public ICollection <WebFleetAddress> GetAddresses(string filter = "", string groupName = "", bool ungroupedOnly = false)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var result     = new List <WebFleetAddress>();

            var addressFilter = new AddressFilterParameter
                filterCriterion  = filter,     // filters only display name
                addressGroupName = groupName

            if (ungroupedOnly)
                addressFilter.ungroupedOnlySpecified = true;
                addressFilter.ungroupedOnly          = true;

            var response = webService.showAddressReport(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(), addressFilter);

            if (HandleResult(response))
                result.AddRange(from Address address in response.results select _mappingService.Map(address));
        public bool InsertAddressGroup(string groupName)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var response   = webService.insertAddressGroup(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(),
                                                           new AddressGroup()
                uniqueName = groupName

        public bool DeleteAddress(string identifier)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var response   = webService.deleteAddress(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(),
                                                      new AddressIdentity()
                addressNo = identifier

        public bool InsertAddresses(ICollection <WebFleetAddress> addresses, string groupName = "", AddressColor color = AddressColor.Unspecified)
            var webService       = new addressClient();
            var groupNameFailure = false;

            var x         = new Address();
            var failCount = addresses.Count(address => !InsertAddress(address.WebFleetId, address.DisplayName,
                                                                      address.StreetAddress, string.Empty, string.Empty, address.City, address.State, address.Zip,
                                                                      address.Email, string.Empty, address.Phone, string.Empty, string.Empty, groupName, address.LatitudeInt, address.LongitudeInt, color));

            return(failCount == 0);
        public bool DeleteAddressGroup(string groupName, bool deleteAddresses)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var response   = webService.deleteAddressGroup(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(),
                                                           new AddressGroup()
                uniqueName = groupName
                                                           new AdvancedDeleteAddressGroupParameter()
                deleteAddresses          = deleteAddresses,
                deleteAddressesSpecified = true

        public bool DetachAddressToGroup(string identifier, string groupName)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var response   = webService.detachAddressFromGroup(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(),
                                                               new AddressToGroupRelationship()
                address = new AddressIdentity()
                    addressNo = identifier
                group = new AddressGroup()
                    uniqueName = groupName

        public bool UpdateAddress(string identifier, string address1, string address2, string address3,
                                  string city, string state, string zip, string email, string telephoneOffice, string telephoneMobile,
                                  string telephonePrivate, string telephoneFax,
                                  int?latitudeInt = null, int?longitudeInt = null)
            var webService = new addressClient();

            var contact = new ContactData()
                phoneBusiness = telephoneOffice,
                phonePersonal = telephonePrivate,
                phoneMobile   = telephoneMobile,
                emailAddress  = email

            var response = webService.updateAddress(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(),
                                                    new Address()
                info      = string.Empty,
                addressNo = identifier,
                name1     = address1,
                name2     = address2,
                name3     = address3,
                location  = new DescribedLocation()
                    street      = address1,
                    city        = city,
                    addrRegion  = state,
                    postcode    = zip,
                    geoPosition = new GeoPosition()
                        latitudeSpecified  = latitudeInt.HasValue,
                        latitude           = latitudeInt,
                        longitudeSpecified = longitudeInt.HasValue,
                        longitude          = longitudeInt
                contact = contact

        public ICollection <string> GetWebFleetAddressIdsByGroupName(string groupName)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var result     = new List <string>();

            var response = webService.showAddressGroupAddressReport(
                new FilterParameter()
                filterCriterion = groupName

            if (HandleResult(response))
                result.AddRange(from AddressToGroupRelationship rel in response.results select rel.address.addressNo);

        public WebFleetPosition GeocodeAddress(string city, string zip, string street, string streetNumber)
            var webService = new addressClient();
            var result     = new List <WebFleetPosition>();

            var response = webService.geocodeAddress(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(),
                                                     new GeocodingByProviderParameter()
                city         = city,
                countryCode  = "US",
                postcode     = zip,
                provider     = "0",                             // 1 for new TomTom geocoding service, 0 for legacy
                street       = street,
                streetNumber = streetNumber

            if (HandleResult(response))
                result.AddRange(from CompleteLocationWithAdditionalInformation loc in response.results select _mappingService.Map(loc));
            return(result.Count > 0 ? result[0] : null);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public WebFleetRouteEstimate CalculateRoute(WebFleetSettings settings, WebFleetPosition startPosition, WebFleetPosition endPosition, bool useTraffic, DateTime?startDateTime = null)
            if (!startPosition.HasValidPoints() || !endPosition.HasValidPoints())
                throw new Exception("Lat Long must be specified for start and end locations");

            var webService = new addressClient();
            var result     = new List <WebFleetRouteEstimate>();

            var routingParam = new RoutingParameter()
                useTraffic          = true,
                useTrafficSpecified = true,
                endLatitude         = endPosition.LatitudeInt.Value,
                endLongitude        = endPosition.LongitudeInt.Value,
                startLatitude       = startPosition.LatitudeInt.Value,
                startLongitude      = startPosition.LongitudeInt.Value,
                routeType           = RouteType.Quickest

            if (startDateTime != null)
                routingParam.startDateTimeSpecified = true;
                routingParam.startDateTime          = startDateTime;

            var response = webService.calcRouteSimple(GetAuthenticationParameters(), GetGeneralParameters(), routingParam);

            if (HandleResult(response))
                result.AddRange(from RoutingData route in response.results select _mappingService.Map(route));

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public bool InsertAddress(string identifier, string name, string address1, string address2, string address3,
                                  string city, string state, string zip, string email, string telephoneOffice, string telephoneMobile,
                                  string telephonePrivate, string telephoneFax, string groupName = "",
                                  int?latitudeInt = null, int?longitudeInt = null, AddressColor color = AddressColor.Unspecified)
            var webService = new addressClient();

            var isLatLongProvided = latitudeInt.HasValue && longitudeInt.HasValue;

            AddressGroup addressGroup = null;

            if (groupName.Length > 0)
                addressGroup = new AddressGroup()
                    uniqueName = groupName

            var contact = new ContactData()
                phoneMobile   = telephoneMobile,
                phoneBusiness = telephoneOffice,
                phonePersonal = telephonePrivate,
                emailAddress  = email

            var geoPosition = new GeoPosition()
                latitudeSpecified  = isLatLongProvided,
                longitudeSpecified = isLatLongProvided

            if (isLatLongProvided)
                geoPosition.latitude  = latitudeInt.Value;
                geoPosition.longitude = longitudeInt.Value;

            var response = webService.insertAddress(
                new Address()
                info      = string.Empty,
                addressNo = identifier,
                name1     = name,
                name2     = "",
                name3     = "",
                contact   = contact,
                location  = new DescribedLocation()
                    city        = city,
                    street      = address1,
                    postcode    = zip,
                    addrRegion  = state,
                    geoPosition = geoPosition,
                colourSpecified = true,
                colour          = GetAddressColour(color)
