public ActionResult Search()

            customerdbEntities2 entities = new customerdbEntities2();

            return(View(entities.SearchCustomers("int CustomerId", "string LastName")));
        public ActionResult EditTestingImage(int?id)
            customerdbEntities2 db    = new customerdbEntities2();
            CustomerModel       model = new CustomerModel();

            if (id != null)
                var Cusdet = db.GetCustomerdb(id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (Cusdet != null)
                    model.CustomerId  = Cusdet.CustomerId;
                    model.FirstName   = Cusdet.FirstName;
                    model.LastName    = Cusdet.LastName;
                    model.Gender      = Cusdet.Gender.Value;
                    model.DoB         = Cusdet.DoB;
                    model.Email       = Cusdet.Email;
                    model.PhoneNumber = Cusdet.PhoneNumber;
                    model.Address     = Cusdet.Address;
                    model.City        = Cusdet.City;
                    model.State       = Cusdet.State;
                    model.Pincode     = Convert.ToInt32(Cusdet.Pincode);
                    model.ImagePath   = "~/CustomerImages/" + Cusdet.ImagePath;
            return(View("HtmlBeginForm", model));
        public ActionResult FollowupMasterView(int id)//id=cust id
            FollowUpModel model = new FollowUpModel();

                List <FollowUpModel> cusDetailsList = new List <FollowUpModel>();
                customerdbEntities2  db             = new customerdbEntities2();
                var cus = db.CustomerFollowUpsGet(null, id).ToList();
                foreach (var item in cus)
                    cusDetailsList.Add(new FollowUpModel()
                        FollowUpDate     = item.FollowUpDate.Value,
                        FollowUpType     = item.FollowUpType.Value,
                        Comments         = item.Comments,
                        Status           = item.Status.Value,
                        NextFollowUpDate = item.NextFollowUpDate.Value,
                        FollowUpId       = item.FollowUpId,
                        Cid = item.CustomerId.Value
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;
                var Details = db.GetCustomerdb(id).FirstOrDefault();
                model.FirstName = Details.FirstName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;

        public ActionResult StatusCustomerFollowup(FollowUpModel model, int id)
            customerdbEntities2 db = new customerdbEntities2();
            string message         = string.Empty;
            string Statustext      = string.Empty;
            bool   status          = false;

            if (model.Status > 0)
                model.Status = 0;
                db.CustomerFollowUpsStatus(id, model.Status);
                message    = "Status Opened.";
                Statustext = "Open";
                status     = true;
                model.Status = 1;
                message      = "Status Closed.";
                Statustext   = "Closed";
                status       = true;
            db.CustomerFollowUpsStatus(id, model.Status);
            return(Json(new { status = status, id = id, message = message, Statustext = Statustext }));
        public ActionResult EditCustomer(int?id)
            customerdbEntities2 db    = new customerdbEntities2();
            CustomerModel       model = new CustomerModel();

            if (id != null)
                var Cusdet = db.GetCustomerdb(id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (Cusdet != null)
                    model.CustomerId  = Cusdet.CustomerId;
                    model.FirstName   = Cusdet.FirstName;
                    model.LastName    = Cusdet.LastName;
                    model.Gender      = Cusdet.Gender.Value;
                    model.DoB         = Cusdet.DoB;
                    model.Email       = Cusdet.Email;
                    model.PhoneNumber = Cusdet.PhoneNumber;
                    model.Address     = Cusdet.Address;
                    model.City        = Cusdet.City;
                    model.State       = Cusdet.State;
                    model.Pincode     = Convert.ToInt32(Cusdet.Pincode);
            return(PartialView("_EditFormCustomer", model));
        public ActionResult HtmlBeginForm(int?id)

            CustomerModel model = new CustomerModel();

