleAmounts[i] = GetBuildAmount(bpoid);

                moduleMats[i]    = dataBase.bpo.ManufacturingMats(bpoid);
                materialModifier = MaterialModifier();

                int[,] bpoOutput    = dataBase.bpo.ManufacturingOutput(bpoid);
                output[i, 0]        = bpoOutput[0, 0]; output[i, 1] = bpoOutput[0, 1] * moduleAmounts[i];
                outputName[i]       = dataBase.types.TypeName(output[i, 0]);
                outputTotalValue[i] = output[i, 1] * market.FindPrice(dataBase.settings.MarketRegion, "sell", output[i, 0]);
                int j = 0;
                while (j < (moduleMats[i].Length / 2))
                    if (moduleMats[i][j, 1] == 1)
                        moduleMats[i][j, 1] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(moduleMats[i][j, 1] * moduleAmounts[i] * 1.0));
                        moduleMats[i][j, 1] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(moduleMats[i][j, 1] * moduleAmounts[i] * materialModifier));
                //test variable
                decimal installcost = FindInstallCost(bpoid) * moduleAmounts[i];
                outputTotalCost[i] = SortMaterials(moduleMats[i]) + installcost;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Market(db.Db dataBase)
            ESIcostIndices = StaticInfo.ESIImportCrawl <ESI.CostIndice>("/industry/systems/", pageSize: 10000);
            Console.WriteLine("....Done getting cost indices");

            ESImarketPrices = StaticInfo.ESIImportCrawl <ESI.MarketPrice>("/markets/prices/", pageSize: 20000);
            Console.WriteLine("....Done getting estimated prices");

            this.dataBase = dataBase;
            region[0]     = new Region(10000002); // the forge/jita
            //region[1] = new Region(10000060); // delve
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal static decimal GetBuildCostIndex(this List <CostIndice> indices, db.Db dataBase)
            foreach (var indice in indices)
                if (indice.solar_system_id == dataBase.settings.ProductionSystem)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// takes a typeID and returns the amount of items being produced currently
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static int GetJobs(this List <IndustryJob> jobs, int typeID, db.Db dataBase)
            int totalRuns = 0;

            foreach (var job in jobs)
                if (job.product_type_id == typeID)
                    totalRuns += job.runs;

            int[,] bpoOutput = dataBase.bpo.ManufacturingOutput(dataBase.bpo.FindBpoTypeIdForItem(typeID));
            return(totalRuns * bpoOutput[0, 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public IntermediateBuilder(long[,] buildlist, db.Db data, string rigGroup, Market.Market market)
            : base(market, data)
            this.market = market;
            rigTypeUsed = rigGroup;
            dataBase    = data;
            int i = 0;

            moduleMats = new long[buildlist.Length / 2][, ];
            while (i < (buildlist.Length / 2))
                //  buildlist[i, 0] = FindBpoTypeIdForItem(Convert.ToInt32(buildlist[i, 0]));
            moduleMats = GetMaterialBill(buildlist);
            totalMats  = TotalModuleMaterials(moduleMats);
            costOfMats = FindCosts(totalMats);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public OutputTableBuilder(db.Db dataBase, calculator.T2Builder t2builder, StreamWriter sw, string tableName)
            string[] name = t2builder.OutputName;
            int[,] output = t2builder.Output;
            decimal[] totalCost  = t2builder.OutputTotalCost;
            decimal[] totalValue = t2builder.OutputTotalValue;

            sw.WriteLine("<caption><b>" + tableName + "</b></caption>");
            sw.WriteLine("<tr><td>Name</td><td>Amount</td><td>Value</td><td>Cost</td><td>Profit</td><td>Profit/m^3 ratio</td></tr>");
            int i = 0;

            while (i < name.Length)
                decimal profit      = totalValue[i] - totalCost[i];
                decimal profitRatio = profit / (dataBase.types.GetRepackagedVolume(output[i, 0]) * output[i, 1]);
                sw.WriteLine("<tr><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", name[i]) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", output[i, 1]) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", totalValue[i]) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", totalCost[i]) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", profit) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", profitRatio) + "</td></tr>");
            decimal valueSum = totalValue.Sum();
            decimal costSum  = totalCost.Sum();

            i = 0;
            decimal profitSum = 0;

            while (i < name.Length)
                if ((totalValue[i] - totalCost[i]) > 0)
                    profitSum += totalValue[i] - totalCost[i];
            sw.WriteLine("<tr><td><b>Sum</b></td><td></td><td><b>" + string.Format("{0:n0}", valueSum) + "</b></td><td><b>" + string.Format("{0:n0}", costSum) + "</b></td><td><b>" + string.Format("{0:n0}", profitSum) + "</b></td></b><td></td></tr>");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        int[,] compopsites; //advanced materials

        public Calculator()
            Console.WriteLine("..Loading the database...");
            dataBase = new db.Db();
            Console.WriteLine("..Done loading the database");
            Console.WriteLine("..Authenticating with SSO...");
            new ESI.Login(ESI.CharacterEnum.BuildCorp);
            new ESI.Login(ESI.CharacterEnum.EmpireDonkey);
            Console.WriteLine("..Done authenticating");
            Console.WriteLine("..Importing API's...");
            apiImports = new ApiImport.MainImport();
            Console.WriteLine("..Done importing API's");
            Console.WriteLine("..Generating the market Class...");
            market = new Market.Market(dataBase);
            Console.WriteLine("..Done generating the market class");
            Console.WriteLine("..Calculates t2 production...");
            T2Builder t2mods = new T2Builder(dataBase, market);

