Ejemplo n.º 1
    public ZombieAttackState(GameObject followTarget, ZombieComponent zombie, StateMachine stateMachine) : base(zombie, stateMachine)
        FollowTarget   = followTarget;
        UpdateInterval = 2.0f;

        DamagableObject = followTarget.GetComponent <IDamagable>();
    public ZombieAttackState(GameObject _followTarget, ZombieComponent zombie, ZombieStateMachine stateMachine) : base(zombie, stateMachine)
        followTarget   = _followTarget;
        updateInterval = 2.0f;

        damageableObject = followTarget.GetComponent <IDamageable>();
 public ZombieDeadState(ZombieComponent zombie, StateMachine stateMachine) : base(zombie, stateMachine)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Zombie_Idle_State(ZombieComponent zom, StateMachine sm) : base(zom, sm)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public ZombieFollowState(GameObject followTarget, ZombieComponent zombie, ZombieStateMachine stateMachine) : base(zombie, stateMachine)
     FollowTarget   = followTarget;
     UpdateInterval = 2.0f;
 public ZombieStates(ZombieComponent zombie, ZombieStateMachine stateMachine) : base(stateMachine)
     ownerZombie = zombie;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ZombieIdleState(ZombieComponent zombie, StateMachine statemachine) : base(zombie, statemachine)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public ZombieState(ZombieComponent zombie, StateMachine stateMachine) : base(stateMachine)
     Z_Component = zombie;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Zombie_Attack_State(ZombieComponent zom, StateMachine sm, GameObject ft) : base(zom, sm)
     followTarget   = ft;
     UpdateInterval = 2.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public ZombieState(ZombieComponent zom, StateMachine sm) : base(sm)
     owningZombie = zom;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public ZombieAttackState(GameObject followTarget, ZombieComponent zombie, StateMachine statemachine) : base(zombie, statemachine)
     FollowTarget   = followTarget;
     UpdateInterval = 2.0f; //this will be our attack interval
Ejemplo n.º 12
    void CheckOperators()
             * Section 6.21 Types and Operators
            float a = 1.0f;
            float b = 3.0f;
            bool  c = a > b; // false
            bool  d = a < b; // true

            Debug.Log("c:" + c + " d:" + d);
             * adding strings together
            string a = "hello, ";
            string b = "world.";
            string c = a + b;

            Debug.Log("c: " + c);
             * More things you can do with strings
            string a = "hello, ";
            string b = "world.";
            bool   c = a == b;         // false
            bool   d = a == "world.";  // true
            bool   e = a == "hello, "; // false
            bool   f = a != b;         // true
            string g = a + b;          // hello, world.

             * Some things you can't do with strings
            // string f = a - b;
            // string f = a * b;
            // string f = a / b;
            // bool g = a > b;
            // bool g = a < b;
            string a = "hello";
            switch (a)
            case "hello":
                Debug.Log("a was hello");

            case "world":
                Debug.Log("a was world");

             * Section 6.21.1 GetType()
            int    a = 7;
            string b = "hello";
            bool   c = a.GetType() == b.GetType();
            Debug.Log("a and b are the same type? " + c);
            // "a and b are the same type? False

            Debug.Log("a is type: " + a.GetType());
            // a is type System.Int32
            Debug.Log("b is type: " + b.GetType());
            // b is type System.String
            int    a = 7;
            string b = "7";
            bool   c = a.ToString() == b;
            Debug.Log("a as a string is the same as b? " + c);
            // "a as a string is the same as b? True"
            int   a = 7;
            float b = 7.0f;
            bool  c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("int a == float b? " + c);
            // "int a == float b? True"
             * Section 6.21.2 More Type Casting
            int   a = 7;
            float b = 7.9f;
            bool  c = a == b; // false
            /*   ↑   ↓    ↓                     */
            /*   │   │    └────┐                */
            /*   │ ┌─┴──┐    ┌─┴──┐             */
            /*   │ │ 7  │ == │7.9f│             */
            /*   │ └────┘ ↓  └────┘             */
            /*   │     ┌───────┐                */
            /*   └─────┤ False │                */
            /*         └───────┘                */
            bool d = a == (int)b;
            /*   ↑   ↓     ↓   ↓                */
            /*   │   │     │ ┌─┴──┐             */
            /*   │   │     │ │7.9f│             */
            /*   │   │     │ └─┬──┘             */
            /*   │   │     └─→(int) cast to int */
            /*   │   │         ↓                */
            /*   │ ┌─┴──┐    ┌─┴──┐             */
            /*   │ │ 7  │ == │ 7  │             */
            /*   │ └────┘ ↓  └────┘             */
            /*   │     ┌──────┐                 */
            /*   └─────┤ True │                 */
            /*         └──────┘                 */

