Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// sum all elements of array A
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="A">n-dim array</param>
 /// <returns><para>scalar sum of all elements of A.</para>
 /// <para>If A is empty, an empty array will be returned.</para></returns>
 /// <exception cref="ILNumerics.Exceptions.ILArgumentException">if A was null.</exception>
 /// <seealso cref="ILNumerics.BuiltInFunctions.ILMath.sum(ILArray&lt;double&gt;)"/>
 public static  ILArray<complex> sumall ( ILArray<complex> A) {
     if (object.Equals(A,null))
         throw new ILArgumentException("sumall: argument must not be null!");
     if (A.IsEmpty) {
         return  ILArray<complex> .empty(0,0); 
     complex retArr =  new complex(0.0,0.0) ; 
     if (A.m_indexOffset == null) {
         unsafe {
             fixed ( complex * inArrStart = A.m_data) {
                 complex * inArrWalk = inArrStart; 
                 complex * inArrEnd = inArrStart + A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements; 
                 while (inArrWalk < inArrEnd) {
                     retArr += *inArrWalk++; 
     } else {
         unsafe {
             fixed ( complex * inArrStart = A.m_data)  {
                 for (int i = A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements; i -->0;) {
                     retArr += *(inArrStart + A.getBaseIndex(i)); 
     return new  ILArray<complex> (new  complex [1]{retArr},1,1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static Tuple <List <complex>, List <complex> > cdrive_single(Func <complex, List <complex>, List <complex> > f, complex a, complex b, List <complex> ya, complex h = default(complex), double acc = 1e-4, double eps = 1e-4)
        // Return lists. I use lists because arrays and vectors don't play nice with complex
        List <complex> zs = new List <complex>()
        List <complex> ys = new List <complex>()
        int nsteps = 0;

        if (h == default(complex))
            h = (b - a) / 1000;              // Starting guesstimate of stepsize
        while (true)
            if (abs(b - a) < acc)
                break;                 // End statement
            List <complex> err    = new List <complex>();
            complex        y_next = crkstep45_single(f, a, ya, h, err);

        return(Tuple.Create(zs, ys));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Applys the function (delegate) given to all elements of the storage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inArray">storage array to apply the function to</param>
        /// <param name="operation">operation to apply to the elements of inArray. This
        /// acts like a function pointer.</param>
        /// <returns>new <![CDATA[  ILArray<complex> ]]> with result of operation</returns>
        /// <remarks> the values of inArray will not be altered.</remarks>
        private static ILArray <complex> ComplexOperatorComplex(ILArray <complex> inArray,
                                                                ILComplexFunctionComplex operation)
            ILDimension inDim = inArray.Dimensions;

            complex [] retDblArr;
            // build ILDimension
            int newLength = inDim.NumberOfElements;

            retDblArr = new  complex [newLength];
            int leadDimLen = inDim [0];

                fixed(complex *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                fixed(complex * pInArr = inArray.m_data)
                    complex *lastElement = pOutArr + retDblArr.Length;
                    complex *tmpOut      = pOutArr;
                    complex *tmpIn       = pInArr;

                    while (tmpOut < lastElement)
                        *tmpOut++ = operation(*tmpIn++);

            return(new  ILArray <complex> (retDblArr, inDim.ToIntArray()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    static int Main()
 *              double x = 1;
 *              char c ='ø';
 *              string s = "hello";
 *              Write("sin{0}={1}\n",x,Sin(x));
 *              Write($"sin({x})={Sin(x)}\n");
 *              int i = 100;
 *              Write($"i={i}\n");

        // complex i = new complex (complex.sqr(2),0);
        complex sqr_2 = sqrt(2);
        complex I     = new complex(0, 1);
        complex e     = E;
        complex ei    = e.pow(I);
        complex eipi  = e.pow(I * PI);
        complex ipowi = I.pow(I);
        complex sipi  = sin(I * PI);

        Write($"sqrt(2) ={sqr_2}\n ");
        Write($"i^i = {ipowi}\n ");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static int Main()
        complex I = new complex(0, 1);
        double  x = 2;

        complex eipi = exp(I * PI);

        Write($"exp(i*pi)={eipi.Re}+{eipi.Im:f0}i\n"); /* The real part is rounded down to 0 */
        Write($"i^i={exp(-PI/2)}\n");                  /* According to wolfram-aplha, i^i = exp(-pi/2)*/

        complex sinhi = cfunctions.sinh(I);

        complex coshi = cfunctions.cosh(I);

        complex sqrti = cfunctions.csqrt(I);

        complex sqrtminus1 = cfunctions.csqrt(-1);

        Write("sqrt(-1)={0:f0}+{1}i\n", sqrtminus1.Re, sqrtminus1.Im);       /* The real part is rounded down to 0 */
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            complex c11 = new complex();

            c11.r = 0.0;
            c11.j = 0.0;

            Console.WriteLine("r={0},j={1}", c11.r, c11.j);

            complex c12 = new complex(3.0, 4.0);

            Console.WriteLine("{0:N}+j{1:N}", c12.r, c12.j);

            complex c13 = new complex(1.0, 4.0);

            Console.WriteLine("{0:N}+j{1:N}", c13.r, c13.j);

            // Create a complex number by calling its class constructor.
            Complex c1 = new Complex(12, 6); Console.WriteLine("{0:N}+j{0:N}", c1);
            // Assign a Double to a complex number.
            Complex c2 = 3.14; Console.WriteLine("c2=" + c2);
            // Cast a Decimal to a complex number.
            Complex c3 = (Complex)12.3m; Console.WriteLine(c3);
            // Assign the return value of a method to a Complex variable.
            Complex c4 = Complex.Pow(Complex.ImaginaryOne, 3); Console.WriteLine("c4=" + c4);
            // Assign the value returned by an operator to a Complex variable.
            Complex c5 = Complex.One - Complex.ImaginaryOne; Console.WriteLine(c5);
            // Instantiate a complex number from its polar coordinates.
            Complex c6 = Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(1, Math.PI / 4); Console.WriteLine(c6);

Ejemplo n.º 7
    static int Main()
        complex z = complex(0, 1);

