Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool BfpKcph(string ywlx, int deptid, RelationalDatabase db)
            string t_kcmx = Yp.Seek_kcmx_table(Convert.ToInt32(deptid), db);
            string ssql   = "";
            bool   temp   = false;

            if (t_kcmx.Trim() == "yk_kcmx")
                ssql = string.Format(" select ywfx from yk_ywlx where  ywlx='{0}' ", ywlx);
                DataTable tb = new DataTable();
                tb = db.GetDataTable(ssql);
                if (tb.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[0][0], "-") == "-")
                        temp = true;
            if (t_kcmx.Trim() == "yf_kcmx")
                ssql = string.Format(" select ywfx from yf_ywlx where ywlx='{0}' ", ywlx);
                DataTable tb = new DataTable();
                tb = db.GetDataTable(ssql);
                if (tb.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[0][0], "-") == "-")
                        temp = true;
            SystemCfg config8050 = new SystemCfg(8050);

            if (config8050.Config == "1" && temp) //启用自动分配批号库存 且 业务方向为出库
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: WBKS.cs Proyecto: Wooyme/HIS-1
        /// <summary>
        /// FrmShowCard查询窗口
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">引发的控件</param>
        /// <param name="_ShowCardType">查询类型权举</param>
        /// <param name="Fid">其它条件ID</param>
        /// <param name="point">位置 </param>
        public static void frmShowCard_wbks(object sender, ShowCardType _ShowCardType, long Fid, Point point, int deptid, RelationalDatabase _DataBase)
            Control control = (Control)sender;

            if (control.Text.Trim() == "")
                control.Text = "";
                control.Tag  = "0";

            string[]  GrdMappingName;
            int[]     GrdWidth;
            string[]  sfield;
            string    ssql = "";
            Fshowcard f;

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.剂型)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "id", "药品剂型", "拼音码", "五笔码" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 150, 100, 100 };
                //if (Convertor.IsNull(control.Tag.ToString(),"0")!="0")
                sfield = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "", "", "" };
                //	sfield=new string[] {"","","","",""};
                ssql       = "select id,mc,pym,wbm from yp_ypjx where id<>0 ";//yplx="+Convert.ToInt32(Convertor.IsNull(Fid,"0"))+" ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品剂型";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["mc"].ToString();
                    control.Tag  = row["id"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.单位)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "标识", "名称" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 100, 200 };
                //if (Convertor.IsNull(control.Tag.ToString(),"0")!="0")
                sfield = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "", "", "" };
                //	sfield=new string[] {"","","","",""};
                ssql       = "select id,dwmc from yp_ypdw where id<>0 ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品单位";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["dwmc"].ToString();
                    control.Tag  = row["ID"].ToString();
            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.厂家)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "id", "生产厂家", "拼音码", "五笔码" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 150, 100, 100 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "", "", "" };
                ssql           = "select id,sccj,pym,wbm from yp_sccj where id<>0 ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "生产厂家";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["sccj"].ToString();
                    control.Tag  = row["id"].ToString();
            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.用法)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "id", "使用方法", "拼音码", "五笔码" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 150, 100, 100 };
                //if (Convertor.IsNull(control.Tag.ToString(),"0")!="0")
                sfield = new string[] { "wb_code", "py_code", "", "", "" };
                //	sfield=new string[] {"","","","",""};
                ssql       = "select id,name,py_code,wb_code from jc_usagediction where name is not null ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品用法";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["name"].ToString();
                    control.Tag  = row["id"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.药理分类)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "id", "货位编号", "药品分类", "父分类", "拼音码", "五笔码" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 60, 150, 150, 100, 100 };
                //				if (Convertor.IsNull(control.Tag.ToString(),"0")!="0")
                sfield = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "", "", "" };
                //				else
                //					sfield=new string[] {"","","","",""};
                ssql       = "select id,hwbh,flmc,(select flmc from yp_ylfl where id=a.fid),pym,wbm from yp_ylfl a where yjdbz=1 ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Width    = 600;
                f.Text     = "药理分类";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["flmc"].ToString();
                    control.Tag  = row["id"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.供货单位)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "id", "供货商", "拼音码", "五笔码" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 150, 100, 100 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "", "", "" };
                ssql           = "select ID,ghdwmc,pym,wbm from yp_ghdw WHERE ID<>0 ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "供货单位";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["ghdwmc"].ToString();
                    control.Tag  = row["id"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.包含在科室管理类型中的药品字典)
                //SystemCfg cfg = new SystemCfg(8002, _DataBase);
                //string tablename = "YK_KCMX";
                //if (cfg.Config == "1")
                string tablename = Yp.Seek_kcmx_table(deptid, _DataBase);

