Ejemplo n.º 1
            public void RAR_EachFileInDir(RadProgressBar radProgress, string DirPath, bool NewThread = true, bool EpNumRARName = true, string Prefix = "")
                _AHK ahk = new _AHK();

                if (NewThread)
                    Thread imdbTVParseThread = new Thread(() => RAR_EachFileInDir(radProgress, DirPath, false, EpNumRARName, Prefix));
                    _TelerikLib.RadProgress pro = new _TelerikLib.RadProgress();
                    _Lists lst = new _Lists();
                    _Parse prs = new _Parse();

                    string rar = @"C:\_Code\LucidProjects\ADBindex\ComPress\bin\Debug\Lib\rar.exe";

                    List <string> files = lst.FileList(DirPath);

                    pro.SetupProgressBar(radProgress, files.Count);

                    string RelativePath = "-ep";

                    string fileDir = ahk.FileDir(DirPath); int i = 0;
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        if (ahk.FileExt(file).ToUpper() == ".URL")

                        // extract season/ep number from file name
                        string epNum = prs.SeasonEpNums(file);

                        i++; pro.UpdateProgress(radProgress, ahk.FileName(file) + " " + i + "/" + files.Count);
                        string newRAR = fileDir + "\\" + Prefix + epNum + ".rar";

                        // use the file name as the zip file name
                        if (!EpNumRARName)
                            newRAR = fileDir + "\\" + ahk.FileNameNoExt(file) + ".rar";

                        if (File.Exists(newRAR))

                        string FIle = file.Replace(",", "`,");

                        string cmd = rar + " A -m0 " + RelativePath + " " + "\"" + newRAR + "\" \"" + FIle + "\"";
                        ahk.RunWait(cmd, "", "Hide");

                    ahk.MsgBox("Finished RARing " + files.Count + " Files");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Separates a file path - returns file name (no extension)</summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">File Location to Parse</param>
        /// <param name="CheckIfExists">Option to check to see if FilePath exists - FileNameNoExt returns blank if file not found</param>
        public static string FileNameNoExt(this string FilePath, bool CheckIfExists = false)
            _AHK ahk = new _AHK();

            return(ahk.FileNameNoExt(FilePath, CheckIfExists));
Ejemplo n.º 3
            /// <summary>
            /// FFMpeg Create Preview Images From Video Dir
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="VideoDir"></param>
            /// <param name="SaveDir"></param>
            public void VideoScreenCaps(string VideoDir, ProgressBar progressB, bool NewThread = true, string SaveDir = "", int TilesWide = 3, int TilesTall = 3, string Scale = "320:240", string SaveFormat = "jpg", bool OverWriteExisting = false, string CaptureOpt = "1000")
                if (NewThread)
                    Thread newThread = new Thread(() => VideoScreenCaps(VideoDir, progressB, false, SaveDir, TilesWide, TilesTall, Scale, SaveFormat, OverWriteExisting, CaptureOpt));
                    thr.Start(newThread, "VidThread");
                    // string videoFilePath, string saveDir = "", int TilesWide = 3, int TilesTall = 3, string Scale = "320:240", string SaveFormat = "jpg"

                    if (!pathDefined)
                        pathDefined = FFMpeg_DefinePaths(); if (!pathDefined)

                    List <string> files = new List <string>();

                    if (ahk.isFile(VideoDir))
                        files = lst.FileList(VideoDir, "*.*", true, false, true);

                    if (progressB.InvokeRequired)
                        progressB.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { progressB.Maximum = files.Count(); });
                        progressB.Maximum = files.Count();

                    SaveDir = VideoDir + "\\Previews";

                    Dir_Watch(SaveDir);  // monitor dir for new images and display as created

                    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string file in files)

                        i++; sb(i + "/" + files.Count.ToString(), 2);
                        if (progressB.InvokeRequired)
                            progressB.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { progressB.Value = i; });
                            progressB.Value = i;

                        ahk.DisplayText(ahk.FileName(file) + " | " + i + "/" + files.Count, txtCurrentProgress);

                        // calculate time left until folder completed

                        // number of files left in dir to vidCap    // reemaining jobs times last job time = time remaining
                        int      remaining = files.Count() - i; remaining = remaining * lastJobTime;
                        TimeSpan t         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(remaining);
                        string   remains   = t.TotalMinutes.ToString();
                        if (txtRemainingMin.InvokeRequired)
                            txtRemainingMin.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { txtRemainingMin.Text = remains + " Min Left"; });
                            txtRemainingMin.Text = remains + " Min Left";

                        // check to see if preview image already exists
                        string PreviewImage = SaveDir + "\\" + ahk.FileNameNoExt(file) + "." + SaveFormat;

                        if (!OverWriteExisting)
                            if (!File.Exists(PreviewImage))
                                sb("Generating Video Preview Image... " + ahk.FileName(PreviewImage));
                                string previewImg = VidCap_Tiles(file, "", TilesWide, TilesTall, Scale, SaveFormat, CaptureOpt);

                                //if (pictureBox != null) { pictureBox.Image = previewImg.ToImg(); }  // display preview image if viewer visible
                            sb("Generating Video Preview Image... " + ahk.FileName(PreviewImage));
                            string previewImg = VidCap_Tiles(file, "", TilesWide, TilesTall, Scale, SaveFormat, CaptureOpt);