        (z + z).print();
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter($"gammac.txt")) {
            file.WriteLine(string.Format("# {0, -8} {1, -10} {2, -10}", "x", "z", "Gamma(x+iz)"));
            double[] data = args.Select(x => double.Parse(x)).ToArray();
            double   rstart = data[0], rend = data[1], rstep = data[2];           // real range
            double   zstart = data[3], zend = data[4], zstep = data[5];           // complex range

            double[] a   = new double[(int)Ceiling((rend - rstart) / rstep)];
            double[] b   = new double[(int)Ceiling((zend - zstart) / zstep)];
            double[] res = new double[a.Length * b.Length];

            int     k = 0;         // result index
            complex q;             // complex number to be evaluated for each iteration
            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                a[i] = rstart + i * rstep;
                for (int j = 0; j < b.Length; j++)
                    b[j]   = zstart + j * zstep;
                    q      = new complex(a[i], b[j]);
                    q      = Gamma(q);                          // q now stores the result
                    k      = i * a.Length + j;                  // updating the result index
                    res[k] = Sqrt(Pow(q.Re, 2) + Pow(q.Im, 2)); // getting the magnitude
                    file.WriteLine($"{a[i], -10:F3} {b[j], -10:F3} {res[k], -10:F3}");
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public complex hTilde_0(int n_prime, int m_prime)
        complex r = GlobalMembers.gaussianRandomVariable();
        float   t = phillips(n_prime, m_prime) / 2.0f;

        return(r * Mathf.Sqrt(t));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ILArray <complex> FFTBackward(ILArray <complex> A, int firstDim, int nDims)
            if (A == null || nDims < 0 || firstDim < 0)
                throw new ILArgumentException("invalid parameter!");
            if (A.IsEmpty)
                return(ILArray <complex> .empty(A.Dimensions));
            if (A.IsScalar || (A.Dimensions[firstDim] == 1 && nDims == 1))
            if (nDims > A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                nDims = A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
            // prepare output array
            ILArray <complex> ret  = A.C;
            IntPtr            plan = IntPtr.Zero;
            int            hrank   = 2;

            lock (_lockobject) {
                if (nDims > m_n.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
                    m_n[i]  = A.Dimensions[i + firstDim];
                    m_is[i] = A.Dimensions.SequentialIndexDistance(i + firstDim);
                    m_os[i] = m_is[i];
                m_hn[0]  = A.Dimensions.SequentialIndexDistance(firstDim);
                m_his[0] = 1;
                m_hos[0] = 1;
                m_his[1] = A.Dimensions.SequentialIndexDistance(nDims + firstDim);
                m_hn[1]  = A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements / m_his[1];
                m_hos[1] = m_his[1];
                fixed(complex *retArr = ret.m_data)
                    dfftw_plan_guru_dft_(ref plan, ref nDims, m_n, m_is, m_os,
                                         ref hrank, m_hn, m_his, m_hos,
                                         retArr, retArr,
                                         ref dir, ref flags);
            if (plan == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ILInvalidOperationException("error creating plan for fftw3 (guru interface)");
            dfftw_execute_(ref plan);
            dfftw_destroy_plan_(ref plan);
            ret /= new complex(m_his[1] / m_hn[0], 0.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public static complex csqrt(complex x)
        complex I   = new complex(0, 1);
        double  r   = abs(x);
        double  phi = arg(x);

        return(sqrt(r) * exp((I * phi) / 2));  //according to Wikipedia
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: test.cs Proyecto: Bakkedal/QSL
 public static void Main()
     var a = new complex(1,2);
     var b = new complex(2,3);
     var c = a+b;
     if(c == new complex(3,5)) c.print("test complex addition passed");
     else c.print("test complex addition failed");
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
            //复数和复数相乘  重载上一个函数
            public static complex commul(complex x, complex y)
                complex c = new complex();

                c.a = x.a * y.a - x.b * y.b;
                c.b = x.a * y.b + x.b * y.a;
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public complex AddComplex(complex s)
                complex ts;

                ts.r = this.r + s.r;
                ts.i = this.i + s.i;
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
            public static complex decrease(complex x, complex y)
                complex c = new complex();

                c.a = x.a - y.a;
                c.b = x.b - y.b;
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
            public static complex decrease(double x, complex y)
                complex c = new complex();

                c.a = x - y.a;
                c.b = 0 - y.b;
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
            public static complex comsum(complex x, complex y)
                complex c = new complex();

                c.a = x.a + y.a;
                c.b = x.b + y.b;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
            public static complex comsum(double x, complex y)
                complex c = new complex();

                c.a = x + y.a;
                c.b = y.b;
Ejemplo n.º 19
            public complex SubComplex(complex s)
                complex ts;

                ts.r = this.r - s.r;
                ts.i = this.i - s.i;
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
            public static complex commul(double x, complex y)
                complex c = new complex();

                c.a = x * y.a;
                c.b = x * y.b;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 internal complex divide(complex in1, complex in2)
     if (in2 != 0.0)
         return((complex)(in1 / in2));
Ejemplo n.º 22
            public complex MulComplex(complex s)
                complex ts;

                ts.r = this.r * s.r - this.i * s.i;
                ts.i = this.i * s.r + this.r * s.i;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static void PerformFFT(double[] input_data, double y_limit, int sampleRate, double frequenzyCutoffMin, double frequenzyCutoffMax, out double[] x_freq, out double[] y_coof)
            ILArray <double>  arr_in;
            ILArray <complex> arr_res;

                arr_in = new ILArray <double>(input_data);

                arr_res = ILNumerics.BuiltInFunctions.ILMath.fft(arr_in);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error performing FFT-operation: " + ex);

            double fftFreqMax   = arr_res.GetValue(arr_res.Length - 1).imag;
            double maxCutofFreq = (frequenzyCutoffMax * fftFreqMax) / sampleRate;
            double minCutofFreq = (frequenzyCutoffMin * fftFreqMax) / sampleRate;

            List <double> x_freq_ls = new List <double>();
            List <double> y_coof_ls = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < arr_res.Length; ++i)
                complex c = arr_res.GetValue(i);

                double real = c.real;
                double imag = c.imag;

                if (Math.Abs(real) < y_limit)

                double abs_freq = Math.Abs(imag);

                if (abs_freq < minCutofFreq)
                if (abs_freq > maxCutofFreq)

                double freq = abs_freq / maxCutofFreq; // freq will now be 0-1
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(freq <= 1.0);
                y_coof_ls.Add(Math.Abs(real) / 255.0);

            x_freq = x_freq_ls.ToArray();
            y_coof = y_coof_ls.ToArray();

            arr_in  = null;
            arr_res = null;
Ejemplo n.º 24
            public complex DivComplex(complex s)
                complex ts;

                ts.r = (this.r * s.r + this.i * s.i) / (s.r * s.r + s.i * s.i);
                ts.i = (this.i * s.r - this.r * s.i) / (s.r * s.r + s.i * s.i);

