Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            int         rowindex = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            GridViewRow row      = GridView1.Rows[rowindex];
            int         cprjidx  = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "cprj");
            int         lineidx  = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "line");
            int         cindex   = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "nopr");
            string      pristr1  = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "cprj");
            string      pristr2  = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "line");
            string      pristr3  = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "nopr");

            string[]    emno_colarray    = Request.Form["emno"].Split(',');
            string      specific_rowemno = emno_colarray[rowindex];
            Button      ab    = (Button)e.CommandSource;
            Button      ab2   = new Button();
            GridViewRow myrow = (GridViewRow)ab.NamingContainer;

            if (e.CommandName == "updcomd")
                ab2 = (Button)GridView1.Rows[myrow.DataItemIndex].FindControl("updbtn");
            else if (e.CommandName == "addempl")
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "getSpecificEmpl();", true);
                if (ab2.ID == "updbtn")
                    this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc929_memb set emno='" + specific_rowemno + "' where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            int         index       = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            GridViewRow row         = GridView1.Rows[index];
            string      ddj         = Convert.ToDateTime(cc1.time_now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
            string      pristr1     = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "cprj");
            string      pristr2     = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "line");
            string      pristr3     = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "nopr");
            string      pristr4     = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "puid");
            string      stop_status = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "workstop");
            string      position    = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "position");
            string      usdtimstr   = Convert.ToDateTime(cc1.connectionofc008_select("select usdtim from ecsfc930_pud where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' and puid='" + pristr4 + "'", "usdtim")).ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm");

            Button      ssb1  = (Button)e.CommandSource;
            GridViewRow myrow = (GridViewRow)ssb1.NamingContainer;
            TextBox     tb    = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows[myrow.RowIndex].Cells[9].FindControl("tbpdsca");
            Button      upd   = (Button)GridView1.Rows[myrow.RowIndex].Cells[10].FindControl("End_exception");

            if (e.CommandName == "End_exception")
                //if (tb.Text != "")
                string ssStatus = "1";    //1進行中 0休停中
                if (stop_status == "是")
                    cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc929_memb set code=NULL,statuscode='5' where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
                    ssStatus = "0";
                    cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc929_memb set statuscode='1' where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
                cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"update ecsfc930_pud set [workstop]='0',uclose='是',uedtim='" + ddj + "',eutm='" + cc1.calculate_time(usdtimstr, ddj) + "',pdsca='" + tb.Text + "' where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' and puid='" + pristr4 + "';");
                string uCt = cc1.connectionofc008_select("  select count(*) as uCt from ecsfc930_pud where line='" + pristr2 + "' and uclose='否'", "uCt");
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendMsgtoKanban", "ssStatus = '" + ssStatus + "';position='" + position + "';eClose='" + uCt + "';$('#msgBtn').click();", true);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "layer_close222", "parent.location.reload();", true);
                //    //upd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "nulltip2();");
                //    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "nulltip2", "nulltip2();", true);
                //    //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);
                //    //Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            string control_str = string.Empty;
            Button ab          = new Button();
            Button ab2         = new Button();
            Button ab3         = new Button();
            int         index    = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            GridViewRow row      = GridView1.Rows[index];
            int         cprjidx  = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "cprj");
            int         lineidx  = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "line");
            int         cindex   = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "nopr");
            int         findex   = cc1.getcolumnindexbynameint(row, "完工日期");
            string      pristr1  = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "cprj");
            string      pristr2  = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "line");
            string      pristr3  = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "nopr");
            string      nloc     = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "nloc");
            string      t_name   = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "t_name");
            string      mkind    = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "mkind");
            string      position = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "position");
            string      sdate    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string      sdtim    = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm");
            string      sdtim2   = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm");

            //0826修改出get templatefield的columindex的方法
            //以往只能用bindfield 的datafield屬性來抓
            //string fintime = cc1.getcolumnindexbyname(row, "完工日期");

            string[] date_colarray    = Request.Form["datel"].Split(',');
            string   specific_rowdate = date_colarray[index];

            string[] emno_colarray    = Request.Form["emno"].Split(',');
            string   specific_rowemno = emno_colarray[index];


            ab = (Button)e.CommandSource;
            GridViewRow myrow = (GridViewRow)ab.NamingContainer;

