Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void btn_save_fm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ManageCookie mgCookie = new ManageCookie();
        users        ck       = mgCookie.ReadCookies();

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ck.pj_id))
            ton.JavaScript.MessageBox(" โปรเจค ID ว่างเปล่า กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบอีกครั้ง ");
        Button  btn_tmep = sender as Button;
        Control c        = btn_tmep.Parent;

        Page.Validate("error_panel_" + btn_tmep.CommandArgument);
        if (!Page.IsValid)

        if (btn_tmep.CommandName == "save")
            int    panel_index = Convert.ToInt32(btn_tmep.CommandArgument);
            string suffix      = panel_index.ToString() + "_";
            int    sum         = 0;
            int    total       = fm[panel_index - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i <= total; i++)
                string             final_suffix = suffix + i.ToString();
                answer_factors_sub ans_fact_sub = new answer_factors_sub();

                ans_fact_sub.af_opportunity   = (c.FindControl("ddl_oppo_" + final_suffix) as DropDownList).SelectedValue;
                ans_fact_sub.af_effect        = (c.FindControl("ddl_effect_" + final_suffix) as DropDownList).SelectedValue;
                ans_fact_sub.af_impact        = (c.FindControl("ddl_impact_" + final_suffix) as DropDownList).SelectedValue;
                ans_fact_sub.factors_sub_etc  = (c.FindControl("txt_fs_factors_etc_" + panel_index) as TextBox).Text;
                ans_fact_sub.description_more = (c.FindControl("txt_desc_more_text_" + panel_index) as TextBox).Text;
                ans_fact_sub.fs_id            = (c.FindControl("lbl_fs_id_" + final_suffix) as Label).Text;
                ans_fact_sub.pj_id            = ck.pj_id;

                int result = ans_fact_sub.saveToTable();
                if (result > 0)
            if (c is Panel)
                Panel pnl_temp = c as Panel;

                pnl_temp.Enabled = false;
                btn_tmep.Visible = false;
                btn_next.Visible = true;
            ton.JavaScript.MessageBox("บันทึก สำเร็จ " + sum + " จาก " + total + " ข้อ ");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public List <answer_factors_sub> load_answer_factors_sub_id(string pj_id)
        string     sql_str = @"
                SELECT  answer_factors_sub.answer_factors_sub_id, answer_factors_sub.af_opportunity, 
                        answer_factors_sub.af_effect, answer_factors_sub.af_impact,answer_factors_sub.pj_id, 
                        answer_factors_sub.fs_id,answer_factors_sub.factors_sub_etc,answer_factors_sub.description_more, factors_sub.fm_id, factors_sub.fs_order 
                FROM  answer_factors_sub INNER JOIN
                               factors_sub ON answer_factors_sub.fs_id = factors_sub.fs_id
                WHERE answer_factors_sub.pj_id = @pj_id 
                ORDER BY factors_sub.fs_order
        SqlCommand cmd     = new SqlCommand(sql_str);

        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pj_id", pj_id);
        //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fs_id", fs_id);

        // ----> ||
        List <answer_factors_sub> ans_fact_sub_list = new List <answer_factors_sub>();

        DataSet ds = DBHelper.getDataSet(cmd);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    answer_factors_sub ans_fact_sub = new answer_factors_sub();
                    ans_fact_sub.answer_factors_sub_id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["answer_factors_sub_id"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.af_opportunity        = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["af_opportunity"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.af_effect             = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["af_effect"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.af_impact             = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["af_impact"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.pj_id            = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["pj_id"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.fs_id            = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fs_id"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.factors_sub_etc  = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["factors_sub_etc"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.description_more = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["description_more"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.fm_id            = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fm_id"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub.fs_order         = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fs_order"].ToString();
                    ans_fact_sub_list.Insert(i, ans_fact_sub);
        catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string mode = "";

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["mode"]))
            mode = Server.UrlEncode(Request.QueryString["mode"].Replace("'", ""));

        string p = "";

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]))
            p = Server.UrlEncode(Request.QueryString["p"].Replace("'", ""));

        // Protect variable P which must be in the specific rage.
        int p_index;

        if ((int.TryParse(p, out p_index)) && (p_index > 0) && (p_index <= fm.Count()))
            // -1 for adjusting to 0 started base.
            p_index = p_index - 1;
            p_index = 0;

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)

