private void pictureBox1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog o = new OpenFileDialog()) { o.Title = "Select a plugin (.json) file"; o.Filter = "Pro Swapper Plugin (*.json)|*.json|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if (o.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { string filedata = File.ReadAllText(o.FileName); api.Item pluginitem = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <api.Item>(filedata); if (pluginitem.Zlib == true) { new ZlibSwap(pluginitem).ShowDialog(); } else { new OodleSwap(pluginitem).ShowDialog(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("That's not a valid plugin! Plugins must be in a Json format! Please read Plugins Tutorial for more information", "Pro Swapper", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } } }
public Lobby(UI.Splash splash) { InitializeComponent(); string FNCosmeticsPath = global.ProSwapperFolder + "lobby.ProSwapper"; Icon = Main.appIcon; BackColor = global.MainMenu; CurrentCID = new Item(); var asset = new Asset(); asset.AssetPath = "FortniteGame/AssetRegistry.bin"; asset.UcasFile = "pakchunk0-WindowsClient.pak";//Asset registry is always in pakchunk0 coz ue4 moment asset.Search = new string[1] { $"" }; asset.Replace = new string[1] { $"" }; CurrentCID.Asset = new Asset[1] { asset }; if (global.allskins == null) { SkinSearch.Root allitems = new(); download : double TimeNow = global.GetEpochTime(); if (global.CurrentConfig.LobbyLastOpened + 86400 < TimeNow) { //More than 24hrs have passed allitems = msgpack.MsgPacklz4 <SkinSearch.Root>($"{api.FNAPIEndpoint}v2/cosmetics/br?responseFormat=msgpack_lz4&responseOptions=ignore_null"); File.WriteAllText(FNCosmeticsPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allitems)); global.CurrentConfig.LobbyLastOpened = TimeNow; global.SaveConfig(); } else { if (!File.Exists(FNCosmeticsPath)) { global.CurrentConfig.LobbyLastOpened = 0; goto download; } allitems = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkinSearch.Root>(File.ReadAllText(FNCosmeticsPath)); } global.allskins = new SkinSearch.Root(); = => CIDSelection.actuallyUsingBackends.Any(x.type.backendValue.Equals)).ToArray(); } splash.Invoke(new Action(() => { splash.Close(); })); }
public GridItem(api.Item i) { InitializeComponent(); backgroundWorker1.DoWork += delegate { pictureBox1.Image = global.ItemIcon(i.ToImage); }; backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); pictureBox1.Click += delegate { new OodleSwap(i).Show(); }; label1.Text = i.SwapsTo.Split('|')[0]; backgroundWorker1.Dispose(); }
private void AddItem(api.Item item) { int buttonx = 154; int buttony = 161; PictureBox picturebox = new PictureBox { SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom, Size = new Size(buttonx, buttony), Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; picturebox.Click += delegate { new OodleSwap(item).Show(); Close(); }; Label lbl = new Label { ForeColor = global.TextColor, Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 7f, FontStyle.Regular), Location = new Point(picturebox.Location.X, picturebox.Location.Y + 160), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top }; if (IsSwapOption) { lbl.Text = item.SwapsFrom; picturebox.Image = global.ItemIcon(item.FromImage); } else { lbl.Text = item.SwapsTo; picturebox.Image = global.ItemIcon(item.ToImage); } Panel panel = new Panel { Size = new Size(buttonx + 10, buttony + 50) }; panel.Controls.Add(picturebox); panel.Controls.Add(lbl); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(panel); }
public ZlibSwap(api.Item item) { InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Main.appIcon; RPC.SetState(item.SwapsFrom + " To " + item.SwapsTo, true); ThisItem = item; string swaptext = ThisItem.SwapsFrom + " --> " + ThisItem.SwapsTo; Text = swaptext; label1.Text = swaptext; image.Image = global.ItemIcon(ThisItem.FromImage); swapsfrom.Image = global.ItemIcon(ThisItem.ToImage); Region = Region.FromHrgn(Main.CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 30, 30)); BackColor = global.MainMenu; logbox.BackColor = global.MainMenu; ConvertB.ForeColor = global.TextColor; ConvertB.BackColor = global.Button; ConvertB.Activecolor = global.Button; ConvertB.Normalcolor = global.Button; RevertB.ForeColor = global.TextColor; RevertB.BackColor = global.Button; RevertB.Activecolor = global.Button; RevertB.Normalcolor = global.Button; logbox.ForeColor = global.TextColor; if (global.CurrentConfig.swaplogs.Contains(ThisItem.SwapsFrom + " To " + ThisItem.SwapsTo + " (Lobby),")) { label3.ForeColor = Color.Lime; label3.Text = "ON"; } else { label3.ForeColor = Color.Red; label3.Text = "OFF"; if (ThisItem.Note != null) { MessageBox.Show("Warning for " + ThisItem.SwapsTo + ": " + ThisItem.Note, ThisItem.SwapsFrom + " - " + ThisItem.SwapsTo, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
public static bool SwapZlib(api.Item item, bool Converting) { const string ProSwapperPakFolder = "Pro Swapper Lobby"; string PaksLocation = global.CurrentConfig.Paks; //Load the exporter List <string> thesefiles = new List <string>(); foreach (var Asset in item.Asset) { thesefiles.