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static void fftc1d(ref complex[] a) {
            int n;

            n = ap.len(a);
            fft.fftc1d(ref a, n);

Ejemplo n.º 26
    }     // jacobian

    public static (complex, int) qnewton(
        Func <complex, complex> f,
        complex z,
        complex dz,
        double eps = 1e-3
    {    // Calls newton 1D complex rootf, specifying no derivative df (so uses finite differences)
        return(newton(f, z, dz: dz, df: null, eps: eps));
Ejemplo n.º 27
    static int Main()
        complex z = new complex(0, 1);

        (z + z).print("i+i=");

Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: DFT.cs Proyecto: kaury/MyTools
        public static complex[] FFT(double[] input, int n)
            int length = n;

            int half = length / 2;

            complex[] output = new complex[length];

            double[] evens = new double[half];

            for (int i = 0; i < half; i++)
                evens[i] = input[2 * i];

            complex[] evenResult = dft(evens, half);

            double[] odds = new double[half];

            for (int i = 0; i < half; i++)
                odds[i] = input[2 * i + 1];
            complex[] oddResult = dft(odds, half);

            complex w1;

            w1 = omega(n);                //ω=exp(j*2*pi/n)n为信号长度
            complex[] w = new complex[n]; //储存w N次方的数组
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                w[i] = complex.powcc(w1, i);
            for (int k = 0; k < half; k++)
                complex oddPart = complex.commul(oddResult[k], w[k]);
                output[k]   = complex.comsum(evenResult[k], oddPart);
                output[k].a = Math.Round(output[k].a, 2);
                output[k].b = Math.Round(output[k].b, 2);

                output[k + half]   = complex.decrease(evenResult[k], oddPart);
                output[k + half].a = Math.Round(output[k + half].a, 2);
                output[k + half].b = Math.Round(output[k + half].b, 2);
 public void AddTest()
     IComplex compl = new complex();
       complex a = new complex(2, 3);
       complex b = new complex(3, 4);
       complex actual = compl.Add(a, b);
       complex expected = a + b;
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.im, expected.im);
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.re, expected.re);
 public void SubtractTest()
     IComplex compl = new complex();
       complex a = new complex(20, 30);
       complex b = new complex(30, 40);
       complex actual = compl.Subtract(a, b);
       complex expected = a - b;
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.im, expected.im);
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.re, expected.re);
 public void MultiplyTest()
     IComplex compl = new complex();
       complex a = new complex(20, 30);
       complex b = new complex(30, 40);
       complex actual = compl.Multiply(a, b);
       complex expected = a * b;
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.im, expected.im);
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.re, expected.re);
 public void DivideTest()
     IComplex compl = new complex();
       complex a = new complex(20, 30);
       complex b = new complex(30, 40);
       complex actual = compl.Divide(a, b);
       complex expected = a / b;
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.im, expected.im);
       Assert.AreEqual(actual.re, expected.re);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public static complex operator -(complex a)
            complex result = new complex
                real      = -a.real,
                imaginary = -a.imaginary

Ejemplo n.º 34
        public static complex operator ++(complex a)
            complex result = new complex
                real      = a.real / ((float)Math.Pow(a.real, 2) + (float)Math.Pow(a.imaginary, 2)),
                imaginary = -a.imaginary / ((float)Math.Pow(a.real, 2) + (float)Math.Pow(a.imaginary, 2))

Ejemplo n.º 35
 public complex[] ILArray2Values(ILArray <complex> il, int width)
     complex[] result = new complex[width];
     complex[] ila    = il.ToArray();
     for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
         result[i] = ila[i * width + i];
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public static complex operator *(complex a, complex b)
            complex result = new complex
                real      = (a.real * b.real) - (a.imaginary * b.imaginary),
                imaginary = (a.real * b.imaginary) + (a.imaginary * b.real)

Ejemplo n.º 37
        private void Test_conj() {
            // test for common matrix 4x3
            ILArray<complex> A = new complex[,] {
                {new complex(1,2), new complex(3,4), new complex(5,6)},
                {new complex(7,8), new complex(9,10), new complex(11,12)},
                {new complex(13,14), new complex(15,16), new complex(17,18)},
                {new complex(19,20), new complex(21,22), new complex(23,24)}};
            ILArray<fcomplex> Af = ILMath.tofcomplex(A); 
            // test on reference matrix
            // test on 2x2x3 matrix (reference)
            A = A.Reshape(new ILDimension(2,2,3)).R;
            if (!A.IsReference) 
                throw new Exception("Unable to test conj() for reference 2x2x3!"); 
            Af = Af.Reshape(new ILDimension(2,2,3)).R; 
            if (!Af.IsReference) 
                throw new Exception("Unable to test conj() for reference 2x2x3!"); 
            // test those on dense array 
            // test for empty
            A = ILArray<complex>.empty();
            Af = ILArray<fcomplex>.empty();
            // test on vector
            A = new complex[] { new complex(1,2), new complex(3,4), new complex(5,6)}; 
            Af = ILMath.tofcomplex(A); 
            // transpose 
            // test on scalar 
            A = A[2]; Af = Af[2]; 

Ejemplo n.º 38
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolve(), but for  HPD matrices  represented
        by their Cholesky decomposition.

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * O(N^2) complexity
        * condition number estimation
        * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle

        No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of
        matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise  matrix-vector
        products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve  if  you
        need iterative refinement.

            CHA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition,
                        SPDMatrixCholesky result
            N       -   size of A
            IsUpper -   what half of CHA is provided
            B       -   array[0..N-1], right part

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void hpdmatrixcholeskysolve(complex[,] cha,
            int n,
            bool isupper,
            complex[] b,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[] x)
            complex[,] bm = new complex[0,0];
            complex[,] xm = new complex[0,0];
            int i_ = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0];

            if( n<=0 )
                info = -1;
            bm = new complex[n, 1];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                bm[i_,0] = b[i_];
            hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem(cha, n, isupper, bm, 1, ref info, rep, ref xm);
            x = new complex[n];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                x[i_] = xm[i_,0];
Ejemplo n.º 39
    Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolveM(), but for complex matrices.