                List <CustomerModel> cusDetailsList = new List <CustomerModel>();
                customerdbEntities2  db             = new customerdbEntities2();
                var cus = db.GetCustomerdb(null).ToList();
                foreach (var item in cus)
                    int?Pin = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Pincode))
                        Pin = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pincode.Trim());
                    cusDetailsList.Add(new CustomerModel()
                        FirstName     = item.FirstName,
                        LastName      = item.LastName,
                        Gender        = item.Gender.Value,
                        DoB           = item.DoB,
                        Email         = item.Email,
                        PhoneNumber   = item.PhoneNumber,
                        Address       = item.Address,
                        City          = item.City,
                        State         = item.State,
                        Pincode       = Pin,
                        CustomerId    = item.CustomerId,
                        FollowUpCount = item.FollowUpCount
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;
                if (id != null)
                    var cusDet = cusDetailsList.Where(m => m.CustomerId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    model.FirstName   = cusDet.FirstName;
                    model.LastName    = cusDet.LastName;
                    model.Gender      = cusDet.Gender;
                    model.DoB         = cusDet.DoB;
                    model.Email       = cusDet.Email;
                    model.PhoneNumber = cusDet.PhoneNumber;
                    model.Address     = cusDet.Address;
                    model.City        = cusDet.City;
                    model.State       = cusDet.State;
                    model.Pincode     = cusDet.Pincode;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;
        public ActionResult DeleteCustomerFollowup(int id, int cid)//id=followupid cid=custid
            customerdbEntities2 db    = new customerdbEntities2();
            FollowUpModel       model = new FollowUpModel();
            string message            = string.Empty;
            bool   status             = false;

                var Cusdet = db.CustomerFollowUpsDelete(id);
                var cus    = db.CustomerFollowUpsGet(null, cid).ToList();
                List <FollowUpModel> cusDetailsList = new List <FollowUpModel>();
                foreach (var item in cus)
                    cusDetailsList.Add(new FollowUpModel()
                        FollowUpDate     = item.FollowUpDate.Value,
                        FollowUpType     = item.FollowUpType.Value,
                        Comments         = item.Comments,
                        Status           = item.Status.Value,
                        NextFollowUpDate = item.NextFollowUpDate.Value,
                        FollowUpId       = item.FollowUpId,
                        Cid = item.CustomerId.Value
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;
                message = "Record deleted successfully.";
                status  = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;
                message = "Record not deleted, try again.";
                status  = false;
                status = status,
                message = message,
                content = RenderRazorViewToString("FollowUpCustomerDetailsList", model)

            //public ActionResult DeletePopUp()
            //    return View();
        public ActionResult EditCustomerFollowup(int id)//id=followupid
            customerdbEntities2 db = new customerdbEntities2();

            FollowUpModel model = new FollowUpModel();

            if (id != null)
                var Cusdet = db.CustomerFollowUpsGet(id, null).FirstOrDefault();
                if (Cusdet != null)
                    model.FollowUpId       = Cusdet.FollowUpId;
                    model.FollowUpDate     = Cusdet.FollowUpDate.Value;
                    model.FollowUpType     = Cusdet.FollowUpType.Value;
                    model.Comments         = Cusdet.Comments;
                    model.Status           = Cusdet.Status.Value;
                    model.NextFollowUpDate = Cusdet.NextFollowUpDate;
                    model.Cid = Cusdet.CustomerId.Value;
            return(PartialView("EditCustomerFollowupForm", model));
        public ActionResult Search(string FirstName, string LastName)
            customerdbEntities2 entities = new customerdbEntities2();

            return(View(entities.SearchCustomers(FirstName, LastName)));
        public ActionResult HtmlBeginDeleteCustomer(int id)
            CustomerModel model = new CustomerModel();

            customerdbEntities2 db = new customerdbEntities2();

            string message = string.Empty;
            bool   status  = false;

                var Cusdets  = db.GetCustomerdb(id).FirstOrDefault();
                var filepath = Request.MapPath("~/CustomerImages/" + Cusdets.ImagePath);

                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(filepath, FileAttributes.Normal);

