Ejemplo n.º 1
    public List<ZPoint.Direction> Path(ZPoint start, ZPoint finish, LocalObject t = null)
        List<FramedZPoint> visited = new List<FramedZPoint>();
        visited.Add(new FramedZPoint(finish, true));

        while (!start.IsIn(visited))
            List<FramedZPoint> frontier =
                (from p in visited where p.onFrontier orderby MyMath.ManhattanDistance(p.data, start) select p)

            if (frontier.Count() == 0) return null;

            foreach (FramedZPoint p in frontier)
                p.onFrontier = false;
                foreach (ZPoint.Direction d in ZPoint.Directions)
                    AddToFrontier(visited, p.data.Shift(d), ZPoint.Opposite(d), start, t);

        List<ZPoint.Direction> result = new List<ZPoint.Direction>();

        ZPoint position = start;
        while (!position.TheSameAs(finish))
            ZPoint.Direction d = position.GetDirection(visited);
            position = position.Shift(d);

        return result;
 public override bool Contrainte(ZPoint p)
     if (base.Contrainte(p) && !_interdit.Contains(p))
         /*Unit ghostUnit = new Unit(_units.Last());//On crée une unité fantome c'est à dire une unité qui n'est pas vraiment
          * //sur la map, on vérifie si elle n'existe pas
          * ghostUnit._position = new Vector2(p._x + _posStart, p._y);//On lui donne la position du point à tester
          * if(_units.Contains(ghostUnit))//on test si l'unité fantome existe
          * {
          *  //si oui l'unité ne peut marcher sur une autre unité
          *  _interdit.Add(p);
          *  return false;
          * }*/
         if (_map.getGid(p._x, p._y) == 0 && p.Distance(_depart, _ecart) <= _rayon)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void Draw()
        if (MyGame.Instance.dialog == false) return;

        screen.Fill(new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.9f));

        screen.Draw(dialog.texture, new ZPoint(8, 8));

        screen.offset = 8;
        SpriteFont font = MainScreen.Instance.fonts.verdana;
        screen.DrawString(font, dialogNode.text, new ZPoint(48, screen.offset), Color.White, screen.size.x - 48);
        screen.DrawString(font, dialogNode.description, new ZPoint(48, screen.offset), Color.Gray, screen.size.x - 48);

        screen.offset = 80;
        for (int i = 0; i < dialogNode.responses.Count; i++)
            DialogResponse r = dialogNode.responses[i];
            ZPoint p = new ZPoint(8, screen.offset);

            MouseTriggerKeyword.Set("dialog", (i + 1).ToString(), screen.position + p, new ZPoint(font.MeasureString(r.text)) + new ZPoint(20, 0));
            var mtk = MouseTrigger.GetUnderMouse<MouseTriggerKeyword>();

            Color color = Color.White;
            if (mtk != null && mtk.name == "dialog" && mtk.parameter == (i + 1).ToString()) color = Color.DodgerBlue;
            screen.DrawString(font, (i + 1) + ". " + r.text, p, color, screen.size.x - 20);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void DrawBarter(ZPoint position)
        toBuy.Draw(position + new ZPoint(32 * 12 + 16, 0));
        barter.inventory.Draw(position + new ZPoint(32 * 24 + 24, 0));

        M.DrawRectangle(position + new ZPoint(32 * 31, 0), new ZPoint(32, 32), Stuff.MyColor("Very Dark Grey"));
        M.Draw(barter.dialog.texture, position + new ZPoint(32 * 31, 0));

        MouseTriggerKeyword.Set("trade", position + new ZPoint(0, 40), new ZPoint(32 * 24 + 16, 16));
        var mtk = MouseTriggerKeyword.GetUnderMouse("trade");

        float loss = toBuy.Value * 2 - toSell.Value * (1 + 0.25f * Max(Skill.Get("Speech")));
        Color color = loss < 0 ? mtk != null ? Stuff.MyColor("Light Blue") : Color.Green : Color.Red;
        M.DrawRectangle(position + new ZPoint(32 * 12 + 7, 0), new ZPoint(2, 56), color);
        M.DrawRectangle(position + new ZPoint(32 * 12 + 8, 40), new ZPoint((int)(loss), 16), color);

        if (mtk != null && G.LeftMouseButtonClicked)
            List<Item> list = new List<Item>();
            foreach (Item item in toSell.Items) list.Add(item);

            foreach (Item item in toBuy.Items) toSell.Add(item);

            foreach (Item item in list) toBuy.Add(item);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void Draw(Screen screen, ZPoint position)
        Func<int, ZPoint> aPosition = k => screen.position + position + new ZPoint(48 * k, 0);
        ZPoint aSize = new ZPoint(48, 48);

