Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static void Zip(string fileName)
                var etlWriter = new ZippedETLWriter(fileName);

                etlWriter.Zip             = true;
                etlWriter.CompressETL     = true;
                etlWriter.DeleteInputFile = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// CollectData doe will turn on logging of data from 'eventSourceName' to the file 'dataFileName'.
        /// It will then call EventGenerator.CreateEvents and wait 12 seconds for it to generate some data.
        /// </summary>
        static void CollectData(string eventSourceName, string dataFileName)
            // Today you have to be Admin to turn on ETW events (anyone can write ETW events).
            if (!(TraceEventSession.IsElevated() ?? false))
                Out.WriteLine("To turn on ETW events you need to be Administrator, please run from an Admin process.");

            // As mentioned below, sessions can outlive the process that created them.  Thus you need a way of
            // naming the session so that you can 'reconnect' to it from another process.   This is what the name
            // is for.  It can be anything, but it should be descriptive and unique.   If you expect multiple versions
            // of your program to run simultaneously, you need to generate unique names (e.g. add a process ID suffix)
            // however this is dangerous because you can leave data collection on if the program ends unexpectedly.
            // In this case we tell the session to place the data in MonitorToFileData.etl.
            var sessionName = "SimpleTraceLogSession";

            Out.WriteLine("Creating a '{0}' session writing to {1}", sessionName, dataFileName);
            Out.WriteLine("Use 'logman query -ets' to see active sessions.");
            Out.WriteLine("Use 'logman stop {0} -ets' to manually stop orphans.", sessionName);
            using (var session = new TraceEventSession(sessionName, dataFileName))      // Since we give it a file name, the data goes there.
                using (var kernelSession = new TraceEventSession(KernelTraceEventParser.KernelSessionName, Path.ChangeExtension(dataFileName, ".kernel.etl")))
                    // Unlike most other resources on the system, ETW session live beyond the lifetime of the
                    // process that created them.   This is very useful in some scenarios, but also creates the
                    // very real possibility of leaving 'orphan' sessions running.
                    // To help avoid this by default TraceEventSession sets 'StopOnDispose' so that it will stop
                    // the ETW session if the TraceEventSession dies.   Thus executions that 'clean up' the TraceEventSession
                    // will clean up the ETW session.   This covers many cases (including throwing exceptions)
                    // However if the process is killed manually (including control C) this cleanup will not happen.
                    // Thus best practices include
                    //     * Add a Control C handler that calls session.Dispose() so it gets cleaned up in this common case
                    //     * use the same session name run-to-run so you don't create many orphans.
                    // By default TraceEventSessions are in 'create' mode where it assumes you want to create a new session.
                    // In this mode if a session already exists, it is stopped and the new one is created.
                    // Here we install the Control C handler.   It is OK if Dispose is called more than once.
                    Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { session.Dispose(); kernelSession.Dispose(); };

                    // Enable kernel events.
                    kernelSession.EnableKernelProvider(KernelTraceEventParser.Keywords.ImageLoad | KernelTraceEventParser.Keywords.Process | KernelTraceEventParser.Keywords.Thread);

                    // Enable my provider, you can call many of these on the same session to get events from other providers

                    // Turn on the eventSource given its name.
                    // Note we turn on Verbose level all keywords (ulong.MaxValue == 0xFFF....) and turn on stacks for
                    // this provider (for all events, until Windows 8.1 you can only turn on stacks for every event
                    // for a particular provider or no stacks)
                    var options = new TraceEventProviderOptions()
                        StacksEnabled = true
                    var restarted = session.EnableProvider(eventSourceName, TraceEventLevel.Verbose, ulong.MaxValue, options);
                    if (restarted)  // Generally you don't bother with this warning, but for the demo we do.
                        Out.WriteLine("The session {0} was already active, it has been restarted.", sessionName);

                    // We also turn on CLR events because we need them to decode Stacks and we also get exception events (and their stacks)
                    session.EnableProvider(ClrTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid, TraceEventLevel.Verbose, (ulong)ClrTraceEventParser.Keywords.Default);

                    // Start another thread that Causes MyEventSource to create some events
                    // Normally this code as well as the EventSource itself would be in a different process.