    Algorithm features:
    * automatic detection of degenerate cases
    * condition number estimation
    * iterative refinement
    * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity


      ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
      ! this function, which can be used from C++ and C#:
      ! * Intel MKL support (lightweight Intel MKL is shipped with ALGLIB)
      ! * multicore support
      ! Intel MKL gives approximately constant  (with  respect  to  number  of
      ! worker threads) acceleration factor which depends on CPU  being  used,
      ! problem  size  and  "baseline"  ALGLIB  edition  which  is  used   for
      ! comparison.
      ! Say, on SSE2-capable CPU with N=1024, HPC ALGLIB will be:
      ! * about 2-3x faster than ALGLIB for C++ without MKL
      ! * about 7-10x faster than "pure C#" edition of ALGLIB
      ! Difference in performance will be more striking  on  newer  CPU's with
      ! support for newer SIMD instructions. Generally,  MKL  accelerates  any
      ! problem whose size is at least 128, with best  efficiency achieved for
      ! N's larger than 512.
      ! Commercial edition of ALGLIB also supports multithreaded  acceleration
      ! of this function. We should note that LU decomposition  is  harder  to
      ! parallelize than, say, matrix-matrix  product  -  this  algorithm  has
      ! many internal synchronization points which can not be avoided. However
      ! parallelism starts to be profitable starting  from  N=1024,  achieving
      ! near-linear speedup for N=4096 or higher.
      ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
      ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
      ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
      !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
      ! We recommend you to read 'Working with commercial version' section  of
      ! ALGLIB Reference Manual in order to find out how to  use  performance-
      ! related features provided by commercial edition of ALGLIB.

        A       -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix
        N       -   size of A
        B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
        M       -   right part size
        RFS     -   iterative refinement switch:
                    * True - refinement is used.
                      Less performance, more precision.
                    * False - refinement is not used.
                      More performance, less precision.

        Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
        Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
        X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void cmatrixsolvem(complex[,] a, int n, complex[,] b, int m, bool rfs, out int info, out densesolverreport rep, out complex[,] x)
        info = 0;
        rep = new densesolverreport();
        x = new complex[0,0];
        densesolver.cmatrixsolvem(a, n, b, m, rfs, ref info, rep.innerobj, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        1-dimensional real inverse FFT.

        Algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime).

            F   -   array[0..floor(N/2)] - frequencies from forward real FFT
            N   -   problem size

            A   -   inverse DFT of a input array, array[0..N-1]

            F[] should satisfy symmetry property F[k] = conj(F[N-k]), so just  one
        half of frequencies array is needed - elements from 0 to floor(N/2).  F[0]
        is ALWAYS real. If N is even F[floor(N/2)] is real too. If N is odd,  then
        F[floor(N/2)] has no special properties.

        Relying on properties noted above, FFTR1DInv subroutine uses only elements
        from 0th to floor(N/2)-th. It ignores imaginary part of F[0],  and in case
        N is even it ignores imaginary part of F[floor(N/2)] too.

        When you call this function using full arguments list - "FFTR1DInv(F,N,A)"
        - you can pass either either frequencies array with N elements or  reduced
        array with roughly N/2 elements - subroutine will  successfully  transform

        If you call this function using reduced arguments list -  "FFTR1DInv(F,A)"
        - you must pass FULL array with N elements (although higher  N/2 are still
        not used) because array size is used to automatically determine FFT length

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 01.06.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void fftr1dinv(complex[] f,
            int n,
            ref double[] a)
            int i = 0;
            double[] h = new double[0];
            complex[] fh = new complex[0];

            a = new double[0];

            ap.assert(n>0, "FFTR1DInv: incorrect N!");
            ap.assert(ap.len(f)>=(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)+1, "FFTR1DInv: Length(F)<Floor(N/2)+1!");
            ap.assert(math.isfinite(f[0].x), "FFTR1DInv: F contains infinite or NAN values!");
            for(i=1; i<=(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)-1; i++)
                ap.assert(math.isfinite(f[i].x) & math.isfinite(f[i].y), "FFTR1DInv: F contains infinite or NAN values!");
            ap.assert(math.isfinite(f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].x), "FFTR1DInv: F contains infinite or NAN values!");
            if( n%2!=0 )
                ap.assert(math.isfinite(f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].y), "FFTR1DInv: F contains infinite or NAN values!");
            // Special case: N=1, FFT is just identity transform.
            // After this block we assume that N is strictly greater than 1.
            if( n==1 )
                a = new double[1];
                a[0] = f[0].x;
            // inverse real FFT is reduced to the inverse real FHT,
            // which is reduced to the forward real FHT,
            // which is reduced to the forward real FFT.
            // Don't worry, it is really compact and efficient reduction :)
            h = new double[n];
            a = new double[n];
            h[0] = f[0].x;
            for(i=1; i<=(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)-1; i++)
                h[i] = f[i].x-f[i].y;
                h[n-i] = f[i].x+f[i].y;
            if( n%2==0 )
                h[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)] = f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].x;
                h[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)] = f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].x-f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].y;
                h[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)+1] = f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].x+f[(int)Math.Floor((double)n/(double)2)].y;
            fftr1d(h, n, ref fh);
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                a[i] = (fh[i].x-fh[i].y)/n;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolveM(), but for HPD matrices  represented
        by their Cholesky decomposition.

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * O(M*N^2) complexity
        * condition number estimation
        * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle

        No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of
        matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise  matrix-vector
        products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve  if  you
        need iterative refinement.

            CHA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition,
                        HPDMatrixCholesky result
            N       -   size of CHA
            IsUpper -   what half of CHA is provided
            B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
            M       -   right part size

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem(complex[,] cha,
            int n,
            bool isupper,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            complex[,] emptya = new complex[0,0];
            double sqrtscalea = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int j1 = 0;
            int j2 = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            // 1. scale matrix, max(|U[i,j]|)
            // 2. factorize scaled matrix
            // 3. solve
            sqrtscalea = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                if( isupper )
                    j1 = i;
                    j2 = n-1;
                    j1 = 0;
                    j2 = i;
                for(j=j1; j<=j2; j++)
                    sqrtscalea = Math.Max(sqrtscalea, math.abscomplex(cha[i,j]));
            if( (double)(sqrtscalea)==(double)(0) )
                sqrtscalea = 1;
            sqrtscalea = 1/sqrtscalea;
            hpdmatrixcholeskysolveinternal(cha, sqrtscalea, n, isupper, emptya, false, b, m, ref info, rep, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public static void smp_cmatrixsolve(complex[,] a, int n, complex[] b, out int info, out densesolverreport rep, out complex[] x)
     info = 0;
     rep = new densesolverreport();
     x = new complex[0];
     densesolver._pexec_cmatrixsolve(a, n, b, ref info, rep.innerobj, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 43
    Dense solver. Same as RMatrixMixedSolve(), but for complex matrices.