        for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++) MouseTriggerKeyword.Set("ability", n.ToString(), aPosition(n), aSize);
        var mtk = MouseTriggerKeyword.GetUnderMouse("ability");

        int i = 0;
        foreach (ClassAbility a in list)
            bool mouseOn = mtk != null && mtk.parameter == i.ToString();
            bool has = Has(a);
            bool levelup = t.xp != null && t.xp.AbilityPoints > 0;
            bool passive = a.targetType == Ability.TargetType.Passive;

            if (has || levelup)
                M.Draw(a.texture, aPosition(i), mouseOn ? a.color : Color.White);
                if (passive || cooldowns[a] > 0) M.DrawRectangle(aPosition(i), aSize, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.7f));
                if (t == B.current && !passive) M.DrawStringWithShading(M.fonts.small,
                    cooldowns[a] > 0 ? "(" + (int)cooldowns[a] + ")" : Stuff.AbilityHotkeys[i].ToString(),	aPosition(i), Color.White);
                if (mouseOn) a.DrawDescription(screen.position + position + new ZPoint(24, 56));

            if (!has && levelup) M.Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/plus"), aPosition(i));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ZPoint GetCursorPosition()
            ZPoint p = null;

            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
                p = new ZPoint(_cursorX, _cursorY);
        private List <ZPoint> _interdit;//list contenant les bord de la zone

        public ZoneDeplacement(Texture2D texture, ZEcart ecart, ZTaille taille, ZPoint depart, Map map, int posStart, int rayon) : base(ecart, taille, depart)
            _texture  = texture;
            _map      = map;
            _rayon    = rayon;
            _posStart = posStart;
            _depart   = depart;
            _interdit = new List <ZPoint>();

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void Draw(Texture2D texture, RPoint rPosition, float scaling, Color color)
     if (scaling == 1.0f) Draw(texture, rPosition, color);
         int width = (int)(scaling * texture.Width);
         int height = (int)(scaling * texture.Height);
         ZPoint center = new ZPoint(GraphicCoordinates(rPosition)) + new ZPoint(16, 32 - height / 2);
         M.spriteBatch.Draw(texture, new Rectangle(center.x - width/2, center.y - height/2, width, height), color);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: Attack.cs Proyecto: mxgmn/GENW
    public void Animate(ZPoint p, float gameTime)
        if (t.p.Range == 1)
            Vector2 v = p - t.p.value;
            v *= 0.5f;

            B.combatAnimations.Add(new RMove(t.p.r, v, 0.5f * gameTime));
            B.combatAnimations.Add(new RMove(t.p.r, -v, 0.5f * gameTime));
        else B.combatAnimations.Add(new TextureAnimation(NamedTexture.Get("local/arrow"), t.p.GC, Battlefield.GC(p), gameTime));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public void MoveOrAttack(ZPoint.Direction d, bool control)
        LocalObject o = B.Get(t.p.value.Shift(d));

        if (o != null && !o.p.IsWalkable)
            if (o.shape != null && o.shape.data.name == "Chest" && t.skills != null && t.skills["Mechanisms"] > 0)
                foreach (Item item in o.inventory.Items) B.Add(new LocalObject(item), o.p.value);
            else if (o.hp != null && t.attack != null) t.attack.Execute(o);
        else t.movement.Move(d, control);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void Move(ZPoint.Direction d, bool control)
        ZPoint destination = t.p.value.Shift(d);
        if (CanMove && B.IsWalkable(destination, t)) t.p.Set(destination, Time, true);
        else AnimateFailedMovement(d);

        t.RemoveEffect("Melded", "Fake Death");

        if (control == true && t.initiative.movementCounter > 0)
        else t.initiative.PassTurn(Time);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    bool DFSAddLine(ZPoint p1, ZPoint p2)
        ZPoint temp = p1;

        while (circlePoint.Count != 0)
            temp = circlePoint.Peek();
            int d = 0;
            while (d < temp.lines.Count)
                if (temp.lines[d].GetComponent <ZLine>().enabled == true)
                    if (temp.lines[d].GetComponent <ZLine>().isUse == false)
                        temp.lines[d].GetComponent <ZLine>().isUse = true;
                        foreach (ZPoint p in temp.lines[d].GetComponent <ZLine>().points)
                            if (p != temp)
                                temp = p;
                        if (temp == p2)
                            d = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: Screen.cs Proyecto: mxgmn/GENW
    public void DrawRectangle(ZPoint p, ZPoint s, Color color)
        ZPoint realPosition = p;
        ZPoint realSize = s;

        if (s.x < 0) {
            realPosition.x = p.x + s.x;
            realSize.x = -s.x; }

        if (s.y < 0) {
            realPosition.y = p.y + s.y;
            realSize.y = -s.y; }

        Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(position.x + realPosition.x, position.y + realPosition.y, realSize.x, realSize.y);
        M.spriteBatch.Draw(M.universalTexture, rectangle, color);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    /*public void LoadTextures()
        //Texture = M.game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("other/player");
        Texture = NamedTexture.Get("other/player");
    public void DrawParty(ZPoint position)
        Screen screen = new Screen(position, new ZPoint(1, 1));
        int vOffset = 0, iOffset = 0, hiOffset = 40, vStep = 40;

        foreach (var c in party)
            Screen icon = new Screen(position + new ZPoint(0, vOffset), new ZPoint(32, 32));
            icon.Fill(Stuff.MyColor("Very Dark Grey"));
            icon.Draw(c.GetTexture, ZPoint.Zero);
            if (c.xp != null) icon.DrawRectangle(new ZPoint(-2, 32), new ZPoint(2, (int)(-32 * ((float)(c.xp.value % c.xp.Max)/c.xp.Max))), Color.Yellow);
            MouseTriggerObject<LocalObject>.Set(c, icon.position, icon.size);

            float hpMissing = 1 - (float)c.hp.value / c.hp.Max;
            float staminaMissing = 1 - (float)c.hp.stamina / c.hp.Max;

            icon.DrawRectangle(new ZPoint(0, 32), new ZPoint(32, -(int)(staminaMissing * 32)), new Color(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f));
            icon.DrawRectangle(new ZPoint(0, 32), new ZPoint(32, -(int)(hpMissing * 32)), new Color(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f));

            if (c.inventory != null) c.inventory.Draw(position + new ZPoint(hiOffset, iOffset));

            vOffset += vStep;
            if (c.inventory != null) iOffset += vStep;

        var mtc = MouseTrigger.GetUnderMouse<MouseTriggerObject<LocalObject>>();
        if (mtc != null)
            LocalObject c = mtc.t;
            Screen icon = new Screen(position + new ZPoint(0, vStep * party.IndexOf(c)), new ZPoint(32, 32));
            icon.DrawString(M.fonts.verySmall, c.hp.stamina.ToString() + "/" + c.hp.value + "/" + c.hp.Max, 27, Color.White);
            c.DrawInfo(position + new ZPoint(6 * 32 + 48, 40));

        Action<Inventory> draw = i =>
            i.Draw(position + new ZPoint(hiOffset, iOffset));
            iOffset += i.Height * 32 + 8;

        if (!crafting.IsEmpty) DrawCrafting(screen.position + new ZPoint(240, iOffset));
        if (!ground.IsEmpty) draw(ground);
        if (barter != null) DrawBarter(new ZPoint(hiOffset + 6 * 32 + 16, 8));
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public void Draw()
        M.Fill(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f));

        foreach (LocalObject l in objects)
            if (l.initiative != null) l.initiative.animations.Draw();

        for (int j = 0; j < Size.y; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < Size.x; i++)
                ZPoint p = new ZPoint(i, j);
                Draw(this[p].texture[data[i, j].variation], p);

                foreach (var d in ZPoint.Directions)
                    ZPoint q = p + d;
                    if (!InRange(q)) continue;
                    bool draw = (!this[p].IsWalkable && !this[p].IsFlat && this[q].IsWalkable && this[q].IsFlat) ||
                        (this[p].name != "Sky" && this[q].name == "Sky");
                    if (draw) Draw(NamedTexture.Get("local/wall mask " + (int)d), p);

        if (combatAnimations.IsEmpty) DrawZones();

        var query = objects.OrderBy(o => !o.p.IsWalkable).ThenBy(o => o.p.y).ThenBy(o => -o.Importance);
        foreach (LocalObject l in query) l.drawing.Draw();


        if (ability != null && Mouse.IsIn(AbilityZone)) Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/target"), Mouse);
        else if (InRange(Mouse)) Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/zSelection"), Mouse);
        if (spotlight != null && spotlight != current) M.Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/zSelection"), spotlight.p.GC);

        foreach (DelayedDrawing dd in delayedDrawings) dd.Draw();

        spotlight.p.DrawInfo(new ZPoint(M.size.x - 288 - 8, 8));
        if (MyGame.Instance.combatLog) log.Draw();
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public void Use(Ability ability, ZPoint target)

        if (ability.targetType == Ability.TargetType.Creature) Use(ability, B.Get(target));
        else if (ability.targetType == Ability.TargetType.Direction) Use(ability, ZPoint.GetDirection(target - t.p.value));
            if (ability is ClassAbility)
                ClassAbility ca = ability as ClassAbility;
                Action<string> log = s => B.log.Add(" " + s, ca.color);

                if (ca.NameIs("Overgrowth"))
                    LocalObject o = B.Get(target);

