Ejemplo n.º 1
    public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_Action_Detail(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        db_maria_connection         db = new db_maria_connection();

        string where = "";
        if (bl.Roll_id == "2")
            where += " and rd.securitycode=@securitycode ";
        string st = @"select ra.action_id, ra.rti_id, ra.officer_mapping_id, ra.action_detail,
        IF(ra.IsMeeting = 'Y', 'YES', 'NO') as IsMeeting, DATE_FORMAT(ra.meeting_date,'%d-%m-%Y') as meeting_date,
        IF(ra.IsUpload = 'Y', 'YES', 'NO') as IsUpload, dl.DisplayName_en as rti_status, DATE_FORMAT(rd.rti_DateTime,'%d-%m-%Y: %H:%i:%s') as rti_date,
		 emp_map.emp_code, emp.Name_en as Emp_Name, emp.NewOfficeCode, ofc.OfficeName, DATE_FORMAT(ra.action_date,'%d-%m-%Y') as action_date ,
         emp_map.base_department_id, bd.dept_name, emp_map.district_id_ofc, dis.District_Name_En, af.action_fileID, 
        (case when ra.IsUpload ='Y' then af.action_fileID else 'No File' end) as file_ID
		 from rti_action as ra 
       inner join emp_office_mapping as emp_map on ra.officer_mapping_id = emp_map.office_mapping_id
       inner join employee_table as emp on emp_map.emp_code = emp.emp_id
       inner join office as ofc on ofc.NewOfficeCode = emp.NewOfficeCode
       inner join basedepartment as bd on emp_map.base_department_id = bd.dept_id
       inner join districts as dis on dis.District_ID = emp_map.district_id_ofc
       inner join ddl_list as dl on dl.DDL_Name_Value = ra.`dept_status` and dl.Category='Permission'
       inner join rti_detail as rd on ra.rti_id = rd.rti_id 
       left join action_files as af on af.action_id = ra.action_id and af.rti_id = ra.rti_id
       where ra.rti_id=@rti_id  " + where + " order by entry_date_time ASC";

        MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[]
            new MySqlParameter("rti_id", bl.Rti_id),
            new MySqlParameter("securitycode", bl.Security_code)
        rt = db.executeSelectQuery(st, pm);
    }  // End
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["username"] == null)
            bl_rti_emp bl = new bl_rti_emp();
            dl_rti_emp dl = new dl_rti_emp();
            ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt2 = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
            bl.User_id       = Session["username"].ToString();
            bl.Office_map_id = Session["EmpMapID"].ToString();
            rt2 = dl.Get_EmpDesName(bl);
            if (rt2.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                lbl_UserName.Text = rt2.table.Rows[0]["Name_en"].ToString().ToUpper();
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());

                string    key = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EncKey"].ToString();
                Utilities ut  = new Utilities();
                string    sas = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["rtiid"].ToString());
                sas = sas.Replace(" ", "+");
                string decrypt_query_string = ut.Decrypt_AES(sas, key);
                bl1.Rti_id            = decrypt_query_string;
                sas                   = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["empid"].ToString());
                sas                   = sas.Replace(" ", "+");
                decrypt_query_string  = ut.Decrypt_AES(sas, key);
                bl1.Office_mapping_id = Session["EmpMapID"].ToString();
                //bl1.Rti_id = Request.QueryString["rtiid"];
                //bl1.Office_mapping_id = Request.QueryString["emp_ofc_map_id"];

                rd = dl1.applicantDetail(bl1);
                if (rd.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    txt_applicationNo.Text      = rd.table.Rows[0]["rti_id"].ToString();
                    txt_mobileNo.Text           = rd.table.Rows[0]["Mobile_No"].ToString();
                    txt_applicantName.Text      = rd.table.Rows[0]["Applicant_Name_en"].ToString();
                    txt_applicantAddress.Text   = rd.table.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString();
                    txt_subject.Text            = rd.table.Rows[0]["rti_Subject"].ToString();
                    txt_date.Text               = rd.table.Rows[0]["rti_DateTime"].ToString();
                    txt_application_status.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["DisplayName_en"].ToString();
                    //txt_dept.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["dept_name"].ToString();
                    //txt_ofc.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["OfficeName"].ToString();
                    string t = rd.table.Rows[0]["degid"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    }  // End

    public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable GetRoll_ID(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = null;// = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        db_maria_connection         db = new db_maria_connection();
        string str = @"select lo.RollID from login lo
                       where lo.UserID=@user";

        MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[] {
            new MySqlParameter("user", bl.User_id)
        dt = db.executeSelectQuery(str, pm);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    }  // End

    public ReturnClass.ReturnBool Set_IsNew(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnBool rt = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool();
        db_maria_connection    db = new db_maria_connection();
        string st = @" update rti_status  set IsNew='N' where rti_id=@Rti_id ";

        MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[]
            new MySqlParameter("Rti_id", bl.Rti_id)
        rt = db.executeUpdateQuery(st, pm);
        //rt = db.executeSelectQuery(st, pm);
    }  // End of Get_EmpDesName
Ejemplo n.º 5
    }  // End of Get_EmpDesName

    public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_Office(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        db_maria_connection         db = new db_maria_connection();
        string st = @"  select lo.LoginID, emp_map.office_mapping_id, emp_map.designation_id, des.Designation_Name, emp_map.office_id,  
                        ofc.OfficeName from login as lo 
                        inner join emp_office_mapping as emp_map on lo.LoginID = emp_map.emp_code
                        inner join designation as des on emp_map.designation_id = des.Designation_ID
                        inner join office as ofc on ofc.NewOfficeCode = emp_map.office_id
                        where lo.UserID=@UserId ";

        MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[]
            new MySqlParameter("UserId", bl.User_id)
        rt = db.executeSelectQuery(st, pm);
    }  // End of Get_EmpDesName
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)

        bl_rti_emp bl = new bl_rti_emp();
        dl_rti_emp dl = new dl_rti_emp();

        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        if (Session["username"] != null)
            bl.User_id = Session["username"].ToString();
            string rollid = null;
            rt = dl.GetRoll_ID(bl);
            if (rt.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (Session["role"] == null)
                    rollid = rt.table.Rows[0]["RollID"].ToString();
                    rollid = Session["role"].ToString();         // This has been added on 26/sep/2017

                if (rollid == "2")      // User  ROll ID
                    this.MasterPageFile = "~/UserMaster.master";
                else if (rollid == "3")
                    this.MasterPageFile = "~/Master_employee.master";
                //else if (rollid == "1")

                //    this.MasterPageFile = "~/admin_master.master";
                //else if (rollid == "4" || rollid == "5")
                //    this.MasterPageFile = "~/master_dio.master";
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable GetRequestCount(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = null;//= new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        db_maria_connection         db = new db_maria_connection();
        string qr = "";


            string query = @" select distinct(select count(status) from rti_status where officer_maping_id=@ofc_map_id ) as total,
                (select count(status) from rti_status where status=@status and officer_maping_id=@ofc_map_id )as complete ,
                (select count(status) from rti_status where status<>@status and officer_maping_id=@ofc_map_id )as pending
                 from rti_status rd";
            if (bl.RequestStatus == "REG")
                qr = " select count(status) as RequestCount from rti_status where officer_maping_id=@ofc_map_id AND IsValid='Y' ";
            else if (bl.RequestStatus == "PEN")
                qr = " select count(status) as RequestCount from rti_status where officer_maping_id=@ofc_map_id AND IsValid='Y' " +
                     " and (status='PEN' OR status='REG') ";
                qr = " select count(status) as RequestCount from rti_status where officer_maping_id=@ofc_map_id AND IsValid='Y' " +
                     " and status='CLT' ";

            MySqlParameter[] pr = new MySqlParameter[] {
                new MySqlParameter("ofc_map_id", bl.Office_map_id),
                new MySqlParameter("status", bl.RequestStatus)
            dt        = db.executeSelectQuery(query, pr);
            dt.status = true;

        catch (Exception Ex)
            dt.status  = false;
            dt.message = Ex.Message;
    } // End of GetRequestCount
Ejemplo n.º 8
    }  // End of Get_EmpDesName

    public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_RTI_Data(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        db_maria_connection         db = new db_maria_connection();
        string st = @"  select rd.rti_id, rd.Applicant_Name_en, rd.rti_Subject, 
                        IF(rd.Is_BPL = 'Y', 'YES', 'NO') as Is_BPL,  DATE_FORMAT(rd.rti_DateTime,'%m-%d-%Y :%H:%i:%s') as rti_DateTime, 
                        rd.Mobile_No, ddl.DisplayName_en as Gender, st.action_id, ddl2.DisplayName_en as rti_status, st.IsNew, ddl3.DisplayName_en as DeptStatus from rti_detail rd 
                        inner join rti_status st on rd.rti_id=st.rti_id
                        inner join ddl_list ddl on rd.Gender = ddl.DDL_Name_Value and ddl.Category='Gender'
                        inner join ddl_list ddl2 on st.status = ddl2.DDL_Name_Value and ddl2.Category='RTIStatus'
                        left join ddl_list ddl3 on st.DeptStatus = ddl3.DDL_Name_Value and ddl3.Category='Permission'
                        where st.officer_maping_id = @office_map_id order by rd.rti_id DESC";

        MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[]
            new MySqlParameter("office_map_id", bl.Office_map_id)
        rt = db.executeSelectQuery(st, pm);
    }  // End
Ejemplo n.º 9
    } // End of GetRequestCount

    public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_EmpDesName(bl_rti_emp bl)
        ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
        db_maria_connection         db = new db_maria_connection();
        string st = @"select et.Name_en, emp.office_mapping_id, dg.Designation_Name, of.OfficeName, bd.dept_name							   from emp_office_mapping emp
    inner join employee_table et on et.emp_id=emp.emp_code
     inner join designation dg on dg.Designation_ID= emp.designation_id
     inner join office of on of.NewOfficeCode=emp.office_id
     inner JOIN basedepartment bd on bd.dept_id=emp.base_department_id                       
           where emp.office_mapping_id=@empmapid";

        //@" select lo.LoginID, emp.Name_en from login as lo
        //           inner join employee_table as emp on lo.LoginID = emp.emp_id
        //           where lo.UserID=@UserId ";
        MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[]
            new MySqlParameter("UserId", bl.User_id),
            new MySqlParameter("empmapid", bl.Office_map_id)
        rt = db.executeSelectQuery(st, pm);
    }  // End of Get_EmpDesName
Ejemplo n.º 10
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        comval1.ValueToCompare   = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
        comp_date.ValueToCompare = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
        calex_from.EndDate       = DateTime.Now;
        if (Session["username"] == null)
            bl_rti_emp bl = new bl_rti_emp();
            dl_rti_emp dl = new dl_rti_emp();
            ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rt2 = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable();
            bl.User_id       = Session["username"].ToString();
            bl.Office_map_id = Session["EmpMapID"].ToString();
            rt2 = dl.Get_EmpDesName(bl);
            if (rt2.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                lbl_UserName.Text = rt2.table.Rows[0]["Name_en"].ToString().ToUpper();
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
                CalendarExtender2.StartDate = DateTime.Now;

                string    key = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EncKey"].ToString();
                Utilities ut  = new Utilities();
                string    sas = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["rtiid"].ToString());
                sas = sas.Replace(" ", "+");
                string decrypt_query_string = ut.Decrypt_AES(sas, key);
                bl1.Rti_id            = decrypt_query_string;
                sas                   = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["empid"].ToString());
                sas                   = sas.Replace(" ", "+");
                decrypt_query_string  = ut.Decrypt_AES(sas, key);
                bl1.Office_mapping_id = Session["EmpMapID"].ToString();
                //bl1.Rti_id = Request.QueryString["rtiid"];
                //bl1.Office_mapping_id = Request.QueryString["emp_ofc_map_id"];

                rd = dl1.applicantDetail(bl1);
                if (rd.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    txt_applicationNo.Text      = rd.table.Rows[0]["rti_id"].ToString();
                    txt_mobileNo.Text           = rd.table.Rows[0]["Mobile_No"].ToString();
                    txt_applicantName.Text      = rd.table.Rows[0]["Applicant_Name_en"].ToString();
                    txt_applicantAddress.Text   = rd.table.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString();
                    txt_subject.Text            = rd.table.Rows[0]["rti_Subject"].ToString();
                    txt_date.Text               = rd.table.Rows[0]["rti_DateTime"].ToString();
                    txt_application_status.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["DisplayName_en"].ToString();
                    //txt_dept.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["dept_name"].ToString();
                    //txt_ofc.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["OfficeName"].ToString();
                    string t = rd.table.Rows[0]["degid"].ToString();
                    if (t == "1" || t == "2")
                        div_meeting.Visible = true;
                        div_meeting.Visible = false;

                div_forward.Visible = false;
                ddl_status.SelectedValue = "0";
                // If there is an rti Data then show it
                rd = dl1.GetRTIDetails(bl1);
                if (rd.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    h_IsRtiData.Value = "Y";
                    //ddl_status.SelectedValue = "DIS";
                    div_dispose.Visible = true;

                    rfv_txt_amount.Enabled = true;
                    txt_result.Text        = rd.table.Rows[0]["result_description"].ToString();
                    string filename = rd.table.Rows[0]["FileName"].ToString();
                    if (filename != null && filename != "")
                        ddl_rti_file.SelectedValue = "Y";
                        div_file_rti.Visible       = true;
                        lnk_file_rti.Visible       = true;
                        txt_desc_rti.Text          = rd.table.Rows[0]["FileDescription"].ToString();
                        lnk_file_rti.Visible = false;
                    string ismeeting = rd.table.Rows[0]["IsMeetingFix"].ToString();
                    if (ismeeting == "Y")
                        div_meeting.Visible        = true;
                        RadioMeeting.SelectedValue = "Y";
                        div_meet_date.Visible      = true;
                        txt_meeting.Text           = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                        div_meeting.Visible        = true;
                        RadioMeeting.SelectedValue = "N";
                    string isadditionalfees = rd.table.Rows[0]["IsAdditionalFees"].ToString();
                    if (isadditionalfees == "Y")
                        div_additional_fees.Visible           = true;
                        rbl_additional_fees_rti.SelectedValue = "Y";
                        txt_amount.Text = rd.table.Rows[0]["FeesAmount"].ToString();
                        rbl_additional_fees_rti.SelectedValue = "N";
                } // End of if count