                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "单位", "DWBL", "上次进价", "进货价", "批发价", "零售价", "货号", "基药" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 140, 90, 90, 30, 0, 70, 60, 60, 60, 100, 45 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "b.wbm", "b.pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };

                ssql = @"select distinct top 100  a.ggid,a.cjid,0 rowno,s_yppm,s_ypgg,s_sccj,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,
                (case when scjj=0 or scjj is null then '' else cast(scjj as varchar(50)) end) scjj,
                pfj,lsj,shh,(case when GJJBYW=1 then '是' else '' end) 基药 from vi_yp_ypcd a inner join yp_ypbm b " +
                       " on a.ggid=b.ggid left join " + tablename + " c on a.cjid=c.cjid and c.deptid=" + deptid + "  where cjbdelete=0  and a.n_ypzlx in(select ypzlx from yp_gllx where deptid=" + deptid + ") ";
                f = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);

                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品输入";
                f.Width    = 800;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.所有药品字典)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "单位", "DWBL", "批发价", "零售价", "货号" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 140, 90, 90, 30, 0, 70, 60, 60, 100 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "b.wbm", "b.pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };

                ssql = "select distinct top 100  a.ggid,a.cjid,0 rowno,s_yppm,s_ypgg,s_sccj,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from yp_ypcjd a inner join yp_ypbm b " +
                       " on a.ggid=b.ggid  ";
                f = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);

                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品输入";
                f.Width    = 700;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.库存批号列表)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "行号", "库存量", "单位", "批号", "效期", "库位", "kwid" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 80, 40, 75, 100, 0, 0 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "" };

                if (YpConfig.是否药库(deptid, _DataBase) == true)
                    ssql = "select 0, kcl,dbo.fun_yp_ypdw(zxdw),ypph,ypxq,'' kwmc,kwid  from yk_kcph " +
                           " where deptid=" + deptid + " and cjid=" + Fid + " and bdelete=0 ";
                    ssql = "select 0, kcl,dbo.fun_yp_ypdw(zxdw),ypph,ypxq,'' kwmc,kwid  from yf_kcph " +
                           " where deptid=" + deptid + " and cjid=" + Fid + " and bdelete=0 ";

                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, "", ssql, _DataBase);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "批号列表";
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Text = row["ypph"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.库存药品)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "库存", "单位", "DWBL", "批发价", "零售价", "货号" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 30, 140, 90, 90, 60, 30, 0, 60, 60, 100 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };

                 * update code by pengy 7-2 10:17
                 * 按系统参数设置获取库存是否大于等于0的数据
                ssql = "select config from jc_config where id = '8200'";
                DataTable paramTable = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);
                bool      ypkc       = paramTable != null && paramTable.Rows.Count > 0 && paramTable.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() == "1" ? true : false;
                if (YpConfig.是否药库(deptid, _DataBase) == true)
                    if (ypkc)
                        ssql = @"select distinct top 100  a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,cast(kcl as float) kcl,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh 
                                 from vi_yK_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b
                                 where a.ggid=b.ggid and KCL >= 0 and deptid=" + deptid + " and bdelete_kc=0 and a.cjid in (select cjid from YP_YPCJD where iswbyp =1)";

