Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (health <= 0)
            health = 0;
        if (type == cardType.Spell && autoUse == false)
            autoUse = true;
        if (extraEffect == cardEffect.None)
            target = cardTarget.None;
        // For UI:
        if (graphicImage != null && graphicHandler != null)
            graphicHandler.sprite = graphicImage;
        if (cardNameHandler != null)
            cardNameHandler.text = cardName;
        if (cardDescriptionHandler != null)
            cardDescriptionHandler.text = cardDescription;
        if (cardDamageHandler != null)
            cardDamageHandler.text = attackDamage.ToString();
        if (cardHealthHandler != null)
            cardHealthHandler.text = health.ToString();
        if (cardEnergyHandler != null)
            cardEnergyHandler.text = energyCost.ToString();

        //// IN THE BATTLEFIELD:
        if (placed == true)
            curDelay += Time.deltaTime;
            if (curDelay >= delay)
                curDelay = 0;
                placed   = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // If our V_CardActions component found a game manager then it means we're in a game.    -_- bad!
        // And if it's true then behave like in game:
        if (cActions.gm)
            if (health <= 0)
                health = 0;
            if (attackDamage <= 0)
                attackDamage = 0;
            if (speed <= 0)
                speed = 0;
            if (energyCost < 0)
                energyCost = 0;
            //stop event cards from staying in play. disable this if we ever have a a lasting event.
            if (type == cardType.Event && autoUse == false)
                autoUse = true;
            if (extraEffect == cardEffect.None)
                target = cardTarget.None;

            //// IN THE BATTLEFIELD:
            if (placed == true)
                curDelay += Time.deltaTime;
                if (curDelay >= delay)
                    curDelay = 0;
                    placed   = false;
                    DoEffect();                    //KEEP THIS FOR ETB EFFECTS

        // For UI:
        if (graphicImage != null && graphicHandler != null)
            graphicHandler.sprite = graphicImage;
        if (cardNameHandler != null)
            cardNameHandler.text = cardName;
        if (cardDescriptionHandler != null)
            cardDescriptionHandler.text = cardDescription;
        if (cardDamageHandler != null)
            cardDamageHandler.text = attackDamage.ToString();
        if (cardHealthHandler != null)
            cardHealthHandler.text = health.ToString();
        if (cardEnergyHandler != null)
            cardEnergyHandler.text = energyCost.ToString();
        if (cardSpeedHandler != null)
            cardSpeedHandler.text = speed.ToString();
        // Disable scripts (including this) when in main menu:
        ///wait why not just have a gamestate enum in the manager???
        if (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "MainMenu")   //add gamestate to fix this...
            cActions.enabled = false;
            this.enabled     = false;