Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取状态字典显示值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ActualValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetDisplayName(_Dictionary dictionary, string ActualValue)
            string        strDispName = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder strSqlWhere = new StringBuilder();

            strSqlWhere.Append(" SELECT * FROM [ILIMS_BasicData].[dbo].[b_datadictionary] ");
            strSqlWhere.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");
            switch (dictionary)
            case _Dictionary.ParaExchrate:
                strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND dictionary_no='{0}' ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
                strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND dictionary_name='{0}'", ActualValue);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dictionary.ToString()))
                    strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND dictionary_no='{0}' ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
                strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND list_no='{0}'", ActualValue);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = DBHelper.ExecuteDataSet(strSqlWhere.ToString());
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    switch (dictionary)
                    case _Dictionary.ParaExchrate:
                        if (row["list_no"] != DBNull.Value)
                            strDispName = row["list_no"].ToString();

                        if (row["dictionary_name"] != DBNull.Value)
                            strDispName = row["dictionary_name"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void  getbandicesupport(string icebandsupportall)
            dbobj.tablename = "testbandconfig";
            DataTable dt = dbobj.getdatatble();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                string ba = row["band2"].ToString();
                //string icesupport = bandSupportHelper(ba, icebandsupportall) ?"S":"NS";
                _List <string> icebandalllst = new _List <string>(icebandsupportall.Split(' ').ToList());
                string         icesupport    = StringProcess.bandSupportHelper(ba, icebandalllst) ? "S" : "NS";
                if (!band_vs_icesupport.ContainsKey(ba))
                    band_vs_icesupport.Add(ba, icesupport);
            lg.deb("band vs customer band support: \n\t\t\t" + band_vs_icesupport.ToString());
            //           return band_vs_icesupport;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * TwoKeyDictionary<string, string, string> readconf = new TwoKeyDictionary<string, string, string>();
             * MISC.readconfig_2kdict("conf\\GCF_BI_IRAT_TC.conf",readconf);
             * Debug.Print(readconf.ToString());
             * Dictionary<
             *  string,string> ab = readconf["36.523-1"];
             * _Dictionary<string,string> abc = new _Dictionary<string, string>(ab);
             * Debug.Print(abc.ToString());
             * Dictionary<string, List<string>> t1 = MISC.readconfiglist("conf\\PTCRB_IRAT_band.conf",'\t');
             * foreach (KeyValuePair<string , List<string>> kvp in t1)
             * {
             *  Debug.Print(kvp.Key);
             *  Debug.Print("\t\t"+string.Join(",",kvp.Value));
             * }
            Logging lg = new Logging("log.log", 0);

            MISC.lgstr = lg;
            _Dictionary <string, string> configdic = MISC.readconfig(@"conf\\config.conf");

            string[] excelfilearr_env          = configdic["ecfile"].Split(',');
            string[] sheetnamearr_env          = configdic["ecsheet"].Split(',');
            string   printlevelforenvcondition = configdic["envdebprint"];
            string   bandsupportfile           = configdic["bandsupportfile"];
            string   bandsupportproject        = configdic["bandsupportproject"];
            bool     sheetspecwise             = Convert.ToBoolean(configdic["sheetspecwise"]);

            string[] gcfsheetarr  = configdic["gcfsheetarr"].Split(',');
            string[] gcfarrBI     = configdic["gcfbandlistforBI"].Split(',');
            string[] gcfarrBIM    = configdic["gcfbandlistforBIM"].Split(',');
            string[] gcfarrBIW    = configdic["gcfbandlistforBIW"].Split(',');
            string[] ptcrbspecarr = configdic["ptcrbspecarr"].Trim().Split(',');
            string[] ptcrbarrBI   = configdic["ptcrbbandlistforBI"].Trim().Split(',');
            string[] ptcrbarrBIW  = configdic["ptcrbbandlistforBIW"].Trim().Split(',');

            _Dictionary <string, string> bandlistdic = MISC.readconfig(bandsupportfile);

            Dictionary <string, string[]> prjsupbandlist = MISC.prjsupbl(bandlistdic, bandsupportproject);
            _List <string> allband  = new _List <string>();
            _List <string> ulcaband = new _List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string[]> kvp in prjsupbandlist)
                if (kvp.Key.ToUpper() == "ULCA")
                lg.deb("key: " + kvp.Key + "  val: " + String.Join("   ", kvp.Value));
            lg.inf("All together" + allband.ToString());
            MISC.PICSBandSupportList = allband;
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > spec_tc_env = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            for (int xl = 0; xl < excelfilearr_env.Count(); xl++)
                string   excelfile_env = excelfilearr_env[xl];
                string   sheetname_env = sheetnamearr_env[xl];
                string[] filenamepart  = excelfile_env.Split('_');
                string   spec          = filenamepart[0];// +"."+ filenamepart[1];
                Debug.Print("spec:" + spec + ":");
                spec_tc_env.Add(spec, new List <string>());
                ParseExcel envpe = new ParseExcel(excelfile_env);
                envpe.lgx = lg;
                DataTable dt_env = envpe.GetExcelData(sheetname_env + "$");
                envpe.processenv(dt_env, spec_tc_env, printlevelforenvcondition);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > kvp in spec_tc_env)
                lg.war("spec: " + kvp.Key);
                lg.war("bandlist extreme" + String.Join("#", kvp.Value.ToArray()));

            //ParseExcel envcond = new ParseExcel(excelfile_env);

            Console.WriteLine("This program will parse and process GCF/PTCRB file.");
            Console.WriteLine("First argument is g/p g=> GCF, p=> PTCRB.");
            Console.WriteLine("Second argument is file name");
            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Please add exactly two argument ");
                string file = args[1];
                if (File.Exists(file))
                    if (args[0].ToLower() == "g")
                        //code for gcf here.
                        Console.WriteLine("Now GCF file processing ...");
                        ParseExcel.BIlist  = gcfarrBI;
                        ParseExcel.BIlistW = gcfarrBIW;
                        ParseExcel.BIlistM = gcfarrBIM;
                        ParseExcel pex = new ParseExcel(file, "g");

                        pex.lgx = lg;
                        //List<string> sheetlist = pex.GetExcelsheetslist();