                    if (o == null)
                        if (B.IsWalkable(target))
                            B.Add(new LocalObject(LocalShape.Get("Tree")), target);
                            log("grows a tree.");
                    else if (o.TypeName == "Tree" || o.TypeName == "Swamp Tree")
                        B.Add(new LocalObject(LocalShape.Get(o.TypeName == "Tree" ? "Treant" : "Swamp Treant")), target, true, false);
                        log("transforms a tree into a treant!");
                    else if (o.TypeName == "Dead Tree")
                        B.Add(new LocalObject(LocalShape.Get("Tree")), target);
                    else if (o.TypeName == "Poisoned Tree")
                        B.Add(new LocalObject(LocalShape.Get("Dead Tree")), target);
                    else if (o == t)
                        t.hp.Add(1, true);
                    else if (o.effects != null)
                        o.effects.Add("Roots", 10);

                else if (ca.NameIs("Leap"))
                    t.p.Set(target, ability.castTime, true);
                    log("leaps to a different location.");
            else if (ability is ItemAbility)
                ItemAbility ia = ability as ItemAbility;
                if (ia.name == "Destroy Wall")
                    var list = (from pair in B.palette.data where pair.Value.type.name == "ground" select pair.Key).ToList();
                    int r = World.Instance.random.Next(list.Count);
                    B.SetTile(target, list[r]);
                else if (ia.name == "Hurl")
                    if (ia.itemShape.name == "Flashbang")
                        foreach (LocalObject c in B.ActiveObjects.Where(c => c.p.Distance(target) <= 3)) c.effects.Add("Blind", 6);

                    B.combatAnimations.Add(new TextureAnimation(ia.itemShape.texture, t.p.GC, Battlefield.GC(target), ia.castTime));

        LocalObject lc = B.Get(target);
        if (lc != null) lc.RemoveEffect("Sleeping");

        B.ability = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public void Use(Ability ability, ZPoint.Direction direction)
        if (ability is ClassAbility)
            ClassAbility ca = ability as ClassAbility;
            Action<string> log = s => B.log.Add(" " + s, ca.color);

            if (ca.NameIs("Bull Rush"))
                Kick(t.p.value, direction, 2, true, ability.castTime);
                log("bull-rushes somebody.");
            else if (ca.NameIs("Kick"))
                Kick(t.p.value, direction, 2, false, ability.castTime);
                log("kicks somebody.");
            else if (ca.NameIs("Power Strike"))
                t.effects.Add("Power Strike", 10, direction);

                LocalObject lc = B.Get(t.p.value + direction);
                log("prepares to do a powerful attack" + (lc != null ? " on " + lc.CommonName : "") + ".");
            else if (ca.NameIs("Hurl Rock"))
                ZPoint p = t.p.value + direction;
                while (B.IsFlat(p) && t.p.Distance(p) <= ability.range) p = p + direction;
                LocalObject lc = B.Get(p);

                B.combatAnimations.Add(new TextureAnimation(NamedTexture.Get("local/stone"), t.p.GC, Battlefield.GC(p), 0.5f * ability.castTime));
                log("throws a rock and hits");

                if (lc != null)
                    Kick(p, direction, 1, true, 0.5f * ability.castTime);
                    t.p.DoDamage(lc, 2, false);

                    log(lc.CommonName + ".");
                    AnimateByDefault(0.5f * ability.castTime);
        else if (ability is ItemAbility)
            ItemAbility ia = ability as ItemAbility;
            if (ability.NameIs("Throw"))
                ZPoint p = t.p.value + direction;
                while (B.IsFlat(p) && t.p.Distance(p) <= ability.range) p = p + direction;
                LocalObject lc = B.Get(p);

                B.combatAnimations.Add(new TextureAnimation(ia.itemShape.texture, t.p.GC, Battlefield.GC(p), ability.castTime));

                if (ia.itemShape.name == "Net")
                    if (lc != null) lc.effects.Add("Net", 6);
                    else B.Add(new LocalObject(new Item(ia.itemShape)), p);
                    if (lc != null) t.p.DoDamage(lc, t.attack.Damage * 2, false);
                    B.Add(new LocalObject(new Item(ia.itemShape)), p);

            else if (ability.NameIs("Push"))
                ZPoint p = t.p.value + direction;
                while (B.IsFlat(p) && t.p.Distance(p) <= ability.range) p = p + direction;
                LocalObject lc = B.Get(p);

                if (lc != null) Kick(lc.p.value, direction, 2, true, ability.castTime);
            else if (ability.NameIs("Power Shot"))
                var ray = B.Ray(t.p.value, direction, ability.range, true);
                B.combatAnimations.Add(new TextureAnimation(NamedTexture.Get("local/arrow"),
                    Battlefield.GC(ray.First()), Battlefield.GC(ray.Last()), ability.castTime));
                foreach (LocalObject lc in B.ActiveObjects.Where(c => c.p.value.IsIn(ray) && c != t))
                    t.p.DoDamage(lc, ia.itemShape.bonus.damage + 1, false);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    private void Kick(ZPoint p, ZPoint.Direction d, int distance, bool self, float gameTime)
        List<LocalObject> train = new List<LocalObject>();
        int i = self ? 0 : 1;
        while (true)
            ZPoint shifted = p.Shift(d, i);
            LocalObject lc = B.Get(shifted);
            if (lc == null) break;
            else train.Add(lc);