            if (e.CommandName == "afs")
                ab2 = (Button)GridView1.Rows[myrow.DataItemIndex].FindControl("amend_finish_status");
            else if (e.CommandName == "getnowtime")
                ab3 = (Button)GridView1.Rows[myrow.DataItemIndex].FindControl("getnowtime");

            control_str = ab2.Text.ToString();
            if (ab2.ID == "amend_finish_status")
                if (specific_rowdate != "")
                    DateTime convtodt = Convert.ToDateTime(specific_rowdate);
                    string   datestr  = convtodt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string   timestr  = convtodt.ToString("HHmm");
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["change_mode"]) == 1 && specific_rowdate != "")
                        int    countofgroup933 = Convert.ToInt32(cc1.connectionofc008_select("select count(*) as cot from ecsfc933_mdt where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'", "cot"));
                        int    countisnull     = Convert.ToInt32(cc1.connectionofc008_select("select count(*) as nullq from ecsfc929_memb as t1  inner join ecsfc933_mdt as t2 on t1.cprj=t2.cprj and t1.line=t2.line and t1.nopr=t2.nopr where t1.cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and t1.line='" + pristr2 + "' and t1.nopr='" + pristr3 + "' and (t2.sdate is NULL and t2.edate is NULL)", "nullq"));
                        string msfid           = this.cc1.connectionofc008_select(@"select msfid from ecsfc929_memb where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'", "msfid");
                        if (countisnull > 0)//休停中
                            if (Session["SF_SPTrigger"].ToString().Trim() == "0")
                                string seconddata = this.cc1.connectionofc008_select(@"select top 1 t1 from (select top 2 msfid as t1,cprj 
from ecsfc933_mdt where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' order by t1 desc) ecsfc933_mdt order by t1 asc", "t1");
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"update ecsfc929_memb set edate=t2.edate ,edtim=t2.edtim ,msfid=t2.msfid ,pfc='是',statuscode='6' 
                                from ecsfc929_memb as t1 inner join ecsfc933_mdt as t2 
                                on t1.cprj=t2.cprj and t1.line=t2.line and t1.nopr=t2.nopr where t2.msfid='" + seconddata + "'");
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"delete from ecsfc933_mdt where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' and sdate is NULL and edate is NULL");
                                int totalt = Convert.ToInt32(cc1.connectionofc008_select("select autm from ecsfc929_memb where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'", "autm"));
                                Task.Run(() => cc1.RunCommandAsynchronously("update rp3440.baan.baan.tecsfc929230 set t_edat='" + sdate + "',t_etim='" + sdtim2 + "',t_autm='" + totalt + "' where t_cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and t_line='" + pristr2 + "' and t_nopr='" + pristr3 + "'"));
                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "cprj='" + pristr1 + "';line='" + pristr2 + "';nloc='" + nloc + "';posi='" + position + "';t_name='" + t_name + "';mkind='" + mkind + "';$('#FinishBtn').click();", true);
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc933_mdt set sdate='" + sdate + "',sdtim='" + sdtim2 + "',memno='" + Session["emplnet2"] + "'  where msfid=(select top 1 msfid from ecsfc933_mdt as t2 where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' order by msfid desc)");
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"update ecsfc929_memb set statuscode='1'  where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
                                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "cprj='" + pristr1 + "';line='" + pristr2 + "';nloc='" + nloc + "';posi='" + position + "';t_name='" + t_name + "';$('#StartBtn').click();", true);
                            if (Session["SF_SPTrigger"].ToString().Trim() == "0")
                                int totalm = connectionofc008_selectarray("select sdate,stuff(right('0000'+cast(sdtim as nvarchar),4),3,0,':') as sdt,edate,stuff(right('0000'+cast(edtim as nvarchar),4),3,0,':') as edt from ecsfc933_mdt where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'", countofgroup933);
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"update ecsfc929_memb set edate='" + sdate + "',edtim='" + sdtim2 + "',pfc='是',autm='" + totalm + "',statuscode='6'  where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc933_mdt set memno='" + Session["emplnet2"] + "' from ecsfc929_memb as t1 left join ecsfc933_mdt as t2 on t1.cprj=t2.cprj and t1.line=t2.line and t1.nopr=t2.nopr  where t1.cprj='" + pristr1 + " ' and t1.line='" + pristr2 + "' and t1.nopr='" + pristr3 + "' and t1.msfid=t2.msfid");