                        foreach (string sh in gcfsheetarr)
                            lg.inf("processing Sheet: " + sh);
                            DataTable dt = pex.GetExcelData(sh + "$");
                            pex.processgcffile(dt, spec_tc_env);
                        Console.WriteLine("Processing done");
                    else if (args[0].ToLower() == "p")
                        //code for ptcrb here.
                        Console.WriteLine("Now PTCRB file processing ...");
                        ParseExcel.BIlist  = ptcrbarrBI;
                        ParseExcel.BIlistW = ptcrbarrBIW;
                        ParseExcel pex = new ParseExcel(file, "p");
                        pex.lgx = lg;
                        DataTable dt = pex.GetExcelData("Sheet$");
                        pex.processptcrbfile(dt, spec_tc_env, ptcrbspecarr);
                        Console.WriteLine("Processing done");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please use letter g/p as the first argument ");
                    Console.WriteLine("The file path is invalid");
                    Debug.Print("file not found");
                    lg.cri("file not found");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static _Dictionary <string, string> processRequiredBand(_Dictionary <string, string> band_status_in, string bandapplicability)
            _Dictionary <string, string> band_rb     = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
            _Dictionary <string, string> band_status = new _Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> keyval in band_status_in)
                string b     = keyval.Key;
                string bpatt = @"[FT]DD\s*(\w+)";
                Match  bc    = Regex.Match(keyval.Key, bpatt);
                if (bc.Success)
                    b = bc.Groups[1].ToString();
                band_status[b] = keyval.Value;
            //this might be used for required band.
            //_List<string> bandOther = new _List<string> { "CA_4A-12A", "CA_2A-12A", "CA_4A-7A",
            //          "CA_4A-29A", "CA_2A-29A", "CA_4A-5A", "CA_4A-4A", "CA_2A-4A", "CA_2A-5A",
            //          "CA_2A-30A", "CA_5A-30A", "CA_4A-30A",
            //          "CA_30A-29A", "CA_12A-30A", "CA_4A-17A", "CA_2A-17A",
            //          "CA_5A-29A", "CA_7A-7A", "CA_66A-66A", "CA_66B", "CA_66C", "CA_66A-29A","4", "17", "14", "25", "2", "5", "7", "12", "13", "30", "II", "V","IV", "1900", "850"};
            //_List<string> bandHO = new _List<string> { "E04-UII", "E04-UV", "E04-UIV", "E17-UII", "E17-UV", "E17-UIV", "E14-UII", "E14-UV", "E14-UIV", "E25-UII", "E25-UV", "E25-UIV", "E02-UII", "E02-UV", "E02-UIV", "E05-UII", "E05-UV", "E05-UIV", "E07-UII", "E07-UV", "E07-UIV", "E12-UII", "E12-UV", "E12-UIV", "E13-UII", "E13-UV", "E13-UIV", "E30-UII", "E30-UV", "E30-UIV", "UII-E04", "UII-E17", "UII-E14", "UII-E25", "UII-E02", "UII-E05", "UII-E07", "UII-E12", "UII-E13", "UII-E30", "UV-E04", "UV-E17", "UV-E14", "UV-E25", "UV-E02", "UV-E05", "UV-E07", "UV-E12", "UV-E13", "UV-E30", "UIV-E04", "UIV-E17", "UIV-E14", "UIV-E25", "UIV-E02", "UIV-E05", "UIV-E07", "UIV-E12", "UIV-E13", "UIV-E30" };

            _List <string> intersectprioritybandlist = new _List <string>();
            _List <string> statuslist = new _List <string> {
                "A", "B", "P"
            _List <string> bandlist = new _List <string>(band_status.Keys.ToList <string>());

            lgstr.deb("bandlist" + bandlist.ToString());
            _List <string> finalbandlist = getListSupportedBand(bandlist);

            foreach (string bl in bandlist)
                //string b = bl;
                ////_Dictionary<string, string> bb = new _Dictionary<string, string>();
                //string bpatt = @"FDD\s*(\w+)";
                //Match bc = Regex.Match(bl, bpatt);
                //if (bc.Success)
                //    b = bc.Groups[1].ToString();
                band_rb[bl] = "N";

            if (bandapplicability.ToLower() == "all")
                foreach (string d in finalbandlist)
                    band_rb[d] = "Y";
                // filtered with testcase status. generate list for ABP
                foreach (string d in finalbandlist)
                    var val = statuslist.Find(x => x == band_status[d]);
                    if (val != null)
                        intersectprioritybandlist.Add(d);                   //list of bands which are common within priority bands as per PTCRB
                if (bandapplicability.ToLower() == "single")
                    foreach (string g in bandOther)
                        var gval = intersectprioritybandlist.Find(y => y == g.Trim());
                        if (gval != null)
                            band_rb[gval] = "Y";
                else if (bandapplicability.ToLower() == "irat-single")
                    foreach (string g in bandHO)
                        var gval = intersectprioritybandlist.Find(y => y == g.Trim());
                        if (gval != null)
                            band_rb[gval] = "Y";
            lgstr.inf("band_rb: " + band_rb.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //public static Logging lg;
        //public static void mainprocess(string filePICSFullPath, _List<string> specTVAFiles, _List<string> specCVLFiles, Logging lg, MySqlDb dbobj, FormUpload frm)
        public static void mainprocess(string filePICSFullPath, _List <string> specTRLFiles, Logging lg, MySqlDb dbobj, FormUpload frm)
            frm.apendlog("Started PICS process", 4);
            lg.deb(" ++++ PICS Process started ++++ ");
            lg.deb("PICS User File : " + filePICSFullPath);
            lg.deb("List of CSV files on server spec data: \n\t\t" + specTRLFiles.ToString());

            progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
            //lg.inf("progress: " + progress.ToString() + " t : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"));
            // START
            string curDir           = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string outputfilename   = Path.Combine(curDir, "combinedOutput.csv");
            string file_picsmapping = Path.Combine(curDir, "_picsmapping.csv");
            string file_picsstatus  = Path.Combine(curDir, "_picsstatus.csv");
            string icebandall       = "";
            string icebandulca      = "";
            string ice4x4MIMO       = "";

            GenericParser gp             = new GenericParser(@filePICSFullPath);
            List <string> excelsheetlist = MySqlDb.GetExcelsheetslist(@filePICSFullPath);