    Algorithm features:
    * automatic detection of degenerate cases
    * condition number estimation
    * iterative refinement
    * O(N^2) complexity

        A       -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix
        LUA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, CMatrixLU result
        P       -   array[0..N-1], pivots array, CMatrixLU result
        N       -   size of A
        B       -   array[0..N-1], right part

        Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolveM
        Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolveM
        X       -   same as in RMatrixSolveM

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void cmatrixmixedsolve(complex[,] a, complex[,] lua, int[] p, int n, complex[] b, out int info, out densesolverreport rep, out complex[] x)
        info = 0;
        rep = new densesolverreport();
        x = new complex[0];
        densesolver.cmatrixmixedsolve(a, lua, p, n, b, ref info, rep.innerobj, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 44
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolveM(), but for complex matrices.

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * O(M*N^2) complexity
        * condition number estimation

        No iterative refinement  is provided because exact form of original matrix
        is not known to subroutine. Use CMatrixSolve or CMatrixMixedSolve  if  you
        need iterative refinement.

            LUA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result
            P       -   array[0..N-1], pivots array, RMatrixLU result
            N       -   size of A
            B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
            M       -   right part size

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void cmatrixlusolvem(complex[,] lua,
            int[] p,
            int n,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            complex[,] emptya = new complex[0,0];
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double scalea = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            // 1. scale matrix, max(|U[i,j]|)
            //    we assume that LU is in its normal form, i.e. |L[i,j]|<=1
            // 2. solve
            scalea = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                for(j=i; j<=n-1; j++)
                    scalea = Math.Max(scalea, math.abscomplex(lua[i,j]));
            if( (double)(scalea)==(double)(0) )
                scalea = 1;
            scalea = 1/scalea;
            cmatrixlusolveinternal(lua, p, scalea, n, emptya, false, b, m, ref info, rep, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 45
        Basic LU solver for ScaleA*PLU*x = y.

        This subroutine assumes that:
        * L is well-scaled, and it is U which needs scaling by ScaleA.
        * A=PLU is well-conditioned, so no zero divisions or overflow may occur

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void cbasiclusolve(complex[,] lua,
            int[] p,
            double scalea,
            int n,
            ref complex[] xb,
            ref complex[] tmp)
            int i = 0;
            complex v = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                if( p[i]!=i )
                    v = xb[i];
                    xb[i] = xb[p[i]];
                    xb[p[i]] = v;
            for(i=1; i<=n-1; i++)
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=i-1;i_++)
                    v += lua[i,i_]*xb[i_];
                xb[i] = xb[i]-v;
            xb[n-1] = xb[n-1]/(scalea*lua[n-1,n-1]);
            for(i=n-2; i>=0; i--)
                for(i_=i+1; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    tmp[i_] = scalea*lua[i,i_];
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=i+1; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    v += tmp[i_]*xb[i_];
                xb[i] = (xb[i]-v)/(scalea*lua[i,i]);
Ejemplo n.º 46
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_cmatrixsolvem(complex[,] a,
     int n,
     complex[,] b,
     int m,
     bool rfs,
     ref int info,
     densesolverreport rep,
     ref complex[,] x)
     cmatrixsolvem(a,n,b,m,rfs,ref info,rep,ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 47
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_cmatrixsolve(complex[,] a,
     int n,
     complex[] b,
     ref int info,
     densesolverreport rep,
     ref complex[] x)
     cmatrixsolve(a,n,b,ref info,rep,ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 48
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolveM(), but for complex matrices.

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * condition number estimation
        * iterative refinement
        * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function, which can be used from C++ and C#:
          ! * Intel MKL support (lightweight Intel MKL is shipped with ALGLIB)
          ! * multicore support
          ! Intel MKL gives approximately constant  (with  respect  to  number  of
          ! worker threads) acceleration factor which depends on CPU  being  used,
          ! problem  size  and  "baseline"  ALGLIB  edition  which  is  used   for
          ! comparison.
          ! Say, on SSE2-capable CPU with N=1024, HPC ALGLIB will be:
          ! * about 2-3x faster than ALGLIB for C++ without MKL
          ! * about 7-10x faster than "pure C#" edition of ALGLIB
          ! Difference in performance will be more striking  on  newer  CPU's with
          ! support for newer SIMD instructions. Generally,  MKL  accelerates  any
          ! problem whose size is at least 128, with best  efficiency achieved for
          ! N's larger than 512.
          ! Commercial edition of ALGLIB also supports multithreaded  acceleration
          ! of this function. We should note that LU decomposition  is  harder  to
          ! parallelize than, say, matrix-matrix  product  -  this  algorithm  has
          ! many internal synchronization points which can not be avoided. However
          ! parallelism starts to be profitable starting  from  N=1024,  achieving
          ! near-linear speedup for N=4096 or higher.
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! We recommend you to read 'Working with commercial version' section  of
          ! ALGLIB Reference Manual in order to find out how to  use  performance-
          ! related features provided by commercial edition of ALGLIB.

            A       -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix
            N       -   size of A
            B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
            M       -   right part size
            RFS     -   iterative refinement switch:
                        * True - refinement is used.
                          Less performance, more precision.
                        * False - refinement is not used.
                          More performance, less precision.

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void cmatrixsolvem(complex[,] a,
            int n,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            bool rfs,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            complex[,] da = new complex[0,0];
            complex[,] emptya = new complex[0,0];
            int[] p = new int[0];
            double scalea = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            da = new complex[n, n];
            // 1. scale matrix, max(|A[i,j]|)
            // 2. factorize scaled matrix
            // 3. solve
            scalea = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                    scalea = Math.Max(scalea, math.abscomplex(a[i,j]));
            if( (double)(scalea)==(double)(0) )
                scalea = 1;
            scalea = 1/scalea;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    da[i,i_] = a[i,i_];
            trfac.cmatrixlu(ref da, n, n, ref p);
            if( rfs )
                cmatrixlusolveinternal(da, p, scalea, n, a, true, b, m, ref info, rep, ref x);
                cmatrixlusolveinternal(da, p, scalea, n, emptya, false, b, m, ref info, rep, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 49
    Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolve(), but for  HPD matrices  represented
    by their Cholesky decomposition.

    Algorithm features:
    * automatic detection of degenerate cases
    * O(N^2) complexity
    * condition number estimation
    * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle

    No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of
    matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise  matrix-vector
    products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve  if  you
    need iterative refinement.

