private void RunTest()
            var extraFields = "p.ProductID,pv.Price,AltPrice1,AltPageLink1";
            string altFeedUrl = "*%2f%24%5bbG%5dWQ8FMu_V-%24%5e2JbSU%3dwG";
            int _storeId = 1;
            int maxRows = 10000;
            int startingRow = 1;
            string[] rows;

            ////initialize extra field list
            //List<string> extraFieldList = string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraFields) ? new List<string>() :
            //                      extraFields.Split(new[] { ',' }).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList();
            //initialize extra field list
            List<string> extraFieldList = new List<string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraFields))
                var tempList = extraFields.Split(new[] { ',' });
                foreach (var e in tempList)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Trim())) continue;
            //remove standard fields
            var standardFields = new List<string>
            extraFieldList.RemoveAll(x => standardFields.Contains(x));

                //-------begin: CA Alt Feed Handling-------
                //Read alternate eBay prices and links from separate CA feed
                string[] altHeader = null;
                var altFeedLookup = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                //string altFeedUrl = AppLogic.AppConfig("4Tell.CaFeedUrl");
                var caFeedExists = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(altFeedUrl);

                if (caFeedExists)
                    //Note: could make these config parameters
                    var colEnd = new[] { '\t' };
                    var rowEnd = new[] { '\n' };
                    var trimRow = new[] { '\r' };
                    string feedData = null;
                    using (var feed = new WebClient())
                        feed.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                        feed.BaseAddress = "";
                        feed.Proxy = null;
                        feed.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0");
                        feed.Headers.Add("accept", "*/*");
                        feed.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");
                        using (var data = feed.OpenRead(altFeedUrl))
                            if (data != null)
                                using (var reader = new StreamReader(data))
                                    feedData = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    //parse into dictionary for lookup below
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedData))
                        var feedRows = feedData.Split(rowEnd);
                        var rowCount = feedRows.Length;
                        if (rowCount > 1)
                            altHeader = feedRows[0].Trim(trimRow).Split(colEnd);
                            var columnCount = altHeader.Length;
                            for (var i = 1; i < rowCount; i++)
                                var columns = feedRows[i].Trim(trimRow).Split(colEnd);
                                if (columns.Length != columnCount) continue;
                                List<string> data;
                                if (!altFeedLookup.TryGetValue(columns[0], out data))
                                    data = new List<string>();
                                    for (var j = 1; j < columnCount; j++)
                                    altFeedLookup.Add(columns[0], data);
                    if (altFeedLookup.Any())
                        //remove alt fields from the extrafieldList
                        extraFieldList.RemoveAll(x => altHeader.Contains(x));
                        //and add then to the catalog header list
                        //for (var i = 1; i < altHeader.Length; i++) ProductRecord.AddField(altHeader[i]);
                    else //no data
                        caFeedExists = false;
                //-------end: CA Alt Feed Handling-------

            //throw new Exception("made it here");
            //add extra fields to the output catalog header
            //foreach (var f in extraFieldList) ProductRecord.AddField(f);

            //setup database query (and adjust extraFields)
            var totalRows = 50000;// GetRowCount(DataGroup.Catalog);
            var query = "SELECT";
            if (maxRows > 0)
                query += string.Format(" TOP {0} * FROM (SELECT TOP {1}", maxRows, totalRows - startingRow);

            query += " p.ProductID, p.SKU, p.Name, p.Deleted, p.Published, pv.Price, pv.SalePrice, pv.MSRP, pv.Cost, pv.Inventory,"
                                + " isnull(pm.ManufacturerID, 0) as ManufacturerID, "
                                + " stuff((select ',' + cast(pc.CategoryID as varchar)"
                                + "    FROM ProductCategory pc WHERE p.ProductID = pc.ProductID"
                                + "    FOR xml path('')),1,1,'') as CategoryList,"
                                + " stuff((select ',' + cast(ps.SectionID as varchar)"
                                + "    FROM ProductSection ps WHERE p.ProductID = ps.ProductID"
                                + "    FOR xml path('')),1,1,'') as SectionList";
            if (extraFieldList.Any())
                foreach (var f in extraFieldList) query += ", " + f;
            query += " from Product p inner join ProductVariant pv on p.ProductID = pv.ProductID and pv.IsDefault = 1";
            if (_storeId > 0)
                query += string.Format(" inner join ProductStore ps on p.ProductID = ps.ProductID and ps.StoreID = {0}", _storeId);
            query += " left join ProductManufacturer pm on p.ProductID = pm.ProductID";
            if (maxRows > 0)
                query += " ORDER BY p.ProductID DESC) as sub ORDER BY sub.ProductID ASC";
                query += " ORDER BY p.ProductID ASC";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List<string> SplitRow(string row, string columnEnd = null, string columnStart = "[")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row)) return new List<string>();
            if (columnEnd == null || columnEnd.Length < 1)
                columnEnd = ","; //default to comma-separated (works with Json or CSV)

            //Logic Considerations:
            //can't just split on columnEnd as these characters could exist inside a field
            //can't assume field ends with a quote because numerical fields may not have quotes
            //and some fields could have internal \"'s
            //so if it starts with a quote, then it must end with a quote-columnEnd
            //if no quote at the start then end at next columnEnd

            bool startsWithQuote = false;
            var trimStart = new[] { ' ', '[', ']', '\t', '\r', '\n' }; //commas and quotes trimmed separately
            var trimChars = new[] { ' ', '[', ']', ',', '\t' }; //quotes trimmed separately
            var trimQuotes = new[] { '\"' };
            string separator1 = "\"" + columnEnd; //if startswithquote
            string separator2 = columnEnd;

            var cols = new List<string>();
            //trim off any extra characters before the first '[' (or other columnStart characters)
            var start = 0;
            if (columnStart != null && columnStart.Length > 0)
                start = row.IndexOf(columnStart);
                if (start > 0) row = row.Substring(start);
            while (true)
                row = row.TrimStart(trimStart); //don't trim quotes or commas yet
                startsWithQuote = row.StartsWith("\"");
                var separator = startsWithQuote ? separator1 : separator2;
                start = startsWithQuote ? 1 : 0; //look past the first quote
                var end = row.IndexOf(separator, start, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var item = end < 0 ? row : row.Substring(0, end);
                if (startsWithQuote) item = item.Trim(trimQuotes); //only trim qoutes here
                item = item.Trim(trimChars);
                if (end < 0) break;
                row = startsWithQuote ? row.Substring(end + 2) : row.Substring(end + 1);

            return cols;