            Debug.Print("all sheet name: " + string.Join("   ,    ", excelsheetlist));
            gp.lg = lg;
            List <int> x = new List <int> {
                1, 6
            //itemno vs [support, pnemonic]
            Dictionary <string, object> PICSoutput = gp.readwholepics();
            //lg.inf("PICS file Data: itemno vs [support,pnemonic]");
            TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string> pics_reco_dic = new TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string>();
            _Dictionary <string, string> pics_reco_table;
            _Dictionary <string, string> PICSFormattedSupportOutput = gp.PICSFormatChangeSupport(PICSoutput);
            //lg.deb("PICS file Data. calculated to True/False with #");
            _Dictionary <string, string> PICSmnemonicDic = gp.PICSFormatMnemonicsChangeSupport(PICSoutput);

            StringProcess.PICSmnemonicDic = PICSmnemonicDic;
            lg.inf("PICSmnemonicDic only for spec 12 = 102 230 :\n" + PICSmnemonicDic.ToString());
            picsSupBandList = gp.PICSSupportedBands(PICSFormattedSupportOutput, PICSoutput);

            lg.inf("picsSupBandList :\n" + picsSupBandList.ToString());
            progress = 2;
            //lg.inf("progress: " + progress.ToString() + "t : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"));
            progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
            Dictionary <string, object> RFBandListD = gp.RFBandTableD(PICSFormattedSupportOutput);
            Dictionary <string, object> RFBandListE = gp.RFBandTableE(PICSFormattedSupportOutput, PICSoutput);
            TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string> user_bs_rb_pics = new TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string>();

            dbobj.tablename = "user_bs_rb_pics";
            DataTable dt = dbobj.getdatatble();

            Debug.Print("Reading Data Table");
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                user_bs_rb_pics[dr["bandsupport"].ToString(), dr["requiredband"].ToString()] = dr["id"].ToString();
            //lg.inf("user_bs_rb_pics" + user_bs_rb_pics.ToString());

            // user_picsver |  picsver -> picssupportedbandlist -> id#gcfver
            // write user_picsver and get id. this will return picsversionid too.
            string    idpicsver = frm.insertpicsver(picsSupBandList.toCommaList());
            DataTable icebanddt = dbobj.getDtFromSqlSt(String.Format("Select icebands, icebands_ulca, 4x4_mimo from user_picsver where id = {0}", idpicsver));

            foreach (DataRow row in icebanddt.Rows)
                //returnval[row[0].ToString(),row[1].ToString()] = row[2].ToString();
                icebandall  = row[0].ToString();
                icebandulca = row[1].ToString();
                ice4x4MIMO  = row[2].ToString();
            lg.inf("customer band from db: (all) " + icebandall);
            lg.inf("customer band from db:(ulca) " + icebandulca);

            //string servDir = @"\\sd-ct-opiot.sn.intel.com\Dropbox\tools\TPG\sampleinput\Specs";
            //New Code End
            progress    = 3;
            progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
            int    specfilescount = specTRLFiles.Count();
            double progressinc    = 97 / specfilescount;

            for (int i = 0; i < specfilescount; i++)
                //lg.inf("progress: " + progress.ToString() + " t : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"));
                string status = "Processing : " + specTRLFiles[i];
                //string fileNameTVA = specTVAFiles[i];
                //string fileNameCVL = specCVLFiles[i];
                string filenameTRL = specTRLFiles[i];
                string fileTRLPath = Path.Combine(servDir, filenameTRL);

                // Getting a portion of string:
                string patt = @"(.+?)_\w+";
                var    mc   = Regex.Match(filenameTRL, patt);
                string spec = mc.Groups[1].ToString();

                //string fileCVLPath = Path.Combine(servDir, fileNameCVL);
                //string fileTVAPath = Path.Combine(servDir, fileNameTVA);
                lg.deb("{MainProcess} Processing -> spec: " + spec + "\tfiles: " + filenameTRL.ToString());
                frm.apendlog("Processing spec = " + spec, 4);
                //_Dictionary<string, string> condVsLogicDic = gp.getdictionaryRowCol(1, 0, fileCVLPath);
                // this function will change  condDict make adding hash. (not sure)
                // itemProcess is not needed for new algo
                //itemProcess(condVsLogicDic, spec);
                //lg.inf("{MainProcess} Condition vs. logical exp from server csv for Spec: " + spec);
                //this will convert item to true false as per PICS
                // Here, we are changing the conDict according to spec. It is different only for Spec:102.230.
                //combinedCond(condVsLogicDic, PICSFormattedSupportOutput);

                //lg.deb(@"{MainProcess} Condition vs T/F after using PICS for Spec: " + spec);

                // filter spec string to address spec confusion for 51.010
                //string spec = spec;

                //if (spec.StartsWith("51.010"))
                //    spec = "51.010";
                //lg.inf("tempdebug: spec: " + spec +" new spec: "+ spec);
                frm.SetLabelstat(status + " db query to get test configuration");
                // Database query to get all the info for the spec. from tcconfig table
                //TwoKeyDictionary<string, string, string> tc_band_sheet = frm.tc_band_sheet;
                _Dictionary <string, string> tc_des = frm.tc_des;
                TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string> tc_band_id     = frm.tc_band_id;
                TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string> tc_band_status = frm.tc_band_status;
                _Dictionary <string, string> tc_bandapplicability        = frm.tc_bandapplicability;
                //lg.deb("sheetname from db"+tc_band_sheet.ToString());
                //lg.deb("testconfig from DB");
                //lg.deb("tc_bandapplicability from DB");
                //lg.deb("tc_band_status from DB");
                _Dictionary <string, string> TCvsApp                 = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                _Dictionary <string, string> TCvsAppFiltered         = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                _Dictionary <string, string> csvTCvsRel              = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                _Dictionary <string, object> TCvsBand                = new _Dictionary <string, object>();
                TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string> bsrbidxdic = new TwoKeyDictionary <string, string, string>();
                if (File.Exists(fileTRLPath))
                    _Dictionary <string, string> dict_logic    = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                    _Dictionary <string, string> dict_logic_TF = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                    _Dictionary <string, string> dict_rel      = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                    _Dictionary <string, string> dict_de       = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                    _Dictionary <string, string> dict_pnemonic = new _Dictionary <string, string>();
                    StringProcess.specDash1 = spec;
                    gp.dict_de                = dict_de;
                    gp.dict_logic             = dict_logic;
                    gp.dict_logic_TF          = dict_logic_TF;
                    gp.dict_pnemonic          = dict_pnemonic;
                    gp.dict_rel               = dict_rel;
                    GenericParser.picssupport = PICSFormattedSupportOutput;
                    //this will generate logic to TF
                    if (GenericParser.missingpicsitem.Count > 0)
                        lg.inf("{MainProcess} Missing Item in pics file:");

