public void tx(int Link_Type, DataGridViewRow Selected_Row, string For_Book, acc_journ ac_ref) { acjrn = ac_ref; lnktpe = Link_Type; if (Link_Type == 0) { lnktpe_str = "invoice"; } dgvr = Selected_Row; frbkk = For_Book; start_bkk(); bkk_ld2.RunWorkerAsync(); //check defunct if (For_Book.ToLower() == "salesbook") { if (Selected_Row.Cells[4].Value.ToString().Contains("(defunct)")) { MessageBox.Show("The Selected Invoice Link is Defunct, You may Replace it, or Keep it so for Public record.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { if (Selected_Row.Cells[3].Value.ToString().Contains("(defunct)")) { MessageBox.Show("The Selected Invoice Link is Defunct, You may Replace it, or Keep it so for Public record.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } }
private void employeeAndCompanyInformationToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender.Equals(employeeAndCompanyInformationToolStripMenuItem) == true) { First_use fs = new First_use(); fs.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(connectionSettingsToolStripMenuItem1) == true) { First_use_optn op = new First_use_optn(); op.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(connectionSettingsToolStripMenuItem) == true) { loggy lg = new loggy(); lg.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(runApplicationToolStripMenuItem) == true) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\ShareP\\Amatrix Document Server.exe"); } catch (Exception erty) { Am_err ner = new Am_err(); ner.tx("Unable to open Share Point, the .exe is missing, Call maintenance for Check-up."); } } if (sender.Equals(vvmmkt) == true) { mgmt_opr op = new mgmt_opr(); op.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(projectManagmentToolStripMenuItem) == true) { mgmt_stratgy st = new mgmt_stratgy(); st.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(openHumanResourcesToolStripMenuItem) == true) { mgmt_hr hr = new mgmt_hr(); hr.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(openCustomerManagmentToolStripMenuItem) == true) { mgmt_pr pr = new mgmt_pr(); pr.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(openProductManagmentToolStripMenuItem) == true) { mgmt_supch sh = new mgmt_supch(); sh.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(jrnlstrt) == true) { acc_journ jrn = new acc_journ(); jrn.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(ldg) == true) { acc_ledg ld_g = new acc_ledg(); ld_g.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(incvd) == true) { acc_invce vce = new acc_invce(); vce.Show(); } if (sender.Equals(openRePartitionerToolStripMenuItem) == true) { reparttn tn = new reparttn(); tn.Show(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { acc_journ jrn = new acc_journ(); jrn.Show(); }
private void jrnlstrtclc(object sender, EventArgs e) { acc_journ nej = new acc_journ(); nej.Show(); }