Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void LinkButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LinkButton lb    = sender as LinkButton;
        int        count = Convert.ToInt32(lb.ValidationGroup); //这个是点击的行的索引 也就是行数
        Label      a     = (Label)DataList1.Items[count].FindControl("UIDLabel");
        Label      b     = (Label)DataList1.Items[count].FindControl("OperateLabel");
        Label      c     = (Label)DataList1.Items[count].FindControl("ToIdLabel");
        DataAccess da    = new DataAccess();
        string     sqls  = "UPDATE Attention SET Feedback = '0'  WHERE UID = '" + a.Text + "' and Operate='" + b.Text + "' and ToId=" + c.Text;


        if (b.Text == "申请加入项目")
            sqls = "select Name from Item where ItemId=" + c.Text;
            DataSet ds         = da.dataSet(sqls);
            string  ItemName   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
            string  SendUID    = Session["UID"].ToString();
            string  ReceiveUID = a.Text;
            string  Detail     = "很遗憾,您未加入我们的项目“" + ItemName + "”,希望您能在这里找到更适合您的项目!";
            string  SendTime   = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            sqls = "INSERT INTO Letter VALUES ('" + SendUID + "','" + ReceiveUID + "','" + Detail + "','" + SendTime + "','" + "0')";
            sqls = "select SendUID from Letter where (SendUID=" + ReceiveUID + ") and (ReceiveUID=" + SendUID + ")";
            ds   = da.dataSet(sqls);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                sqls = "INSERT INTO Letter VALUES ('" + ReceiveUID + "','" + SendUID + "',' ','" + SendTime + "','" + "0')";
            alertv un = new alertv();
            Response.Write(un.gutAlertUrl("您已拒绝了该用户的申请", "./attention.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAccess da   = new DataAccess();
        string     RUID = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue.ToString();
        string     sqls = "select UID from Ass_User where UID=" + RUID + "  And AssId=" + AssId;
        DataSet    ds   = da.dataSet(sqls);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            sqls = "DELETE FROM Ass_User WHERE UID = " + RUID;
            sqls = "UPDATE Assignment SET ResponsibleUID = " + RUID + " WHERE ResponsibleUID = " + Session["UID"].ToString() + "and AssId=" + AssId;
            sqls = "UPDATE Assignment SET ResponsibleUID = " + RUID + "  WHERE ResponsibleUID = " + Session["UID"].ToString() + "AND AssId=" + AssId;
        string CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();

        sqls = "INSERT INTO Ass_User(AssId,UID,CreateTime) VALUES ('" + AssId + "','" + Session["UID"] + "','" + CreateTime + "')";
        alertv al = new alertv();

        Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("权限移交成功", "item.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        universal un = new universal();

        if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
            string savePath = Server.MapPath("~/file/"); //指定上传文件在服务器上的保存路径
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(savePath))
            savePath = savePath + "\\" + FileUpload1.FileName;
            DataAccess da           = new DataAccess();
            string     CreateTime   = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            string     BelongUID    = Session["UID"].ToString();
            string     FileName     = FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
            string     BelongItemId = Session["ItemId"].ToString();
            string     sqls         = "INSERT INTO File_ (CreateTime, BelongUID,FileName,BelongItemId) VALUES ('" + CreateTime + "','" + BelongUID + "','" + FileName + "','" + BelongItemId + "')";
            alertv al = new alertv();
            Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("上传成功", "file.aspx"));
            un.Alert("你还没有选择上传文件!", this);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        universal un  = new universal();
        bool      Err = true;