        if (train.Count > 0)
            ZPoint last = train.Last().p.value;
            i = 1;
            while (B.IsWalkable(last.Shift(d, i)) || B.IsFlat(last.Shift(d, i))) i++;
            int shift = Math.Min(i - 1, distance);

            foreach (LocalObject o in train)
                o.p.Set(o.p.value.Shift(d, shift), gameTime, o == train.First());
                if (!B.IsWalkable(o.p.value, o)) o.p.Kill(false);
        else AnimateByDefault(gameTime);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void SetTile(ZPoint p, char value)
     if (InRange(p))
         data[p.x, p.y].tile = value;
         data[p.x, p.y].variation = R.Next(palette[value].variations);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private bool InRange(ZPoint p)
     return p.InBoundaries(new ZPoint(0, 0), Size - new ZPoint(1, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public void DrawInfo(ZPoint position)
        MainScreen M = MainScreen.Instance;
        Screen screen = new Screen(position, new ZPoint(192, 1));
        screen.DrawString(M.fonts.verdanaBold, FullName, ZPoint.Zero, Color.White);

        if (cclass != null)
            screen.DrawString(M.fonts.small, "(" + background.name + ", " + origin.name + ")", new ZPoint(0, screen.offset), Color.White);
            screen.offset += 8;

            foreach (Skill skill in BigBase.Instance.skills.data)
                int previousOffset = screen.offset;
                screen.DrawString(M.fonts.small, skill.name, new ZPoint(0, screen.offset), Color.White);
                int trueOffset = screen.offset;
                screen.DrawString(M.fonts.small, skills[skill].ToString(), new ZPoint(100, previousOffset), Color.White);
                screen.offset = trueOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 22
         * os_read_key
         * Read a single character from the keyboard (or a mouse click) and
         * return it. Input aborts after timeout/10 seconds.
        public static zword read_key(int timeout, bool cursor)

            _screen.SetInputMode(true, true);

            if (_setCursorPositionCalled == false)
                set_cursor(_newCursorPosition.Y, _newCursorPosition.X);

            ZPoint p = _screen.GetCursorPosition();


//                var sw = new WiredPrairie.Silverlight.Stopwatch();
//                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
//                sw.Start();
                while (true)
                        if (main.abort_game_loop == true)

                        lock (entries)
                            if (entries.Count > 0)
                            //if (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > timeout / 10 && timeout > 0)
                            //    return CharCodes.ZC_TIME_OUT;
                    } while (true);

                    lock (entries)
                        _setCursorPositionCalled = false;
                        zword c = entries.Dequeue();

                        int width = _screen.GetStringWidth(((char)c).ToString(),
                                                           new CharDisplayInfo(ZFont.FIXED_WIDTH_FONT, ZStyles.NORMAL_STYLE, 1, 1));
                        // _screen.SetCursorPosition(p.X + width, p.Y);

                        _newCursorPosition = new ZPoint(p.X + width, p.Y);

                _screen.SetInputMode(false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public int Distance(ZPoint p)
     return MyMath.ManhattanDistance(value, p);
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public void Set(ZPoint p, float gameTime, bool commonQueue)
        if (value == null) value = new ZPoint();

        RMove rMove = new RMove(r, p - value, gameTime);
        if (commonQueue) B.combatAnimations.Add(rMove);
        else animations.Add(rMove);
        value = p;
        public override bool Contrainte(int x, int y)
            ZPoint p = new ZPoint(x, y);

Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: Player.cs Proyecto: mxgmn/GENW
 public bool this[ZPoint p]
     get	{ return W.map.InRange(p) ? visitedLocations[p.x, p.y] : false;	}
     set	{ if (W.map.InRange(p)) visitedLocations[p.x, p.y] = value;	}
        public bool Contains(Vector2 position)
            ZPoint p = new ZPoint((int)position.X - _posStart, (int)position.Y);