        ManageCookie       mgCookie     = new ManageCookie();
        users              ck           = mgCookie.ReadCookies();
        answer_factors_sub ans_fact_sub = new answer_factors_sub();

        Control parent = pnl_fm_1.Parent;

        int max = ans_fact_sub.getMax_fm_id(ck.pj_id);

        if (max < 0)
            max = 0;

        if (max >= fm.Count())
            //----In Edit Mode--
            // Edit Mode Enable when All questions must be completed. Protect User try to hack system.
            if (mode == "edit")
                // load panel which specified by request.querstring[p]
                max = p_index;
                projects pj = new projects();
                pj.updateProjectCompleteStatus(ck.pj_id, "กรอกสมบูรณ์");

            if (mode == "edit")
                ton.JavaScript.MessageBox("การแก้ไข ทำได้ต่อเมื่อทำชุดคำถามนี้ครบทุกข้อแล้ว เท่านั้น!", "project_edit.aspx");

        for (int i = 0; i < fm.Count(); i++)
            // +1 for adjust from 0 based array to 1 based array
            int suffix = i + 1;

            Panel pnl_temp = parent.FindControl("pnl_fm_" + suffix.ToString()) as Panel;

            if (suffix == (max + 1))
                pnl_temp.Visible = true;
                pnl_temp.Enabled = true;
                pnl_temp.Visible = false;
                pnl_temp.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// This Function will override the initial setting value in each control (in .aspx design form)
    /// Initial Component by assign the basic value for Dropdownlist , RequiredValidator, TextBox and Label
    /// Assign Validation Group value "error_panel_[panel index]" to each controls inside that panel.
    /// Re-Assign ControlToValidate of each RequiredValidator to map each control like. ddl_oppo_6_1 , reqvld_oppo_6_1
    /// Load Existing Data from DB and Map into each control in sequence.
    /// </summary>
    public void initializeComponent()
        ListItem[] liA_oppo   = new ListItem[3];
        ListItem[] liA_effect = new ListItem[3];
        ListItem[] liA_impact = new ListItem[3];
        liA_effect[0] = new ListItem("กรุณาเลือก", "");
        liA_effect[1] = new ListItem("ยอมรับได้", "ยอมรับได้");
        liA_effect[2] = new ListItem("ยอมรับไม่ได้", "ยอมรับไม่ได้");

        liA_oppo[0] = new ListItem("กรุณาเลือก", "");
        liA_oppo[1] = new ListItem("ต่ำ", "ต่ำ");
        liA_oppo[2] = new ListItem("สูง", "สูง");

        liA_impact[0] = new ListItem("กรุณาเลือก", "");
        liA_impact[1] = new ListItem("จัดการได้", "จัดการได้");
        liA_impact[2] = new ListItem("จัดการไม่ได้", "จัดการไม่ได้");

        ManageCookie mgCookie = new ManageCookie();
        users        ck       = mgCookie.ReadCookies();

        if ((ck == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ck.pj_id))
            ton.JavaScript.MessageBox(" โปรเจค ว่างเปล่า กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบ ");

        factors f = new factors();

        #region loadData
        for (int i = 0; i < f.factor_main_list.Count; i++)

        int     panel_index = 1;
        Control parent      = pnl_fm_1.Parent;
        foreach (Control pnl in parent.Controls)
            if (pnl is Panel)
                Panel pnl_tmp = pnl as Panel;
                answer_factors_sub ans_fact_sub = new answer_factors_sub();
                int lbl_fs_index = 1;
                foreach (Control c in pnl.Controls)
                    if (c is DropDownList)
                        #region initialDropdownlist