                    lg.inf("{MainProcess} TC vs True False TRL + pics file:");
                    lg.inf("{MainProcess} TC vs Logic  from TRL:");
                    //_Dictionary<string, string> csvTCvsCond;
                    //_Dictionary<string, string> dict_de;
                    //frm.SetLabelstat(status + " process tc vs cond");
                    //csvTCvsCond = new _Dictionary<string, string>(gp.getdictionaryRowCol(1, 0, fileTVAPath,true));
                    //frm.SetLabelstat(status + " process tc vs rel");
                    //csvTCvsRel = new _Dictionary<string, string>(gp.getdictionaryRowCol(2, 0, fileTVAPath,true));
                    //frm.SetLabelstat(status + " process tc vs Band cond");
                    //dict_de = new _Dictionary<string, string>(gp.getdictionaryRowCol(3, 0, fileTVAPath,true));
                    //lg.inf("{MainProcess} TC vs Condion from server csv file:");
                    // This loop iterates over the configurations obtained from the database
                    progress   += progressinc * 0.1;
                    progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                    double progressinc2 = progressinc * 0.8;
                    int    tccount      = tc_band_id.getCount();
                    double progressinc3 = progressinc2 / tccount;
                    //lg.inf(String.Format("progress: {0} ,progressinc: {1}, progressinc2: {2},progressinc3: {3} tccount: {4}", progress, progressinc, progressinc2, progressinc3, tccount));
                    //read new csv file here
                    //string picslogic = "";
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > temp in tc_band_id)
                    {// reading database test case - band vs id start
                        string ms1        = DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
                        string s1         = DateTime.Now.Second.ToString();
                        string tc         = temp.Key.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
                        string oldTC      = tc;
                        string picstmpstr = "";
                        string picsBand   = "";
                        string picsRel    = "Rel: NF";
                        string picsTCReco = "";
                        _Dictionary <string, string> band_id = new _Dictionary <string, string>(temp.Value);
                        _List <string> bandsPerTC            = new _List <string>(band_id.Keys.ToList());
                        lg.inf("{MainProcess} List of bands from db for TestCase: " + tc);

                        // Start: For Remving V1 or V2 from TC
                        string TCvsAppFilteredTempSingle = "";
                        string pattTC = @"(.*)\s\(v\d+\)";
                        Match  mcTC   = Regex.Match(tc, pattTC);
                        if (mcTC.Success)
                            tc = mcTC.Groups[1].ToString().Trim();
                            lg.war("TC Converted from old " + oldTC + " to " + tc);
                            frm.apendlog("TC Converted from old " + oldTC + " to " + tc);
                        // End: For Remving V1 or V2 from TC
                        // for spec 37.901 to match test case after the dash everything should be removed
                        if (spec == "37.901")
                            tc = tc.Split('-')[0];
                        //var tctemplist = dict_logic_TF.Keys.Where(t => t.Trim().Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == tc.Trim().Replace(" ", "").ToLower());
                        string tcapplicability = "";

                        foreach (string tctemp in dict_logic_TF.Keys)
                            if (tctemp.Trim().Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == tc.Trim().Replace(" ", "").ToLower())
                                tcapplicability = dict_logic_TF[tctemp];
                                if (dict_rel.ContainsKey(tctemp))
                                    picsRel = dict_rel[tctemp];
                                //if (dict_logic.ContainsKey(tctemp))
                                //    picslogic = dict_logic[tctemp];
                        // checking if csvTCvsCond has the tc(after removing v1/v2)
                        if (tcapplicability != "")
                            //string tcapplicability = dict_logic_TF[tc].Trim();

                            if (tcapplicability == "R")
                                TCvsApp.Add(tc, "R");
                                picsTCReco = "TC: R";
                            else if (tcapplicability == "m")
                                TCvsApp.Add(tc, "R");
                                picsTCReco = "TC: R";
                            else if (tcapplicability != "")
                                string dbgexception = " TC = " + tc;
                                //string condCurTC = "";
                                string resCurTC = tcapplicability;
                                    // Pass it through a function: addressing special case 51.010-4...
                                    //condCurTC = csvTCvsCond[tc];
                                    //dbgexception += "\tcondCurTC = " + condCurTC;
                                    // Pass it through a function:
                                    //resCurTC = tcapplicability;//dict_logic_TF[tc];
                                    //resCurTC = StringProcess.TCVsTF(condCurTC, condVsLogicDic);
                                    dbgexception += "\tresCurTC = " + resCurTC;
                                    //lg.deb("Result from condition map:  " + resCurTC + "for TestCase: " + tc);
                                    if (!TCvsApp.ContainsKey(tc))
                                        TCvsApp.Add(tc, resCurTC);
                                    TCvsAppFilteredTempSingle = gp.TCvsAppRefined(resCurTC);
                                    if (!TCvsAppFiltered.ContainsKey(tc))
                                        TCvsAppFiltered.Add(tc, TCvsAppFilteredTempSingle);
                                    dbgexception += "\tresCurTCFiltered = " + TCvsAppFilteredTempSingle;
                                    picsTCReco    = "TC: " + TCvsAppFilteredTempSingle;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    lg.err("{MainProcess} Exception: " + ex.Message + "\n\t\t\t" + dbgexception);
                                    picsTCReco = "TC: X";
                                    frm.apendlog(ex.Message, 2);
                        { // tc is not in the dictionary. csvTCvsCond.ContainsKey(tc)
                            if (spec == "tty")
                                picsTCReco = "TC: R";
                                picsTCReco = "TC: -";
                                lg.war("{MainProcess} CSVOutputTCApp KeyNotFound = " + tc);
                                frm.apendlog("TC missing :  " + tc, 3);
                        _List <string> bandListDE = new _List <string>();
                        //_List<string> keyInTCvsRel = new _List<string>(csvTCvsRel.Keys.ToList());
                        //if (csvTCvsRel.ContainsKey(tc))
                        //    picsRel = csvTCvsRel[tc];

                        if (spec == "36.521-1")
                            if (dict_de.ContainsKey(tc))
                                patt = @"([DE])\d+";
                                var    mc1 = Regex.Match(dict_de[tc], patt);
                                string res = mc1.Groups[1].ToString();
                                if (res == "D")
                                    List <string> bandListD = new List <string>();
                                    if (RFBandListD.ContainsKey(dict_de[tc]))
                                        bandListD = (List <string>)RFBandListD[dict_de[tc]];