        if (TextBox1.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("项目名不得为空", this);
        if (TextBox3.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("项目简介不得为空", this);
        if (Err)
            string Name     = TextBox1.Text;
            string Intro    = TextBox3.Text;
            string IsPublic = "1";
            if (CheckBox2.Checked == true)
                IsPublic = "0";
            string Detail     = textarea1.Value;
            string UserNumber = "";
            if (TextBox2.Text != "")
                UserNumber = TextBox2.Text;
            string IconCode   = "&#xe685";
            string CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            foreach (DataListItem item in this.DataList1.Items)
                RadioButton RB = (RadioButton)item.FindControl("RB");
                Label       LB = (Label)item.FindControl("LB");
                if (RB.Checked == true)
                    IconCode = LB.Text;
            string     sqls = "INSERT INTO Item (Name, Intro,IsPublic,Detail,UserNumber,IconCode,CreateTime) VALUES ('" + Name + "','" + Intro + "','" + IsPublic + "','" + Detail + "','" + UserNumber + "','" + IconCode + "','" + CreateTime + "')";
            DataAccess da   = new DataAccess();
            sqls = "SELECT ItemId FROM Item WHERE Name='" + Name + "' ORDER BY ItemId";
            DataSet ds     = da.dataSet(sqls);
            string  UID    = Session["UID"].ToString();
            string  ItemId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ItemId"].ToString();
            sqls = "INSERT INTO Item_User VALUES('" + UID + "','" + ItemId + "','1','','1')";
            sqls = "INSERT INTO List(Name,Array,BelongItem) VALUES('默认列表','1','" + ItemId + "')";

            alertv al = new alertv();
            Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("创建成功", "../item/item-list.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string Name        = TextBox1.Text;
        string Remark      = TextArea1.Value;
        string BeginTime   = TextBox2.Text;
        string EndTime     = TextBox3.Text;
        string IsImportant = CheckBox1.Checked.ToString();
        string sqls        = "UPDATE Assignment SET Name = '" + Name + "', Remark = '" + Remark + "', BeginTime = '" + BeginTime + "', EndTime = '" + EndTime + "', IsImportant = '" + IsImportant + "' WHERE AssId = '" + AssId + "'";

        alertv al = new alertv();

        Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("修改成功", "ass-edit.aspx?AssId=" + Request.QueryString["AssId"].ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        universal un  = new universal();
        bool      Err = true;

        if (TextBox1.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("项目名不得为空", this);
        if (TextBox3.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("项目简介不得为空", this);
        if (Err)
            string Name     = TextBox1.Text;
            string Intro    = TextBox3.Text;
            string IsPublic = "1";
            if (CheckBox2.Checked == true)
                IsPublic = "0";
            string Detail     = textarea1.Value;
            string UserNumber = "";
            if (TextBox2.Text != "")
                UserNumber = TextBox2.Text;
            string IconCode   = "&#xe685";
            string CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            foreach (DataListItem item in this.DataList1.Items)
                RadioButton RB = (RadioButton)item.FindControl("RB");
                Label       LB = (Label)item.FindControl("LB");
                if (RB.Checked == true)
                    IconCode = LB.Text;
            string     sqls = "Update Item  SET Name='" + Name + "', Intro='" + Intro + "',IsPublic='" + IsPublic + "',Detail='" + Detail + "',UserNumber='" + UserNumber + "',IconCode='" + IconCode + "',CreateTime='" + CreateTime + "'  where ItemId=" + Session["ItemId"].ToString();
            DataAccess da   = new DataAccess();

            alertv al = new alertv();
            Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("修改成功", "../item/item-list.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAccess da         = new DataAccess();
        string     ItemId     = Request.QueryString["ItemId"].ToString();
        string     sqls       = "select UID from Item_User where Limit=1 and ItemId=" + ItemId;
        DataSet    ds         = da.dataSet(sqls);
        string     ToUID      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UID"].ToString();
        string     Detail     = textarea1.Value;
        string     CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();

        sqls = "INSERT INTO Attention(UID,ToUID,Operate,Detail,ToId,CreateTime) VALUES ('" + Session["UID"].ToString() + "','" + ToUID + "','申请加入项目','" + Detail + "','" + ItemId + "','" + CreateTime + "')";

        /*universal un = new universal();
         * un.Alert("已提交申请,请耐心等候项目负责人的回复", this);
         * Response.RedirectPermanent("~/market/Default.aspx");*/
        alertv al = new alertv();

        Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("已提交申请,请耐心等候项目负责人的回复", "Default.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        universal un  = new universal();
        bool      Err = true;

        if (rcm.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("日程名不得为空", this);
        if (st.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("开始时间不得为空", this);
        if (et.Text == "")
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("结束时间不得为空", this);
        DateTime sT = DateTime.Parse(st.Text);
        DateTime eT = DateTime.Parse(et.Text);
        TimeSpan ts = sT.Subtract(eT);

        if (ts.Days > 0)
            Err = false;
            un.Alert("错误:结束时间早于开始时间", this);
        if (Err)
            DataAccess da        = new DataAccess();
            string     Name      = rcm.Text;
            string     Remark    = xq.Text;
            string     BeginTime = st.Text;
            string     EndTime   = et.Text;
            string     Priority  = "";
            if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
                Priority = "0";
            else if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
                Priority = "1";
            else if (RadioButton3.Checked == true)
                Priority = "2";
            string AssId      = "";
            string UID        = Session["UID"].ToString();
            string CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            string sqls       = "";
            if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue != null)
                AssId = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue;
                sqls  = "INSERT INTO Schedule (Name,Remark,BeginTime,EndTime,Priority,AssId,UID,CreateTime) VALUES ('" + Name + "','" + Remark + "','" + BeginTime + "','" + EndTime + "','" + Priority + "','" + AssId + "','" + UID + "','" + CreateTime + "')";
            if (xq.Text == "")
                sqls = "INSERT INTO Schedule (Name,BeginTime,EndTime,Priority,AssId,UID,CreateTime) VALUES  ('" + Name + "','" + BeginTime + "','" + EndTime + "','" + Priority + "','" + AssId + "','" + UID + "','" + CreateTime + "')";
                if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == null)
                    sqls = "INSERT INTO Schedule (Name,BeginTime,EndTime,Priority,UID,CreateTime) VALUES ('" + Name + "','" + BeginTime + "','" + EndTime + "','" + Priority + "','" + UID + "','" + CreateTime + "')";
                if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == null)
                    sqls = "INSERT INTO Schedule (Name,Remark,BeginTime,EndTime,Priority,UID,CreateTime) VALUES  ('" + Name + "','" + Remark + "','" + BeginTime + "','" + EndTime + "','" + Priority + "','" + UID + "','" + CreateTime + "')";
            alertv al = new alertv();
            Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("创建成功", "../item/item-list.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int   Error_     = 0;
        int   NameLength = User_Name.Text.Length;
        int   GenderBit  = 0;
        Regex r          = new Regex("^\\s*([A-Za-z0-9_-]+(\\.\\w+)*@(\\w+\\.)+\\w{2,5})\\s*$");

        if (User_Name.Text == "")
            NameY.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            NameY.Text      = "用户名不得为空";
            Error_          = 1;
        if (NameLength > 16)
            NameY.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            NameY.Text      = "用户名过长";
            Error_          = 1;
        if (User_Password.Text == "")
            PasswordY1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            PasswordY1.Text      = "密码不得为空";
            Error_ = 1;
        if (User_Password.Text != User_Password2.Text)
            PasswordY2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            PasswordY2.Text      = "两次密码输入不一致";
            Error_ = 1;
        if (r.IsMatch(User_Email.Text))
            EmailY.Text = "邮箱格式正确";
            EmailY.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            EmailY.Text      = "邮箱格式错误";
            Error_           = 1;
        if (Gender1.Checked == Gender2.Checked)
            Error_ = 1;
            if (Gender1.Checked == true)
                GenderBit = 1;
        DataAccess da   = new DataAccess();
        string     sqls = "SELECT Name FROM dbo.User_  WHERE Name='" + User_Name.Text + "'";
        DataSet    ds   = da.dataSet(sqls);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
            if (User_Name.Text == ds.Tables [0].Rows [0]["Name"].ToString())
                Error_          = 1;
                NameY.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                NameY.Text      = "用户名重复";
        if (Error_ == 0)
            string Name     = User_Name.Text;
            string Password = User_Password.Text;
            string Gender   = GenderBit.ToString();
            string Email    = User_Email.Text;
            sqls = "insert into User_ (Name,Password,Gender,Email) VALUES ('" + Name + "','" + Password + "','" + Gender + "','" + Email + "')";
            alertv al = new alertv();
            Response.Write(al.gutAlertUrl("注册成功", "Login.aspx"));