Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddAnimationSpline(ref ModelRoot model, animAnimationBufferCompressed blob, string animName, Stream defferedBuffer, animAnimation animAnimDes)
            //boneidx time value
            var positions = new Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <float, Vec3> >();
            var rotations = new Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <float, Quat> >();
            var scales    = new Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <float, Vec3> >();

            var tracks = new Dictionary <ushort, float>();

            if (animAnimDes.MotionExtraction.Chunk != null)
                ROOT_MOTION.AddRootMotion(ref positions, ref rotations, animAnimDes);

            var   br                = new BinaryReader(defferedBuffer);
            float duration          = blob.Duration;
            uint  numFrames         = blob.NumFrames;
            uint  numJoints         = blob.NumJoints;
            uint  numTracks         = blob.NumTracks;
            uint  numExtraJoints    = blob.NumExtraJoints;
            uint  numAnimKeys       = blob.NumAnimKeys;
            uint  numAnimKeysRaw    = blob.NumAnimKeysRaw;
            uint  NumConstAnimKeys  = blob.NumConstAnimKeys;
            uint  numConstTrackKeys = blob.NumConstTrackKeys;

            defferedBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (uint i = 0; i < numAnimKeys; i++)
                var timeNormalized = br.ReadUInt16() / (float)ushort.MaxValue;
                var bitWiseData    = br.ReadUInt16();
                var wSign          = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
                var component      = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
                var boneIdx        = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);

                var x = ((1f / 65535f) * br.ReadUInt16() * 2) - 1f;
                var y = ((1f / 65535f) * br.ReadUInt16() * 2) - 1f;
                var z = ((1f / 65535f) * br.ReadUInt16() * 2) - 1f;

                switch (component)
                case 0:
                    if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        positions[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>
                            { timeNormalized *duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y) }
                        positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 1:
                    var dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
                    x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    var w = 1f - dotPr;
                    if (wSign == 1)
                        w = -w;

                    var q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
                    if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        rotations[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Quat>
                            { timeNormalized *duration, Quat.Normalize(q) }
                        rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 2:
                    if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        scales[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>
                            { timeNormalized *duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y) }
                        scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);

            for (uint i = 0; i < numAnimKeysRaw; i++)
                var timeNormalized = br.ReadUInt16() / (float)ushort.MaxValue;
                var bitWiseData    = br.ReadUInt16();
                var wSign          = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
                var component      = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
                var boneIdx        = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);

                var x = br.ReadSingle();
                var y = br.ReadSingle();
                var z = br.ReadSingle();

                switch (component)
                case 0:
                    if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        positions[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>
                            { timeNormalized *duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y) }
                        positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 1:
                    var dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
                    x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    var w = 1f - dotPr;
                    if (wSign == 1)
                        w = -w;

                    var q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
                    if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        rotations[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Quat>
                            { timeNormalized *duration, Quat.Normalize(q) }
                        rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 2:
                    if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        scales[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>
                            { timeNormalized *duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y) }
                        scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);


            for (uint i = 0; i < NumConstAnimKeys; i++)
                var bitWiseData    = br.ReadUInt16();
                var timeNormalized = br.ReadUInt16() / (float)ushort.MaxValue; // is it some time normalized or some padding garbage data i have no idea
                var wSign          = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
                var component      = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
                var boneIdx        = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);

                var x = br.ReadSingle();
                var y = br.ReadSingle();
                var z = br.ReadSingle();

                switch (component)
                case 0:
                    if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        positions[boneIdx].Add(0f, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>
                            { 0f, new Vec3(x, z, -y) }
                        positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 1:
                    var dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
                    x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    var w = 1f - dotPr;
                    if (wSign == 1)
                        w = -w;

                    var q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
                    if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        rotations[boneIdx].Add(0f, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Quat>
                            { 0f, Quat.Normalize(q) }
                        rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 2:
                    if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        scales[boneIdx].Add(0f, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>
                            { 0f, new Vec3(x, z, -y) }
                        scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);


