Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void SwapSkins(int skinIndex)
     if (skinIndex >= playerStats.allZoeRecolors.Length || skinIndex < 0)
         Debug.Log("Tried selecting a skin that was out of bounds in the 'allZoeRecolors'-array, skinIndex was: " + skinIndex);
         ZoeRecolor recolor = playerStats.allZoeRecolors[skinIndex];
         foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer mRend in headMaterialRenderers)
             ChangeMaterialInRenderer(mRend, recolor.zoeHeadMaterial);
         foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer mRend in bodyMaterialRenderers)
             ChangeMaterialInRenderer(mRend, recolor.zoeBodyMaterial);
         foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer mRend in outfitMaterialRenderers)
             ChangeMaterialInRenderer(mRend, recolor.zoeOutfitMaterial);
         //scarfMat.material.SetColor("_colourAttr", recolor.scarfColor);
         //scarfParticleMat.GetComponent<ParticleSystemRenderer>().material.SetColor("_colourAttr", recolor.scarfParticleColor);
         Debug.Log("Changed skin to skin #" + skinIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public ZoeRecolor defaultZoeRecolor; //The one to select if no other skin has been selected.

    public void SetCurrentZoeRecolor(int zoeRecolorIndex)
        //Call "ChangeZoeRecolor" event that is listened for by skinswapper.cs on the zoe-CGI nested prefab. (Only if there is a recolor with the corresponding index though)
        if (allZoeRecolors[zoeRecolorIndex] != null)
            currentZoeRecolor = allZoeRecolors[zoeRecolorIndex];