            Console.WriteLine("..Done calculating t2 production");
            Console.WriteLine("..Generates output files...");
            Output.Output output = new Output.Output(t2mods, dataBase, market, apiImports);
            Console.WriteLine("..Done generating output files");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MarketInfo(db.Db dataBase, calculator.T2Builder t2mods, ApiImport.MainImport import, Market.Market market)
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("marketInfo.txt"))
                var office = import.ESIbuildCorpAssets.GetContainer(1022964286749);
                int i      = 0;

                sw.WriteLine("Name" + "\t" + "Buildcost" + "\t" + "Haulingcost" + "\t" + "Market sell" + "\t" + "Amount on market" + "\t" + "Stock in xanadu" + "\t" + "Stock in chanuur"
                             + "\t" + "Order price" + "\t" + "Avg daily volume" + "\t" + "Item category" + "\t" + "Max output");
                while (i < t2mods.OutputName.Length)
                    decimal itemCost       = t2mods.OutputTotalCost[i] / t2mods.Output[i, 1];
                    decimal haulingCost    = dataBase.types.GetRepackagedVolume(t2mods.Output[i, 0]) * 800;
                    decimal marketSell     = market.FindPrice(dataBase.settings.MarketRegion, "sell", t2mods.Output[i, 0]);
                    decimal sellOrderPrize = import.ESIcorpMarketOrders.SellOrderPrice(t2mods.Output[i, 0]);
                        t2mods.OutputName[i]                                                                                                //name
                        + "\t" + itemCost.ToString(StaticInfo.ci)                                                                           //cost per item
                        + "\t" + haulingCost.ToString(StaticInfo.ci)                                                                        // hauling cost per item (800 is ITL's price per m3 from delve to jita, hardcoding it because im lazy
                        + "\t" + marketSell.ToString(StaticInfo.ci)                                                                         // gets the sale value of the item
                        + "\t" + import.ESIcorpMarketOrders.ItemsOnMarket(t2mods.Output[i, 0])                                              //amount we have on the market
                        + "\t" + import.ESIempireDonkey.FindItem(t2mods.Output[i, 0])                                                       // amount on Reluah
                        + "\t" + office.FindItem(t2mods.Output[i, 0])                                                                       // ammount on chanuur
                        + "\t" + sellOrderPrize.ToString(StaticInfo.ci)                                                                     // value of our sell order
                        + "\t" + market.FindAverageVolume(dataBase.settings.MarketRegion, t2mods.Output[i, 0], 30)                          // average volume sold per day(last 30 days)
                        + "\t" + dataBase.categoryIDs.GetName(dataBase.groupIDs.CategoryID(dataBase.types.GroupID(t2mods.Output[i, 0])), 0) // items category
                        + "\t" + t2mods.Output[i, 1]                                                                                        //amount of items produced per cycle
                sw.WriteLine("market orders cached until" + "\t" + import.ESIcorpMarketOrders.CachedUntil);
                sw.WriteLine("build corp assets cached until" + "\t" + import.ESIbuildCorpAssets.CachedUntil);
                sw.WriteLine("empire donkey corp assets cached until" + "\t" + import.ESIempireDonkey.CachedUntil);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected long[,] compopsites; //advanced materials

        public ProductionMethods(Market.Market market, db.Db dataBase)
            this.dataBase = dataBase;
            this.market   = market;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public IntermediaryTableBuilder(db.Db dataBase, calculator.T2Builder t2builder, StreamWriter sw, string tableName, ApiImport.MainImport import, Market.Market market)
            var office = import.ESIbuildCorpAssets.GetContainer(1022964286749);

            long[,] materials = new long[1, 1];
            if (tableName == "T2Components")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(5);
            else if (tableName == "T1modules")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(0);
            else if (tableName == "T1ships")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(1);
            else if (tableName == "Tools")
                materials = t2builder.GetGroup(3);
            string[] names = new string[materials.Length / 2];
            int      i     = 0;

            while (i < names.Length)
                names[i] = dataBase.types.TypeName(materials[i, 0]);

            sw.WriteLine("<caption><b>" + tableName + "</b></caption>");
            i = 0;
            decimal totalValue = 0;

            while (i < names.Length)
                long need     = materials[i, 1];
                long have     = office.FindItem(Convert.ToInt32(materials[i, 0]));
                long building = import.ESIjobs.GetJobs(Convert.ToInt32(materials[i, 0]), dataBase);
                long lacking;
                if ((have + building) - need >= 0)
                    lacking = 0;
                    lacking = need - building - have;
                decimal value = market.FindPrice("the forge", "buy", materials[i, 0]) * lacking; totalValue += value;
                sw.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + names[i] + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", need) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", have) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", building) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", lacking) + "</td><td>" +
                             string.Format("{0:n0}", value) + "</td></tr>");
            sw.WriteLine("<tr><td><b>Sum</b></td><td>" + null + "</td><td>" + null + "</td><td>" + null + "</td><td>" + null + "</td><td><b>" + string.Format("{0:n0}", totalValue) + "</b></td></tr>");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 internal static int GetJobs(this ESIResponse <List <IndustryJob> > response, int typeID, db.Db dataBase)
     return(response.Result.GetJobs(typeID, dataBase));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 internal static decimal GetBuildCostIndex(this ESIResponse <List <CostIndice> > response, db.Db dataBase)