public virtual bool onMessageReadyToSend(ChatMessage msg)
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "TextChat listener: onMessageReadyToSend: " + msg.Text);

            if (mSession != null)
                mSession.sendSignal(SIGNAL_TYPE, msg.Text);
        public override void onSignalReceived(Session session, string type, string data, Connection connection)
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "onSignalReceived. Type: " + type + " data: " + data);
            ChatMessage msg = null;

            if (!connection.ConnectionId.Equals(mSession.Connection.ConnectionId))
                // The signal was sent from another participant. The sender ID is set to the sender's
                // connection ID. The sender alias is the value added as connection data when you
                // created the user's token.
                msg = new ChatMessage(connection.ConnectionId, connection.Data, data);
                // Add the new ChatMessage to the text-chat component
		public override void onSignalReceived(Session session, string type, string data, Connection connection)
			Log.d(LOGTAG, "onSignalReceived. Type: " + type + " data: " + data);
			ChatMessage msg = null;
			if (!connection.ConnectionId.Equals(mSession.Connection.ConnectionId))
				// The signal was sent from another participant. The sender ID is set to the sender's
				// connection ID. The sender alias is the value added as connection data when you
				// created the user's token.
				msg = new ChatMessage(connection.ConnectionId, connection.Data, data);
				// Add the new ChatMessage to the text-chat component
		public virtual bool onMessageReadyToSend(ChatMessage msg)
			Log.d(LOGTAG, "TextChat listener: onMessageReadyToSend: " + msg.Text);

			if (mSession != null)
				mSession.sendSignal(SIGNAL_TYPE, msg.Text);
			return msgError;