             * for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numConstTrackKeys; i++)
             * {
             *  UInt16 idx = br.ReadUInt16();
             *  br.ReadUInt16(); //is it time or some garbage idk
             *  float value = br.ReadSingle();
             * }
            var anim = model.CreateAnimation(animName);

            for (ushort i = 0; i < numJoints - numExtraJoints; i++)
                if (positions.ContainsKey(i))
                    anim.CreateTranslationChannel(model.LogicalNodes[i], positions[i]);
                if (rotations.ContainsKey(i))
                    anim.CreateRotationChannel(model.LogicalNodes[i], rotations[i]);
                if (scales.ContainsKey(i))
                    anim.CreateScaleChannel(model.LogicalNodes[i], scales[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddAnimationSpline(ref ModelRoot model, animAnimationBufferCompressed blob, string animName, Stream defferedBuffer)
            //boneidx time value
            Dictionary <UInt16, Dictionary <float, Vec3> > positions = new Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <float, Vec3> >();
            Dictionary <UInt16, Dictionary <float, Quat> > rotations = new Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <float, Quat> >();
            Dictionary <UInt16, Dictionary <float, Vec3> > scales    = new Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <float, Vec3> >();

            Dictionary <UInt16, float> tracks = new Dictionary <UInt16, float>();

            BinaryReader br                = new BinaryReader(defferedBuffer);
            float        duration          = blob.Duration.Value;
            UInt32       numFrames         = blob.NumFrames.Value;
            UInt32       numJoints         = blob.NumJoints.Value;
            UInt32       numTracks         = blob.NumTracks.Value;
            UInt32       numExtraJoints    = blob.NumExtraJoints.Value;
            UInt32       numAnimKeys       = blob.NumAnimKeys.Value;
            UInt32       numAnimKeysRaw    = blob.NumAnimKeysRaw.Value;
            UInt32       NumConstAnimKeys  = blob.NumConstAnimKeys.Value;
            UInt32       numConstTrackKeys = blob.NumConstTrackKeys.Value;

            defferedBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numAnimKeys; i++)
                float  timeNormalized = br.ReadUInt16() / (float)UInt16.MaxValue;
                UInt16 bitWiseData    = br.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 wSign          = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
                UInt16 component      = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
                UInt16 boneIdx        = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);

                float x = ((1f / 65535f) * br.ReadUInt16() * 2) - 1f;
                float y = ((1f / 65535f) * br.ReadUInt16() * 2) - 1f;
                float z = ((1f / 65535f) * br.ReadUInt16() * 2) - 1f;

                switch (component)
                case 0:
                    if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        positions[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 1:
                    float dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
                    x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    float w = 1f - dotPr;
                    if (wSign == 1)
                        w = -w;
                    Quat q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
                    if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        rotations[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Quat>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 2:
                    if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        scales[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);

            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numAnimKeysRaw; i++)
                float  timeNormalized = br.ReadUInt16() / (float)UInt16.MaxValue;
                UInt16 bitWiseData    = br.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 wSign          = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
                UInt16 component      = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
                UInt16 boneIdx        = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);

                float x = br.ReadSingle();
                float y = br.ReadSingle();
                float z = br.ReadSingle();

                switch (component)
                case 0:
                    if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        positions[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 1:
                    float dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
                    x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    float w = 1f - dotPr;
                    if (wSign == 1)
                        w = -w;
                    Quat q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
                    if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        rotations[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Quat>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 2:
                    if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        scales[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);