                        DropDownList ddl_temp = c as DropDownList;
                        if (ddl_temp.CssClass == "effect")
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_effect[0].Text, liA_effect[0].Value));
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_effect[1].Text, liA_effect[1].Value));
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_effect[2].Text, liA_effect[2].Value));
                            ddl_temp.ValidationGroup = "error_panel_" + panel_index;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ans_fact_sub.af_effect))
                                ddl_temp.SelectedIndex = 0;
                                ddl_temp.SelectedValue = ans_fact_sub.af_effect;
                        else if (ddl_temp.CssClass == "oppo")
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_oppo[0].Text, liA_oppo[0].Value));
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_oppo[1].Text, liA_oppo[1].Value));
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_oppo[2].Text, liA_oppo[2].Value));
                            ddl_temp.ValidationGroup = "error_panel_" + panel_index;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ans_fact_sub.af_opportunity))
                                ddl_temp.SelectedIndex = 0;
                                ddl_temp.SelectedValue = ans_fact_sub.af_opportunity;
                        else if (ddl_temp.CssClass == "impact")
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_impact[0].Text, liA_impact[0].Value));
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_impact[1].Text, liA_impact[1].Value));
                            ddl_temp.Items.Add(new ListItem(liA_impact[2].Text, liA_impact[2].Value));
                            ddl_temp.ValidationGroup = "error_panel_" + panel_index;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ans_fact_sub.af_impact))
                                ddl_temp.SelectedIndex = 0;
                                ddl_temp.SelectedValue = ans_fact_sub.af_impact;
                        //ddl_temp.Items[0].Attributes.Add("style", "background-color:lime");
                        //ddl_temp.Items[1].Attributes.Add("style", "background-color:red");

                    else if (c is RequiredFieldValidator)
                        #region RequiredFieldValidator
                        RequiredFieldValidator reqvld_temp = c as RequiredFieldValidator;
                        if (c.ID.Contains("reqvld_oppo_"))
                            reqvld_temp.InitialValue      = liA_oppo[0].Value;
                            reqvld_temp.ErrorMessage      = "*";
                            reqvld_temp.ControlToValidate = "ddl_oppo_" + c.ID.Replace("reqvld_oppo_", "");
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("reqvld_effect_"))
                            reqvld_temp.InitialValue      = liA_effect[0].Value;
                            reqvld_temp.ErrorMessage      = "*";
                            reqvld_temp.ControlToValidate = "ddl_effect_" + c.ID.Replace("reqvld_effect_", "");
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("reqvld_impact_"))
                            reqvld_temp.InitialValue      = liA_impact[0].Value;
                            reqvld_temp.ErrorMessage      = "*";
                            reqvld_temp.ControlToValidate = "ddl_impact_" + c.ID.Replace("reqvld_impact_", "");
                        reqvld_temp.ValidationGroup = "error_panel_" + panel_index;
                        reqvld_temp.CssClass        = "ErrorDokJan";
                    else if (c is Label)
                        #region Label
                        Label lbl_temp = c as Label;
                        if (c.ID.Contains("lbl_fm_order_"))
                            lbl_temp.Text = f.factor_main_list[panel_index - 1].fm_order;
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("lbl_fm_id_"))
                            lbl_temp.Text    = f.factor_main_list[panel_index - 1].fm_id;
                            lbl_temp.Visible = false;
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("fm_factors_text_"))
                            lbl_temp.Text = f.factor_main_list[panel_index - 1].fm_factors_text;
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("lbl_fs_order_"))
                            string suffix = (panel_index - 1).ToString() + "_" + (lbl_fs_index - 1).ToString();
                            lbl_temp.Text = f.factor_main_list[panel_index - 1].fs_list[lbl_fs_index - 1].fs_order;
                            // Comment because Seq of Label is Order , id ,  Text
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("lbl_fs_id_"))
                            string suffix = (panel_index - 1).ToString() + "_" + (lbl_fs_index - 1).ToString();
                            lbl_temp.Text    = f.factor_main_list[panel_index - 1].fs_list[lbl_fs_index - 1].fs_id;
                            lbl_temp.Visible = false;
                            ans_fact_sub.load_answer_factors_sub_id(ck.pj_id, lbl_temp.Text);
                            // Comment because Seq of Label is Order , id ,  Text
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("lbl_fs_factors_text_"))
                            string suffix = (panel_index - 1).ToString() + "_" + (lbl_fs_index - 1).ToString();
                            lbl_temp.Text = f.factor_main_list[panel_index - 1].fs_list[lbl_fs_index - 1].fs_factors_text;
                    else if (c is TextBox)
                        #region TextBox
                        TextBox txt_temp = c as TextBox;
                        if (c.ID.Contains("txt_fs_factors_etc_"))
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ans_fact_sub.factors_sub_etc))
                                txt_temp.Text = "";
                                txt_temp.Text = ans_fact_sub.factors_sub_etc;
                        else if (c.ID.Contains("txt_desc_more_text_"))
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ans_fact_sub.description_more))
                                txt_temp.Text = "";
                                txt_temp.Text = ans_fact_sub.description_more;