                                    TCvsBand.Add(tc, bandListD);
                                    foreach (string bandVal in bandListD)
                                else if (res == "E")
                                    List <string> bandListE = new List <string>();
                                    if (RFBandListE.ContainsKey(dict_de[tc]))
                                        bandListE = (List <string>)RFBandListE[dict_de[tc]];
                                    TCvsBand.Add(tc, bandListE);
                                    foreach (string bandVal in bandListE)
                                lg.war("{MainProcess} CSVOutputTCBand KeyNotFound = " + tc);
                                frm.apendlog("TC missing :: " + tc, 3);
                            lg.inf("DE Check: " + tc + " band list: " + bandListDE.ToString());
                            //frm.apendlog("bandlist error " + tc, 1);
                        _Dictionary <string, string> band_status = new _Dictionary <string, string>(frm.tc_band_status[oldTC]);
                        lg.inf("    " + band_status.ToString());
                        bandHO    = frm.rb_order_ho_str.Split(',');
                        bandOther = frm.rb_order_other_str.Split(',');
                        _Dictionary <string, string> band_rb = processRequiredBand(band_status, tc_bandapplicability[oldTC]);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in band_id)
                            string         band_id_key  = kvp.Key;
                            string         band_id_val  = kvp.Value;
                            string         band_rb_val  = "E";
                            _List <string> modifiedband = StringProcess.getValIntiligent(band_id_key, band_rb);
                            band_rb_val = modifiedband[2];
                            if (modifiedband[0] != "1")
                                lg.inf("bandchange" + modifiedband.ToString());

                            string pics_reco_str = picstmpstr;
                            picsBand = "";
                            bool isSuppBand = StringProcess.bandSupportHelper(band_id_key, picsSupBandList);
                            if ((frm.testcat == "rf") || (frm.testcat == "att") || (frm.testcat == "vzw") || (frm.testcat == "cmcc"))
                                band_rb_val = "";
                            if (spec == "36.521-1")
                                //string PICSRecoBand = "";
                                bool PICSRecoBand = StringProcess.bandSupportHelper(band_id_key, bandListDE);
                                //lg.cri("After call: " + tc + " band list: " + bandListDE.ToString());
                                if (PICSRecoBand)
                                    //picsBand = "Band: R";
                                    picsBand = "";
                                    picsBand = "Band: NR";
                                if (tc.StartsWith("8") | tc.StartsWith("9"))
                                    picsBand = "";

                                //if ((tc_band_sheet[tc, band_id_key] == "LTE_UL_CA") || ((tc_band_sheet[tc, band_id_key] == "64QAM")))
                                string desc = tc_des[tc].ToLower();
                                if (desc.Contains("64qam") || desc.Contains("dl ca and ul ca"))
                                    string pattULCA = @"CA_(\d+[A-E])";
                                    Match  mcULCA   = Regex.Match(band_id_key, pattULCA);
                                    if (mcULCA.Success)
                                        string band_id_key_mod = "UL" + band_id_key;
                                        if (picsSupBandList.Contains(band_id_key_mod))
                                            isSuppBand = true;

                            picsRel = picsRel.Replace(",", " ");
                            if (picsTCReco != "")
                                if (pics_reco_str == "")
                                    pics_reco_str += picsTCReco;
                                    pics_reco_str += ", " + picsTCReco;
                            if (picsRel != "")
                                if (pics_reco_str == "")
                                    pics_reco_str += picsRel;
                                    pics_reco_str += ", " + picsRel;
                            if (picsBand != "")
                                if (pics_reco_str == "")
                                    pics_reco_str += picsBand;
                                    pics_reco_str += ", " + picsBand;
                            //if (picsRel.ToLower().Contains("only"))
                            //  pics_reco_str += ",Rel:NR";

                            // rel 2 to rel 6
                            // string relpatt = @"(?:r(?:el)?(?:ease)?[-\s]?\d+\s*(?:to|and)\s*)?r(?:el)?(?:ease)?[-\s]?(\d+)\s*only";
                            // Match relm = Regex.Match(picsRel, relpatt,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            // if (relm.Success)
                            // {
                            //     int rel = int.Parse(relm.Groups[1].ToString());
                            //     if ((rel < 90) && (rel < int.Parse(uerelease)))
                            //     {
                            //         pics_reco_str += ", Rel:NR";
                            //     }
                            // }

                            string PICSSuppBand = "NS";
                            if (isSuppBand)
                                PICSSuppBand = "S";
                            string idstr = "-1";
                            if (user_bs_rb_pics.ContainsKey(PICSSuppBand, band_rb_val))
                                idstr = user_bs_rb_pics[PICSSuppBand, band_rb_val];
                                lg.cri("no key found: picssupband" + PICSSuppBand + " requiredband " + band_rb_val + "\n" + user_bs_rb_pics.ToString());
                                frm.apendlog("pics support band and requiredband process failed for band:" + band_id_key, 1);
                            if (!bsrbidxdic.ContainsKey(oldTC, band_id_key))
                                bsrbidxdic[oldTC, band_id_key] = idstr;

                            // user_picsstatus | picsstatus

                            //string idstr = FormUpload.getid_Reco(pics_reco_table, PICSOutputStr);
                            if (!pics_reco_dic.ContainsKey(oldTC, band_id_val))
                                pics_reco_dic[oldTC, band_id_val] = pics_reco_str;
                            GenericParser.writetocsv(file_picsstatus, pics_reco_str + "\t");
                            pics_reco_str = String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}", band_id_key, oldTC, band_id_val, pics_reco_str, PICSSuppBand, idstr);
                            GenericParser.writetocsv(outputfilename, pics_reco_str);
                            lg.deb("FinalOutput: " + tc + " Result: " + pics_reco_str);
                        progress += progressinc3;
                        if (progressint < Convert.ToInt32(progress))
                            progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                        progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                    }// reading database test case - band vs id end

                    lg.war("Missing Bands from 'picsSupBandList':\n\t\t " + string.Join("   ", StringProcess.mismatchedbandbandsupporthelper));

