Ejemplo n.º 1
 public IntPoint(DoublePoint dp)
   this.X = (cInt)dp.X; this.Y = (cInt)dp.Y; this.Z = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public IntPoint(cInt X, cInt Y)
     this.X = X; this.Y = Y;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public IntPoint(cInt x, cInt y, cInt z = 0)
   this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public IntPoint(double x, double y, double z = 0)
   this.X = (cInt)x; this.Y = (cInt)y; this.Z = (cInt)z;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public IntPoint(double x, double y, double z = 0)
     this.X = (cInt)x; this.Y = (cInt)y; this.Z = (cInt)z;
Ejemplo n.º 6

      bool GetOverlap(cInt a1, cInt a2, cInt b1, cInt b2, out cInt Left, out cInt Right)
        if (a1 < a2)
          if (b1 < b2) {Left = Math.Max(a1,b1); Right = Math.Min(a2,b2);}
          else {Left = Math.Max(a1,b2); Right = Math.Min(a2,b1);}
          if (b1 < b2) {Left = Math.Max(a2,b1); Right = Math.Min(a1,b2);}
          else { Left = Math.Max(a2, b2); Right = Math.Min(a1, b1); }
        return Left < Right;
Ejemplo n.º 7

      private void BuildIntersectList(cInt botY, cInt topY)
        if ( m_ActiveEdges == null ) return;

        //prepare for sorting ...
        TEdge e = m_ActiveEdges;
        m_SortedEdges = e;
        while( e != null )
          e.PrevInSEL = e.PrevInAEL;
          e.NextInSEL = e.NextInAEL;
          e.Curr.X = TopX( e, topY );
          e = e.NextInAEL;

        //bubblesort ...
        bool isModified = true;
        while( isModified && m_SortedEdges != null )
          isModified = false;
          e = m_SortedEdges;
          while( e.NextInSEL != null )
            TEdge eNext = e.NextInSEL;
            IntPoint pt;
            if (e.Curr.X > eNext.Curr.X)
                if (!IntersectPoint(e, eNext, out pt) && e.Curr.X > eNext.Curr.X +1)
                    throw new ClipperException("Intersection error");
                if (pt.Y > botY)
                    pt.Y = botY;
                    if (Math.Abs(e.Dx) > Math.Abs(eNext.Dx))
                      pt.X = TopX(eNext, botY); else
                      pt.X = TopX(e, botY);
                InsertIntersectNode(e, eNext, pt);
                SwapPositionsInSEL(e, eNext);
                isModified = true;
              e = eNext;
          if( e.PrevInSEL != null ) e.PrevInSEL.NextInSEL = null;
          else break;
        m_SortedEdges = null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public IntRect(cInt l, cInt t, cInt r, cInt b)
   this.left = l; this.top = t;
   this.right = r; this.bottom = b;
Ejemplo n.º 9

      void GetHorzDirection(TEdge HorzEdge, out Direction Dir, out cInt Left, out cInt Right)
        if (HorzEdge.Bot.X < HorzEdge.Top.X)
          Left = HorzEdge.Bot.X;
          Right = HorzEdge.Top.X;
          Dir = Direction.dLeftToRight;
        } else
          Left = HorzEdge.Top.X;
          Right = HorzEdge.Bot.X;
          Dir = Direction.dRightToLeft;
Ejemplo n.º 10

      private bool ProcessIntersections(cInt botY, cInt topY)
        if( m_ActiveEdges == null ) return true;
        try {
          BuildIntersectList(botY, topY);
          if ( m_IntersectNodes == null) return true;
          if (m_IntersectNodes.Next == null || FixupIntersectionOrder()) 
              return false;
        catch {
          m_SortedEdges = null;
          throw new ClipperException("ProcessIntersections error");
        m_SortedEdges = null;
        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11

      private void InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(cInt botY)
        while(  m_CurrentLM != null  && ( m_CurrentLM.Y == botY ) )
          TEdge lb = m_CurrentLM.LeftBound;
          TEdge rb = m_CurrentLM.RightBound;

          OutPt Op1 = null;
          if (lb == null)
            InsertEdgeIntoAEL(rb, null);
            if (IsContributing(rb))
              Op1 = AddOutPt(rb, rb.Bot);
            InsertEdgeIntoAEL(lb, null);
            InsertEdgeIntoAEL(rb, lb);
            rb.WindCnt = lb.WindCnt;
            rb.WindCnt2 = lb.WindCnt2;
            if (IsContributing(lb))
              Op1 = AddLocalMinPoly(lb, rb, lb.Bot);


          if (IsHorizontal(rb))
            InsertScanbeam( rb.Top.Y );

          if (lb == null) continue;

          //if output polygons share an Edge with a horizontal rb, they'll need joining later ...
          if (Op1 != null && IsHorizontal(rb) && 
            m_GhostJoins.Count > 0 && rb.WindDelta != 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_GhostJoins.Count; i++)
              //if the horizontal Rb and a 'ghost' horizontal overlap, then convert
              //the 'ghost' join to a real join ready for later ...
              Join j = m_GhostJoins[i];
              if (HorzSegmentsOverlap(j.OutPt1.Pt, j.OffPt, rb.Bot, rb.Top))
                AddJoin(j.OutPt1, Op1, j.OffPt);

          if (lb.OutIdx >= 0 && lb.PrevInAEL != null &&
            lb.PrevInAEL.Curr.X == lb.Bot.X &&
            lb.PrevInAEL.OutIdx >= 0 &&
            SlopesEqual(lb.PrevInAEL, lb, m_UseFullRange) &&
            lb.WindDelta != 0 && lb.PrevInAEL.WindDelta != 0)
            OutPt Op2 = AddOutPt(lb.PrevInAEL, lb.Bot);
            AddJoin(Op1, Op2, lb.Top);

          if( lb.NextInAEL != rb )

            if (rb.OutIdx >= 0 && rb.PrevInAEL.OutIdx >= 0 &&
              SlopesEqual(rb.PrevInAEL, rb, m_UseFullRange) &&
              rb.WindDelta != 0 && rb.PrevInAEL.WindDelta != 0)
              OutPt Op2 = AddOutPt(rb.PrevInAEL, rb.Bot);
              AddJoin(Op1, Op2, rb.Top);