Ejemplo n.º 28
         * os_read_line
         * Read a line of input from the keyboard into a buffer. The buffer
         * may already be primed with some text. In this case, the "initial"
         * text is already displayed on the screen. After the input action
         * is complete, the function returns with the terminating key value.
         * The length of the input should not exceed "max" characters plus
         * an extra 0 terminator.
         * Terminating keys are the return key (13) and all function keys
         * (see the Specification of the Z-machine) which are accepted by
         * the is_terminator function. Mouse clicks behave like function
         * keys except that the mouse position is stored in global variables
         * "mouse_x" and "mouse_y" (top left coordinates are (1,1)).
         * Furthermore, Frotz introduces some special terminating keys:
         *     ZC_HKEY_PLAYBACK (Alt-P)
         *     ZC_HKEY_RECORD (Alt-R)
         *     ZC_HKEY_SEED (Alt-S)
         *     ZC_HKEY_UNDO (Alt-U)
         *     ZC_HKEY_RESTART (Alt-N, "new game")
         *     ZC_HKEY_QUIT (Alt-X, "exit game")
         *     ZC_HKEY_DEBUG (Alt-D)
         *     ZC_HKEY_HELP (Alt-H)
         * If the timeout argument is not zero, the input gets interrupted
         * after timeout/10 seconds (and the return value is 0).
         * The complete input line including the cursor must fit in "width"
         * screen units.
         * The function may be called once again to continue after timeouts,
         * misplaced mouse clicks or hot keys. In this case the "continued"
         * flag will be set. This information can be useful if the interface
         * implements input line history.
         * The screen is not scrolled after the return key was pressed. The
         * cursor is at the end of the input line when the function returns.
         * Since Frotz 2.2 the helper function "completion" can be called
         * to implement word completion (similar to tcsh under Unix).
        public static zword read_line(int max, zword[] buf, int timeout, int width, bool continued)
            //        ZC_SINGLE_CLICK || ZC_DOUBLE_CLICK

            //        case VK_DELETE:
            //        case VK_HOME:
            //        case VK_END:
            //        case VK_TAB:

            List <BufferChars> _buffer = new List <BufferChars>();


            for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
                buf[i] = 0;

            int background;
            int foreground;

            _screen.GetColor(out foreground, out background);

            _screen.SetInputMode(true, true);

            ZPoint p = _screen.GetCursorPosition();

                while (true)
                    if (main.abort_game_loop == true)

                    while (entries.Count == 0)
                        if (main.abort_game_loop == true)

                    zword c = entries.Dequeue();

                    switch (c)
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_HELP:
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_DEBUG:
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_PLAYBACK:
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_RECORD:

                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_SEED:
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_UNDO:
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_RESTART:
                    case CharCodes.ZC_HKEY_QUIT:

                    if (c == CharCodes.ZC_SINGLE_CLICK || c == CharCodes.ZC_DOUBLE_CLICK)
                        // Just discard mouse clicks here
                    else if (c == CharCodes.ZC_ARROW_UP)
                        clearInputAndShowHistory(1, _buffer);
                    else if (c == CharCodes.ZC_ARROW_DOWN)
                        clearInputAndShowHistory(-1, _buffer);
                    else if (c == CharCodes.ZC_ARROW_LEFT)
                    else if (c == CharCodes.ZC_ARROW_RIGHT)
                    else if (c == CharCodes.ZC_RETURN || c == '\n' || c == '\r')
                        var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                        foreach (BufferChars bc in _buffer)
                        _history.Insert(0, sb.ToString());
                        _historyPos = 0;
                    else if (c == CharCodes.ZC_BACKSPACE)
                        if (_buffer.Count > 0)
                            BufferChars bc = _buffer[_buffer.Count - 1];

                            p.X -= bc.Width;
                            _screen.SetCursorPosition(p.X, p.Y);

                    else if (c == '\t')
                        var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                        foreach (BufferChars bc in _buffer)

                        String temp = sb.ToString();
                        String word;
                        int    result = Text.completion(temp, out word);
                        if (result == 0)
                            foreach (char c1 in word)
                            entries.Enqueue(' ');
                        else if (result == 1)
                        // buf[pos++] = c;

                        int w = _screen.GetStringWidth(((char)c).ToString(), new CharDisplayInfo(ZFont.TEXT_FONT, ZStyles.NORMAL_STYLE, -1, -1));
                        p.X += w;
                        _screen.SetCursorPosition(p.X, p.Y);

                        _buffer.Add(new BufferChars(c, w));


                _screen.SetColor(foreground, background);
                _screen.SetInputMode(false, false);

                for (int i = 0; i < _buffer.Count; i++)
                    buf[i] = _buffer[i].Char;
Ejemplo n.º 29
    void DFSGetBigLine(ZPoint p1, ZPoint p2)
        ZPoint temp = p1;