                    // GET user_picsstatus table here. as a dictionary.
                    dbobj.tablename = "user_picsstatus";
                    file_picsstatus = file_picsstatus.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    dbobj.insertfile(file_picsstatus, "picsstatus");
                    pics_reco_table = frm.getfulltable("user_picsstatus", "picsstatus");
                    //lg.deb("PICS Reco String table from DB");
                    //lg.deb("tcr: " + pics_reco_table["TC: R, REL-8"]);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > temp in tc_band_id)
                        string tc = temp.Key.Replace(" ", "");
                        _Dictionary <string, string> band_id = new _Dictionary <string, string>(temp.Value);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in band_id)
                            string picsrecoid    = "-1";
                            string bsrbidx       = "-1";
                            string band_id_key   = kvp.Key;
                            string band_id_val   = kvp.Value;
                            string pics_reco_str = pics_reco_dic[tc, band_id_val];

                            string picslogic = "";
                            if (dict_logic.ContainsKey(tc))
                                picslogic = dict_logic[tc];
                                picslogic = "";
                                lg.war("logicstring error" + tc);
                            //------converting REL to Rel - start---------
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp1 in pics_reco_table)
                                string picsstringdb = kvp1.Key;

                                if (picsstringdb.ToLower().Trim() == pics_reco_str.ToLower().Trim())
                                    picsrecoid = kvp1.Value;

                            //if (pics_reco_table.ContainsKey(pics_reco_str))
                            //    picsrecoid = pics_reco_table[pics_reco_str];
                            if (picsrecoid == "-1")
                                lg.cri("No Key for " + pics_reco_str);
                            if (bsrbidxdic.ContainsKey(tc, band_id_key))
                                bsrbidx = bsrbidxdic[tc, band_id_key];
                                lg.cri(String.Format("Missing ID for BS: {0} and RB : {1}", tc, band_id_key));
                            string picsbs = frm.band_vs_icesupport[band_id_key];
                            if (spec == "36.521-1")
                                //if ((tc_band_sheet[tc, band_id_key] == "LTE_ UL_CA") || ((tc_band_sheet[tc, band_id_key] == "64QAM")))
                                string desc = tc_des[tc].ToLower();
                                if (desc.Contains("64qam") || desc.Contains("dl ca and ul ca"))
                                    string band_id_key_mod = band_id_key.ToUpper().Replace("CA_", "");
                                    if (BandProcess.containstheword(icebandulca, band_id_key_mod))
                                        picsbs = "S";
                                        picsbs = "NS";

                                if (desc.Contains("x4") || desc.Contains("4 rx"))
                                    string band_id_key_mod = band_id_key.ToUpper().Replace("CA_", "");
                                    if (BandProcess.containstheword(ice4x4MIMO, band_id_key_mod))
                                        picsbs = "S";
                                        picsbs = "NS";
                            string map_str = String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t", idpicsver, bsrbidx, picsrecoid, band_id_val, picsbs, picslogic);
                            GenericParser.writetocsv(file_picsmapping, map_str);
                    progress   += progressinc * 0.1;
                    progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                    //lg.inf("progress: " + progress.ToString() + "t : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"));
                    dbobj.tablename  = "user_picsmappingtable";
                    file_picsmapping = file_picsmapping.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    frm.SetLabelstat(status + " uploading pics information to db");
                    dbobj.insertfile(file_picsmapping, String.Format("`{0}`,`{1}`,`{2}`,`{3}`,`{4}`,`{5}`", "id#pics", "id#bsrb", "id#picsstat", "id#v_comb_serv_info", "icebs", "PICSLogic"));
                    frm.SetLabelstat(status + " Uploading pics Complete");
                    lg.cri("{MainProcess} File Does not exist !  =>" + filenameTRL);
                    Debug.Print("File " + filenameTRL + " NOT found!");
                    frm.apendlog("File " + filenameTRL + " NOT found!", 1);

                //////lg.inf("{MainProcess} TC (from db) vs App: RAW");
                //////lg.deb("{MainProcess} TC (from db) vs App: FILTERED");
                //////lg.cri("Band Support: Verification:");
                // End of the Loop:
            progress    = 100;
            progressint = Convert.ToInt32(progress);

            // END
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取状态字典显示值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ActualValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetDisplayName(_Dictionary dictionary,string ActualValue)
            string strDispName = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder strSqlWhere = new StringBuilder();
            strSqlWhere.Append(" SELECT * FROM [ILIMS_BasicData].[dbo].[b_datadictionary] ");
            strSqlWhere.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");
            switch (dictionary)
                case _Dictionary.ParaExchrate:
                    strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND dictionary_no='{0}' ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
                    strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND dictionary_name='{0}'", ActualValue);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dictionary.ToString()))
                        strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND dictionary_no='{0}' ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
                    strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" AND list_no='{0}'", ActualValue);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            ds = DBHelper.ExecuteDataSet(strSqlWhere.ToString());
            if (ds!=null&&ds.Tables.Count>0)
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    switch (dictionary)
                        case _Dictionary.ParaExchrate:
                            if (row["list_no"] != DBNull.Value)
                                strDispName = row["list_no"].ToString();
                            if (row["dictionary_name"] != DBNull.Value)
                                strDispName = row["dictionary_name"].ToString();

            return strDispName;
 /// <summary>
 /// 贸易方式下拉数据,仓单状态下拉数据
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dictionary"></param>
 /// <param name="dictionaryNo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DataTable GetDatadictionaryList(_Dictionary dictionary)
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     StringBuilder strSqlWhere = new StringBuilder();
     if (dictionary==_Dictionary.Status)
         strSqlWhere.Append(" SELECT  [dictionary_value] as list_no ,[dictionary_name] ");
         strSqlWhere.Append(" FROM [ILIMS_BasicData].[dbo].[b_datadictionary] ");
         strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" WHERE dictionary_no ={0} ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
         strSqlWhere.Append(" and is_valid=1 ");
         strSqlWhere.Append(" SELECT [list_no] ,[dictionary_name] ");
         strSqlWhere.Append(" FROM [ILIMS_BasicData].[dbo].[b_datadictionary] ");
         strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" WHERE  dictionary_no={0} ",Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
         strSqlWhere.Append(" and is_valid=1 ");
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     ds = DBHelper.ExecuteDataSet(strSqlWhere.ToString());
     if (ds!=null||ds.Tables.Count>0)
         dt = ds.Tables[0];
     return dt;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void readconfigpics()
            XmlDocument xmlDoc   = new XmlDocument();
            string      curDir   = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string      fullPath = Path.Combine(curDir, "Config_PICS.xml");