            TEdge e = lb.NextInAEL;
            if (e != null)
              while (e != rb)
                //nb: For calculating winding counts etc, IntersectEdges() assumes
                //that param1 will be to the right of param2 ABOVE the intersection ...
                IntersectEdges(rb, e, lb.Curr); //order important here
                e = e.NextInAEL;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void InsertScanbeam(cInt Y)
   if( m_Scanbeam == null )
     m_Scanbeam = new Scanbeam();
     m_Scanbeam.Next = null;
     m_Scanbeam.Y = Y;
   else if(  Y > m_Scanbeam.Y )
     Scanbeam newSb = new Scanbeam();
     newSb.Y = Y;
     newSb.Next = m_Scanbeam;
     m_Scanbeam = newSb;
   } else
     Scanbeam sb2 = m_Scanbeam;
     while( sb2.Next != null  && ( Y <= sb2.Next.Y ) ) sb2 = sb2.Next;
     if(  Y == sb2.Y ) return; //ie ignores duplicates
     Scanbeam newSb = new Scanbeam();
     newSb.Y = Y;
     newSb.Next = sb2.Next;
     sb2.Next = newSb;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public IntPoint(IntPoint pt)
     this.X = pt.X; this.Y = pt.Y; this.Z = pt.Z;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public IntPoint(double x, double y)
   this.X = (cInt)x; this.Y = (cInt)y;
Ejemplo n.º 15

      private static cInt TopX(TEdge edge, cInt currentY)
          if (currentY == edge.Top.Y)
              return edge.Top.X;
          return edge.Bot.X + Round(edge.Dx *(currentY - edge.Bot.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public IntPoint(IntPoint pt)
     this.X = pt.X; this.Y = pt.Y;
Ejemplo n.º 17

      private void ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(cInt topY)
        TEdge e = m_ActiveEdges;
        while(e != null)
          //1. process maxima, treating them as if they're 'bent' horizontal edges,
          //   but exclude maxima with horizontal edges. nb: e can't be a horizontal.
          bool IsMaximaEdge = IsMaxima(e, topY);

            TEdge eMaxPair = GetMaximaPair(e);
            IsMaximaEdge = (eMaxPair == null || !IsHorizontal(eMaxPair));

            TEdge ePrev = e.PrevInAEL;
            if( ePrev == null) e = m_ActiveEdges;
            else e = ePrev.NextInAEL;
            //2. promote horizontal edges, otherwise update Curr.X and Curr.Y ...
            if (IsIntermediate(e, topY) && IsHorizontal(e.NextInLML))
              UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(ref e);
              if (e.OutIdx >= 0)
                AddOutPt(e, e.Bot);
              e.Curr.X = TopX( e, topY );
              e.Curr.Y = topY;

            if (StrictlySimple)
              TEdge ePrev = e.PrevInAEL;
              if ((e.OutIdx >= 0) && (e.WindDelta != 0) && ePrev != null &&
                (ePrev.OutIdx >= 0) && (ePrev.Curr.X == e.Curr.X) &&
                (ePrev.WindDelta != 0))
                OutPt op = AddOutPt(ePrev, e.Curr);
                OutPt op2 = AddOutPt(e, e.Curr);
                AddJoin(op, op2, e.Curr); //StrictlySimple (type-3) join

            e = e.NextInAEL;

        //3. Process horizontals at the Top of the scanbeam ...

        //4. Promote intermediate vertices ...
        e = m_ActiveEdges;
        while (e != null)
          if(IsIntermediate(e, topY))
            OutPt op = null;
            if( e.OutIdx >= 0 ) 
              op = AddOutPt(e, e.Top);
            UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(ref e);

            //if output polygons share an edge, they'll need joining later ...
            TEdge ePrev = e.PrevInAEL;
            TEdge eNext = e.NextInAEL;
            if (ePrev != null && ePrev.Curr.X == e.Bot.X &&
              ePrev.Curr.Y == e.Bot.Y && op != null &&
              ePrev.OutIdx >= 0 && ePrev.Curr.Y > ePrev.Top.Y &&
              SlopesEqual(e, ePrev, m_UseFullRange) &&
              (e.WindDelta != 0) && (ePrev.WindDelta != 0))
              OutPt op2 = AddOutPt(ePrev, e.Bot);
              AddJoin(op, op2, e.Top);
            else if (eNext != null && eNext.Curr.X == e.Bot.X &&
              eNext.Curr.Y == e.Bot.Y && op != null &&
              eNext.OutIdx >= 0 && eNext.Curr.Y > eNext.Top.Y &&
              SlopesEqual(e, eNext, m_UseFullRange) &&
              (e.WindDelta != 0) && (eNext.WindDelta != 0))
              OutPt op2 = AddOutPt(eNext, e.Bot);
              AddJoin(op, op2, e.Top);
          e = e.NextInAEL;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public IntRect(IntRect ir)
   this.left = ir.left; this.top = ir.top;
   this.right = ir.right; this.bottom = ir.bottom;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public IntPoint(cInt x, cInt y, cInt z = 0)
     this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z;