        while (true)
            temp = bigPoint.Peek();
            int          d  = 0;
            Transform[]  t  = new Transform[4];
            GameObject[] go = new GameObject[2];
            foreach (GameObject g in temp.lines)
                if (g.GetComponent <ZLine>().enabled == true)
                    t[d] = g.transform.parent;
            if (d == 2 && t[0] == t[1])
                d = 0;
                foreach (GameObject g in temp.lines)
                    if (g.GetComponent <ZLine>().enabled == true)
                        go[d] = g;
            foreach (GameObject l in go)
                if (!bigLine.Contains(l.GetComponent <ZLine>()))
                    bigLine.Add(l.GetComponent <ZLine>());
                    foreach (ZPoint p in l.GetComponent <ZLine>().points)
                        if (p != temp)
        temp = p2;
        while (true)
            temp = bigPoint.Peek();
            int          d  = 0;
            Transform[]  t  = new Transform[4];
            GameObject[] go = new GameObject[2];
            foreach (GameObject g in temp.lines)
                if (g.GetComponent <ZLine>().enabled == true)
                    t[d] = g.transform.parent;
            if (d == 2 && t[0] == t[1])
                d = 0;
                foreach (GameObject g in temp.lines)
                    if (g.GetComponent <ZLine>().enabled == true)
                        go[d] = g;
            foreach (GameObject l in go)
                if (!bigLine.Contains(l.GetComponent <ZLine>()))
                    bigLine.Add(l.GetComponent <ZLine>());
                    foreach (ZPoint p in l.GetComponent <ZLine>().points)
                        if (p != temp)
Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: MyMath.cs Proyecto: mxgmn/GENW
 public static int ManhattanDistance(ZPoint p1, ZPoint p2)
     return Math.Abs(p1.x - p2.x) + Math.Abs(p1.y - p2.y);
        public bool PassageImpossible(Vector2 position)
            ZPoint p = new ZPoint((int)position.X - _posStart, (int)position.Y);

Ejemplo n.º 32
Archivo: World.cs Proyecto: mxgmn/GENW
    public void Load()
        Log.Write("loading the world... ");
        XmlNode xnode = MyXml.SecondChild("Data/world.xml");
        Log.Assert(xnode.Name == "map", "wrong world file format");

        int width = MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "width");
        int height = MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "height");
        map.margin.x = MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "vMargin");
        map.margin.y = MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "hMargin");
        string method = MyXml.GetString(xnode, "method");

        map.Load(width, height, method);

        xnode = xnode.NextSibling;
        camera = new ZPoint(MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "x"), MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "y"));

        player = new Player();
        player.SetPosition(camera, 0.01f);

        for (xnode = xnode.NextSibling.FirstChild; xnode != null; xnode = xnode.NextSibling)
            GlobalObject o = new GlobalObject(BigBase.Instance.gShapes.Get(MyXml.GetString(xnode, "name")));
            o.uniqueName = MyXml.GetString(xnode, "uniqueName");

            string dialogName = MyXml.GetString(xnode, "dialog");
            if (dialogName != "") o.dialog = BigBase.Instance.dialogs.Get(dialogName);

            o.SetPosition(new HexPoint(MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "x"), MyXml.GetInt(xnode, "y")), 0.01f);

            for (XmlNode xitem = xnode.FirstChild; xitem != null; xitem = xitem.NextSibling)
                o.inventory.Add(new Item(MyXml.GetString(xitem, "name"), MyXml.GetInt(xitem, "amount", 1)));


Ejemplo n.º 33
    public List<ZPoint> Ray(ZPoint position, ZPoint.Direction d, int range, bool penetration)
        List<ZPoint> result = new List<ZPoint>();
        ZPoint p = position + d;

        while ((IsFlat(p) || (penetration && Get(p) != null)) && MyMath.ManhattanDistance(p, position) <= range)
            p += d;

        if (!p.TheSameAs(position)) result.Add(p);
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 34
Archivo: Player.cs Proyecto: mxgmn/GENW
    public void UpdateVisitedLocations()
        if (visitedLocations == null)
            visitedLocations = new bool[W.map.Size.x, W.map.Size.y];
            for (int j = 0; j < W.map.Size.y; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < W.map.Size.x; i++)
                    visitedLocations[i, j] = false;


        for (int j = -2; j <= 2; j++) for (int i = -2; i <=2; i++)
                ZPoint p = position + new ZPoint(i, j);
                if (W.map.IsInView(position, p)) this[p] = true;

        ZPoint pvr = new ZPoint(3, 3);
        if (!((ZPoint)position).InBoundaries(W.camera - W.viewRadius + pvr + new ZPoint(5, 0), W.camera + W.viewRadius - pvr))
            W.camera = position;
        public int GetID(Vector2 position)
            ZPoint p = new ZPoint((int)position.X - _posStart, (int)position.Y);