                //Delete All Files In Folder
                //System.IO.DirectoryInfo folderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath);
                //    foreach (FileInfo file in folderInfo.GetFiles())
                //    {
                //    file.Delete();
                //foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in folderInfo.GetDirectories())
                //    dir.Delete(true);

                var Cusdet = db.DeleteCustomerdb(id);
                var cus    = db.GetCustomerdb(null).ToList();

                List <CustomerModel> cusDetailsList = new List <CustomerModel>();
                foreach (var item in cus)
                    cusDetailsList.Add(new CustomerModel()
                        FirstName   = item.FirstName,
                        LastName    = item.LastName,
                        Gender      = item.Gender.Value,
                        DoB         = item.DoB,
                        Email       = item.Email,
                        PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber,
                        Address     = item.Address,
                        City        = item.City,
                        State       = item.State,
                        Pincode     = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pincode),
                        CustomerId  = item.CustomerId
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;
                message = "Record deleted successfully.";
                status  = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;
                message = "Error! This User Has Followup.";
                status  = false;
            return(View("DisplayCustomerDetailsList", model));
        public ActionResult HtmlBeginForm(CustomerModel model)
            customerdbEntities2 db = new customerdbEntities2();
            string message         = string.Empty;
            bool   status          = false;

                if (model.DoB.Value.Year <= 2000)
                    if (!model.CustomerId.HasValue)
                        //var filename = Server.MapPath("~/CustomerImages/" + model.ImageFile.FileName);
                        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(model.ImageFile.FileName);
                        if (model.ImageFile.ContentLength < 1000000)
                            if (model.ImageFile.ContentType == "image/png" || model.ImageFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg" || model.ImageFile.ContentType == "image/jpg")
                                model.ImagePath = "~/CustomerImages/";
                                model.ImageFile.SaveAs(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/CustomerImages/"), filename));
                                db.SaveCustomerdb(model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.Gender, model.DoB, model.Email, model.PhoneNumber, model.Address, model.City, model.State, model.Pincode.ToString(), null, model.ImageFile.FileName);
                                message = "Record saved successfully.";
                                status  = true;
                                Response.Write("<h1 style='color: Tomato;'><marquee>Upload Failed!Supports Only JPEG and PNG Format.</marquee></h1>");
                            Response.Write("<h1 style='color: Tomato;'><marquee>Upload Failed!File size must be below 1Mb.</marquee></h1>");
                        if (model.ImageFile == null)
                            var fileNames = Path.GetFileName(model.ImagePath);
                            db.UpdateCustomerdb(model.CustomerId, model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.Gender, model.DoB, model.Email, model.PhoneNumber, model.Address, model.City, model.State, model.Pincode.ToString(), null, fileNames);
                            message = "Record updated successfully.";
                            status  = true;

                            if (model.ImageFile.ContentLength < 1000000)
                                if (model.ImageFile.ContentType == "image/png" || model.ImageFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg" || model.ImageFile.ContentType == "image/jpg")
                                    db.UpdateCustomerdb(model.CustomerId, model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.Gender, model.DoB, model.Email, model.PhoneNumber, model.Address, model.City, model.State, model.Pincode.ToString(), null, model.ImageFile.FileName);
                                    message = "Record updated successfully.";
                                    status  = true;
                                    Response.Write("<h1 style='color: Tomato;'><marquee>Upload Failed!Supports Only JPEG and PNG Format.</marquee></h1>");
                                Response.Write("<h1 style='color: Tomato;'><marquee>Upload Failed!File size must be below 1Mb.</marquee></h1>");
                    message = "Date error, Please try again.";
                    status  = false;
                List <CustomerModel> cusDetailsList = new List <CustomerModel>();
                var cus = db.GetCustomerdb(null).ToList();
                foreach (var item in cus)
                    cusDetailsList.Add(new CustomerModel()
                        FirstName   = item.FirstName,
                        LastName    = item.LastName,
                        Gender      = item.Gender.Value,
                        DoB         = item.DoB,
                        Email       = item.Email,
                        PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber,
                        Address     = item.Address,
                        City        = item.City,
                        State       = item.State,
                        Pincode     = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pincode),
                        CustomerId  = item.CustomerId,
                        ImagePath   = item.ImagePath
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;
                message = "ERROR! Please Try Again";
                status  = false;