                            //if (pictureBox != null) { pictureBox.Image = previewImg.ToImg(); }  // display preview image if viewer visible

                        string stopWatchTime = watch.Elapsed.Seconds.ToString(); lastJobTime = watch.Elapsed.Seconds;
                        ahk.DisplayText(stopWatchTime + " seconds", txtJobTimeDisp);

                    ahk.MsgBox("Finished Creating VideoScreenCaps");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract Season/EpNum Format from FilePath (or string) and Return S00E00 Format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">FilePath or String Containing Season/EpNum Info to Parse</param>
        /// <param name="RenameFile">Option to Replace Unformatted Season/EpNum with Standard S00E00 Naming Convention</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string SeasonEpNums(string FilePath, bool RenameFile = false)
            _AHK ahk = new _AHK();

            bool   msgDisp       = false;
            string FileNameNoExt = "";
            bool   FileFound     = false;
            string dir           = "";
            string ext           = "";

            if (RenameFile)
                if (File.Exists(FilePath))
                    FileNameNoExt = ahk.FileNameNoExt(FilePath);
                    ext           = ahk.FileExt(FilePath);
                    dir           = ahk.FileDir(FilePath);
                    FileFound     = true;
                if (FilePath.Contains(":"))
                    FilePath      = FilePath.Replace(":", "-");
                    FileNameNoExt = ahk.FileNameNoExt(FilePath);
                    FileNameNoExt = FilePath;

            FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.Replace("x264", "");
            FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.Replace("x265", "");
            FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.Replace("720p", "");
            FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.Replace("1080p", "");
            FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.ToUpper();

            // nothing to do, name already matches format
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"S\d{2}E\d{2}");  // hawaii.five-0.2010.S08E01
            Match match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);

            if (match.Success)
                //if (msgDisp) { ahk.MsgBox(match.Value); }

            // find 3 digit season/ep format, rename file to S00E00 Format
            regex = new Regex(@"(\.|_)\d{3}(\.|_)");   // "hawaii.five-0.2010.805.hdtv-lol"
            match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);
            if (match.Success)
                string MatchText = match.Value;
                string seasonEp  = match.Value.Replace(".", "");
                seasonEp = match.Value.Replace("_", "");

                string season = ahk.FirstCharacters(seasonEp, 1);
                string ep     = ahk.LastCharacters(seasonEp, 2);
                seasonEp = "S0" + season + "E" + ep;

                if (FileFound && RenameFile)
                    FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.Replace(MatchText, "." + seasonEp + ".");
                    string newName = dir + "\\" + FileNameNoExt + ext;

                    bool renamed = ahk.FileRename(FilePath, newName);

                    if (msgDisp)
                        ahk.MsgBox("Renamed = " + renamed.ToString() + "\n\n" + FilePath + "\n\n" + newName);


            // find 3 digit season/ep format, rename file to S00E00 Format
            regex = new Regex(@"\.\d{1,2}X\d{2}(\.|_)");  // .4x23. OR .4x23_
            match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);
            if (match.Success)
                string MatchText = match.Value;
                string seasonEp  = match.Value.Replace(".", "");
                seasonEp = match.Value.Replace("_", "");

                string season = ahk.FirstCharacters(seasonEp, 1);
                string ep     = ahk.LastCharacters(seasonEp, 2);
                seasonEp = "S0" + season + "E" + ep;

                if (FileFound && RenameFile)
                    FileNameNoExt = FileNameNoExt.Replace(MatchText, "." + seasonEp + ".");
                    string newName = dir + "\\" + FileNameNoExt + ext;

                    bool renamed = false;

                    renamed = ahk.FileRename(FilePath, newName);

                    if (msgDisp)
                        ahk.MsgBox("Renamed = " + renamed.ToString() + "\n\n" + FilePath + "\n\n" + newName);


            regex = new Regex(@"\.\d{1-2}X\d{1-2}\.");   // 7th_heaven.6x02.teased.dvdrip_xvid-fov
            match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);
            if (match.Success)
                string seasonEp = match.Value.Replace(".", "");
                string season   = ahk.FirstCharacters(seasonEp, 1);
                string ep       = ahk.LastCharacters(seasonEp, 2);
                seasonEp = "S0" + season + "E" + ep.AddLeadingZeros(2);
                if (msgDisp)

            regex = new Regex(@"\d{4}.\d{2}.d{2}");   // conan.2018.01.18.gerard.butler.720p.web.x264 - tbs
            match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);
            if (match.Success)
                if (msgDisp)

                //string seasonEp = match.Value.Replace(".", "");
                string seasonEp = match.Value;

            regex = new Regex(@"\d{4}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}");   // conan 2018 01 18 gerard butler 720p web x264 - tbs
            match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);
            if (match.Success)
                if (msgDisp)

            regex = new Regex(@"\d{4}");   // hap.and.leonard.0304-yestv
            match = regex.Match(FileNameNoExt);
            if (match.Success)
                string seasonEp = match.Value.Replace(".", "");
                string season   = ahk.FirstCharacters(seasonEp, 2);
                string ep       = ahk.LastCharacters(seasonEp, 2);
                seasonEp = "S" + season + "E" + ep.AddLeadingZeros(2);
                if (msgDisp)