            Debug.Log("c: " + c + " d: " + d);
            // c: False d: True
            int    a = 7;
            string b = "7";
            //bool c = a == (int)b;
            // Cannot convert type 'string' to 'int'
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            GameObject b = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            bool       c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("GameObjects a == b? " + c);
            // GameObjects a == b? False

            int a_InstanceID = a.GetInstanceID();
            int b_InstanceID = b.GetInstanceID();
            Debug.Log("a_InstanceID: " + a_InstanceID);
            // a_InstanceID: -2500
            // though the number itself will change every time you run the game
            Debug.Log("b_InstanceID: " + b_InstanceID);
            // b_InstanceID: -2510
            // though the number itself will change every time you run the game
            Debug.Log("GameObjects a_InstanceID == b_InstanceID? " + c);
            // GameObjects a_InstanceID == b_InstanceID? False
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            GameObject b;
            b = a;
            bool c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("GameObject a == b? " + c);
            // GameObject a == b? True
            GameObject gameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            int        a          = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
            int        b;
            b = a;
            bool c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("InstanceIDs a == b? " + c);
            // InstanceIDs a == b? True
             * Can Types be equal?
            GameObject a     = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            GameObject b     = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            Type       aType = a.GetType();
            Type       bType = b.GetType();
            bool       c     = aType == bType;
            Debug.Log("aType: " + aType + " bType: " + bType + " aType == bType? " + c);
            // aType: UnityEngine.GameObject bType: UnityEngine.GameObject aType == bType? True
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            a.AddComponent <ZombieComponent>();
            // check if the GameObject a is a zombie by looking for the attached zombie component
            ZombieComponent component = a.GetComponent <ZombieComponent>();
            Type            b         = component.GetType();
            Type            c         = typeof(ZombieComponent);
            bool            d         = b == c;
            Debug.Log("b type: " + b + "c type: " + c + "b == c?" + d);
            System.Int32 a = 1;
            int          b = 3;
            bool         c = a.GetType() == b.GetType();
            Debug.Log("a == b? " + c);
            // "a == b? True

            System.Single d = 1.0f;
            float         e = 3.0f;
            bool          f = d.GetType() == e.GetType();
            Debug.Log("d == e? " + f);
            // "d == e? True
             * 6.21.3 Type Aliasing
            MyOwnType a = 1;
            Debug.Log("a is a: " + a.GetType());
            // "a is a: System.Int16"
             * 6.21.4 Boxing and Unboxing
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            // remember, HumanWithStates : ZombieWithStates?
            ZombieWithStates b = a.AddComponent <HumanWithStates>();
            /*      ↑                                  ↑        */
            /*      └────────────────┬─────────────────┘        */
            /*                ┌──────┴─────────────┐            */
            /*                │types don't match   │            */
            /*                │but HumanWithStates │            */
            /*                │inherits from       │            */
            /*                │ZombieWithStates    │            */
            /*                └────────────────────┘            */

            GameObject    c = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            MonoBehaviour d = c.AddComponent <ZombieWithStates>();
            /*      ↑                                  ↑        */
            /*      └────────────────┬─────────────────┘        */
            /*                ┌──────┴─────────────┐            */
            /*                │types don't match   │            */
            /*                │either but          │            */
            /*                │ZombieWithStates    │            */
            /*                │inherits from       │            */
            /*                │MonoBehaviour       │            */
            /*                └────────────────────┘            */

            object e = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            /*  ↑           ↑                                   */
            /*  └─────┬─────┘                                   */
            /* ┌──────┴─────────────┐                           */
            /* │GameObject inherits │                           */
            /* │from object         │                           */
            /* │but every class in  │                           */
            /* │C# inherits from    │                           */
            /* │object!             │                           */
            /* └────────────────────┘                           */
            object f = 1;
            object g = 1.0f;
            object h = new object[] { 1, 1.0f, e, d, c, b, a };
            Debug.Log("what is h really? " + h);
            // what is h really? System.Object[]
            object[] objArray = h as object[];
            foreach (object o in objArray)
                if (o is GameObject)
                    Debug.Log("got a GameObject!");
            // got a GameObject!
            // got a GameObject!
            // got a GameObject!

            UnityEngine.Object[] allObjectsInTheScene = FindObjectsOfType <UnityEngine.Object>();
            foreach (UnityEngine.Object o in allObjectsInTheScene)
                Debug.Log("Object: " + o);
            // all kinds of things!
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public ZombieStates(ZombieComponent zombie, StateMachine stateMachine) : base(stateMachine)
     OwerZombeie = zombie;