        public ActionResult EditCustomerFollowup(FollowUpModel model)//id=customerid
            customerdbEntities2 db = new customerdbEntities2();
            string        message  = string.Empty;
            bool          status   = false;
            FollowUpModel fc       = new FollowUpModel();

                if (model.FollowUpDate.Value <= DateTime.Now)
                    if (model.NextFollowUpDate > model.FollowUpDate)
                        if (!model.FollowUpId.HasValue)
                            //db.CustomerFollowUpsInsert(model.FollowUpDate, model.FollowUpType, model.Comments, model.Status, model.NextFollowUpDate, null, id);
                            //message = "Record saved successfully.";
                            //status = true;
                            db.CustomerFollowUpsUpdate(model.FollowUpId, model.Cid, model.FollowUpDate, model.FollowUpType, model.Comments, model.Status, model.NextFollowUpDate, null);
                            message = "Record updated successfully.";
                            status  = true;
                        message = "Next FollowUp Date Must Be Greater.";

                    message = "Date error, Please try again.";
                    status  = false;

                List <FollowUpModel> cusDetailsList = new List <FollowUpModel>();
                if (model.FollowUpId != null)
                    var cus = db.CustomerFollowUpsGet(null, model.Cid).ToList();

                    foreach (var item in cus)
                        cusDetailsList.Add(new FollowUpModel()
                            FollowUpDate     = item.FollowUpDate.Value,
                            FollowUpType     = item.FollowUpType.Value,
                            Comments         = item.Comments,
                            Status           = item.Status.Value,
                            NextFollowUpDate = item.NextFollowUpDate,
                            FollowUpId       = item.FollowUpId,
                            Cid = item.CustomerId.Value
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;

            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;
                message = "ERROR! Please Try Again";
                status  = false;

                status = status,
                message = message,
                content = RenderRazorViewToString("FollowUpCustomerDetailsList", model)
                          //content1 = RenderRazorViewToString("FollowUpAddForm",fc)

            // ModelState.Clear();
        public ActionResult Index(CustomerModel model)
            customerdbEntities2 db = new customerdbEntities2();
            string message         = string.Empty;
            bool   status          = false;

                if (model.DoB.Value.Year <= 2000)
                    if (!model.CustomerId.HasValue)
                        db.SaveCustomerdb(model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.Gender, model.DoB, model.Email, model.PhoneNumber, model.Address, model.City, model.State, model.Pincode.ToString(), null, null);
                        message = "Record saved successfully.";
                        status  = true;
                        db.UpdateCustomerdb(model.CustomerId, model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.Gender, model.DoB, model.Email, model.PhoneNumber, model.Address, model.City, model.State, model.Pincode.ToString(), null, model.ImagePath);
                        message = "Record updated successfully.";
                        status  = true;
                    message = "Date error, Please try again.";
                    status  = false;
                List <CustomerModel> cusDetailsList = new List <CustomerModel>();
                var cus = db.GetCustomerdb(null).ToList();
                foreach (var item in cus)
                    cusDetailsList.Add(new CustomerModel()
                        FirstName   = item.FirstName,
                        LastName    = item.LastName,
                        Gender      = item.Gender.Value,
                        DoB         = item.DoB,
                        Email       = item.Email,
                        PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber,
                        Address     = item.Address,
                        City        = item.City,
                        State       = item.State,
                        Pincode     = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pincode),
                        CustomerId  = item.CustomerId
                model.cusDetailsList = cusDetailsList;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message;
                message = "ERROR! Please Try Again";
                status  = false;
                status = status,
                message = message,
                content = RenderRazorViewToString("_PartialCustomerDetailsList", model)