Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Add new ch_professions record
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pro1">ch_professions row you want to add </param>
    /// <returns>string of an error or a string.Empty if the action is completed</returns>
    public static string AddPro(ch_professions pro1)
        string strSql1 = "SELECT COUNT(pro_id) FROM ch_professions WHERE pro_name = '" + pro1.pro_Name + "'";
        int    num     = Convert.ToInt32(Connect.MathAction(strSql1, "ch_professions"));

        if (num > 0)
            return("המקצוע כבר קיים");

        string strSql = "INSERT INTO ch_professions(pro_name)  VALUES('" + pro1.pro_Name + "')";

        Connect.DoAction(strSql, "ch_professions");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Update ch_profession record from database using profession id
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">profession id of the profession you want to update</param>
    /// <param name="newPro1">the new profession you want to update</param>
    public static string UpdateProById(int id, ch_professions newPro1)
        string strSql1 = "SELECT COUNT(pro_id) FROM ch_professions WHERE pro_name = '" + newPro1.pro_Name + "' AND pro_id <>" + id;
        int    num     = Convert.ToInt32(Connect.MathAction(strSql1, "ch_professions"));

        if (num > 0)
            return("המקצוע כבר קיים");

        string strSql = "UPDATE ch_professions SET pro_name='" + newPro1.pro_Name + "' WHERE pro_id=" + id;

        Connect.DoAction(strSql, "ch_professions");

    protected void btn_update_pro_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)sender;
        GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;

        int     pro_id            = Convert.ToInt32(GVProfessions.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
        TextBox txt_edit_pro_name = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_edit_pro_name");

        if (txt_edit_pro_name.Text.Trim() != "")
            if (Regex.IsMatch(txt_edit_pro_name.Text.Trim(), @"^[א-תa-zA-Z''-'\s]{2,35}$"))
                //all vars to one object
                ch_professions pro1 = new ch_professions();
                pro1.pro_Name = txt_edit_pro_name.Text.Trim();

                string err = ch_professionsSvc.UpdateProById(pro_id, pro1);
                if (err == "")//אם העדכון התבצע
                    lblErrGV.Text           = string.Empty;
                    GVProfessions.EditIndex = -1;

                    //Bind data to GridView
                    DataSet dsProfessions = ch_professionsSvc.GetProfessions();
                    GridViewSvc.GVBind(dsProfessions, GVProfessions);
                    lblErrGV.Text = err;

                    //Bind data to GridView
                    DataSet dsProfessions = ch_professionsSvc.GetProfessions();
                    GridViewSvc.GVBind(dsProfessions, GVProfessions);
                lblErrGV.Text = "הכנס אותיות בין 2 ל 35 תווים";
            lblErrGV.Text = "הכנס מקצוע";
    protected void btn_insert_pro_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)sender;
        GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;

        TextBox txt_insert_pro_name = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_insert_pro_name");

        if (txt_insert_pro_name.Text.Trim() != "")
            if (Regex.IsMatch(txt_insert_pro_name.Text.Trim(), @"^[א-תa-zA-Z''-'\s]{2,35}$"))
                //all vars to one object
                ch_professions pro1 = new ch_professions();
                pro1.pro_Name = txt_insert_pro_name.Text.Trim();

                string err = ch_professionsSvc.AddPro(pro1);

                if (err == "")//אם ההכנסה התבצע
                    lblErrGV.Text            = "";
                    GVProfessions.ShowFooter = false;
                    btnInsert.Enabled        = true;

                    //Bind data to GridView
                    DataSet dsProfessions = ch_professionsSvc.GetProfessions();
                    GridViewSvc.GVBind(dsProfessions, GVProfessions);
                    lblErrGV.Text            = err;
                    txt_insert_pro_name.Text = "";
                    //Bind data to GridView
                    DataSet dsProfessions = ch_professionsSvc.GetProfessions();
                    GridViewSvc.GVBind(dsProfessions, GVProfessions);
                lblErrGV.Text = "הכנס אותיות בין 2 ל 35 תווים";
            lblErrGV.Text = "הכנס מקצוע";