        CHA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition,
                    SPDMatrixCholesky result
        N       -   size of A
        IsUpper -   what half of CHA is provided
        B       -   array[0..N-1], right part

        Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
        Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
        X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void hpdmatrixcholeskysolve(complex[,] cha, int n, bool isupper, complex[] b, out int info, out densesolverreport rep, out complex[] x)
        info = 0;
        rep = new densesolverreport();
        x = new complex[0];
        densesolver.hpdmatrixcholeskysolve(cha, n, isupper, b, ref info, rep.innerobj, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public static void smp_hpdmatrixsolvem(complex[,] a, int n, bool isupper, complex[,] b, int m, out int info, out densesolverreport rep, out complex[,] x)
     info = 0;
     rep = new densesolverreport();
     x = new complex[0,0];
     densesolver._pexec_hpdmatrixsolvem(a, n, isupper, b, m, ref info, rep.innerobj, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 51
        Internal LU solver

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void cmatrixlusolveinternal(complex[,] lua,
            int[] p,
            double scalea,
            int n,
            complex[,] a,
            bool havea,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int rfs = 0;
            int nrfs = 0;
            complex[] xc = new complex[0];
            complex[] y = new complex[0];
            complex[] bc = new complex[0];
            complex[] xa = new complex[0];
            complex[] xb = new complex[0];
            complex[] tx = new complex[0];
            double[] tmpbuf = new double[0];
            complex v = 0;
            double verr = 0;
            double mxb = 0;
            double scaleright = 0;
            bool smallerr = new bool();
            bool terminatenexttime = new bool();
            int i_ = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                if( p[i]>n-1 || p[i]<i )
                    info = -1;
            x = new complex[n, m];
            y = new complex[n];
            xc = new complex[n];
            bc = new complex[n];
            tx = new complex[n];
            xa = new complex[n+1];
            xb = new complex[n+1];
            tmpbuf = new double[2*n+2];
            // estimate condition number, test for near singularity
            rep.r1 = rcond.cmatrixlurcond1(lua, n);
            rep.rinf = rcond.cmatrixlurcondinf(lua, n);
            if( (double)(rep.r1)<(double)(rcond.rcondthreshold()) || (double)(rep.rinf)<(double)(rcond.rcondthreshold()) )
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                        x[i,j] = 0;
                rep.r1 = 0;
                rep.rinf = 0;
                info = -3;
            info = 1;
            // solve
            for(k=0; k<=m-1; k++)
                // copy B to contiguous storage
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    bc[i_] = b[i_,k];
                // Scale right part:
                // * MX stores max(|Bi|)
                // * ScaleRight stores actual scaling applied to B when solving systems
                //   it is chosen to make |scaleRight*b| close to 1.
                mxb = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    mxb = Math.Max(mxb, math.abscomplex(bc[i]));
                if( (double)(mxb)==(double)(0) )
                    mxb = 1;
                scaleright = 1/mxb;
                // First, non-iterative part of solution process.
                // We use separate code for this task because
                // XDot is quite slow and we want to save time.
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xc[i_] = scaleright*bc[i_];
                cbasiclusolve(lua, p, scalea, n, ref xc, ref tx);
                // Iterative refinement of xc:
                // * calculate r = bc-A*xc using extra-precise dot product
                // * solve A*y = r
                // * update x:=x+r
                // This cycle is executed until one of two things happens:
                // 1. maximum number of iterations reached
                // 2. last iteration decreased error to the lower limit
                if( havea )
                    nrfs = densesolverrfsmax(n, rep.r1, rep.rinf);
                    terminatenexttime = false;
                    for(rfs=0; rfs<=nrfs-1; rfs++)
                        if( terminatenexttime )
                        // generate right part
                        smallerr = true;
                        for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            xb[i_] = xc[i_];
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                xa[i_] = scalea*a[i,i_];
                            xa[n] = -1;
                            xb[n] = scaleright*bc[i];
                            xblas.xcdot(xa, xb, n+1, ref tmpbuf, ref v, ref verr);
                            y[i] = -v;
                            smallerr = smallerr && (double)(math.abscomplex(v))<(double)(4*verr);
                        if( smallerr )
                            terminatenexttime = true;
                        // solve and update
                        cbasiclusolve(lua, p, scalea, n, ref y, ref tx);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            xc[i_] = xc[i_] + y[i_];
                // Store xc.
                // Post-scale result.
                v = scalea*mxb;
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    x[i_,k] = v*xc[i_];
Ejemplo n.º 52
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixMixedSolveM(), but for complex matrices.

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * condition number estimation
        * iterative refinement
        * O(M*N^2) complexity

            A       -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix
            LUA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, CMatrixLU result
            P       -   array[0..N-1], pivots array, CMatrixLU result
            N       -   size of A
            B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
            M       -   right part size

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolveM
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolveM
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolveM

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void cmatrixmixedsolvem(complex[,] a,
            complex[,] lua,
            int[] p,
            int n,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            double scalea = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            // 1. scale matrix, max(|A[i,j]|)
            // 2. factorize scaled matrix
            // 3. solve
            scalea = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                    scalea = Math.Max(scalea, math.abscomplex(a[i,j]));
            if( (double)(scalea)==(double)(0) )
                scalea = 1;
            scalea = 1/scalea;
            cmatrixlusolveinternal(lua, p, scalea, n, a, true, b, m, ref info, rep, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 53
        Internal Cholesky solver

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void hpdmatrixcholeskysolveinternal(complex[,] cha,
            double sqrtscalea,
            int n,
            bool isupper,
            complex[,] a,
            bool havea,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            complex[] xc = new complex[0];
            complex[] y = new complex[0];
            complex[] bc = new complex[0];
            complex[] xa = new complex[0];
            complex[] xb = new complex[0];
            complex[] tx = new complex[0];
            double v = 0;
            double mxb = 0;
            double scaleright = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            x = new complex[n, m];
            y = new complex[n];
            xc = new complex[n];
            bc = new complex[n];
            tx = new complex[n+1];
            xa = new complex[n+1];
            xb = new complex[n+1];
            // estimate condition number, test for near singularity
            rep.r1 = rcond.hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond(cha, n, isupper);
            rep.rinf = rep.r1;
            if( (double)(rep.r1)<(double)(rcond.rcondthreshold()) )
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                        x[i,j] = 0;
                rep.r1 = 0;
                rep.rinf = 0;
                info = -3;
            info = 1;
            // solve
            for(k=0; k<=m-1; k++)
                // copy B to contiguous storage
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    bc[i_] = b[i_,k];
                // Scale right part:
                // * MX stores max(|Bi|)
                // * ScaleRight stores actual scaling applied to B when solving systems
                //   it is chosen to make |scaleRight*b| close to 1.
                mxb = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    mxb = Math.Max(mxb, math.abscomplex(bc[i]));
                if( (double)(mxb)==(double)(0) )
                    mxb = 1;
                scaleright = 1/mxb;
                // First, non-iterative part of solution process.
                // We use separate code for this task because
                // XDot is quite slow and we want to save time.
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xc[i_] = scaleright*bc[i_];
                hpdbasiccholeskysolve(cha, sqrtscalea, n, isupper, ref xc, ref tx);
                // Store xc.
                // Post-scale result.
                v = math.sqr(sqrtscalea)*mxb;
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    x[i_,k] = v*xc[i_];
Ejemplo n.º 54
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixMixedSolve(), but for complex matrices.