            // Let's convert dash1 spec into dash2 spec from the config file:
            // Start:
            XmlNodeList spectospecalltogether = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("spectospec");
            XmlElement  spectospec            = (XmlElement)spectospecalltogether[0];
            XmlNodeList smallElementDash1     = spectospec.GetElementsByTagName("specdash1");
            XmlNodeList smallElementDash2     = spectospec.GetElementsByTagName("specdash2");

            //_Dictionary<string, string> specToSpec = new _Dictionary<string, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < smallElementDash1.Count; i++)
                string K = smallElementDash1[i].InnerText.Trim();
                string V = smallElementDash2[i].InnerText.Trim();
                specToSpec[K] = V;
            // End:
            //lgstr.inf("specdash1\n" + specDash1);
            lgstr.inf("spectospec\n" + specToSpec.ToString());

            //string spec = specToSpec[specDash1];

            XmlNodeList specrefalltogether = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("specref");
            XmlElement  specref            = (XmlElement)specrefalltogether[0];

            //XmlNode xmln = bigElement[0].Inner;
            XmlNodeList smallElementSpec   = specref.GetElementsByTagName("specrefIN");
            XmlNodeList smallElementRefID  = specref.GetElementsByTagName("ref_id");
            XmlNodeList smallElementSpecID = specref.GetElementsByTagName("spec_id");

            //TwoKeyDictionary<string, string, string> specRefMap = new TwoKeyDictionary<string, string, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < smallElementSpec.Count; i++)
                string K1 = smallElementSpec[i].InnerText.Trim();
                string K2 = smallElementRefID[i].InnerText.Trim();
                string V  = smallElementSpecID[i].InnerText.Trim();
                specRefMap[K1, K2] = V;

            XmlNodeList allp = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("mappingspec");

            // _Dictionary<string, string> specIDMap = new _Dictionary<string, string>();
            foreach (XmlNode pl in allp)
                string specno = pl.ChildNodes[0].InnerText.Trim();
                string id     = pl.ChildNodes[1].InnerText.Trim();
                specIDMap[specno] = id;

            lgstr.inf("specidmap\n" + specIDMap.ToString());

            xmlDoc = null;
            lgstr.inf("specrefmap\n" + specRefMap.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // public static string condSimple(string condVal, _Dictionary<string, string> pics_support)
        // {
        //     // this method must return true or false only.
        //     string boolstr = condVal;
        //     string strPatt = @"if([(\bA\.\S+|\bB\.\S+|\bD\.\S+|\bG\.\S+|\bX\.\S+|AND|OR|NOT|\s+)]+)then\s+[roam]\s+else\s+n\/a";
        //     Match matchPartGr = Regex.Match(condVal, strPatt, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        //     if (matchPartGr.Success)
        //     {
        //         boolstr = logicstrProcess(matchPartGr.Groups[1].ToString(), pics_support);
        //     }
        //     else
        //     {
        //         lgstr.err(" {condSimple} LogicalExprError: " + condVal);
        //     }
        //     lgstr.inf(" {condSimple} " + condVal + " => " + boolstr);
        //     return boolstr;
        // }

        public static string condCompl(string cstring, _Dictionary <string, string> c_logic_map, _Dictionary <string, string> pics_support)
            //update c_logic map
            string logicstring = c_logic_map[cstring];
            //lgstr.deb("\t{condCompl} eval start for  " + String.Format("[{0}] -> {1}", cstring,logicstring));
            string outstr        = "";
            string condResRecur  = "";
            string condResRecur2 = "";

            //Debug.Print("xxxx: " + logicstring);

            if (logicstring.ToLower() == "true")
                outstr = "True";
            else if (logicstring.ToLower() == "false")
                outstr = "False";
            else if ((logicstring.Trim().ToLower() == "void") || (logicstring.Trim().ToLower() == @"n/a") || (logicstring.Trim().ToLower().Contains("ffs")))
                //   lgstr.inf("Void Information: " + logicstring);
                outstr = "False";
                var regex = new Regex(@"(and|or|not)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                logicstring = regex.Replace(logicstring, m => m.ToString().ToUpper());
                //simple pattern need to correct
                string pattSimple = @"^if(?:(?:\d+#\S+)|AND|OR|NOT|\(|\)|\s)+then\s+[RAM]\s+else\s+n\/a";
                Match  mcSimple   = Regex.Match(logicstring, pattSimple, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                string pattMnemonic = @"if((?:(?:O_\S+)|AND|OR|NOT|\(|\)|\s)+)then";
                Match  mcMnemonic   = Regex.Match(logicstring, pattMnemonic, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                //string pattMnemonic = @"if(?:(?:O_\S+)|AND|OR|NOT|\(|\)|\s)+then\s+[RAM]\s+else\s+n\/a";
                //@"if\s*(.+)\s+then\s+o\s+else\s+(?:\()?(?:\s+)?if\s*(.+)\s+then(.+)"; //07-25-2017
                string pattComplGen = @"if\s * (.+)\s + then\s + o\s +else\s + (?:\() ? (?:\s +)?if\s *\(?\s * (.+?)\s *\)?\s + then(.+)";
                Match  mcComplGen   = Regex.Match(logicstring, pattComplGen, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                string pattComplCTPSExtra = @"if((?:(?:c\S+)|(?:\d+#\S+)|AND|OR|NOT|\(|\)|\s)+)then\s+[MORA]\s+else\s+n\/a";
                Match  mcComplCTPSxtra    = Regex.Match(logicstring, pattComplCTPSExtra, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (mcSimple.Success)
                    //outstr = condSimple(logicstring, pics_support);
                    lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} pattern mcComplGen # " + logicstring);