            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NumConstAnimKeys; i++)
                UInt16 bitWiseData    = br.ReadUInt16();
                float  timeNormalized = br.ReadUInt16() / (float)UInt16.MaxValue; // is it some time normalized or some padding garbage data i have no idea
                UInt16 wSign          = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
                UInt16 component      = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
                UInt16 boneIdx        = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);

                float x = br.ReadSingle();
                float y = br.ReadSingle();
                float z = br.ReadSingle();

                switch (component)
                case 0:
                    if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        positions[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 1:
                    float dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
                    x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
                    float w = 1f - dotPr;
                    if (wSign == 1)
                        w = -w;
                    Quat q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
                    if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        rotations[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Quat>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, Quat.Normalize(q));
                        rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);

                case 2:
                    if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
                        scales[boneIdx].Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        var dic = new Dictionary <float, Vec3>();
                        dic.Add(timeNormalized * duration, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
                        scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);


             * for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NumConstAnimKeys; i++)
             * {
             *  UInt16 bitWiseData = br.ReadUInt16();
             *  br.ReadUInt16();  // is it some time normalized or some padding garbage data i have no idea
             *  UInt16 wSign = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & wSignMask) >> wSignRightShift);
             *  UInt16 component = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & componentTypeMask) >> componentRightShift);
             *  UInt16 boneIdx = Convert.ToUInt16((bitWiseData & boneIdxMask) >> boneIdxRightShift);
             *  float x = br.ReadSingle();
             *  float y = br.ReadSingle();
             *  float z = br.ReadSingle();
             *  for(UInt32 e = 0; e < numFrames; e++)
             *  {
             *      float diff = duration / (numFrames - 1);
             *      switch (component)
             *      {
             *          case 0:
             *              if (positions.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
             *              {
             *                  if (!positions[boneIdx].ContainsKey(e * diff))
             *                  {
             *                      positions[boneIdx].Add(e * diff, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
             *                  }
             *              }
             *              else
             *              {
             *                  var dic = new Dictionary<float, Vec3>();
             *                  dic.Add(e * diff, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
             *                  positions.Add(boneIdx, dic);
             *              }
             *              break;
             *          case 1:
             *              float dotPr = (x * x + y * y + z * z);
             *              x = x * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
             *              y = y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
             *              z = z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(2f - dotPr));
             *              float w = 1f - dotPr;
             *              if (wSign == 1)
             *                  w = -w;
             *              Quat q = new Quat(x, z, -y, w);
             *              if (rotations.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
             *              {
             *                  if (!rotations[boneIdx].ContainsKey(e * diff))
             *                  {
             *                      rotations[boneIdx].Add(e * diff, Quat.Normalize(q));
             *                  }
             *              }
             *              else
             *              {
             *                  var dic = new Dictionary<float, Quat>();
             *                  dic.Add(e * diff, Quat.Normalize(q));
             *                  rotations.Add(boneIdx, dic);
             *              }
             *              break;
             *          case 2:
             *              if (scales.ContainsKey(boneIdx))
             *              {
             *                  if (!scales[boneIdx].ContainsKey(e * diff))
             *                  {
             *                      scales[boneIdx].Add(e * diff, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
             *                  }
             *              }
             *              else
             *              {
             *                  var dic = new Dictionary<float, Vec3>();
             *                  dic.Add(e * diff, new Vec3(x, z, -y));
             *                  scales.Add(boneIdx, dic);
             *              }
             *              break;
             *          default:
             *              break;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numConstTrackKeys; i++)
             * {
             *  UInt16 idx = br.ReadUInt16();
             *  br.ReadUInt16(); //is it time or some garbage idk
             *  float value = br.ReadSingle();
             * }
            var anim = model.CreateAnimation(animName);

            for (ushort i = 0; i < numJoints - numExtraJoints; i++)
                if (positions.ContainsKey(i))
                    anim.CreateTranslationChannel(model.LogicalNodes[i], positions[i]);
                if (rotations.ContainsKey(i))
                    anim.CreateRotationChannel(model.LogicalNodes[i], rotations[i]);
                if (scales.ContainsKey(i))
                    anim.CreateScaleChannel(model.LogicalNodes[i], scales[i]);