public Dog(mouseHelp mouse, AppDJ appDJ) { this.appDJ = appDJ; this.mouse = mouse; screenHeight = 480; screenWidth = 800; fetch = new Fetch(this, this.mouse, this.appDJ); water = new Water(this, this.mouse, this.appDJ); food = new Food(this, this.mouse, this.appDJ); tug = new Tug(this, this.mouse, this.appDJ); statThirst = 1.0f; statHygiene = 1.0f; statHunger = 1.0f; statEntertainment = 1.0f; statHappiness = 1.0f; myActivity = activity.dogIdle; myAnimate = animate.dogSitting; aniX = 0; aniY = 0; myFPS = 0; FPS = 12; returnHome = false; tugBool = false; dogX = (int)((float)screenWidth * .51); dogY = (int)((float)screenHeight * .54); dogZ = 0.5f; dogScale = 1.0f; dogRec = new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200); dogRot = 0.0f; origin = new Vector2(dogX, dogY); dogPos = new Vector2(dogX, dogY); returnSpeedX = 2; returnSpeedY = 1; returnSpeedS = .005f; }
public void Start() { // if(sending) client = new UdpClient("", 7001); ball = this.GetComponent <model>(); animator = this.GetComponent <animate>(); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (tugBool == true) { returnSpeedS = .1f; } else { returnSpeedS = .005f; } // This will have the dog return to the start position if called. if (returnHome == true) { appDJ.drinkOn = false; appDJ.foodOn = false; if (dogPos.X != origin.X || dogPos.Y != origin.Y || dogScale != 1.0) { appDJ.runningOn = true; if (dogPos.X <= origin.X + returnSpeedX && dogPos.X >= origin.X - returnSpeedX) { dogPos.X = origin.X; myAnimate = Dog.animate.dogSitting; } else if (dogPos.X >= origin.X) { dogPos.X -= returnSpeedX; myAnimate = Dog.animate.dogRunLeft; } else if (dogPos.X <= origin.X) { dogPos.X += returnSpeedX; myAnimate = Dog.animate.dogRunRight; } if (dogPos.Y <= origin.Y + returnSpeedY && dogPos.Y >= origin.Y - returnSpeedY) { dogPos.Y = origin.Y; } else if (dogPos.Y >= origin.Y) { dogPos.Y -= returnSpeedY; myAnimate = Dog.animate.dogRunAway; } else if (dogPos.Y <= origin.Y) { dogPos.Y += returnSpeedY; myAnimate = Dog.animate.dogRunTowards; } if (dogScale <= 1.0f + returnSpeedS && dogScale >= 1.0f - returnSpeedS) { dogScale = 1.0f; } else if (dogScale >= 1.0f) { dogScale -= returnSpeedS; } else if (dogScale <= 1.0f) { dogScale += returnSpeedS; } } else { appDJ.runningOn = false; returnHome = false; tugBool = false; } } else { // This will draw the proper objects depending on what activity is running switch (myActivity) { case Dog.activity.dogFetch: fetch.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case Dog.activity.dogTug: tug.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case Dog.activity.dogFood: food.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case Dog.activity.dogWater: water.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case Dog.activity.dogIdle: myAnimate = Dog.animate.dogSitting; break; } } // This draws the dog depending on what animation should be shown on the sprite sheet currently switch (myAnimate) { case Dog.animate.dogSitting: aniY = 0; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogRunAway: aniY = 200; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogRunTowards: aniY = 400; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogRunRight: aniY = 600; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogRunLeft: aniY = 600; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogEatRight: aniY = 800; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogEatLeft: aniY = 1000; spriteBatch.Draw(dogContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogTug: aniY = 0; spriteBatch.Draw(tugContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogTugRightUp: aniY = 200; spriteBatch.Draw(tugContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogTugLeftUp: aniY = 400; spriteBatch.Draw(tugContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogTugRightDown: aniY = 600; spriteBatch.Draw(tugContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; case Dog.animate.dogTugLeftDown: aniY = 800; spriteBatch.Draw(tugContainer, dogPos, dogRec, Color.White, dogRot, new Vector2(100, 100), dogScale, SpriteEffects.None, dogZ); break; } }