Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <addUserVM> GetPendingUsers()
            MECProjectDBEntities t  = new MECProjectDBEntities();
            List <addUserVM>     og = new List <addUserVM>();
            var s = t.Users.Where(x => x.userStatus == "pending");

            foreach (var item in s)
                addUserVM a = new addUserVM();
                a.accountnumber = item.shopkeeper_bank_account;
                a.bankbranch    = item.shopkeeper_bank_branch;
                a.bankname      = item.shopkeeper_bank_name;
                a.commission    = Convert.ToInt32(item.shopkeeper_commission);
                a.email         = item.user_email;
                a.password      = item.user_password;
                a.phone         = item.user_phone;
                a.shopaddress   = item.shopkeeper_shopaddress;
                a.shopname      = item.shopkeeper_shopname;
                a.username      = item.user_name;
                a.status        = item.userStatus;
                a.userId        = item.user_ID;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool updateProfileDetails(addUserVM updatedUserProfile)
            MECProjectDBEntities t            = new MECProjectDBEntities();
            addUserVM            profileModel = new addUserVM();
            User userProfileToUpdate          = t.Users.First(x => x.user_ID == updatedUserProfile.userId);

            userProfileToUpdate.user_name               = updatedUserProfile.username;
            userProfileToUpdate.user_name               = updatedUserProfile.username;
            userProfileToUpdate.user_phone              = updatedUserProfile.phone;
            userProfileToUpdate.user_password           = updatedUserProfile.password;
            userProfileToUpdate.shopkeeper_shopname     = updatedUserProfile.shopname;
            userProfileToUpdate.shopkeeper_shopaddress  = updatedUserProfile.shopaddress;
            userProfileToUpdate.shopkeeper_bank_name    = updatedUserProfile.bankname;
            userProfileToUpdate.shopkeeper_bank_branch  = updatedUserProfile.bankbranch;
            userProfileToUpdate.shopkeeper_bank_account = updatedUserProfile.accountnumber;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public addUserVM getProfileDetails(int id)
            MECProjectDBEntities t            = new MECProjectDBEntities();
            addUserVM            profileModel = new addUserVM();
            var approvedShopkeeper            = t.Users.First(x => x.user_ID == id);

            profileModel.userId        = approvedShopkeeper.user_ID;
            profileModel.username      = approvedShopkeeper.user_name;
            profileModel.email         = approvedShopkeeper.user_email;
            profileModel.phone         = approvedShopkeeper.user_phone;
            profileModel.password      = approvedShopkeeper.user_password;
            profileModel.shopname      = approvedShopkeeper.shopkeeper_shopname;
            profileModel.shopaddress   = approvedShopkeeper.shopkeeper_shopaddress;
            profileModel.bankname      = approvedShopkeeper.shopkeeper_bank_name;
            profileModel.bankbranch    = approvedShopkeeper.shopkeeper_bank_branch;
            profileModel.accountnumber = approvedShopkeeper.shopkeeper_bank_account;
            profileModel.commission    = Convert.ToInt32(approvedShopkeeper.shopkeeper_commission);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void updateUserStatus(addUserVM p)
            MECProjectDBEntities t = new MECProjectDBEntities();
            User d  = new User();
            var  dd = t.Users.First(x => x.user_ID == p.userId);

            dd.userStatus = p.status;
            //string url = "http://electricianpk.com";
            //For to send an email at Gmail Starts: gmail ID: setting link: https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps?pli=1
            //var fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "ElectricianPK");
            //var toAddress = new MailAddress(dd.user_email, "ElectricianPK");
            //const string fromPassword = "******";
            //const string subject = "Your account has been Approved!";
            //string body = "Dear " + dd.user_name + ", \r\n \r\n" +
            //    "This is to inform you that your account has been approved! " +
            //    "\r\n\r\nYour provided credentials are mentioned below:" +
            //    "\r\nEmail: " + dd.user_email +
            //    "\r\nPassword: "******"\r\n\r\nPlease signin with your given credentials at: " + url +
            //    "\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\nBest Regards,\r\n ElectricianPK Team";
            //var smtp = new SmtpClient
            //    Host = "smtp.gmail.com",
            //    Port = 587,
            //    EnableSsl = true,
            //    DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
            //    Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword),
            //    Timeout = 20000
            //using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
            //    Subject = subject,
            //    Body = body
            //    smtp.Send(message);
            //For to send an email at Gmail Ends
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void registerUser(addUserVM user)
            MECProjectDBEntities t = new MECProjectDBEntities();
            User u = new User();

            u.shopkeeper_bank_account = user.accountnumber;
            u.shopkeeper_bank_branch  = user.bankbranch;
            u.shopkeeper_bank_name    = user.bankname;
            u.shopkeeper_commission   = user.commission.ToString();
            u.shopkeeper_fname        = user.username;
            u.shopkeeper_shopaddress  = user.shopaddress;
            u.shopkeeper_shopname     = user.shopname;
            u.user_email    = user.email;
            u.user_name     = user.username;
            u.user_password = user.password;
            u.user_phone    = user.phone;
            u.cnic          = user.cnic;
            u.city          = user.city;
            u.role_ID       = 3;
            u.userStatus    = "pending";