Ejemplo n.º 36
    public void Draw(ZPoint position)
        Screen screen = new Screen(position, new ZPoint(width * 32, height * 32));

        if (G.battle) MouseTrigger.Clear<MouseTriggerInventory>();
        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++) MouseTriggerInventory.Set(this, i, screen.position + CellPosition(i), new ZPoint(32, 32));
        var mti = MouseTrigger.GetUnderMouse<MouseTriggerInventory>();

        if (((mti != null && mti.inventory == this) || !IsEmpty) && name != "" && !G.battle) screen.DrawString(M.fonts.superSmall, name, Color.White);
        screen.Fill(name == "ground" ? Stuff.MyColor("Very Dark Blue") : Stuff.MyColor("Very Dark Grey"));
        if (globalOwner == World.Instance.player) screen.DrawRectangle(ZPoint.Zero, new ZPoint(screen.size.x,
            (int)(Weight * screen.size.y / globalOwner.WeightLimit)), new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f));

        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            ZPoint p = CellPosition(i);
            if (data[i] != null)
                screen.Draw(data[i].data.texture, p);
                if (data[i].numberOfStacks > 1)
                    screen.DrawStringWithShading(M.fonts.small, data[i].numberOfStacks.ToString(), p + new ZPoint(24, 18), Color.White);
                if (G.battle && localOwner == B.current && name == "" && data[i].data.ability != null)
                    screen.DrawStringWithShading(M.fonts.small, data[i].cooldown > 0 ? "(" + (int)data[i].cooldown + ")"
                        : Stuff.ItemHotkeys[i].ToString(), p, Color.White);

        if (mti != null && mti.inventory == this)
            screen.Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/zSelection"), CellPosition(mti.cell));
            Item item = mti.GetItem();
            if (item != null)
                item.data.DrawDescription(G.battle ? name == "ground" ? position + new ZPoint(-168, 88) : position +
                    new ZPoint(24, 88) : new ZPoint(248, 48));

                if (G.battle && G.RightMouseButtonClicked && B.current.inventory != null)
                    Inventory inventory = B.current.inventory;
                    if (this == inventory)
                        B.Add(new LocalObject(item), B.current.p.value);
                    else if (name == "ground" && inventory.CanAdd(item))
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public bool IsReachable(ZPoint p, ZPoint q, int range)
     if (p.x != q.x && p.y != q.y) return false;
     if (MyMath.ManhattanDistance(p, q) > range) return false;
     ZPoint.Direction d = (p - q).GetDirection();
     for (ZPoint z = q + d; !z.TheSameAs(p); z += d) if (!IsFlat(z)) return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 38
    public void DrawInfo(ZPoint position)
        int length = 288, height = 124 + 48;
        Screen screen = new Screen(position, new ZPoint(length, height));

        if (t.hp != null)
            float hpFraction = (float)t.hp.value / t.hp.Max;
            float staminaFraction = (float)t.hp.stamina / t.hp.Max;

            screen.DrawRectangle(new ZPoint(0, 0), new ZPoint((int)(hpFraction * length), 20), new Color(0.2f, 0, 0));
            screen.DrawRectangle(new ZPoint(0, 0), new ZPoint((int)(staminaFraction * length), 20), new Color(0.4f, 0, 0));
            for (int i = 1; i <= t.hp.Max; i++) screen.DrawRectangle(new ZPoint((int)(i * (float)length / t.hp.Max), 0),
                new ZPoint(1, 20), Color.Black);

        SpriteFont font = M.fonts.verdanaBold;
        screen.DrawString(font, t.FullName, 23, Color.White);

        if (t.attack != null)
            screen.Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/damage"), new ZPoint(0, 40));
            screen.DrawString(font, t.attack.Damage.ToString(), new ZPoint(22, 43), Color.White);
            screen.DrawString(font, t.attack.Value.ToString() + "/" + t.defence.Value, 43, Color.White);

        if (t.hp != null)
            screen.DrawString(font, t.hp.Armor.ToString(), new ZPoint(length - 32, 43), Color.White);
            screen.Draw(NamedTexture.Get("other/armor"), new ZPoint(length - 20, 40));

        if (t.effects != null) t.effects.Draw(screen.position + new ZPoint(0, 60), screen.position + new ZPoint(24, 180));
        if (t.inventory != null) t.inventory.Draw(screen.position + new ZPoint(0, 92));
        if (t.abilities != null) t.abilities.Draw(screen, new ZPoint(0, 124));
        Ground.Draw(screen.position + new ZPoint(192, 92));
Ejemplo n.º 39
    public bool IsWalkable(ZPoint p, LocalObject t = null)
        if (!InRange(p)) return false;

        LocalObject o = Get(p);
        if (o != null) return o.p.IsWalkable;
        else return (t != null && t.HasAbility("Flying")) ? this[p].IsFlat : this[p].IsWalkable;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public bool TheSameAs(ZPoint p)
     return value.TheSameAs(p);
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public List<ZPoint> Range(ZPoint p, int value)
     return points.Where(q => MyMath.ManhattanDistance(p, q) <= value).ToList();