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * condition number estimation
        * iterative refinement
        * O(N^2) complexity

            A       -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix
            LUA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, CMatrixLU result
            P       -   array[0..N-1], pivots array, CMatrixLU result
            N       -   size of A
            B       -   array[0..N-1], right part

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolveM
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolveM
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolveM

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void cmatrixmixedsolve(complex[,] a,
            complex[,] lua,
            int[] p,
            int n,
            complex[] b,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[] x)
            complex[,] bm = new complex[0,0];
            complex[,] xm = new complex[0,0];
            int i_ = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0];

            if( n<=0 )
                info = -1;
            bm = new complex[n, 1];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                bm[i_,0] = b[i_];
            cmatrixmixedsolvem(a, lua, p, n, bm, 1, ref info, rep, ref xm);
            x = new complex[n];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                x[i_] = xm[i_,0];
Ejemplo n.º 55
        Basic Cholesky solver for ScaleA*Cholesky(A)'*x = y.

        This subroutine assumes that:
        * A*ScaleA is well scaled
        * A is well-conditioned, so no zero divisions or overflow may occur

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void hpdbasiccholeskysolve(complex[,] cha,
            double sqrtscalea,
            int n,
            bool isupper,
            ref complex[] xb,
            ref complex[] tmp)
            int i = 0;
            complex v = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            // A = L*L' or A=U'*U
            if( isupper )
                // Solve U'*y=b first.
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    xb[i] = xb[i]/(sqrtscalea*math.conj(cha[i,i]));
                    if( i<n-1 )
                        v = xb[i];
                        for(i_=i+1; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            tmp[i_] = sqrtscalea*math.conj(cha[i,i_]);
                        for(i_=i+1; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            xb[i_] = xb[i_] - v*tmp[i_];
                // Solve U*x=y then.
                for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--)
                    if( i<n-1 )
                        for(i_=i+1; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            tmp[i_] = sqrtscalea*cha[i,i_];
                        v = 0.0;
                        for(i_=i+1; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            v += tmp[i_]*xb[i_];
                        xb[i] = xb[i]-v;
                    xb[i] = xb[i]/(sqrtscalea*cha[i,i]);
                // Solve L*y=b first
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    if( i>0 )
                        for(i_=0; i_<=i-1;i_++)
                            tmp[i_] = sqrtscalea*cha[i,i_];
                        v = 0.0;
                        for(i_=0; i_<=i-1;i_++)
                            v += tmp[i_]*xb[i_];
                        xb[i] = xb[i]-v;
                    xb[i] = xb[i]/(sqrtscalea*cha[i,i]);
                // Solve L'*x=y then.
                for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--)
                    xb[i] = xb[i]/(sqrtscalea*math.conj(cha[i,i]));
                    if( i>0 )
                        v = xb[i];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=i-1;i_++)
                            tmp[i_] = sqrtscalea*math.conj(cha[i,i_]);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=i-1;i_++)
                            xb[i_] = xb[i_] - v*tmp[i_];
Ejemplo n.º 56
        Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolveM(), but for Hermitian positive definite

        Algorithm features:
        * automatic detection of degenerate cases
        * condition number estimation
        * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity
        * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle

        No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of
        matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise  matrix-vector
        products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve  if  you
        need iterative refinement.


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function, which can be used from C++ and C#:
          ! * Intel MKL support (lightweight Intel MKL is shipped with ALGLIB)
          ! * multicore support
          ! Intel MKL gives approximately constant  (with  respect  to  number  of
          ! worker threads) acceleration factor which depends on CPU  being  used,
          ! problem  size  and  "baseline"  ALGLIB  edition  which  is  used   for
          ! comparison.
          ! Say, on SSE2-capable CPU with N=1024, HPC ALGLIB will be:
          ! * about 2-3x faster than ALGLIB for C++ without MKL
          ! * about 7-10x faster than "pure C#" edition of ALGLIB
          ! Difference in performance will be more striking  on  newer  CPU's with
          ! support for newer SIMD instructions. Generally,  MKL  accelerates  any
          ! problem whose size is at least 128, with best  efficiency achieved for
          ! N's larger than 512.
          ! Commercial edition of ALGLIB also supports multithreaded  acceleration
          ! of this function. We should note that Cholesky decomposition is harder
          ! to parallelize than, say, matrix-matrix product - this  algorithm  has
          ! several synchronization points which  can  not  be  avoided.  However,
          ! parallelism starts to be profitable starting from N=500.
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! We recommend you to read 'Working with commercial version' section  of
          ! ALGLIB Reference Manual in order to find out how to  use  performance-
          ! related features provided by commercial edition of ALGLIB.

            A       -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix
            N       -   size of A
            IsUpper -   what half of A is provided
            B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
            M       -   right part size

            Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve.
                        Returns -3 for non-HPD matrices.
            Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
            X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void hpdmatrixsolvem(complex[,] a,
            int n,
            bool isupper,
            complex[,] b,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            densesolverreport rep,
            ref complex[,] x)
            complex[,] da = new complex[0,0];
            double sqrtscalea = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int j1 = 0;
            int j2 = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            info = 0;
            x = new complex[0,0];

            // prepare: check inputs, allocate space...
            if( n<=0 || m<=0 )
                info = -1;
            da = new complex[n, n];
            // 1. scale matrix, max(|A[i,j]|)
            // 2. factorize scaled matrix
            // 3. solve
            sqrtscalea = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                if( isupper )
                    j1 = i;
                    j2 = n-1;
                    j1 = 0;
                    j2 = i;
                for(j=j1; j<=j2; j++)
                    sqrtscalea = Math.Max(sqrtscalea, math.abscomplex(a[i,j]));
            if( (double)(sqrtscalea)==(double)(0) )
                sqrtscalea = 1;
            sqrtscalea = 1/sqrtscalea;
            sqrtscalea = Math.Sqrt(sqrtscalea);
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                if( isupper )
                    j1 = i;
                    j2 = n-1;
                    j1 = 0;
                    j2 = i;
                for(i_=j1; i_<=j2;i_++)
                    da[i,i_] = a[i,i_];
            if( !trfac.hpdmatrixcholesky(ref da, n, isupper) )
                x = new complex[n, m];
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                        x[i,j] = 0;
                rep.r1 = 0;
                rep.rinf = 0;
                info = -3;
            info = 1;
            hpdmatrixcholeskysolveinternal(da, sqrtscalea, n, isupper, a, true, b, m, ref info, rep, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 57
    Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolveM(), but for complex matrices.