                                Task.Run(() => cc1.RunCommandAsynchronously("update rp3440.baan.baan.tecsfc929230 set t_edat='" + sdate + "',t_etim='" + sdtim2 + "',t_autm='" + totalm + "' where t_cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and t_line='" + pristr2 + "' and t_nopr='" + pristr3 + "'"));
                                //進行中完工 ok
                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "cprj='" + pristr1 + "';line='" + pristr2 + "';nloc='" + nloc + "';posi='" + position + "';t_name='" + t_name + "';mkind='" + mkind + "';$('#FinishBtn').click();", true);
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc933_mdt set edate='" + sdate + "',edtim='" + sdtim2 + "',memno='" + Session["emplnet2"] + "' where msfid=(select top 1 msfid from ecsfc933_mdt as t2 where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' order by msfid desc)");
                                this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"update ecsfc929_memb set statuscode='2'  where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
                                //補休停 ok
                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "cprj='" + pristr1 + "';line='" + pristr2 + "';nloc='" + nloc + "';posi='" + position + "';t_name='" + t_name + "';mkind='" + mkind + "';$('#PauseBtn').click();", true);
                    else if (Session["SF_SPTrigger"].ToString().Trim() != "1")//開工
                        if (pristr3 != "1")
                            Global.tempint1 = Convert.ToInt32(pristr3) - 1;
                            Global.tempvar2 = cc1.connectionofc008_select("select pfc from ecsfc929_memb where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + Global.tempint1 + "'", "pfc");
                        //if (Global.tempvar2 == "是" || pristr3 == "1")
                        this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"insert into ecsfc933_mdt(cprj,line,nopr,sdate,sdtim,emno,memno) values('" + pristr1 + "','" + pristr2 + "','" + pristr3 + "','" + datestr + "','" + timestr + "','" + specific_rowemno + "','" + Session["emplnet"].ToString() + "')");
                        this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify(@"update ecsfc929_memb set sdate='" + datestr + "',sdtim='" + timestr + "',code='*',statuscode='1' where cprj='" + pristr1 + "'and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "'");
                        Task.Run(() => cc1.RunCommandAsynchronously("update rp3440.baan.baan.tecsfc929230 set t_sdat='" + datestr + "',t_stim='" + timestr + "',t_code='*'  where t_cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and t_line='" + pristr2 + "' and t_nopr='" + pristr3 + "'"));
                        if (pristr2.Trim() == "P722")
                            Task.Run(() => cc1.RunCommandAsynchronously("update rp3440.baan.baan.tecsfc914230 set " + "t_adat_" + pristr3 + "='" + datestr + "' where t_cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and t_line='" + pristr2 + "'"));
                        if (pristr3 == "1" && cc1.connectionofc008_select("select distinct (case when(select t2.sdate from ecsfc929_memb as t2 where t2.cprj=t1.cprj and t2.nopr='1')<=t914.t_pdat_1 then 1 else 0 end) as InTime from ecsfc929_memb as t1 left join rp3440.baan.baan.tecsfc914230 as t914 on t1.cprj=t914.t_cprj and t1.line=t914.t_line where t1.cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and t1.line='" + pristr2 + "'", "InTime") == "0")
                            cc1.ReCalPreDate(pristr1, pristr2);
                        Session["change_mode"] = 1;
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "cprj='" + pristr1 + "';line='" + pristr2 + "';nloc='" + nloc + "';posi='" + position + "';t_name='" + t_name + "';mkind='" + mkind + "';$('#StartBtn').click();", true);
                        //    System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "opennewwindow", "alert('前一工程未完工不可補開目標工程!!');", true);
                        this.cc1.connectionofc008_modify("update ecsfc933_mdt set sdate='" + sdate + "',sdtim='" + sdtim2 + "',memno='" + Session["emplnet2"] + "' where msfid=(select top 1 msfid from ecsfc933_mdt as t2 where cprj='" + pristr1 + "' and line='" + pristr2 + "' and nopr='" + pristr3 + "' order by msfid desc)");
                        //System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "opennewwindow", "alert('目前為補開工模式!!');", true);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "sendSignals", "cprj='" + pristr1 + "';line='" + pristr2 + "';nloc='" + nloc + "';posi='" + position + "';t_name='" + t_name + "';mkind='" + mkind + "';$('#SNlocBtn').click();", true);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "nulltip2", "nulltip2();", true);
            else if (ab3.ID == "getnowtime")
                Session["nowtrigger"] = pristr1 + pristr2 + pristr3;