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Asset.UcasFile)); } List <string> UsingFiles = thesefiles.Distinct().ToList(); if (!global.CanSwap(UsingFiles)) { return(false); } foreach (string file in UsingFiles) { string BaseFileName = $"{PaksLocation}\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}\\{file}"; //Check if it may be old game version string OriginalSig = global.FileToMd5($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.sig"); string ModifiedSig = global.FileToMd5(BaseFileName + ".sig"); if (OriginalSig != ModifiedSig) { Lobby.RevertAllLobbySwaps(); } if (!File.Exists(BaseFileName + ".pak")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(PaksLocation + $"\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}"); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.sig", BaseFileName + ".sig", true); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.utoc", BaseFileName + ".utoc", true); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.ucas", BaseFileName + ".ucas", true); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.pak", BaseFileName + ".pak", true); } } var Provider = new DefaultFileProvider($"{PaksLocation}\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); Provider.Initialize(UsingFiles); //Load all aes keys for required files, cleaner in linq than doing a loop Provider.UnloadedVfs.All(x => { Provider.SubmitKey(x.EncryptionKeyGuid, api.AESKey); return(true); }); List <FinalPastes> finalPastes = new List <FinalPastes>(); foreach (api.Asset asset in item.Asset) { string ucasfile = $"{PaksLocation}\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}\\{asset.UcasFile}"; //Checking if file is readonly coz we wouldn't be able to do shit with it File.SetAttributes(ucasfile, global.RemoveAttribute(File.GetAttributes(ucasfile), FileAttributes.ReadOnly)); foreach (string srch in asset.Search) { SearchString = srch; Fortnite.FortniteExport.ExportAsset(Provider, asset.UcasFile, asset.AssetPath); byte[] edited = EditAsset(zlibblock.decompressed, asset, Converting, out bool Compress); //Compressed edited path byte[] towrite = ByteCompression.Compress(edited); //Compress to zlib towrite = FillEnd(towrite, zlibblock.compressed.Length); finalPastes.Add(new FinalPastes(ucasfile, towrite, zlibblock.BlockStart)); } // if (Converting) // SearchString = asset.Search[0]; // else // SearchString = asset.Replace[0]; // //Use this to define zlibblock var // Fortnite.FortniteExport.ExportAsset(Provider, asset.UcasFile, asset.AssetPath); //#if DEBUG // Directory.CreateDirectory("Exports"); // string smallname = Path.GetFileName(asset.AssetPath); // File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\Exported_{smallname}.pak", zlibblock.decompressed);//Just simple export // // File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\RawExport_{smallname}.pak", RawExported);//Uncompress exported by CUE4Parse //#endif // //edit files and compress with oodle and replace // byte[] edited = EditAsset(zlibblock.decompressed, asset, Converting, out bool Compress);//Compressed edited path // if (!Compress)//File hasnt gotten any changes, no need to edit files that havent changed // continue; // byte[] towrite = ByteCompression.Compress(edited);//Compress to zlib // towrite = FillEnd(towrite, zlibblock.compressed.Length); //#if DEBUG // //Logging stuff for devs hehe // File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\Edited_{smallname}.pak", edited);//Edited export // File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\Compressed{smallname}.pak", towrite);//Compressed edited export //#endif // finalPastes.Add(new FinalPastes(ucasfile, towrite, zlibblock.BlockStart)); } Provider.Dispose(); foreach (FinalPastes pastes in finalPastes) { PasteInLocationBytes(pastes); } return(true); }
public static bool SwapItem(api.Item item, bool Converting) { const string ProSwapperPakFolder = ".ProSwapper"; List <string> UsingFiles = new List <string>(); UsingFiles.AddRange(item.Asset.Select(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x.UcasFile)).Distinct()); if (!global.CanSwap(UsingFiles)) { return(false); } foreach (string file in UsingFiles) { string BaseFileName = $"{PaksLocation}\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}\\{file}"; //Check if it may be old game version string OriginalSig = global.FileToMd5($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.sig"); string ModifiedSig = global.FileToMd5(BaseFileName + ".sig"); if (OriginalSig != ModifiedSig) { global.DeleteFile(BaseFileName + ".sig"); global.DeleteFile(BaseFileName + ".utoc"); global.DeleteFile(BaseFileName + ".ucas"); global.DeleteFile(BaseFileName + ".pak"); } if (!File.Exists(BaseFileName + ".ucas")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(PaksLocation + $"\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}"); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.sig", BaseFileName + ".sig", true); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.utoc", BaseFileName + ".utoc", true); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.ucas", BaseFileName + ".ucas", true); File.Copy($"{PaksLocation}\\{file}.pak", BaseFileName + ".pak", true); } } var Provider = new DefaultFileProvider($"{PaksLocation}\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); Provider.Initialize(UsingFiles); //Load all aes keys for required files, cleaner in linq than doing a loop Provider.UnloadedVfs.All(x => { Provider.SubmitKey(x.EncryptionKeyGuid, api.AESKey); return(true); }); List <FinalPastes> finalPastes = new List <FinalPastes>(); foreach (api.Asset asset in item.Asset) { string ucasfile = $"{PaksLocation}\\{ProSwapperPakFolder}\\{asset.UcasFile}"; File.SetAttributes(ucasfile, global.RemoveAttribute(File.GetAttributes(ucasfile), FileAttributes.ReadOnly)); byte[] exportasset = Fortnite.FortniteExport.ExportAsset(Provider, asset.UcasFile, asset.AssetPath); // Directory.CreateDirectory("Exports"); string smallname = Path.GetFileName(asset.AssetPath); #if DEBUG File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\Exported_{smallname}.pak", exportasset);//Just simple export #endif if (EditAsset(ref exportasset, asset, Converting)) { #if DEBUG File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\Edited_{smallname}.pak", exportasset);//Edited export #endif exportasset = Oodle.OodleClass.Compress(exportasset); //Logging stuff for devs hehe // File.WriteAllBytes($"Exports\\Compressed{smallname}.pak", exportasset);//Compressed edited export finalPastes.Add(new FinalPastes(ucasfile, exportasset, Fortnite.FortniteExport.Offset)); } } Provider.Dispose(); foreach (FinalPastes pastes in finalPastes) { PasteInLocationBytes(pastes); } return(true); }