    Algorithm features:
    * automatic detection of degenerate cases
    * O(M*N^2) complexity
    * condition number estimation

    No iterative refinement  is provided because exact form of original matrix
    is not known to subroutine. Use CMatrixSolve or CMatrixMixedSolve  if  you
    need iterative refinement.

        LUA     -   array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result
        P       -   array[0..N-1], pivots array, RMatrixLU result
        N       -   size of A
        B       -   array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part
        M       -   right part size

        Info    -   same as in RMatrixSolve
        Rep     -   same as in RMatrixSolve
        X       -   same as in RMatrixSolve

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void cmatrixlusolvem(complex[,] lua, int[] p, int n, complex[,] b, int m, out int info, out densesolverreport rep, out complex[,] x)
        info = 0;
        rep = new densesolverreport();
        x = new complex[0,0];
        densesolver.cmatrixlusolvem(lua, p, n, b, m, ref info, rep.innerobj, ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 58
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_hpdmatrixsolve(complex[,] a,
     int n,
     bool isupper,
     complex[] b,
     ref int info,
     densesolverreport rep,
     ref complex[] x)
     hpdmatrixsolve(a,n,isupper,b,ref info,rep,ref x);
Ejemplo n.º 59
        Polynomial root finding.

        This function returns all roots of the polynomial
            P(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2 + ... + an*x^n
        Both real and complex roots are returned (see below).

            A       -   array[N+1], polynomial coefficients:
                        * A[0] is constant term
                        * A[N] is a coefficient of X^N
            N       -   polynomial degree

            X       -   array of complex roots:
                        * for isolated real root, X[I] is strictly real: IMAGE(X[I])=0
                        * complex roots are always returned in pairs - roots occupy
                          positions I and I+1, with:
                          * X[I+1]=Conj(X[I])
                          * IMAGE(X[I]) > 0
                          * IMAGE(X[I+1]) = -IMAGE(X[I]) < 0
                        * multiple real roots may have non-zero imaginary part due
                          to roundoff errors. There is no reliable way to distinguish
                          real root of multiplicity 2 from two  complex  roots  in
                          the presence of roundoff errors.
            Rep     -   report, additional information, following fields are set:
                        * Rep.MaxErr - max( |P(xi)| )  for  i=0..N-1.  This  field
                          allows to quickly estimate "quality" of the roots  being

        NOTE:   this function uses companion matrix method to find roots. In  case
                internal EVD  solver  fails  do  find  eigenvalues,  exception  is

        NOTE:   roots are not "polished" and  no  matrix  balancing  is  performed
                for them.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 24.02.2014 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void polynomialsolve(double[] a,
            int n,
            ref complex[] x,
            polynomialsolverreport rep)
            double[,] c = new double[0,0];
            double[,] vl = new double[0,0];
            double[,] vr = new double[0,0];
            double[] wr = new double[0];
            double[] wi = new double[0];
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            bool status = new bool();
            int nz = 0;
            int ne = 0;
            complex v = 0;
            complex vv = 0;

            a = (double[])a.Clone();
            x = new complex[0];

            alglib.ap.assert(n>0, "PolynomialSolve: N<=0");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(a)>=n+1, "PolynomialSolve: Length(A)<N+1");
            alglib.ap.assert(apserv.isfinitevector(a, n+1), "PolynomialSolve: A contains infitite numbers");
            alglib.ap.assert((double)(a[n])!=(double)(0), "PolynomialSolve: A[N]=0");
            // Prepare
            x = new complex[n];
            // Normalize A:
            // * analytically determine NZ zero roots
            // * quick exit for NZ=N
            // * make residual NE-th degree polynomial monic
            //   (here NE=N-NZ)
            nz = 0;
            while( nz<n && (double)(a[nz])==(double)(0) )
                nz = nz+1;
            ne = n-nz;
            for(i=nz; i<=n; i++)
                a[i-nz] = a[i]/a[n];
            // For NZ<N, build companion matrix and find NE non-zero roots
            if( ne>0 )
                c = new double[ne, ne];
                for(i=0; i<=ne-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=ne-1; j++)
                        c[i,j] = 0;
                c[0,ne-1] = -a[0];
                for(i=1; i<=ne-1; i++)
                    c[i,i-1] = 1;
                    c[i,ne-1] = -a[i];
                status = evd.rmatrixevd(c, ne, 0, ref wr, ref wi, ref vl, ref vr);
                alglib.ap.assert(status, "PolynomialSolve: inernal error - EVD solver failed");
                for(i=0; i<=ne-1; i++)
                    x[i].x = wr[i];
                    x[i].y = wi[i];
            // Remaining NZ zero roots
            for(i=ne; i<=n-1; i++)
                x[i] = 0;
            // Rep
            rep.maxerr = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=ne-1; i++)
                v = 0;
                vv = 1;
                for(j=0; j<=ne; j++)
                    v = v+a[j]*vv;
                    vv = vv*x[i];
                rep.maxerr = Math.Max(rep.maxerr, math.abscomplex(v));
Ejemplo n.º 60
    1-dimensional complex inverse FFT.

    Array size N may be arbitrary number (composite or prime).  Algorithm  has
    O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime).

    See FFTC1D() description for more information about algorithm performance.

        A   -   array[0..N-1] - complex array to be transformed
        N   -   problem size

        A   -   inverse DFT of a input array, array[0..N-1]
                A_out[j] = SUM(A_in[k]/N*exp(+2*pi*sqrt(-1)*j*k/N), k = 0..N-1)

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 29.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void fftc1dinv(ref complex[] a, int n)

        fft.fftc1dinv(ref a, n);