Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            _mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            OpenZWaveDotNet.ZWManager manager = new OpenZWaveDotNet.ZWManager();

            var options = new ZWOptions();
            options.Create(@"..\..\config", @"", @"");

            // Add any app specific options here...
            options.AddOptionInt("SaveLogLevel", (int)ZWLogLevel.None);
            // ordinarily, just write "Detail" level messages to the log
            options.AddOptionInt("QueueLogLevel", (int)ZWLogLevel.None);
            // save recent messages with "Debug" level messages to be dumped if an error occurs
            options.AddOptionInt("DumpTriggerLevel", (int)ZWLogLevel.None);
            // only "dump" Debug  to the log emessages when an error-level message is logged

            // Lock the options

            _manager = new ZWManager();


            _manager.OnNotification += new ManagedNotificationsHandler(NotificationHandler);

            var driverPort = @"\\.\COM3";


            var sensor = PrintValuesForDevice("Routing Binary Sensor");
            _manager.SetNodeProductName(sensor.HomeId, sensor.Id, "Garage Door Sensor");

            foreach (var n in _nodeList)
                Console.WriteLine("Label: " + n.Label);
                Console.WriteLine("location: " + n.Location);
                Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer: " + n.ManufacturerName);

                var name = _manager.GetNodeName(sensor.HomeId, n.Id);
                n.Name = name;

                Console.WriteLine("Name: " + n.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Product: " + n.Product);
                Console.WriteLine("Node Id: " + n.Id);

            // var node = _nodeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Product == "45609 On/Off Relay Switch");

            // _manager.SetPollInterval(1000, true);
            var node = PrintValuesForDevice("Binary Power Switch");

            Console.WriteLine("Getting value of basement light switch:");
            ZWValueID v = node.ValueIds.First(x => _manager.GetValueLabel(x) == "Switch");
            bool ret;
            bool b;
            ret = _manager.GetValueAsBool(v, out b);
            Console.WriteLine("SWITCH: Got bool value of " + b + ", success: " + ret);

            var v2 = sensor.ValueIds.First(x => _manager.GetValueLabel(x) == "Sensor");
            ret = _manager.GetValueAsBool(v2, out b);
            Console.WriteLine("SENSOR: Got bool value of " + b + ", success: " + ret);

            //int i;
            //ret = _manager.GetValueAsInt(v, out i);
            //Console.WriteLine("got in value of " + i + ", success: " + ret);

            //string str;
            //ret = _manager.GetValueAsString(v, out str);
            //Console.WriteLine("got string value of " + str + ", success: " + ret);

            // ret = _manager.SetValue(v, true);
            //Console.WriteLine("Set bool value to false, success: " + ret);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter...");