                    // Also generate some exceptions so we have interesting stacks to look at

                    Out.WriteLine("Waiting 12 seconds for events to come in.");

                    // Because the process in question (this process) lives both before and after the time the events were
                    // collected, we don't have complete information about JIT compiled methods in that method.   There are
                    // some methods that were JIT compiled before the session started (e.g. SimpleTraceLog.Main) for which
                    // we do not have information.   We collect this by forcing a CLR 'rundown' which will dump method information
                    // for JIT compiled methods that were not present.  If you know that the process of interest ends before
                    // data collection ended or that data collection started before the process started, then this is not needed.
                    Out.WriteLine("Forcing rundown of JIT methods.");
                    var rundownFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(dataFileName, ".clrRundown.etl");
                    using (var rundownSession = new TraceEventSession(sessionName + "Rundown", rundownFileName))
                        rundownSession.EnableProvider(ClrRundownTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid, TraceEventLevel.Verbose, (ulong)ClrRundownTraceEventParser.Keywords.Default);
                        // Poll until 2 second goes by without growth.
                        for (var prevLength = new FileInfo(rundownFileName).Length; ;)
                            var newLength = new FileInfo(rundownFileName).Length;
                            if (newLength == prevLength)
                            prevLength = newLength;
                    Out.WriteLine("Done with rundown.");

            Out.WriteLine("Zipping the raw files into a single '{0}' file.", dataFileName);

            // At this point you have multiple ETL files that don't have all the information
            // inside them necessary for analysis off the currentn machine.    To do analsysis
            // of the machine you need to merge the ETL files (which can be done with
            //        TraceEventSession.MergeInPlace(dataFileName, Out);
            // However this does not get the symbolic information (NGEN PDBS) needed to
            // decode the stacks in the .NET managed framewrok on another machine.
            // To do the merging AND generate these NGEN images it is best to us ethe
            // ZipppedETLWriter that does all this (and compresses all the files in a ZIP archive).

            ZippedETLWriter writer = new ZippedETLWriter(dataFileName, Out);


            Out.WriteLine("Zip complete, output file = {0}", writer.ZipArchivePath);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override TestResult[] Execute(ITestMethod testMethod)
            TestResult[] errorResults = ValidateElevated(testMethod);
            if (errorResults != null)

            Exception signatureException = GetMethodSignatureException(testMethod);

            if (signatureException != null)

            var    runParameters = TestRunParameters.Read();
            string logFolder     = runParameters.LogFolder;
            bool   shouldLog     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFolder);

            if (shouldLog)
                    logFolder = CreateLogFolder(logFolder, testMethod.TestMethodName);
                catch (Exception e)

            int iterations = runParameters.Iterations;
            var results    = new TestResult[iterations];

            for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= iterations; iteration++)
                string sessionName = $"{testMethod.TestMethodName}-{iteration}";

                using (var session = new TraceEventSession(sessionName))
                    EnableKernelProviders(session, shouldLog);

                    TraceEventDispatcher source;
                    ZippedETLWriter      writer = null;
                    if (shouldLog)
                        string etlPath = Path.Combine(logFolder, $"Iteration{iteration}.etl");
                        source = new ETWReloggerTraceEventSource(sessionName, TraceEventSourceType.Session, etlPath);
                        writer = new ZippedETLWriter(etlPath);
                        source = session.Source;

                    PerformanceTestContext context = CreateContext(source);

                    Task <TestResult> testTask = Task.Run(() => testMethod.Invoke(new object[] { context }));

                    // This is a blocking call that in the case of ETWReloggerTraceEventSource, must be run on the same
                    // thread as ETWReloggerTraceEventSource was created on. It will become unblocked when the
                    // PerformanceTestContext calls StopProcessing on the source.

                    TestResult result      = testTask.Result;
                    string     displayName = testMethod.TestMethodName;
                    if (iterations > 1)
                        displayName += $" [{iteration}/{iterations}]";

                    result.DisplayName = displayName;


                    context.LogMessage($"{displayName} completed. {session.EventsLost} events lost.");
                    context.WriteLogsToResult(result, writer);

                    results[iteration - 1] = result;