                        ssql = @"select distinct top 100  a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,cast(kcl as float) kcl,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yK_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid and KCL > 0 and deptid=" + deptid + " and bdelete_kc=0  and a.cjid in (select cjid from YP_YPCJD where iswbyp =1)";
                    if (ypkc)
                        ssql = @"select distinct top 100  a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,cast(kcl/dwbl as float) kcl,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yf_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid and KCL >= 0 and deptid=" + deptid + " and bdelete_kc=0  and a.cjid in (select cjid from YP_YPCJD where iswbyp =1)";
                        ssql = @"select distinct top 100  a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,cast(kcl/dwbl as float) kcl,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yf_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid and KCL > 0 and deptid=" + deptid + " and bdelete_kc=0  and a.cjid in (select cjid from YP_YPCJD where iswbyp =1)";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql, _DataBase);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "库存药品";
                f.Width    = 700;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.库存药品_不区分禁用)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "库存", "单位", "DWBL", "批发价", "零售价", "货号" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 30, 140, 90, 90, 60, 30, 0, 60, 60, 100 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };
                if (YpConfig.是否药库(deptid, _DataBase) == true)
                    ssql = "select distinct top 100  a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,cast(kcl as float) kcl,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yK_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid and KCL > 0  and deptid=" + deptid + " ";
                    ssql = "select distinct top 100  a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,cast(kcl/dwbl as float) kcl,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yf_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid and KCL > 0 and deptid=" + deptid + "  ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql, _DataBase);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "库存药品";
                f.Width    = 700;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();

            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.库存药品_外用药品)
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "单位", "DWBL", "批发价", "零售价", "货号" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 30, 140, 90, 90, 30, 0, 60, 60, 100 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "wbm", "pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };
                if (YpConfig.是否药库(deptid, _DataBase) == true)
                    ssql = "select distinct top 100 a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yK_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid and wyyp=1   and deptid=" + deptid + " and bdelete_kc=0 ";
                    ssql = "select distinct top 100 a.ggid,cjid,0 rowno,yppm,ypgg,s_sccj,s_ypdw,1 dwbl,pfj,lsj,shh from vi_yf_kcmx a,yp_ypbm b where a.ggid=b.ggid  and wyyp=1 and deptid=" + deptid + " and bdelete_kc=0 ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql, _DataBase);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "外用药品";
                f.Width    = 700;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();

            #region 加工成品的药品字典
            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.加工成品的药品字典)
                //SystemCfg cfg = new SystemCfg(8002, _DataBase);
                //string tablename = "YK_KCMX";
                //if (cfg.Config == "1")
                string tablename = Yp.Seek_kcmx_table(deptid, _DataBase);

                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "单位", "子类型", "DWBL", "上次进价", "批发价", "零售价", "货号", "基药" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 140, 90, 90, 30, 60, 0, 70, 60, 60, 100, 45 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "b.wbm", "b.pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };

                string    strWhere = "";
                DataTable dtConfig = _DataBase.GetDataTable(string.Format(" select config from jc_config where id = 8042 ", 8042));
                if (dtConfig.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string strCfg = dtConfig.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                    string[] strs  = strCfg.Split('|');
                    string   strCp = strs[0];
                    string[] scps  = strCp.Split(',');

                    for (int i = 0; i < scps.Length; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            strWhere += string.Format(" and a.n_ypzlx in ({0},", scps[i]);
                            strWhere += string.Format("{0},", scps[i]);
                        if (i == scps.Length - 1)
                            strWhere = (strWhere.Substring(0, strWhere.Length - 1)) + ") ";

                ssql = "select distinct top 80  a.ggid,a.cjid,0 rowno,s_yppm,s_ypgg,s_sccj,s_ypdw, d.mc zlxmc, 1 dwbl,(case when scjj=0 or scjj is null then '' else cast(scjj as varchar(50)) end) scjj,pfj,lsj,shh,(case when GJJBYW=1 then '是' else '' end) 基药 from vi_yp_ypcd a inner join yp_ypbm b " +
                       " on a.ggid=b.ggid left join " + tablename + " c on a.cjid=c.cjid and c.deptid=" + deptid + " inner join yp_ypzlx d on a.ypzlx=d.id  where cjbdelete=0" + strWhere + "  and a.n_ypzlx in(select ypzlx from yp_gllx where deptid=" + deptid + ") ";
                    f = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                    throw new Exception(" 8042参数设置有误! ");

                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品输入";
                f.Width    = 750;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();