                else if (mcComplGen.Success)
                    // if the logic string is a complex type
                    condResRecur  = mcComplGen.Groups[1].ToString();
                    condResRecur2 = mcComplGen.Groups[2].ToString();
                    lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} pattern mcComplGen # " + condResRecur + " # " + condResRecur2 + " # " + logicstring);
                    // After processing condResRecur, get true/false
                    if (condResRecur != "")
                        string pattIn = @"C(?:\%\d+\%)?[\w-_]+";
                        var    mcIn   = Regex.Matches(condResRecur, pattIn);
                        //string tempres ;
                        foreach (var mcInTemp in mcIn)
                            string tempres = c_logic_map[mcInTemp.ToString()];
                            lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl}" + condResRecur + " match: " + mcInTemp.ToString() + " 1stResult: " + tempres);
                            if ((tempres != "True") && (tempres != "False"))
                                lgstr.inf("\tRecursive call:  " + mcInTemp.ToString());
                                tempres = condCompl(mcInTemp.ToString(), c_logic_map, pics_support);
                            condResRecur = condResRecur.Replace(mcInTemp.ToString(), tempres);
                            string boolstrverify = condResRecur.Replace("AND", "").Replace("OR", "").Replace("NOT", "").Replace("True", "").Replace("False", "");
                            Match  m             = Regex.Match(boolstrverify, @"\w+");
                            if (!(m.Success))
                                lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} part1Change1: " + condResRecur + " match: " + m.ToString());
                                if (tempres.Trim() != "")
                                    condResRecur = evalBooleanExpr(tempres).ToString();
                            lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} part1change2:" + condResRecur);
                    if (condResRecur.ToLower() == "true")
                        outstr = "True";
                    else if (condResRecur.ToLower() == "false")
                        //evaluate 2nd part
                        outstr = logicstrProcess(condResRecur2, pics_support);
                        //return the problematic string.
                        lgstr.cri("\t{condcompl} Improper Condition" + condResRecur);
                        outstr = condResRecur;
                else if (mcComplCTPSxtra.Success)
                    condResRecur = mcComplCTPSxtra.Groups[1].ToString();
                    lgstr.inf("\t{condcompl} pattern mcComplCTPSxtra # " + condResRecur + " # " + logicstring);
                    if (condResRecur != "")
                        string pattIn   = @"C(?:\%\d+\%)?[\w-_]+";
                        string pattItem = @"\d+#\b[AEG]\.\d[\d\-\/\.a-z]+\b";
                        var    mcIn     = Regex.Matches(condResRecur, pattIn);
                        var    mcItem   = Regex.Matches(condResRecur, pattItem);
                        foreach (var mcItemTemp in mcItem)
                            string tempres = convertToBoolExpr(pics_support, mcItemTemp.ToString());
                            //condResRecur =  convertToBoolExpr(pics_support, condResRecur);
                            condResRecur = condResRecur.Replace(mcItemTemp.ToString(), tempres);
                            lgstr.inf("\t{condcompl} tempres: " + tempres + "#" + condResRecur);
                            //logicstring =  convertToBoolExpr(pics_support, logicstring);
                        lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} replace item with TF# " + condResRecur);
                        //c_logic_map[cstring] = logicstring;
                        //string tempres ;
                        foreach (var mcInTemp in mcIn)
                            lgstr.inf("\tregexmatch" + mcInTemp.ToString());
                            if (!c_logic_map.ContainsKey(mcInTemp.ToString()))
                            string tempres = c_logic_map[mcInTemp.ToString()];
                            lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl}" + condResRecur + "C match: " + mcInTemp.ToString() + " 1stResult: " + tempres);
                            if ((tempres != "True") && (tempres != "False"))
                                lgstr.inf("\trecursive call:  " + mcInTemp.ToString());
                                tempres = condCompl(mcInTemp.ToString(), c_logic_map, pics_support);
                            condResRecur = condResRecur.Replace(mcInTemp.ToString(), tempres);
                            string boolstrverify = condResRecur.Replace("AND", "").Replace("OR", "").Replace("NOT", "").Replace("True", "").Replace("False", "");
                            Match  m             = Regex.Match(boolstrverify, @"\w+");
                            if (!(m.Success))
                                lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} part1Change1: " + condResRecur + " match: " + m.ToString());
                                if (tempres.Trim() != "")
                                    condResRecur = evalBooleanExpr(tempres).ToString();
                            //lgstr.inf(" {condCompl} part1change2:" + condResRecur);
                        lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} Final val TF# " + condResRecur);
                        outstr = condResRecur;
                else if (mcMnemonic.Success)
                    condResRecur = mcMnemonic.Groups[1].ToString();
                    lgstr.inf("\t{condcompl} pattern mcMnemonic # " + condResRecur + " # " + logicstring);
                    if (condResRecur != "")
                        string patMnemonic = @"\bO_\S+\b";
                        var    mcItem      = Regex.Matches(condResRecur, patMnemonic);
                        Regex  itemRegex   = new Regex(patMnemonic, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        condResRecur = itemRegex.Replace(condResRecur, m => convertBoolHelper(m.ToString(), PICSmnemonicDic));
                        lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} mnemonic replace item with TF# " + condResRecur);
                        string boolstrverify = condResRecur.Replace("AND", "").Replace("OR", "").Replace("NOT", "").Replace("True", "").Replace("False", "");

                        Match mtmp = Regex.Match(boolstrverify, @"\w+");
                        if (!(mtmp.Success))
                            lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} pnemonic: " + condResRecur + " match: " + mtmp.ToString());
                            if (condResRecur.Trim() != "")
                                condResRecur = evalBooleanExpr(condResRecur).ToString();
                        outstr = condResRecur;

                    lgstr.inf("\t{condCompl} final: " + condResRecur + " match: " + outstr);
                    lgstr.err("\t{condCompl} no matching pattern: " + logicstring);
                    outstr = "False";
            // For End:
            c_logic_map[cstring] = outstr;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 贸易方式下拉数据,仓单状态下拉数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionary"></param>
        /// <param name="dictionaryNo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetDatadictionaryList(_Dictionary dictionary)
            DataTable     dt          = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder strSqlWhere = new StringBuilder();

            if (dictionary == _Dictionary.Status)
                strSqlWhere.Append(" SELECT  [dictionary_value] as list_no ,[dictionary_name] ");
                strSqlWhere.Append(" FROM [ILIMS_BasicData].[dbo].[b_datadictionary] ");
                strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" WHERE dictionary_no ={0} ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
                strSqlWhere.Append(" and is_valid=1 ");
                strSqlWhere.Append(" SELECT [list_no] ,[dictionary_name] ");
                strSqlWhere.Append(" FROM [ILIMS_BasicData].[dbo].[b_datadictionary] ");
                strSqlWhere.AppendFormat(" WHERE  dictionary_no={0} ", Enum.Parse(typeof(_Dictionary), dictionary.ToString()).GetHashCode());
                strSqlWhere.Append(" and is_valid=1 ");
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = DBHelper.ExecuteDataSet(strSqlWhere.ToString());
            if (ds != null || ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                dt = ds.Tables[0];