public static void createCustomBrush()
        GameObject tileParentObject = new GameObject();

        if (YuME_mapEditor.selectedTiles.Count > 0)
            // When creating a custom brush we need to find the lowest Z transform in the selection to become the pivot transform
            GameObject bottomLevelOfSelection = YuME_mapEditor.selectedTiles[0];

            foreach (GameObject checkObjects in YuME_mapEditor.selectedTiles)
                if (checkObjects.transform.position.z < bottomLevelOfSelection.transform.position.z)
                    bottomLevelOfSelection = checkObjects;

            // center the parent object around the lowest block to make sure all the selected brushes are centered around the parent
            tileParentObject.transform.position = bottomLevelOfSelection.transform.position;

            // Build the brush by finding the parent prefab, creating an instance and then setting it to the transform of the original scene prefab
            foreach (GameObject tile in YuME_mapEditor.selectedTiles)
                GameObject newBrushObject = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(tile) as GameObject);

                newBrushObject.transform.position    = tile.transform.position;
                newBrushObject.transform.eulerAngles = tile.transform.eulerAngles;
                newBrushObject.transform.localScale  = tile.transform.localScale;
                newBrushObject.transform.parent      = tileParentObject.transform;

            // reset the parents position so it is zero when dropped in the scene
            tileParentObject.transform.position =;

            // Add the prefab to the project
   = "CustomBrush" + YuTools_Utils.numberOfFilesInFolder(YuME_mapEditor.availableTileSets[YuME_mapEditor.currentTileSetIndex].customBrushDestinationFolder, "*_YuME.prefab") + "_YuME.prefab";
            string destinationPath = YuTools_Utils.getAssetPath(YuME_mapEditor.availableTileSets[YuME_mapEditor.currentTileSetIndex]) + "CustomBrushes/";
            PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(destinationPath +, tileParentObject);

            AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // refesh the asset database to tell unity changes have been made

            // remove our temporary builder object

            // reload the custom brushes