            #region 制剂成品的药品字典
            if (_ShowCardType == ShowCardType.制剂成品的药品字典)
                string tablename = Yp.Seek_kcmx_table(deptid, _DataBase);
                GrdMappingName = new string[] { "ggid", "cjid", "行号", "品名", "规格", "厂家", "单位", "子类型", "DWBL", "上次进价", "批发价", "零售价", "货号", "基药" };
                GrdWidth       = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 140, 90, 90, 30, 60, 0, 70, 60, 60, 100, 45 };
                sfield         = new string[] { "b.wbm", "b.pym", "szm", "ywm", "ypbm" };
                string strWhere = "";

                ssql = "select distinct top 80  a.ggid,a.cjid,0 rowno,s_yppm,s_ypgg,s_sccj,s_ypdw, d.mc zlxmc, 1 dwbl,(case when scjj=0 or scjj is null then '' else cast(scjj as varchar(50)) end) scjj,pfj,lsj,shh,(case when GJJBYW=1 then '是' else '' end) 基药 from vi_yp_ypcd a inner join yp_ypbm b " +
                       " on a.ggid=b.ggid left join " + tablename + " c on a.cjid=c.cjid and c.deptid=" + deptid + " inner join yp_ypzlx d on a.ypzlx=d.id  where cjbdelete=0" + strWhere + "  and a.n_ypzlx in(select ypzlx from yp_gllx where deptid=" + deptid + ") ";
                f          = new Fshowcard(GrdMappingName, GrdWidth, sfield, FilterType.拼音, control.Text.Trim(), ssql);
                f.Location = point;
                f.Text     = "药品输入";
                f.Width    = 750;
                DataRow row = f.dataRow;
                if (row != null)
                    control.Tag = row["cjid"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void AddData(int yplx, int ypjx, string dm, bool bszkw, bool bkc, string hwmc)
            if (cmbyjks.SelectedValue.ToString() == "System.Data.DataRowView")
            DataTable myTb   = new DataTable();
            string    ssql   = "";
            int       deptid = Convert.ToInt32(Convertor.IsNull(cmbyjks.SelectedValue, "0"));

            ssql = @"SELECT '' 序号,dbo.fun_yp_ypjx(ypjx) 剂型,YPPM 品名,ypspm 商品名,ypgg 规格,kcl 库存量,dbo.fun_yp_ypdw(a.ypdw) 单位," +
                   "  hwmc 货位编号,A.GGID FROM YP_YPGGD A  ";

            if (bkc == true)
                ssql = ssql + "  inner join  ";
                ssql = ssql + " left join ";
            ssql = ssql + "   (SELECT GGID,cast(sum(KCL/DWBL) as float)  KCL FROM " + Yp.Seek_kcmx_table(deptid, InstanceForm.BDatabase) + " where  deptid=" + deptid + " GROUP BY GGID) b " +
                   "  ON A.GGID=B.GGID  ";

            if (bszkw == true || txthw.Text.Trim() != "")
                ssql = ssql + "  inner join  ";
                ssql = ssql + " left join ";

            ssql = ssql + "   YP_HWSZ C ON    A.GGID=C.GGID and C.deptid=" + deptid + "";

            ssql = ssql + " WHERE A.BDELETE=0 ";

            ssql = ssql + " and ypzlx in(select ypzlx from yp_gllx where deptid=" + deptid + ") ";

            if (yplx > 0)
                ssql = ssql + " and yplx=" + yplx + "";
            if (ypjx > 0)
                ssql = ssql + " and ypjx=" + ypjx + "";

            if (dm != "")
                ssql = ssql + " and a.ggid in(select ggid from yp_ypbm where ypbm like '%" + txtdm.Text.Trim() + "%' or pym like '%" + txtdm.Text.Trim() + "%' or wbm like '%" + txtdm.Text.Trim() + "%' ) ";
            if (hwmc.Trim() != "")
                ssql = ssql + " and hwmc like '%" + hwmc + "%'";

            ssql = ssql + " order by hwmc,yplx,ypjx";
            myTb = InstanceForm.BDatabase.GetDataTable(ssql);
            myTb.TableName = "Tb";
            this.myDataGrid1.DataSource = myTb;
            this.myDataGrid1.TableStyles[0].MappingName = "Tb";